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# File: browser.cnf
# Description: Browser Capabilities configuration file
# Date: 14-Dec-1998
# This file is used by @BrowserInfo to determine browser properties.
# There are two types of directives in this file: Property and Rule.
# Property directive:
# The property directive defines a browser property which can be accessed by
# @BrowserInfo.
# Syntax: Property <PropertyName> <DataType> <Default>
# where:
# <PropertyName> is any string
# <DataType> is the keyword "String", "Number", or "Boolean"
# String: can return any ASCII string
# Number: can return any valid decimal number
# Boolean: can return the values "True" and "False".
# <Default> specifies the value returned by this property if the User-Agent
# header does not match any of the rules defined for the property
# Example:
# Property NewHTMLType String Unknown
# defines a property which can be evaluated by calling @BrowserInfo("NewHTMLType").
# Rule directive:
# This directive specifies a regular expression pattern which is used to match
# the browser User-Agent header. The rules for a given property are tried in
# order from top to bottom. The first rule that matches the User-Agent header
# wins.
# Syntax: Rule <ReturnValue> <Expression>
# where:
# <ReturnValue> is the value to be returned on a successful match
# <Expression> is the pattern-matching expression for the User-Agent header
# A pattern-matching expression can include literal characters and special characters.
# Pattern-matching proceeds left-to-right across the User-Agent header value.
# Pattern-matching is case-sensitive.
# Literal characters:
# Any character that is not a special character matches itself.
# Special characters:
# . A period matches any single character.
# ^ A caret indicates the beginning of the header value. For example, "^Mozilla"
# matches "Mozilla" only if it is at the beginning of the header value.
# $ A dollar sign indicates the end of the header value. For example, "browser$"
# matches "browser" only if it is at the end of the header value.
# \ A backslash before a special character causes the character to be treated as a literal.
# For example, "\$" matches the dollar sign, not the end of the header value.
# [] Brackets enclose ranges of characters:
# A range normally matches any single character in the range. For example, "[abc]"
# matches "a", "b", or "c".
# A range that starts with "^" (caret) matches any single character NOT in the range.
# For example, "[^xyz]" matches any character EXCEPT "x", "y", or "z".
# A range can specify an ASCII range of characters by using "-" (hyphen). For example,
# "[0-9]" matches any ASCII digit.
# + A character or range followed by a plus sign matches one or more sequences of that
# character or range. For example, "[0-9]+" matches one or more ASCII digits.
# * A character or range followed by an asterisk matches zero or more sequences of that
# character or range. For example, ".*" matches zero or more characters.
# ? A character or range followed by a question mark matches either the character or range,
# or the null string. For example, "ab?c" matches either "abc" or "ab".
# | Two or more expressions separated by vertical bars matches any of the expressions.
# For example, "abc|[P-Z]" matches either "abc" or any single character from "P" to "Z".
# () Parenthesis "capture" part of an expression so you can use the matched substring in the
# rule's return value. You can capture more than one substring. For example, "(a)bc([0-9])"
# captures two substrings: "a" and a single digit.
# Syntax of return value:
# The return value of a rule consists of literal characters and the following special characters:
# & Returns the entire header value.
# \N Where N is a number from 1 to 9, returns the Nth captured substring.
# \\ Returns a literal backslash.
## BrowserType - string representing the main browser families
## Value for Notes client is "Notes"
Property BrowserType String Unknown
Rule Microsoft MSIE # Microsoft Internet Explorer
Rule Compatible ^Mozilla/.*\([Cc]ompatible; # Any other Mozilla compatible
Rule Netscape ^Mozilla/ # Assume Netscape (never includes "compatible")
## Cookies - Boolean indicating whether browser supports cookies or not.
## Notes client: False
Property Cookies Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[2-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 2.x upward
## DHTML - Boolean indicating whether browser supports Dynamic HTML (HTML 4.0 + DOM) or not.
## Notes client: False
Property DHTML Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [4-9] # IE 4.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[4-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 4.x upward
## FileUpload - Boolean indicating whether browser supports file input type or not.
## Notes client: False
Property FileUpload Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [4-9] # IE 4.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## Frames - Boolean indicating whether browser supports framesets or not.
## Notes client: True
Property Frames Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## Java - Boolean indicating whether browser supports Java applets or not.
## Notes client: True
Property Java Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## JavaScript - Boolean indicating whether browser supports JavaScript or not.
## Notes client: True
Property JavaScript Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## Iframe - Boolean indicating whether browser supports IFRAME tag or not.
## Notes client: False
Property Iframe Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [4-9] # Only IE supports IFRAME tag
## NotesBrowser - Boolean indicating that client is the Notes browser
## separate from BrowserType since Notes browser IS Mozilla compatible
Property NotesBrowser Boolean False
Rule True Notes # Don't check for version yet
## Platform - String that indicates the OS platform of the browser.
## Notes client: Unknown
Property Platform String Unknown
Rule Win95 Win95
Rule Win95 Windows 95
Rule Win98 Win98
Rule Win98 Windows 98
Rule WinNT WinNT
Rule WinNT Windows NT
Rule WinNT Windows\-NT
Rule MacOS Macintosh
Rule MacOS Mac_PowerPC
Rule OS2 OS/2
## Robot - Boolean to indicate that client is possibly a web search robot.
## Notes client: False
Property Robot Boolean False
Rule True [Cc]rawler # Some generic crawler
Rule True [Ss]pider # Some generic spider
## SSL - Boolean indicating whether this browser supports SSL or not.
## Notes client: False
Property SSL Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # E 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## Tables - Boolean indicating whether this browser supports HTML tables or not.
## Notes client: True
Property Tables Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
Rule True ^Mozilla/[3-9] # All other Mozilla variants from 3.x upward
## VBScript - Boolean indicating whether browser supports VBScript or not.
## Notes client: False
Property VBScript Boolean False
Rule True MSIE [3-9] # IE 3.x or higher
## Version - Number that indicates the browser version number
## Notes client: Returns the client build version
Property Version Number -1
Rule \1.\2 MSIE ([1-5])\.([0-9]+) # Microsoft IE
Rule \1.\2 ^Mozilla/([0-9])\.([0-9]+) # Netscape and all other Mozillas