home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dynhelp.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - DynamicHelp::configure
- # - DynamicHelp::include
- # - DynamicHelp::sethelp
- # - DynamicHelp::register
- # - DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon
- # - DynamicHelp::_motion_info
- # - DynamicHelp::_leave_info
- # - DynamicHelp::_motion_menu
- # - DynamicHelp::_leave_menu
- # - DynamicHelp::_show_help
- # - DynamicHelp::_init
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval DynamicHelp {
- Widget::declare DynamicHelp {
- {-foreground TkResource black 0 label}
- {-background TkResource "#FFFFC0" 0 label}
- {-borderwidth TkResource 1 0 label}
- {-justify TkResource left 0 label}
- {-font TkResource "helvetica 8" 0 label}
- {-delay Int 600 0 {=100 =2000}}
- {-bd Synonym -borderwidth}
- {-bg Synonym -background}
- {-fg Synonym -foreground}
- }
- proc use {} {}
- variable _registered
- variable _top ".help_shell"
- variable _id ""
- variable _delay 600
- variable _current ""
- variable _saved
- Widget::init DynamicHelp $_top {}
- bind BwHelpBalloon <Enter> {DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon enter %W %X %Y}
- bind BwHelpBalloon <Motion> {DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon motion %W %X %Y}
- bind BwHelpBalloon <Leave> {DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon leave %W %X %Y}
- bind BwHelpBalloon <Button> {DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon button %W %X %Y}
- bind BwHelpBalloon <Destroy> {catch {unset DynamicHelp::_registered(%W)}}
- bind BwHelpVariable <Enter> {DynamicHelp::_motion_info %W}
- bind BwHelpVariable <Motion> {DynamicHelp::_motion_info %W}
- bind BwHelpVariable <Leave> {DynamicHelp::_leave_info %W}
- bind BwHelpVariable <Destroy> {catch {unset DynamicHelp::_registered(%W)}}
- bind BwHelpMenu <<MenuSelect>> {DynamicHelp::_menu_info select %W}
- bind BwHelpMenu <Unmap> {DynamicHelp::_menu_info unmap %W}
- bind BwHelpMenu <Destroy> {catch {unset DynamicHelp::_registered(%W)}}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::configure { args } {
- variable _top
- variable _delay
- set res [Widget::configure $_top $args]
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $_top -delay val] } {
- set _delay $val
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::include
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::include { class type } {
- set helpoptions {
- {-helptext String "" 0}
- {-helpvar String "" 0}}
- lappend helpoptions [list -helptype Enum $type 0 {balloon variable}]
- Widget::declare $class $helpoptions
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::sethelp
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::sethelp { path subpath {force 0}} {
- set ctype [Widget::hasChanged $path -helptype htype]
- set ctext [Widget::hasChanged $path -helptext htext]
- set cvar [Widget::hasChanged $path -helpvar hvar]
- if { $force || $ctype || $ctext || $cvar } {
- switch $htype {
- balloon {
- return [register $subpath balloon $htext]
- }
- variable {
- return [register $subpath variable $hvar $htext]
- }
- }
- return [register $subpath $htype]
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::register
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::register { path type args } {
- variable _registered
- if { [winfo exists $path] } {
- set evt [bindtags $path]
- set idx [lsearch $evt "BwHelp*"]
- set evt [lreplace $evt $idx $idx]
- switch $type {
- balloon {
- set text [lindex $args 0]
- if { $text != "" } {
- set _registered($path) $text
- lappend evt BwHelpBalloon
- } else {
- catch {unset _registered($path)}
- }
- bindtags $path $evt
- return 1
- }
- variable {
- set var [lindex $args 0]
- set text [lindex $args 1]
- if { $text != "" && $var != "" } {
- set _registered($path) [list $var $text]
- lappend evt BwHelpVariable
- } else {
- catch {unset _registered($path)}
- }
- bindtags $path $evt
- return 1
- }
- menu {
- set cpath [BWidget::clonename $path]
- if { [winfo exists $cpath] } {
- set path $cpath
- }
- set var [lindex $args 0]
- if { $var != "" } {
- set _registered($path) [list $var]
- lappend evt BwHelpMenu
- } else {
- catch {unset _registered($path)}
- }
- bindtags $path $evt
- return 1
- }
- menuentry {
- set cpath [BWidget::clonename $path]
- if { [winfo exists $cpath] } {
- set path $cpath
- }
- if { [info exists _registered($path)] } {
- if { [set index [lindex $args 0]] != "" } {
- set text [lindex $args 1]
- set idx [lsearch $_registered($path) [list $index *]]
- if { $text != "" } {
- if { $idx == -1 } {
- lappend _registered($path) [list $index $text]
- } else {
- set _registered($path) [lreplace $_registered($path) $idx $idx [list $index $text]]
- }
- } else {
- set _registered($path) [lreplace $_registered($path) $idx $idx]
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- }
- catch {unset _registered($path)}
- bindtags $path $evt
- return 1
- } else {
- catch {unset _registered($path)}
- return 0
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::_motion_balloon { type path x y } {
- variable _top
- variable _id
- variable _delay
- variable _current
- if { $_current != $path && $type == "enter" } {
- set _current $path
- set type "motion"
- destroy $_top
- }
- if { $_current == $path } {
- if { $_id != "" } {
- after cancel $_id
- set _id ""
- }
- if { $type == "motion" } {
- if { ![winfo exists $_top] } {
- set _id [after $_delay "DynamicHelp::_show_help $path $x $y"]
- }
- } else {
- destroy $_top
- set _current ""
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::_motion_info
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::_motion_info { path } {
- variable _registered
- variable _current
- variable _saved
- if { $_current != $path && [info exists _registered($path)] } {
- if { ![info exists _saved] } {
- set _saved [GlobalVar::getvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0]]
- }
- GlobalVar::setvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0] [lindex $_registered($path) 1]
- set _current $path
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::_leave_info
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::_leave_info { path } {
- variable _registered
- variable _current
- variable _saved
- if { [info exists _registered($path)] } {
- GlobalVar::setvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0] $_saved
- }
- unset _saved
- set _current ""
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::_menu_info
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::_menu_info { event path } {
- variable _registered
- variable _saved
- if { [info exists _registered($path)] } {
- switch -- $event {
- select {
- if { [winfo ismapped $path] } {
- set index [$path index active]
- if { [set idx [lsearch $_registered($path) [list $index *]]] != -1 } {
- if { ![info exists _saved] } {
- set _saved [GlobalVar::getvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0]]
- }
- GlobalVar::setvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0] [lindex [lindex $_registered($path) $idx] 1]
- } else {
- GlobalVar::setvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0] ""
- }
- }
- }
- unmap {
- if { [info exists _saved] } {
- GlobalVar::setvar [lindex $_registered($path) 0] $_saved
- unset _saved
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command DynamicHelp::_show_help
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc DynamicHelp::_show_help { path x y } {
- variable _top
- variable _registered
- variable _id
- variable _delay
- if { [info exists _registered($path)] } {
- destroy $_top
- toplevel $_top -relief flat \
- -bg [Widget::getoption $_top -foreground] \
- -bd [Widget::getoption $_top -borderwidth]
- wm overrideredirect $_top 1
- wm transient $_top
- wm withdraw $_top
- label $_top.label -text $_registered($path) \
- -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
- -foreground [Widget::getoption $_top -foreground] \
- -background [Widget::getoption $_top -background] \
- -font [Widget::getoption $_top -font] \
- -justify [Widget::getoption $_top -justify]
- pack $_top.label -side left
- update idletasks
- set scrwidth [winfo vrootwidth .]
- set scrheight [winfo vrootheight .]
- set width [winfo reqwidth $_top]
- set height [winfo reqheight $_top]
- incr y 12
- incr x 8
- if { $x+$width > $scrwidth } {
- set x [expr $scrwidth - $width]
- }
- if { $y+$height > $scrheight } {
- set y [expr $y - 12 - $height]
- }
- wm geometry $_top "+$x+$y"
- update idletasks
- wm deiconify $_top
- }
- }