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Text File  |  2000-10-02  |  14KB  |  189 lines

  1. App Name       xxxxxxxx.xxx
  2. App Version    2000-10-02 16:26:23
  3. Frame Caption    EKONOM Setup
  4. Dialog Caption Base    EKONOM
  5. Usage String    Usage:  Setup
  6. About Box String    Elisoft, s.r.o.\n\nThis installation was created using the Visual FoxPro Setup Wizard.
  7. Check Modules    "Fox_4000001,Microsoft Visual FoxPro, graph, MS Graph, ed, MS Draw, msinfo, MS Info, MSOfficeWClass, Microsoft Office Manager, MOM Class, Office Shortcut Bar"
  8. MSAPPS Mode    local
  9. Suppress Serial Number Dialog
  10. Inf File Name    SETUP.INF
  11. Maximum Object ID    173
  12. Floppy Mode Root Object ID    2 : 1
  13. Maintenance Mode Root Object ID    3 : 1
  14. Batch Mode Root Object ID    2 : 1
  15. Setup Version
  17. ObjID    Install During Batch Mode    Title    Descr    Type    Data    Bmp Id    Vital    Shared    Dir Chang    Dest Dir    Check Directory
  18. 1            Search for previous versions.    AppSearch    """C:\EKONOM.WIN\"", """", """", 12, ""yes"", ""yes"","                    
  19. 2        Floppy Installation        AppMainDlg    5                Yes    
  20. 3        Maintenance Installation        CustomDlg    7                    
  21. 4                                        
  22. 5    Yes        Instalace vÜech soubor∙ programu EKONOM.    Group    7    "wizset32.dll, 111"                
  23. 6                                        
  24. 7    Yes    EKONOM    EKONOM will be installed.    Group    8 9 11 12 10 15 13 14 157 165                    
  25. 8            *** EKONOM Files    CopyFile    """Application"", ""59173411"""        vital            
  26. 9            *** EKONOM Files    CopySection    Application        vital            
  27. 10            *** Ole Custom Controls    Group    167 168 169        vital            %M
  28. 11            *** Program Manager Items    Group    170 171 172        vital            
  29. 12            System Files    Group    17 18 19 20 21                    
  30. 13            Microsoft Graph    Group    24                    
  31. 14                Group    147 144                    
  32. 15                Group    134                    
  33. 16                                        
  34. 17                InstallSysFile    """System"",""ComcatDll"""                    
  35. 18        COMCAT.DLL        SelfReg    """System"", ComcatDll"                    %M
  36. 19                InstallSysFile    """System"",""Msvcrt20Dll"""                    
  37. 20                InstallSysFile    """System"",""Msvcrt40NT"""                    
  38. 21                Group    151 152                    
  39. 22                                        
  40. 23                                        
  41. 24                Group    25 33                    
  42. 25                Group    26 27 28 29 30 31                    %H\MSGRAPH5,%D\OS\MSAPPS\MSGRAPH5
  43. 26                InstallShared    "MS Graph Files,graph5exe,MSGRAPH5,MSGRAPH5,8"                    
  44. 27                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,autoconv"                    
  45. 28                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,gren50"                    
  46. 29                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,grintl"                    
  47. 30                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,graph5reg"                    
  48. 31                Depend    26 ? 53                    
  49. 32                                        
  50. 33                Group    34 35 36 37                    %M,%D\OS\SYSTEM
  51. 34                InstallSysFile    MS Graph Files, scp                    
  52. 35                InstallSysFile    MS Graph Files, sdm                    
  53. 36                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""InstallSys16PermFile"", ""MS Graph Files, scp"""                    
  54. 37                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""InstallSys16PermFile"", ""MS Graph Files, sdm"""                    
  55. 38                                        
  56. 39                Group    40 41 42 43                    %H\MSGRAPH5,%D\OS\MSAPPS\MSGRAPH5
  57. 40                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,MsgraphHlp"                    
  58. 41                CustomAction    "wizset32.dlll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Graph Files;MsgraphFts"                    %26
  59. 42                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Graph Files;MsgraphGid"                    %26
  60. 43                Depend    40 ? 44                    
  61. 44                AddRegData    """LOCAL"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help"",""MSGRAPH.HLP"",""%s"","""""                    %40
  62. 45                                        
  63. 46                Group    47 48 49 50                    %H\MSGRAPH5,%D\OS\MSAPPS\MSGRAPH5
  64. 47                CompanionFile    "26 : MS Graph Files,Vba_grpHlp"                    
  65. 48                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Graph Files;Vba_grpFts"                    %26
  66. 49                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Graph Files;Vba_grpGid"                    %26
  67. 50                Depend    47 ? 51                    
  68. 51                AddRegData    """LOCAL"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help"",""VBA_GRP.HLP"",""%s"","""""                    %47
  69. 52                                        
  70. 53                Group    54 55 56 57 58 109                    %H\MSGRAPH5,%D\OS\MSAPPS\MSGRAPH5
  71. 54                Group    59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68                    
  72. 55                Group    69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78                    
  73. 56                Group    79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88                    
  74. 57                Group    89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98                    
  75. 58                Group    99 100 101 102 103 106                    
  76. 59                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart.5"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0"","""""                    
  77. 60                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\server"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE"","""""                    %26
  78. 61                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart.5\protocol\StdFileEditing\Verb\0"","""",""Edit"","""""                    
  79. 62                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart.5\Insertable"","""","""","""""                    
  80. 63                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart.5\CLSID"","""",""{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  81. 64                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0"","""""                    
  82. 65                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Insertable"","""","""","""""                    
  83. 66                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\MiscStatus"","""",""1"","""""                    
  84. 67                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DataFormats\GetSet\0"","""",""3,1,32,1"","""""                    
  85. 68                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DataFormats\GetSet\1"","""",""2,1,16,1"","""""                    
  86. 69                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DataFormats\GetSet\2"","""",""1,1,1,1"","""""                    
  87. 70                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DataFormats\DefaultFile"","""",""GBiff5"","""""                    
  88. 71                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Conversion\Readable\Main"","""",""GBiff5,MSGraph"","""""                    
  89. 72                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DefaultIcon"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE,1"","""""                    %26
  90. 73                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\AuxUserType\2"","""",""Chart"","""""                    
  91. 74                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\AuxUserType\3"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0"","""""                    
  92. 75                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Verb\0"","""",""&Edit,0,2"","""""                    
  93. 76                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Verb\1"","""",""&Open,0,2"","""""                    
  94. 77                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE"","""""                    %26
  95. 78                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InprocHandler"","""",""OLE2.DLL"","""""                    
  96. 79                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProgID"","""",""MSGraph.Chart.5"","""""                    
  97. 80                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\VersionIndependentProgID"","""",""MSGraph.Chart"","""""                    
  98. 81                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Application.5"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0 Application"","""""                    
  99. 82                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Application.5\CLSID"","""",""{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  100. 83                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0 Application"","""""                    
  101. 84                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InprocHandler"","""",""OLE2.DLL"","""""                    
  102. 85                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE /Automation"","""""                    %26
  103. 86                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\VersionIndependentProgID"","""",""MSGraph.Application"","""""                    
  104. 87                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProgID"","""",""MSGraph.Application.5"","""""                    
  105. 88                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020800-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""","""","""""                    
  106. 89                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020800-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InprocHandler"","""",""OLE2.DLL"","""""                    
  107. 90                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00020800-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE /Automation"","""""                    %26
  108. 91                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""TypeLib\{00020802-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\1.0"","""",""Microsoft Graph 5.0 Object Library"","""""                    
  109. 92                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""TypeLib\{00020802-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\1.0\9\win16"","""",""%s\GREN50.OLB"","""""                    %26
  110. 93                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""TypeLib\{00020802-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\1.0\HELPDIR"","""","""","""""                    
  111. 94                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00030006-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""",""Microsoft Graph 3.0"","""""                    
  112. 95                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00030006-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\Ole1Class"","""",""MSGraph"","""""                    
  113. 96                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00030006-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProgID"","""",""MSGraph"","""""                    
  114. 97                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""CLSID\{00030006-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\AutoConvertTo"","""",""{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  115. 98                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph"","""",""Microsoft Graph 3.0"","""""                    
  116. 99                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph\protocol\StdFileEditing\server"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE"","""""                    %26
  117. 100                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph\protocol\StdExecute\server"","""",""%s\GRAPH5.EXE"","""""                    %26
  118. 101                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph\NotInsertable"","""","""","""""                    
  119. 102                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph\CLSID"","""",""{00030006-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  120. 103                AddIniLine    """GRAPH5.INI"",""Microsoft Graph"",""Options5"",""27"""                    
  121. 104                                        
  122. 105                DetectOlderFile    DEFAULT.GRA                    %w
  123. 106                Depend    105 ? 107                    
  124. 107                CopyIniValue    "SYSTEM.INI,boot,WinCodePage,GRAPH5.INI,Microsoft Graph,WinCodePage"                    
  125. 108                                        
  126. 109                Group    111 115 121                    
  127. 110                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""DetectRegData"", ""CLASSES\.gra"""                    
  128. 111                Depend    110 ? : 112                    
  129. 112                AddRegData    """CLASSES"","".gra"","""",""MSGraph.Chart.5"","""""                    
  130. 113                                        
  131. 114                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""DetectRegData"", ""CLASSES\MSGraph.Chart"""                    
  132. 115                Depend    114 ? : 116 117 118                    
  133. 116                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart"","""",""Microsoft Graph"","""""                    
  134. 117                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart\CLSID"","""",""{00020801-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  135. 118                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Chart\CurVer"","""",""MSGraph.Chart.5"","""""                    
  136. 119                                        
  137. 120                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""DetectRegData"", ""CLASSES\MSGraph.Application"""                    
  138. 121                Depend    120 ? : 122 123 124                    
  139. 122                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Application"","""",""Microsoft Graph Application"","""""                    
  140. 123                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Application\CurVer"","""",""MSGraph.Application.5"","""""                    
  141. 124                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""MSGraph.Application\CLSID"","""",""{000208EC-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"","""""                    
  142. 125                                        
  143. 126                Group    127 128 129 130 131 132 133                    
  144. 127                InstallShared    "MS Info,Msinfo32Exe,MSInfo,MSInfo, "                    
  145. 128                CompanionFile    "127 : MS Info,Imgwalk_dll"                    
  146. 129                CompanionFile    "127 : MS Info,Msinfo32Hlp"                    
  147. 130                CompanionFile    "127 : MS Info,Msinfo32Cnt"                    
  148. 131                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Info;Msinfo32Ftg"                    %129
  149. 132                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Info;Msinfo32Fts"                    %129
  150. 133                CustomAction    "wizset32.dll,RemoveHelpAuxFile,MS Info;Msinfo32Gid"                    %129
  151. 134                Group    135 136 137 138 139 140 141 154 164 142                    
  152. 135                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,Vfp500Dll,vfp500,,8"                    %M
  153. 136                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,Vfp5csyDll,vfp5csy,,8"                    %M
  154. 137                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""VisualFoxProRuntime.5\shell\open\command"", """", ""%s\VFP500.DLL %%1"""                    %135
  155. 138                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""VisualFoxProRuntime.5"", """", ""Microsoft Visual FoxPro 5.0 Runtime"""                    
  156. 139                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{2B32FBC2-A8F1-11CF-93EE-00AA00C08FDF}"",                """","""","""""                    
  157. 140                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{D4A97620-8E8F-11CF-93CD-00AA00C08FDF}"",                """","""","""""                    
  158. 141                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""NoDualInterface\{EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}"",                """","""","""""                    
  159. 142                AddRegData    """CLASSES"",""VisualFoxProRuntime.5\Resources"","""",""%s\VFP5CSY.DLL"","""""                    %136
  160. 143                                        
  161. 144                Group    145 146                    
  162. 145                InstallSysFile    System, AsycfiltDll,                    %M
  163. 146                InstallSysFile    System, Stdole2Tlb,                    %M
  164. 147                Group    148 149 154                    
  165. 148                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""Licenses"", """", ""Licensing: Copying the keys may be a violation of established copyrights."""                    
  166. 149                AddRegData    """CLASSES"", ""Licenses\DB4C0D00-400B-101B-A3C9-08002B2F49FB"", """", ""mgkgtgnnmnmninigthkgogggvmkhinjggnvm"""                    
  167. 150                                        
  168. 151                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""Detect95"", ""Win95"""                    
  169. 152                Depend    151 ? : 153                    
  170. 153                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Ctl3dntDll"""        vital    shared        
  171. 154                InstallShared    "System,Vfpole50Dll,VfpOle50"                    %M
  172. 155                                        
  173. 156                DetectOlderFile    "OLEAUT32.DLL, 2.20.4028.1"                    %M
  174. 157                Depend    156 ? 158 : 159                    
  175. 158                Depend    151 ? 159  160 161 : 159 160 162 161 163                    
  176. 159                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Olepro32Dll"""                    
  177. 160        OLEPRO32.DLL        SelfReg    """System"", Olepro32Dll"                    %M
  178. 161                InstallSysFile    """System"", ""Oleaut32Dll"""                    
  179. 162        Setup Message    Installation of this product requires system administrator privileges.    CustomAction    "wizset32.dll, DetectAdminPrivileges"                    
  180. 163        Visual FoxPro Setup - Restart Windows    You need to restart Windows NT to complete the installation.  After restarting Windows NT, Setup will be complete.    CustomAction    "wizset32.dll, DoMessageBox, 24"                    
  181. 164                InstallShared    "FoxPro Runtime,FoxproInt,foxproint,,8"                    %M
  182. 165            *** Post Setup Executable    Group    166                    
  183. 166                CustomAction    """wizset32.dll"", ""ExecutePostSetupCommand"", ""EKONOM.EXE"""                    
  184. 167    Yes            InstallShared    "Ole Custom Controls,59173526,comctl32,,8"                    %M
  185. 168    Yes    COMCTL32.OCX        Depend    167 ? 169                    
  186. 169    Yes    COMCTL32.OCX        SelfReg    """Ole Custom Controls"", ""59173526"""                    
  187. 170    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "EKONOM<EKONOM>, EKONOM_c<EKONOM cenφk>, %s\CENIK.HTM, ""%s"", """","""","        vital            %D
  188. 171    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "EKONOM<EKONOM>, EKONOM<EKONOM>, %s\Ekonom.EXE, ""%s"", ""%s\ekonom.ico"","""","        vital            %D
  189. 172    Yes        Program Manager Icon    AddProgmanItem    "EKONOM<EKONOM>, EKONOM_n<EKONOM nßpov∞da>, %s\Ekonom.hlp, ""%s"", """","""","        vital            %D