PC World 2000 November
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Text File
432 lines
var navBarY = 0; // Default position.
var navBarX = 0;
var navBarWidth = -1; // Sizes
var navBarHeaderWidth = 100;
var navBarMenuWidth = 175;
var navBarBorderWidth = 1;
var navBarPaddingWidth = 4;
var navBarBorderColor = "#000000"; // Colors.
var navBarHeaderBgColor = "#999999";
var navBarHeaderFgColor = "#000000";
var navBarActiveBgColor = "#666666";
var navBarActiveFgColor = "#ffffff";
var navBarItemBgColor = "#cccccc";
var navBarItemFgColor = "#000000";
var navBarHighBgColor = "#000080";
var navBarHighFgColor = "#ffffff";
var navBarHeaderFontFamily = "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"; // Fonts.
var navBarHeaderFontStyle = "plain";
var navBarHeaderFontWeight = "bold";
var navBarHeaderFontSize = "10pt";
var navBarItemFontFamily = "MS Sans Serif,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif";
var navBarItemFontStyle = "plain";
var navBarItemFontWeight = "bold";
var navBarItemFontSize = "8pt";
var navBarTrackX = false; // Tracking flags.
var navBarTrackY = false;
var navBarMenus = new Array(); // List of menus.
var navBar; // Base layer.
var navBarHeight; // Height of navigation bar headers.
var origWidth;
var origHeight;
function navBarInit() {
var menu = new Array();
var layer, norm, high, dmmy;
var last;
var width;
var on, off;
var i, j, x, y, z;
var link;
if (!isMinNS4 && !isMinIE4)
if (isMinNS4) {
origWidth = window.innerWidth;
origHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = navBarReload;
if (navBarMenuWidth < navBarHeaderWidth)
navBarMenuWidth = navBarHeaderWidth;
moveLayerTo(navBar, navBarX, navBarY);
x = 0;
y = 0;
i = 0;
while ((layer = getLayer("menu" + (i + 1), window)) != null) {
width = navBarMenuWidth;
if (i == navBarMenus.length - 1)
width = navBarWidth - x;
menu[i] = layer;
moveLayerTo(layer, x, y);
z = 0;
j = 0;
while ((layer = getLayer("item" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i])) != null) {
norm = layer;
moveLayerTo(norm, 0, z);
clipLayer(norm, navBarBorderWidth, navBarBorderWidth,
width - navBarBorderWidth,
getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth);
if (isMinNS4 && j > 0)
layer.visibility = "inherit";
high = getLayer("high" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i]);
moveLayerTo(high, 0, z);
clipLayer(high, navBarBorderWidth, navBarBorderWidth,
width - navBarBorderWidth,
getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth);
dmmy = getLayer("dmmy" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i]);
moveLayerTo(dmmy, 0, z);
clipLayer(dmmy, 0, 0, width, getHeight(norm));
if (j == 0)
menu[i].high = high;
else {
dmmy.high = high;
dmmy.onmouseover = navBarItemOn;
dmmy.onmouseout = navBarItemOff;
link = navBarMenus[i][j * 2 + 1];
if (link != "") {
if (isMinNS4) {
dmmy.document.link = link;
dmmy.document.onmousedown = navBarItemGo;
if (isMinIE4) {
dmmy.link = link;
dmmy.onmousedown = navBarItemGo;
z += getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth;
if (j == 0)
off = z + navBarBorderWidth - 1;
on = z + navBarBorderWidth;
x += navBarHeaderWidth - navBarBorderWidth;
menu[i].offWidth = navBarHeaderWidth;
menu[i].offHeight = off + 1;
menu[i].onWidth = width;
menu[i].onHeight = on;
menu[i].onmouseover = navBarMenuOn;
menu[i].onmouseout = navBarMenuOff;
clipLayer(menu[i], 0, 0, menu[i].offWidth, menu[i].offHeight);
navBarHeight = menu[i - 1].offHeight;
menu[i - 1].onmouseover = null;
menu[i - 1].onmouseout = null;
clipLayer(menu[i - 1], 0, 0, menu[i - 1].onWidth, menu[i - 1].offHeight);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, menu[0].offHeight);
if (navBarTrackX || navBarTrackY) {
if (isMinNS4)
setInterval('navBarScroll()', 20);
if (isMinIE4)
window.onscroll = navBarScroll;
function navBarBuild() {
var i, j, k, str, tmp;
var padding, width;
var headText, actvText, itemText, highText;
var tblStart, tblEnd;
navBarMenus[navBarMenus.length] = new Array(" ", "");
width = (navBarMenus.length - 2) * (navBarHeaderWidth - navBarBorderWidth)
+ (navBarMenus[navBarMenus.length - 2].length > 2 ? navBarMenuWidth
: navBarHeaderWidth);
if (navBarWidth < 0)
navBarWidth = Math.max(getWindowWidth(), getPageWidth()) - navBarX;
if (navBarWidth == 0)
navBarWidth = width;
if (navBarWidth > 0)
navBarWidth = Math.max(navBarWidth, width);
padding = navBarPaddingWidth + navBarBorderWidth;
headText = 'color:' + navBarHeaderFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarHeaderFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarHeaderFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarHeaderFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarHeaderFontWeight + ';';
actvText = 'color:' + navBarActiveFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarHeaderFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarHeaderFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarHeaderFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarHeaderFontWeight + ';';
itemText = 'color:' + navBarItemFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarItemFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarItemFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarItemFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarItemFontWeight + ';';
highText = 'color:' + navBarHighFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarItemFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarItemFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarItemFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarItemFontWeight + ';';
tblStart = '<table border=0 cellpadding=' + padding
+ ' cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td>';
tblEnd = '</td></tr></table>';
str = "";
for (i = 0; i < navBarMenus.length; i++) {
width = navBarMenuWidth;
if (i == navBarMenus.length - 1)
width = Math.max(navBarHeaderWidth,
navBarWidth - (navBarMenus.length - 1) * navBarHeaderWidth);
if (isMinNS4)
str += '<layer name="menu' + (i + 1) + '"'
+ ' bgcolor="' + navBarBorderColor + '"'
+ ' width=' + width
+ ' visibility=hidden>\n'
if (isMinIE4)
str += '<div id="menu' + (i + 1) + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' background-color:' + navBarBorderColor + ';'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;'
+ ' height:100%;'
+ ' visibility:hidden;">\n';
for (k = 0; k < navBarMenus[i].length; k += 2) {
j = k / 2;
tmp = (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1);
if (j == 0) {
if (isMinNS4) {
str += ' <layer name="item' + tmp + '" '
+ ' bgcolor="' + navBarHeaderBgColor + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + headText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</layer>\n';
str += ' <layer name="high' + tmp + '" '
+ ' bgcolor="' + navBarActiveBgColor + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + actvText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</layer>\n';
str += ' <layer name="dmmy' + tmp + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>'
+ '</layer>\n';
if (isMinIE4) {
str += ' <div id="item' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' background-color:' + navBarHeaderBgColor + ';'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;">' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + headText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</div>\n';
str += ' <div id="high' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' background-color:' + navBarActiveBgColor + ';'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;">' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + actvText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</div>\n';
str += ' <div id="dmmy' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;'
+ ' height:100%;">'
+ '</div>\n';
else {
if (isMinNS4) {
str += ' <layer name="item' + tmp + '" '
+ ' bgcolor="' + navBarItemBgColor + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + itemText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</layer>\n';
str += ' <layer name="high' + tmp + '" '
+ ' bgcolor="' + navBarHighBgColor + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + highText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</layer>\n';
str += ' <layer name="dmmy' + tmp + '" '
+ ' width=' + width + '>'
+ '</layer>\n';
if (isMinIE4) {
str += ' <div id="item' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' background-color:' + navBarItemBgColor + ';'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;">' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + itemText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</div>\n';
str += ' <div id="high' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' background-color:' + navBarHighBgColor + ';'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;">' + tblStart
+ '<span style="' + highText + '">' + navBarMenus[i][k]
+ '</span>' + tblEnd + '</div>\n';
str += ' <div id="dmmy' + tmp + '"'
+ ' style="position:absolute;'
+ ' width:' + width + 'px;'
+ ' height:100%;">'
+ '</div>\n';
if (isMinNS4)
str += '</layer>\n';
if (isMinIE4)
str += '</div>\n';
if (isMinNS4) {
navBar = new Layer(width);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, getWindowHeight());
if (isMinIE4) {
str = '<div id="navBar" style="position:absolute;'
+ ' width:' + navBarWidth + 'px;'
+ ' height:' + (getWindowHeight() - navBarY) + 'px;'
+ ' overflow:hidden;">'
+ str + '</div>\n';
if (!isMinIE5) {
x = getPageScrollX();
y = getPageScrollY();
window.scrollTo(getPageWidth(), getPageHeight());
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", str);
if (!isMinIE5)
window.scrollTo(x, y);
navBar = getLayer("navBar");
function navBarScroll() {
var x, y, d;
var max;
x = navBarX;
d = getPageScrollX() - navBarX;
if (navBarTrackX && d > 0)
x += d;
y = navBarY;
d = getPageScrollY() - navBarY;
if (navBarTrackY && d > 0)
y += d;
if (isMinIE4) {
max = Math.max(getPageWidth(), navBarWidth) - (navBarX + navBarWidth);
x = Math.max(navBarX, Math.min(x, max));
max = Math.max(getPageHeight(), getWindowHeight())
- getWindowHeight() - navBarHeight + navBarY;
y = Math.max(navBarY, Math.min(y, max));
moveLayerTo(navBar, x, y);
function navBarMenuOn() {
clipLayer(this, 0, 0, this.onWidth, this.onHeight);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, this.onHeight);
function navBarMenuOff() {
if (isMinIE4 && window.event.toElement &&
window.event.srcElement.id.substr(4, 1) ==
window.event.toElement.id.substr(4, 1))
clipLayer(this, 0, 0, this.offWidth, this.offHeight);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, this.offHeight);
function navBarItemOn() {
function navBarItemOff() {
function navBarItemGo() {
if (this.link.indexOf("javascript:") == 0)
window.location.href = this.link;
return false;
function navBarReload() {
if (isMinNS4 && origWidth == window.innerWidth && origHeight == window.innerHeight)
window.location.href = window.location.href;