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Lotus Notes Database  |  2000-08-20  |  147KB  |  972 lines

  1. Archive Log (R5.0)
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  19. fffffl
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  21. CN=Teresa Deane/O=IrisCN=Debbie Branco/O=IrisCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes[
  22. <y##############################
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  58. ArchiveDatabase
  59. ArchiveDatabase
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  88. SourceDbTitle
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  123. ArchiveDatabase
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  171. ##########################################################
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  227. ##########################################################
  228. ##########################################################
  229. ##########################################################
  230. ##########################################################
  231. O=Lotus Notes
  232. O=Lotus Notes
  233. PURSAFO
  234. |.:#U
  235. O=Lotus Notes
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  237. PURSAFO
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  245.     0S0E
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  253.     0S0E
  254. O=Lotus Notes
  255. O=Lotus Notes
  256. PURSAFO
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  284.     0S0E
  285. O=Lotus Notes
  286. O=Lotus Notes
  287. PURSAFO
  288. |.:#U
  289. O=Lotus Notes
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  308. NotesView
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  312. NotesView
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  316. NotesView
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  318. O=Lotus Notes
  319. O=Lotus Notes
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  321. |.:#U
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  330. ArchiveLogOutline
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  332. O=Lotus Notes
  333. O=Lotus Notes
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  336. O=Lotus Notes
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  349. ArchiveLogOutlineDisplay
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  352. NotesView?
  353. All Documents|($All)
  354. O=Lotus Notes
  355. O=Lotus Notes
  356. PURSAFO
  357. |.:#U
  358. O=Lotus Notes
  359. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  360. PURSAFO
  361. $TITLE
  362. $Comment
  363. $FrameSet
  364. _Forward
  365. Categori_zeK
  366. Edit Document
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  368. _Remove from Folder...
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  370.     0S0E
  371. close.gif|close.gif?
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  373. Categori_zeK
  374. Edit Document
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  376. _Remove from Folder...
  377. Close Database 
  378.     0S0E
  379. O=Lotus Notes
  380. O=Lotus Notes
  381. PURSAFO
  382. |.:#U
  383. O=Lotus Notes
  384. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  385. PURSAFO
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  392. $Comment
  393. $V5ACTIONS
  394. $ACTIONS
  395. Archive Log
  396. Times New Roman
  397. Lotus Product
  398.  ArchiveLog'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
  399. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
  400. Declare Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
  401. Declare Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
  402. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
  403. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
  404. Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
  405.     Static Source As NOTESUIDOCUMENT
  406.     Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
  407.     On Event Queryopen From Source Call Queryopen
  408.     On Event Querysave From Source Call Querysave
  409. End Sub
  410. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Queryopen:1:12
  411. Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
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  414.     Call note.replaceitemvalue("$ArchEmbedOutline", 1)
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  416. '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Querysave:1:12
  417. Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
  418. End Sub
  419. Lotus Product
  420. OBJECT
  421. $MessageType
  422.     don't know what this is used for; it was in the original archive log.
  423. $ArchLog
  424. $ArchLog
  425.     1S2S3S
  426.     0R1S
  427. $ArchLog
  428.     0R3S4S6S10S13S
  429. $ArchLog
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  432. $ArchLog
  433.     0R4S8S11SSetTable
  434.       sets default panel of the field-driven table
  435. Archive Log
  436. GIF89a
  437. oE^rr
  438. R&gDe
  439. 4)P    0
  440. '%Tva
  441. A.v1%:rfvY
  442. )D41,
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  448. B/o3p
  449. lw#(Uy
  450. Qgoc~
  451. aZi5r
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  456. uBuyE
  457. $3[wl
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  459.     ,53%
  460. P)G    h
  461. jeFJZK
  462. )i({ 
  463. H\ N0
  464. Ra>|j
  465. UvySk
  466. 05]_"
  467. l>%Kffj
  468. 2JJ*C
  469. sQaac
  470. PK    -u
  471. _Il?T>uZ
  472. uD7EC
  473. Tu7`m
  474. snK-|
  475. ^d7_W
  476. (4YQ|
  477.     Choose information to view...
  478. ArchiveLogTable
  479. ArchEmbedOutline
  480. ArchLog
  481. ArchLog
  482. Archive Statistics
  483.     Archive Date
  484. .,$ //:
  485. ArchiveDate
  486. dspArchiveDate
  487.     Number of documents saved to the archive database:  
  488. .,$///:
  489. LogTotal
  490. dspLogTotal
  491.     Number of documents deleted from the source database:  
  492. .,$///:
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  499. SourceServer
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  502. SourceDbTitle
  503. dspSourceDbTitle
  504.     Database Path/Filename:  
  505. SourceDatabase
  506. dspSourceDatabase
  507.     Archive Database Informationx
  508. SectionDiv.gif|SectionDiv.gif
  509.     Server:  
  510. ArchiveServer
  511. dspArchiveServer
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  513. ArchiveDbTitle
  514. dspArchiveDbTitle
  515. rings.gif
  516.     Database Path/Filename:  
  517. ArchiveDatabase
  518. dspArchiveDatabase
  519. Links to archived docs
  520. Links to documents removed from the source database:
  521.     Hidden:  
  522. Subject
  523. Subject
  524. Categori_ze
  525. _Edit Document
  526. Send Docu_ment
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  529. _Remove from Folder
  530. Cancel 
  531.     0S0E
  532. cancel.gif|cancel.gif?
  533. Categori_ze
  534. _Edit Document
  535. Send Docu_ment
  536. _Forward
  537. _Move to Folder...
  538. _Remove from Folder
  539. Cancel 
  540.     0S0E
  541. O=Lotus Notes
  542. O=Lotus Notes
  543. PURSAFO
  544. |.:#U
  545. O=Lotus Notes
  546. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  547. PURSAFO
  548. DocLife
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  564. $ACTIONS
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  566. Categori_zeK
  567. Edit Document
  568. _Move to Folder...
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  571.     0S0E
  572. close.gif|close.gif?
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  574. Categori_zeK
  575. Edit Document
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  579.     0S0E
  580. O=Lotus Notes
  581. O=Lotus Notes
  582. PURSAFO
  583. |.:#U
  584. O=Lotus Notes
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  586. PURSAFO
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  600. O=Lotus Notes
  601. O=Lotus Notes
  602. PURSAFO
  603. |.:#U
  604. O=Lotus Notes
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  606. PURSAFO
  607. $INFO
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  612.     0S0E
  613. close.gif|close.gif?
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  615.     0S0E
  616. O=Lotus Notes
  617. O=Lotus Notes
  618. PURSAFO
  619. |.:#U
  620. O=Lotus Notes
  621. CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
  622. PURSAFO
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  657. PURSAFO
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  659. GIF89a
  660. ?OOO///
  661.     bkCb
  662. ]&SE<
  663. oMr2<IKM OHv0$
  664. O=Lotus Notes
  665. O=Lotus Notes
  666. PURSAFO
  667. |.:#U
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