PC World 2000 December
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178 lines
package require BWidget
namespace eval ::comanchehelp:: {
variable directivesLocation /tmp/output
# Listbox containing directives in search section
variable listbox
variable tree
variable currentHelpWindow {}
set currentDir [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]
set ::comanchehelp::directivesLocation [file join $currentDir data/output]
# We make args the name of the window. If it is a dialog, which has a grab, we need
# to make the help window a children of that dialog or we will not be able to use both
# (help and dialog} at the same time
proc ::comanchehelp::getHelpWindow {{w {}}} {
variable tree
variable listBox
variable rightPaneContent
variable leftNoteBook
variable currentHelpWindow
if [winfo exists $w.comancheHelp] {
# Its already there!
} else {
destroy $currentHelpWindow
set currentHelpWindow $w.comancheHelp
toplevel $currentHelpWindow
pack [label $currentHelpWindow.l -text "This online documentation is still \
alpha stage and some links may not work"] -fill x -anchor n
set frame [frame $currentHelpWindow.frame]
set panedWindow [PanedWindow $frame.pw -side bottom]
set leftPaneFrame [$panedWindow add -minsize 100]
set rightPaneFrame [$panedWindow add]
# We use a comanche tree that will give us three callbacks
# showMenu, populateNode (we ignore)
# nodeSelectedNotidy (we use to update right pane)
set leftNoteBook [NoteBook $leftPaneFrame.nb]
set availableFrame [$leftNoteBook insert end available -text "Available" \
-image information]
$leftNoteBook raise available
set tree [comancheTree ::#auto $availableFrame ::comanchehelp::processEvent]
# This listbox will be used when being called from the outside, with several directives
set listboxFrame [$leftNoteBook insert end search -text "Search" -image files]
set contframe $listboxFrame
set scwin [ScrolledWindow $contframe.scwin]
set listBox [ ListBox [$scwin getframe].listbox -multicolumn 0 \
-background white -height 8 -selectbackground DarkBlue \
-selectforeground white]
$listBox bindText <Button-1> "::comanchehelp::processEvent listBoxNodeSelected"
$listBox bindImage <Button-1> "::comanchehelp::processEvent listBoxNodeSelected"
$scwin setwidget $listBox
pack $scwin -fill both
pack $listBox -fill both
# HTML. We use Comanche rightPane, we have an observer to process Signals
# (clicking on URLs)
$leftNoteBook compute_size
pack $leftNoteBook -expand true -fill both
set rightPaneContent [ rightPane ::#auto $rightPaneFrame ::comanchehelp::processEvent]
pack $panedWindow -expand true -fill both
pack $frame -expand true -fill both
proc ::comanchehelp::processEvent {args} {
variable tree
variable nodeToModuleDirectiveMapping
variable moduleDirectiveToNodeMapping
variable listBox
set signal [lindex $args 0]
switch $signal {
nodeSelectedNotify {
set nodeSelected [lindex $args 1]
eval showDirective $nodeToModuleDirectiveMapping($nodeSelected)
} processSignal {
set type [lindex $args 1]
switch $type {
showHelp {
set module [lindex $args 2]
set directive [lindex $args 3]
$tree selectNode \
$moduleDirectiveToNodeMapping([list $module $directive])
} listBoxNodeSelected {
set selectedNode [lindex $args 1]
$listBox selection set $selectedNode
$tree selectNode \
$moduleDirectiveToNodeMapping([$listBox itemcget $selectedNode -data])
proc ::comanchehelp::createDirectiveTree {} {
variable nodeToModuleDirectiveMapping
variable moduleDirectiveToNodeMapping
variable directivesLocation
variable tree
foreach module [glob [file join $directivesLocation *]] {
set moduleName [file tail $module]
if [string match $moduleName CVS] {
set moduleNode [$tree addNode root -type container -text $moduleName \
-openImage information -closedImage information ]
set nodeToModuleDirectiveMapping($moduleNode) [list $moduleName {}]
foreach directive [glob [file join $module *]] {
if [file isfile $directive] {
set dirName [lindex [split [file tail $directive] . ] 0]
set dirNode [$tree addNode $moduleNode -type leaf -text $dirName \
-openImage files -closedImage files]
set nodeToModuleDirectiveMapping($dirNode) [list $moduleName $dirName]
set moduleDirectiveToNodeMapping([list $moduleName $dirName]) $dirNode
proc ::comanchehelp::showDirective {module directive} {
variable directivesLocation
variable rightPaneContent
if [llength $directive] {
set htmlFile [file join $directivesLocation $module $directive.html]
set f [ open $htmlFile]
$rightPaneContent loadHTML [read $f]
close $f
proc ::comanchehelp::showDirectives {directiveList} {
variable listBox
variable leftNoteBook
$listBox delete [$listBox items]
# directive list: pairs of module/directive
foreach dirPair $directiveList {
set module [lindex $dirPair 0]
if [string match $module coredirs] {set module core}
set directive [lindex $dirPair 1]
$listBox insert end $directive -image listicon -data [list $module $directive] \
-text $directive
#puts "ddd $module $directive"
$leftNoteBook raise search
$listBox selection set [lindex [$listBox items] 0 ]
processEvent listBoxNodeSelected [lindex [$listBox items] 0 ]