PC World 2000 December
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Text File
259 lines
# here is a sample html viewer to demonstrate the library usage
# Copyright (c) 1995 by Sun Microsystems
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# This REQUIRES Tk4.0 -- make sure "wish" on the next line is a 4.0 version
# The next line is a TK comment, but a shell command \
exec wish4.0 -f "$0" "$@" & exit 0
if {$tk_version < 4.0 || [regexp {b[123]} $tk_patchLevel] } {
puts stderr "This library requires TK4.0, this is only $tk_version, \
patchlevel $tk_patchLevel"
exit 1
if {[catch {array get env *}]} {
puts stderr "This library requires tcl7.4, this version is too old!"
exit 1
puts stderr "Starting sample HTML viewer..."
source html_library.tcl
# construct a simple user interface
proc setup {} {
frame .frame
menubutton .menu -relief raised -bd 2 -text options... -menu .menu.m
button .quit -command exit -text quit
entry .entry -textvariable Url -width 35
label .file -text file:
label .status -textvariable Running -width 6 -relief ridge \
-bd 2 -padx 9 -pady 3
label .msg -textvariable message
scrollbar .scrollbar -command ".text yview" -orient v
option add *Text.height 40 startup
option add *Text.width 80 startup
text .text -yscrollcommand ".scrollbar set" -padx 3 -pady 3 -takefocus 0
pack .frame .msg -side top
pack .scrollbar -side left -expand 0 -fill y
pack .text -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack .file .entry .status .menu .quit -in .frame -side left
# set up some sample keyboard bindings for the text widget
bind .entry <Return> {render $Url}
bind all <End> {.text yview end}
bind all <Home> {.text yview 0.0}
bind all <Next> {.text yview scroll 1 page}
bind all <Prior> {.text yview scroll -1 page}
# I'm constantly being criticized for never using menus.
# so here's a menu. So there.
menu .menu.m
.menu.m add command -label "option menu"
.menu.m add separator
.menu.m add command -label "font size" -foreground red
.menu.m add radiobutton -label small -value 0 -variable Size \
-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
.menu.m add radiobutton -label medium -value 4 -variable Size \
-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
.menu.m add radiobutton -label large -value 12 -variable Size \
-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
.menu.m add separator
.menu.m add command -label "indent level" -foreground red
.menu.m add radiobutton -label small -value 0.6 -variable Indent \
-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}
.menu.m add radiobutton -label medium -value 1.2 -variable Indent \
-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}
.menu.m add radiobutton -label large -value 2.4 -variable Indent \
-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}
# Go render a page. We have to make sure we don't render one page while
# still rendering the previous one. If we get here from a recursive
# invocation of the event loop, cancel whatever we were rendering when
# we were called.
# If we have a fragment name, try to go there.
proc render {file} {
global HM.text Url
global Running message
set fragment ""
regexp {([^#]*)#(.+)} $file dummy file fragment
if {$file == "" && $fragment != ""} {
HMgoto .text $fragment
HMreset_win .text
set Running busy
set message "Displaying $file"
update idletasks
if {$fragment != ""} {
HMgoto .text $fragment
set Url $file
HMparse_html [get_html $file] {HMrender .text}
set Running ready
HMset_state .text -stop 1 ;# stop rendering previous page if busy
set message ""
# given a file name, return its html, or invent some html if the file can't
# be opened.
proc get_html {file} {
global Home
if {[catch {set fd [open $file]} msg]} {
return "
<title>Bad file $file</title>
<h1>Error reading $file</h1><p>
<a href=$Home>Go home</a>
set result [read $fd]
close $fd
return $result
# Override the library link-callback routine for the sample app.
# It only handles the simple cases.
proc HMlink_callback {win href} {
global Url
if {[string match #* $href]} {
render $href
if {[string match /* $href]} {
set Url $href
} else {
set Url [file dirname $Url]/$href
render $Url
# Supply an image callback function
# Read in an image if we don't already have one
# callback to library for display
proc HMset_image {win handle src} {
global Url message
if {[string match /* $src]} {
set image $src
} else {
set image [file dirname $Url]/$src
set message "fetching image $image"
if {[string first " $image " " [image names] "] >= 0} {
HMgot_image $handle $image
} else {
set type photo
if {[file extension $image] == ".bmp"} {set type bitmap}
catch {image create $type $image -file $image} image
HMgot_image $handle $image
# Handle base tags. This breaks if more than 1 base tag is in the document
proc HMtag_base {win param text} {
global Url
upvar #0 HM$win var
HMextract_param $param href Url
# downloading fonts can take a long time. We'll override the default
# font-setting routine to permit better user feedback on fonts. We'll
# keep our own list of installed fonts on the side, to guess when delays
# are likely
proc HMset_font {win tag font} {
global message Fonts
if {![info exists Fonts($font)]} {
set Fonts($font) 1
.msg configure -fg blue
set message "downloading font $font"
.msg configure -fg black
set message ""
catch {$win tag configure $tag -font $font} message
# Lets invent a new HTML tag, just for fun.
# Change the color of the text. Use html tags of the form:
# <color value=blue> ... </color>
# We can invent a new tag for the display stack. If it starts with "T"
# it will automatically get mapped directly to a text widget tag.
proc HMtag_color {win param text} {
upvar #0 HM$win var
set value bad_color
HMextract_param $param value
$win tag configure $value -foreground $value
HMstack $win "" "Tcolor $value"
proc HMtag_/color {win param text} {
upvar #0 HM$win var
HMstack $win / "Tcolor {}"
# Add a font size manipulation primitive, so we can use this sample program
# for on-line presentations. sizes prefixed with + or - are relative.
# <font size=[+-]3> ..... </font>. Note that this is not the same as
# Netscape's <font> tag.
proc HMtag_font {win param text} {
upvar #0 HM$win var
set size 0; set sign ""
HMextract_param $param size
regexp {([+-])? *([0-9]+)} $size dummy sign size
if {$sign != ""} {
set size [expr [lindex $var(size) end] $sign $size]
HMstack $win {} "size $size"
# This version is closer to what Netscape does
proc HMtag_font {win param text} {
upvar #0 HM$win var
set size 0; set sign ""
HMextract_param $param size
regexp {([+-])? *([0-9]+)} $size dummy sign size
if {$sign != ""} {
set size [expr [lindex $var(size) end] $sign $size*2]
HMstack $win {} "size $size"
} else {
HMstack $win {} "size [expr 10 + 2 * $size]"
proc HMtag_/font {win param text} {
upvar #0 HM$win var
HMstack $win / "size {}"
# set initial values
set Size 4 ;# font size adjustment
set Indent 1.2 ;# tab spacing (cm)
set Home [pwd]/html/help.html ;# home document
set Url $Home ;# current file
set Running busy ;# page status
set message "" ;# message line
# make the interface and render the home page
catch setup ;# the catch lets us re-source this file
HMinit_win .text
HMset_state .text -size $Size
HMset_indent .text $Indent
render $Home