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- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # bitmap.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: bitmap.tcl,v 1996/02/22 06:05:55 daniel Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - Bitmap::get
- # - Bitmap::_init
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval Bitmap {
- variable path
- variable _bmp
- variable _types {
- photo .gif
- photo .ppm
- bitmap .xbm
- photo .xpm
- }
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Bitmap::get
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Bitmap::get { name } {
- variable path
- variable _bmp
- variable _types
- if {[info exists _bmp($name)]} {
- return $_bmp($name)
- }
- # --- Nom de fichier avec extension ------------------------------------------------------
- set ext [file extension $name]
- if { $ext != "" } {
- if { ![info exists _bmp($ext)] } {
- error "$ext not supported"
- }
- if { [file exists $name] } {
- if {![string compare $ext ".xpm"]} {
- set _bmp($name) [xpm-to-image $name]
- return $_bmp($name)
- }
- if {![catch {set _bmp($name) [image create $_bmp($ext) -file $name]}]} {
- return $_bmp($name)
- }
- }
- }
- foreach dir $path {
- foreach {type ext} $_types {
- if { [file exists [file join $dir $name$ext]] } {
- if {![string compare $ext ".xpm"]} {
- set _bmp($name) [xpm-to-image [file join $dir $name$ext]]
- return $_bmp($name)
- } else {
- if {![catch {set _bmp($name) [image create $type -file [file join $dir $name$ext]]}]} {
- return $_bmp($name)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return -code error "$name not found"
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command Bitmap::_init
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc Bitmap::_init { } {
- global env
- variable path
- variable _bmp
- variable _types
- set path [list "." [file join $env(BWIDGET_LIBRARY) images]]
- set supp [image types]
- foreach {type ext} $_types {
- if { [lsearch $supp $type] != -1} {
- set _bmp($ext) $type
- }
- }
- }
- Bitmap::_init