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- //////////BSSCDHTML Section 1//////////
- // RoboHELP« Dynamic HTML Effects Script
- // Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Blue Sky Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
- // Version=3.56
- // Warning: Do not modify this file. It is generated by RoboHELP« and changes will be overwritten.
- var HH_ChmFilename = "";
- var HH_WindowName = "";
- var HH_GlossaryFont = "";
- var HH_Glossary = "";
- var HH_Avenue = "";
- var HH_ActiveX = false;
- var gbNav4 = false;
- var gbIE4 = false;
- var gbIE = false;
- var gbIE5 = false;
- var gAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- var gbMac = (gAgent.indexOf("mac") != -1);
- var gbWindows = ((gAgent.indexOf("win") != -1) || (gAgent.indexOf("16bit") != -1));
- var error_count = 0;
- gbIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
- if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
- gbNav4 = (navigator.appName == "Netscape");
- gbIE4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1);
- if (gbIE4) {
- if (gAgent.indexOf("msie 5.0") != -1) {
- gbIE5 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- function HHActivateComponents()
- {
- if (HH_ActiveX && (HH_ChmFilename != "") && ((self == top) || (self == top.frames[0])))
- {
- var objBody = document.all.tags("BODY")[0];
- objBody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", '<OBJECT ID="HHComponentActivator" CLASSID="CLSID:399CB6C4-7312-11D2-B4D9-00105A0422DF" width=0 height=0></OBJECT>');
- if (HHComponentActivator.object)
- {
- HHComponentActivator.Activate(HH_ChmFilename, HH_WindowName, HH_GlossaryFont, HH_Glossary, HH_Avenue);
- }
- }
- }
- var gAmc = new Array();
- var BSSCSequenceIndex = 0;
- function animationContext(el, progressAnimation, finishAnimiation, animationDuration, animationPeriod)
- {
- this.el = el;
- this.progressAnimation = progressAnimation;
- this.finishAnimiation = finishAnimiation;
- this.animationDuration = parseFloat(animationDuration);
- this.animationPeriod = animationPeriod;
- this.animationStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
- this.continueAnimation = true;
- }
- function progressFade(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0){
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- gAmc[ndx].el.filters.alpha.opacity = gAmc[ndx].initialOpacity*(1.0-percent) + gAmc[ndx].finalOpacity*percent;
- }
- function finishFade(ndx)
- {
- gAmc[ndx].el.filters.alpha.opacity = parseInt(gAmc[ndx].finalOpacity);
- }
- function progressTranslation(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelLeft = gAmc[ndx].startX*(1.0-percent) + gAmc[ndx].finalX*percent;
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelTop = gAmc[ndx].startY*(1.0-percent) + gAmc[ndx].finalY*percent;
- }
- function progressSpiral(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- rf = 1.0 - percent
- t = percent * 2.0*Math.PI
- rx = Math.max(Math.abs(gAmc[ndx].el.initLeft), 200)
- ry = Math.max(Math.abs(gAmc[ndx].el.initTop), 200)
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx)
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelTop = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry)
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.visibility="visible"
- }
- function progressElasticFromRight(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- rf=Math.exp(-percent*7)
- t = percent * 1.5*Math.PI
- rx =Math.abs(gAmc[ndx].el.initLeft)
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelLeft = rf*Math.cos(t)*rx
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelTop = 0
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.visibility="visible"
- }
- function progressElasticFromBottom(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- rf=Math.exp(-percent*7)
- t = percent * 1.5*Math.PI
- rx =Math.abs(gAmc[ndx].el.initTop)
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelLeft = 0
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelTop = rf*Math.cos(t)*rx
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.visibility="visible"
- }
- function progressZoomIn(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- for (var index=0; index<gAmc[ndx].el.all.length; index++) {
- gAmc[ndx].el.all[index].style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*percent) + "%"
- }
- gAmc[ndx].el.posLeft = 100
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.visibility="visible"
- if (percent >= 1.0) {
- finishZoom(ndx);
- }
- }
- function progressZoomOut(ndx)
- {
- percent = ((new Date()).getTime() - gAmc[ndx].animationStartTime)/gAmc[ndx].animationDuration;
- if (percent > 1.0) {
- percent = 1.0;
- gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation = false;
- }
- for (var index=0; index<gAmc[ndx].el.all.length; index++)
- gAmc[ndx].el.all[index].style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(1-percent)) + "%"
- gAmc[ndx].el.posLeft = 0
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.visibility="visible"
- if (percent >= 1.0) {
- finishZoom(ndx);
- }
- }
- function finishTranslation(ndx)
- {
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelLeft = parseInt(gAmc[ndx].finalX);
- gAmc[ndx].el.style.pixelTop = parseInt(gAmc[ndx].finalY);
- }
- function finishZoom(ndx)
- {
- for (i=0; i<gAmc[ndx].el.all.length; i++)
- gAmc[ndx].el.all[i].style.fontSize = gAmc[ndx].OldFont
- }
- function animationPump(ndx)
- {
- gAmc[ndx].progressAnimation(ndx);
- if (gAmc[ndx].continueAnimation)
- gAmc[ndx].tm = setTimeout("animationPump(" + ndx + ");", gAmc[ndx].animationPeriod);
- }
- function clearAnimations()
- {
- for (var index=0; index<gAmc.length; index++) {
- gAmc[index].finishAnimiation(index);
- clearTimeout(gAmc[index].tm);
- }
- gAmc = new Array();
- }
- function startNextAnimationSet()
- {
- clearAnimations();
- bStarted = false;
- bFound = false
- // Determine the next sequence number
- divElements = document.all.tags("DIV");
- for (var index = 0; index < divElements.length; index++)
- {
- el = divElements[index];
- objectOrder = el.getAttribute("BSSCObjectOrder", false);
- if(null != objectOrder)
- {
- objectOrder = parseInt(objectOrder);
- if (objectOrder > BSSCSequenceIndex && (!bFound || objectOrder < minBSSCSequenceIndexFound))
- {
- minBSSCSequenceIndexFound = objectOrder;
- bFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bFound)
- {
- BSSCSequenceIndex = minBSSCSequenceIndexFound;
- bStarted = startAnimationSet(BSSCSequenceIndex);
- }
- }
- function getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el)
- {
- if (null == el.offsetParent)
- return el.offsetTop;
- else
- return el.offsetTop + getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el.offsetParent);
- }
- function startAnimationSet(ndx)
- {
- var m = 0;
- bStarted = false;
- // Find document elements with "BSSCAnimationType" attribute
- divElements = document.all.tags("DIV");
- for (var index = 0; index < divElements.length; index++)
- {
- el = divElements[index];
- animationType = el.getAttribute("BSSCAnimationType", false);
- if(null != animationType)
- {
- framePeriod = el.getAttribute("BSSCFramePeriod", false);
- frameCount = el.getAttribute("BSSCFrameCount", false);
- sequenceIndex = el.getAttribute("BSSCObjectOrder", false);
- // Stop any currently running RevealTrans filters
- if ("RevealTrans" == animationType && parseInt(sequenceIndex) == ndx-1 && gbWindows)
- el.filters.RevealTrans.stop();
- // Filter on ndx
- if (0 == ndx && null == sequenceIndex ||
- ndx == parseInt(sequenceIndex))
- {
- if ("FlyInFromRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollWidth;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = -(document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft);
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = -(document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollWidth);
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromBottom" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToBottom" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollHeight;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromTop" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = -getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el) - el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToTop" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = -getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el) - el.offsetHeight;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromBottomRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- if (document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].startY = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToBottomRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- if (document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientHeight +document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalY = pixelsToTranslate;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromTopRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth;
- offsetFromTopOfBrowser = getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el);
- if (offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].startY = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToTopRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth;
- offsetFromTopOfBrowser = getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el);
- if (offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalY = -pixelsToTranslate;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromTopLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- offsetFromTopOfBrowser = getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el);
- if (offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].startY = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToTopLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- offsetFromTopOfBrowser = getOffsetFromTopOfBrowser(el);
- if (offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = offsetFromTopOfBrowser + el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalY = -pixelsToTranslate;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyInFromBottomLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- if (document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].startY = pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FlyOutToBottomLeft" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- for (childIndex=0; childIndex<el.children.length; childIndex++)
- {
- if ("left" == el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign)
- el.children[childIndex].style.textAlign = "right";
- }
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
- if (document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop < pixelsToTranslate)
- pixelsToTranslate = document.body.clientHeight +document.body.scrollTop - el.offsetTop;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressTranslation, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].startX = 0;
- gAmc[m].startY = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalX = -pixelsToTranslate;
- gAmc[m].finalY = pixelsToTranslate;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("FadeIn" == animationType)
- {
- if (gbWindows)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- finalOpacity = el.getAttribute("BSSCFinalOpacity", false);
- if (null == finalOpacity)
- finalOpacity = 100;
- initialOpacity = el.getAttribute("BSSCInitialOpacity", false);
- if (null == initialOpacity)
- initialOpacity = 0;
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressFade, finishFade, animationDuration, 50);
- el.filters.opacity = initialOpacity;
- gAmc[m].initialOpacity = initialOpacity;
- gAmc[m].finalOpacity = finalOpacity;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- } else {
- el.style.visibility = "";
- }
- }
- if ("Spiral" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressSpiral, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].el.initLeft = el.offsetLeft+document.body.clientWidth;
- gAmc[m].el.initTop = document.body.scrollTop+el.offsetTop+document.body.clientHeight;
- gAmc[m].el.endLeft = gAmc[m].el.posLeft;
- gAmc[m].el.endTop = gAmc[m].el.posTop;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- gAmc[m].steps = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("ElasticFromRight" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressElasticFromRight, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].el.initLeft = el.offsetLeft+document.body.clientWidth;
- gAmc[m].el.initTop = gAmc[m].el.posTop;
- gAmc[m].el.endLeft = gAmc[m].el.posLeft;
- gAmc[m].el.endTop = gAmc[m].el.posTop;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- gAmc[m].steps = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("ElasticFromBottom" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressElasticFromBottom, finishTranslation, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].el.initLeft = gAmc[m].el.posLeft;
- gAmc[m].el.initTop = document.body.scrollTop-el.offsetTop-el.offsetHeight;
- gAmc[m].el.endLeft = gAmc[m].el.posLeft;
- gAmc[m].el.endTop = gAmc[m].el.posTop;
- gAmc[m].finalX = 0;
- gAmc[m].finalY = 0;
- gAmc[m].steps = 0;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("ZoomIn" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressZoomIn, finishZoom, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].OldFont = gAmc[m].el.all[0].style.fontSize;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("ZoomOut" == animationType)
- {
- animationDuration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == animationDuration)
- animationDuration = 1000; // default to 1s
- gAmc[m] = new animationContext(el, progressZoomOut, finishZoom, animationDuration, 10);
- gAmc[m].OldFont = gAmc[m].el.all[0].style.fontSize;
- animationPump(m++);
- bStarted = true;
- }
- if ("RevealTrans" == animationType)
- {
- if (gbWindows) {
- Duration = el.getAttribute("BSSCDuration", false);
- if (null == Duration)
- Duration = 1000; // default to 1s
- Transition = el.getAttribute("BSSCTransition", false);
- if (null == Transition)
- Transition = 0;
- el.style.filter = "RevealTrans();";
- el.filters.RevealTrans.Transition = Transition;
- el.filters.RevealTrans.apply();
- el.style.visibility = "";
- el.filters.RevealTrans.play(parseInt(Duration)/1000.0);
- bStarted = true;
- } else {
- el.style.visibility = "";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return bStarted;
- }
- function ApplyTextFormatting(divEl, childEl)
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalStyle", childEl.style);
- // Text Change
- hoverColor = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverColor", false);
- if ("Default" != divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverColorName"))
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalColor", childEl.style.color);
- childEl.style.color = hoverColor;
- }
- hoverFontName = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverFontName", false);
- if (null != hoverFontName && hoverFontName != "*Default*")
- {
- hoverFontFamily = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverFontFamily", false);
- if (null != hoverFontFamily)
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontFamily", childEl.style.fontFamily);
- childEl.style.fontFamily = hoverFontFamily;
- }
- }
- hoverFontSize = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverFontSize", false);
- {
- if (null != hoverFontSize && hoverFontSize != "*")
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontSize", childEl.style.fontSize);
- childEl.style.fontSize = hoverFontSize + "pt";
- }
- }
- hoverFontStyle = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverFontStyle", false);
- if (null != hoverFontStyle && "Regular" != hoverFontStyle)
- {
- if ("Italic" == hoverFontStyle)
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontStyle", childEl.style.fontStyle);
- childEl.style.fontStyle = "italic";
- }
- else if ("Bold" == hoverFontStyle)
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontWeight", childEl.style.fontWeight);
- childEl.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- }
- else if ("Bold Italic" == hoverFontStyle)
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontStyle", childEl.style.fontStyle);
- childEl.style.fontStyle = "italic";
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontWeight", childEl.style.fontWeight);
- childEl.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- }
- }
- hoverUnderline = divEl.getAttribute("BSSCHoverUnderLine", false);
- if (null != hoverUnderline && hoverUnderline == "TRUE")
- {
- childEl.setAttribute("BSSCOriginalTextDecoration", childEl.style.textDecoration);
- childEl.style.textDecoration = "underline";
- }
- }
- function RemoveTextFormatting(el)
- {
- originalColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalColor", false);
- if (null != originalColor)
- el.style.color = originalColor;
- originalFontFamily = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontFamily", false);
- if (null != originalFontFamily)
- el.style.fontFamily = originalFontFamily;
- originalFontSize = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontSize", false);
- if (null != originalFontSize)
- el.style.fontSize = originalFontSize;
- originalFontStyle = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontStyle", false);
- if (null != originalFontStyle)
- el.style.fontStyle = originalFontStyle;
- originalFontWeight = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalFontWeight", false);
- if (null != originalFontWeight)
- el.style.fontWeight = originalFontWeight;
- originalTextDecoration = el.getAttribute("BSSCOriginalTextDecoration", false);
- if (null != originalTextDecoration)
- el.style.textDecoration = originalTextDecoration;
- }
- function BSSCOnMouseOver(el)
- {
- // Text Formatting
- hoverColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCHoverColor", false);
- if (null != hoverColor)
- for (var index=0; index<el.all.length; index++)
- ApplyTextFormatting(el, el.all[index]);
- // Glow
- glowColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCGlowColor", false);
- if (null != glowColor)
- {
- glowStrength = el.getAttribute("BSSCGlowStrength", false);
- if (null == glowStrength)
- glowStrength = "3";
- glowColorName = el.getAttribute("BSSCGlowColorName");
- if ("Default" == glowColorName)
- el.style.filter = "glow(Strength=" + glowStrength + ", enabled=1)";
- else
- el.style.filter = "glow(Color=#" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + glowStrength + ", enabled=1)";
- }
- }
- function BSSCOnMouseOut(el)
- {
- // Text Formatting
- hoverColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCHoverColor", false);
- if (null != hoverColor)
- for (var index=0; index<el.all.length; index++)
- RemoveTextFormatting(el.all[index]);
- // Glow
- glowColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCGlowColor", false);
- if (null != glowColor)
- el.style.filter="";
- }
- function doStaticEffects()
- {
- divElements = document.all.tags("DIV");
- for (var index = 0; index < divElements.length; index++)
- {
- el = divElements[index];
- dropShadowColor = el.getAttribute("BSSCDropShadowColor");
- if (null != dropShadowColor)
- {
- dropShadowXOffset = el.getAttribute("BSSCDropShadowXOffset");
- if (null == dropShadowXOffset)
- dropShadowXOffset = 0;
- dropShadowYOffset = el.getAttribute("BSSCDropShadowYOffset");
- if (null == dropShadowYOffset)
- dropShadowYOffset = 0;
- dropShadowColorName = el.getAttribute("BSSCDropShadowColorName");
- if ("Default" == dropShadowColorName)
- el.style.filter = "DropShadow(OffX=" + dropShadowXOffset + ", OffY=" + dropShadowYOffset + ")";
- else
- el.style.filter = "DropShadow(Color=" + dropShadowColor + ", OffX=" + dropShadowXOffset + ", OffY=" + dropShadowYOffset + ")";
- }
- }
- }
- function drop( targetId )
- {
- target = document.all( targetId );
- if (target.style.display == 'none') {
- target.style.display = "" ;
- } else {
- target.style.display = "none";
- }
- event.cancelBubble = true;
- }
- function checkParent(src,dest)
- {
- //Search for a specific parent of the current element.
- while(src !=null)
- {
- if(src.tagName == dest)
- {
- return src;
- }
- src = src.parentElement;
- }
- return null;
- }
- //Generic Display code
- function outline2()
- {
- //Expand or collapse if a list item is clicked.
- var open = event.srcElement;
- //Verify that the tag which was clicked was either the
- //trigger tag or nested within a trigger tag.
- var el = checkParent(open,"CITE");
- if(null != el)
- {
- var incr=0;
- var elmPos = 0;
- var parentSpan;
- var fBreak
- //Get the position of the element which was clicked
- elemPos = window.event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
- //Search for a SPAN tag
- for (parentSpan = window.event.srcElement.parentElement; parentSpan!=null; parentSpan = parentSpan.parentElement)
- {
- //test if already at a span tag
- if (parentSpan.tagName=="SPAN") {
- incr=1;
- break;
- }
- //Test if the tag clicked was in a body tag or in any of the possible kinds of lists
- //we perform this test because nested lists require special handling
- if (parentSpan.tagName=="BODY" || parentSpan.tagName=="UL" || parentSpan.tagName=="OL")
- {
- //Determine where the span to be expanded is.
- for (incr=1; (elemPos+incr) < document.all.length; incr++)
- {
- //verify we are at an expandable Div tag
- if(document.all(elemPos+incr).tagName=="SPAN" && (document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="expanded" || document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="glossexpanded" || document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="glosscollapsed" || document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="collapsed"))
- {
- fBreak=1;
- break;
- }
- else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).tagName=="LI")
- {
- //If the next tag following the list item (li) is another list item(li) return in order to prevent accidentally opening the next span in the list
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //determine if we need to break out of the while loop (kind of a kludge since theres no goto in javascript)
- if(fBreak==1)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- //Now that we've identified the span, expand or collapse it
- if(document.all(elemPos+incr) == null) {
- return;
- } else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="collapsed") {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="expanded";
- } else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="expanded") {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="collapsed";
- } else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="glosscollapsed") {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="glossexpanded";
- } else if(document.all(elemPos+incr).className=="glossexpanded") {
- document.all(elemPos+incr).className="glosscollapsed";
- } else {
- return;
- }
- event.cancelBubble = true;
- }