PC World 2000 November
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892 lines
; Last revision date: 03/07/99
; The modem command files supplied with Lotus Notes (see EOF
; [Ctrl End] to learn how to obtain modem command files not
; yet shipped with this Notes/Domino release) are written to support
; a variety of modems, incorporating the greatest possible
; interoperability between different modem types. If
; cross-brand-compatibility is not an issue, users may choose
; to edit a command file to optimize it for a particular modem.
; In addition, users can work with a modem for which no command
; file is supplied by editing an existing file which uses
; similar commands. The fact that Lotus provides command files
; for specific modems should not be construed as an endorsement
; of a particular brand or model of modem, nor should the
; absence of a file be interpreted as a reflection upon any
; brand or modem. The majority of modems available will work
; well with Lotus Notes if the proper commands and responses
; are used, and new command files are added to the current
; list regularly.
; This file is a sample provided to help explain the contents of
; a Lotus Notes modem command file. The attributes, commands, and
; responses shown below are merely examples developed for a
; "Hayes compatible" (any modem which uses the standard AT set for
; basic commands) 9600 bps modem and should be regarded as examples
; only.
; A Notes modem command file (or .mdm file) serves the purpose
; of communicating between the Notes application and the Notes XPC
; modem driver. It does not communicate directly to the modem, that
; is done by the XPC driver. A Notes modem command file is a user
; editable ASCII text file which, via the XPC driver, automatically
; performs the same operations which, in a simpler communications
; application, the user may perform manually, by typing instructions
; directly at the keyboard. In a normally successful call, the flow
; of control from the user via the Notes user interface (UI) is as
; follows:
; A typical modem command file is divided into three sections
; (four, for the atypical "auto-configure" file auto.mdm--the
; install default, described in NOTE[1] at the end of this
; document*). Each section begins with the name of the section
; enclosed in square brackets (for example: [commands]).
; All blank lines and lines beginning with a semicolon are
; ignored by the Notes XPC driver; they are for better user
; understanding and readability purposes only. All other lines
; are either section indicators, or parameters being specified
; for that section. The format of each parameter specifier
; depends upon the section in which it appears, but all
; parameter specifiers consist of a parameter name followed
; by an equal sign (=), followed by a value or values. The values
; are all ASCII strings which are used exactly as they are
; specified in the command file, with the exception of
; "special character" processing.
; Briefly, there are two special characters, the backslash (\)
; and the caret (^). These characters modify the Notes XPC
; driver's interpretation of the characters that immediately
; follow them. When a given modem uses either of them as part
; of a command (for example \B1 or ^C2, as listed in the vendor's
; manual), in a Notes command file this special character must
; be preceded by a backslash (i.e., \\ or \^) in order for the modem
; not to return an ERROR response. In the examples just given,
; the commands must be written \\B1 or \^C2.
; (For more complete information on special character
; processing, see the detailed NOTE[2] at the end of this
; document.**)
; In general, any given command file will contain only a
; subset of the possible parameters for each section. A fairly
; complete summary of the sections and their parameters
; follows (all normally followed by an equal sign and an
; XPC-interpetable parameter setting):
; 1. [attributes] (modem characteristics)
; 2. [commands] (sent by the Notes XPC driver to the modem)
; 3. [responses] (sent by the modem to the Notes XPC driver)
; OK
; 4. [files] (used during "auto-configure" only)
; List of files to which the auto-configure file points based
; on product code returned after the INQUIRE command (see NOTE[1]*
; at the end of this document)
; This section of "A Sample Modem Command File" defines the
; hardware attributes of the modem.
MODELS=. A Sample Modem Command File
; The MODELS attribute identifies the modem models this
; command file controls. The information to the right of the
; equal sign of the MODELS attribute is displayed in the Notes
; "Modem Type" listbox in the "Setup" dialog (in this case,
; "A Sample Modem Command File", as listed above). The
; "MODELS=" information is for display purposes only, and is
; not used by the software for any other purpose.
; Setting the NULL MODEM attribute to 1 indicates that there
; is no hardware to receive commands or issue responses.
; Leaving the NULL MODEM line out or setting it to any other
; value indicates that there really is a modem to receive the
; commands and issue responses.
; The MAXIMUM SPEED attribute specifies the maximum speed
; that can be used when the XPC driver is talking to the
; modem locally, through the computer's COM port.
; The actual maximum speed used by the XPC driver is the
; lesser of the MAXIMUM SPEED attribute specified in the
; command file and the maximum port speed specified in
; the UI "Setup" dialog. Command files for modems capable of
; on-the-fly data compression (V.42 bis or MNP-5 protocols,
; for example) generally should have their MAXIMUM and DEFAULT
; speeds set higher than the maximum carrier speed, in order to
; gain the advantage of such compression. A general rule of
; should be to set the port speed to up to four times that of
; the highest carrier speed of which the modem generally connects.
; Therefore, in the absence of special equipment designed for
; the purpose, 115200 bps is generally adequate.
; No longer used by the XPC driver, the DEFAULT SPEED
; attribute was formerly used to help the software
; software synchronize with the modem (pre-Rel. 4.0).
; Needed only in null modem command files (in actual modems,
; speed should be controlled exclusively by appropriate modem
; commands and responses; FIXED SPEED should be set to 0, or
; left out altogether). If the FIXED SPEED attribute is set
; to a numeric value greater than 0, the driver will talk to
; the modem at the maximum port speed (see the MAXIMUM SPEED
; attribute) and will not adjust the port speed based on the
; speed settings in the response parameters (discussed below).
; This attribute, recognized by Notes 3.2 and above on all
; platforms except the Macintosh (which does not recognize
; actual carrier), is designed to allow Notes to recognize the
; existence of a valid connection with a remote system on
; the basis of a high carrier signal from the modem via the
; RS-232 cable's carrier detect pin. If this attribute is set
; equal to 1, any CONNECT responses become superfluous to the
; function of Notes, and can be left as is, commented out, or
; deleted without effect. The need for the addition of this
; feature stems from the increasing use of Notes with assorted
; types of "dumb" asynchronous communications equipment which
; cannot be programmed to report a connection once achieved.
; NOTE: Commands in this section are based on the basic AT--for
; ATtention--command set developed by Hayes Microcomputer Products
; Inc., a defacto standard recognized by most of today's modems, in
; which all commands are preceded by the letters AT. If your modem
; recognizes commands other than Hayes commands, consult your user
; manual or your modem vendor for equivalent commands.
; This section lists the commands issued by the driver to the
; modem for setup, dialing, etc. Unless otherwise specified,
; at least one string should be specified for each command
; type, and as many as 15 may be specified for each command
; type. There are no defaults directly provided by the XPC driver
; for any commands, all commands come from the modem command file.
; Note that, confusing though this may appear to the new user,
; most modems do not recognize commands after a space in a
; command string. Thus an array of commands may be concatenated
; on one line, with no separation between them. To illustrate:
; ATE0V1
; is actually two AT commands strung together: E0 (local Echo OFF)
; and V1 (Verbose mode--or "word" mode--ON). The following string
; would be considered illegal by most modems:
; AT E0 V1
; Ordering of individual commands (e.g. &C1) within a command
; file line (or horizontal string) is irrelevant, but all commands
; of a given type (e.g. ESCAPE, or SETUP) are issued by the Notes
; XPC driver to the modem in the order specified (vertically, from
; the top down, each followed by a carriage return). Thus with the
; two discrete commands E0 and V1, the string:
; is interpreted by Notes and the modem the same as:
; would be interpreted. However,
; is not interpreted the same as:
; which is read as two discrete commands interpreted separately,
; in reverse order to that of the previous set. Knowing this
; becomes important when debugging a file which is producing an
; error message resulting from issuing conflicting commands in
; separate command lines--it may be that the actual error is in
; a line preceding the one which returns the apparent error.
; The command type appears to the left of the equal sign and
; tells the XPC driver which kind of command this is. The
; command value appears to the right of the equal sign and is
; sent by the driver to the modem without case, white space
; changes, or other modification; each command value should be
; constructed such that it obeys the length, case, and
; white-space rules particular to the modem for which the
; command file is intended.
; The maximum number of characters permitted in a command
; string can vary from one brand or model of modem to another.
; This buffer may be anywhere between 40 and 255 (on a very
; old modem the limit might be as low as 25). For ease of
; editing, and to be on the safe side, it is advised
; that strings to the right of the AT command not exceed 40
; (usually more than adequate for normal purposes--if you need
; to exceed this, begin a new command line, with the command
; string preceded by SETUP=AT).
; Some command strings may contain more than one equal sign.
; When this is the case, the first equal sign is treated as
; the type/value delimiter (to the Notes XPC driver) and all
; additional equal signs are considered as part of the command
; value to the modem (as with S-Registers, all of which are
; phrased as Sn=n, where the first n specifies--stores in a
; memory "register"--a modem feature setting, and the second
; letter n quantifies a selected parameter, or bitmaps a
; desired group of settings).
; The driver sends the ESCAPE command to put the modem
; into command mode. (Only the first ESCAPE command listed
; in the command file is sent to the modem. Any subsequent
; ESCAPE commands are ignored.) Among modem manufacturers
; it is customary to use the symbols "+++" for the escape
; sequence, usually both preceded and followed by a one
; second delay so as not to confuse the modem into going
; back into command mode should the actual ASCII characters
; "+++" be embedded in text which is being transmitted.
; Since this method of escape from online mode is patented
; by Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc., a few other modem
; manufacturers have opted NOT to pay for the license
; to use this method, and have simply used a "time independent
; escape sequence" (in which case steps 1 and 3 in the
; following numbered paragraphs will not apply, but 2 and 4
; remain true).
; The XPC driver sends the ATTENTION command to elicit a
; response from the modem so that the driver knows that it
; has synchronized its port speed with the modem.
; If the modem obeys the Hayes patented "time dependent
; escape sequence," when the XPC driver tries to get the
; modem's attention in order to issue modem commands, it
; performs the following steps:
; 1. Waits one second.
; 2. Issues the ESCAPE command string (+++) above described
; (no response from the modem is required).
; 3. Waits another second.
; 4. Issues the first ATTENTION command listed in the
; command file (in most Notes .mdm command files,
; ATE0V1--ATtention, Echo OFF, Verbal mode ON, which are
; basic Hayes commands recognized by the vast majority
; of modems).
; If the modem responds to the ATTENTION command with
; an OK response, the driver sets the modem speed to the
; Default Speed (as described in the "attributes" section
; above), and then continues with the next ATTENTION
; command listed in the command file. If the modem fails
; to respond with an OK to any ATTENTION command, the
; driver sets the port to another speed and starts again
; at Step 1 (or step 2 if the modem does not employ a time
; dependent escape sequence).
; The first ATTENTION command is used by Notes to "acquire"
; the modem's "attention" and to set the modem speed as
; just described. Any additional commands are issued once
; the speed has been set. The response to each command is
; checked by Notes and any AT command or string resulting
; in an ERROR response from the modem (or failure to detect
; an expected OK response) will cause the escape and
; synchronization sequence to be resumed. In a perfectly
; functioning configuration, this process will repeat over
; and over until dial timeout on a workstation, or until
; shutdown on a server. In real life, an occasional glitch
; in CPU timing or brief occurrence of electromagnetic
; interference (EMI) may cause a problem, thus it makes
; sense that Notes is programmed to try again in the event
; of initial failure to get the modem's attention.
; If the Notes log is enabled via the UI, the word "ERROR"
; will appear in the desktop database log.nsf, Miscellaneous
; Events view subsequent to the failure point in the
; initialization attempt.
; The INQUIRE command is specified only in the so called
; "auto-configure" command files (described more completely in
; NOTE[1] at the end of this document*). An auto-configure command
; file (such as the auto.mdm) contains an INQUIRE command and a
; "[file]" section (described in greater detail later in this
; document). When the INQUIRE command is specified in a command
; file, the driver issues the command immediately after the
; ATTENTION command sequence. The modem's response to the INQUIRE
; command is used by the XPC driver to identify which of the
; .mdm command files listed later in the "files" section of the
; auto-configure command file is to be used to control the modem.
; After the last ATTENTION command (if no INQUIRE command
; has been specified) the driver issues the HANGUP commands.
; The HANGUP command is needed in case the modem has not yet
; hung up from a previous call. (Since not all modems may
; respond correctly to a hangup command if there is no current
; call in progress, the XPC driver ignores all modem responses
; to the HANGUP command.)
; Next, the driver issues each SETUP command or string in the
; order specified in the command file. These commands set up
; the modem's basic operating characteristics. The Notes XPC
; driver requires that these characteristics include the
; following:
; 1. Under normal operation (irrespective of the previous ATH0
; command, which forces HANGUP during modem initialization),
; the XPC driver hangs up a call by lowering the DTR
; (Data Terminal Ready) signal. Therefore, the modem must
; be configured so that lowering DTR causes hangup and return
; to command state (&D2 or, in a few cases, &D3).
; 2. The modem senses that a call has hung up by noticing
; that the carrier signal has dropped. Therefore, the modem
; must be set up such that DCD (Data Carrier Detect) tracks
; the carrier signal from the remote modem (&C1).
; 3. Auto-answer must be disabled (S0=0). The XPC driver has
; been designed to issue an ANSWER command when it
; encounters a RING from the local modem. This makes
; auto-answer unnecessary. Auto-answer is not desirable
; since a modem in this mode will answer a ringing phone
; even if the software is not running, thus incurring
; needless telephone charges.
; It is recommended that command echoing be disabled (E0),
; that factory defaults be set before specifying the above
; three settings (&F, usually), and that verbose (word)
; responses be employed by the modem (V1) when working in
; Notes Version 2 or later releases.
; After the SETUP command, the driver issues one VOLUME
; command (M0 or M1). Any additional VOLUME commands listed
; in the driver are ignored.
; The VOLUME command which is issued, either VOLUME OFF,
; is set based upon the option specified in the UI "Setup"
; dialog.
; After the VOLUME command sequence, the driver issues
; either the RTS/CTS ENABLED or RTS/CTS IGNORED command,
; depending upon the option specified in the UI "Setup"
; dialog (hardware flow control between computer and
; modem).
; After the RTS/CTS command, the driver waits either for
; an incoming call (i.e., a RING response from the modem)
; or for the local software to request a dial.
; MACINTOSH NOTE: Many Macintosh models do not support
; hardware flow control between the computer and the
; modem unless a special high-speed serial cable is
; employed. Should remote data transfer fail using a
; Macintosh, try lowering the speed to the maximum carrier
; speed possible between the local and remote modems.
; On incoming calls, the driver issues a single ANSWER
; command. Any additional ANSWER commands are ignored.
; The driver then waits for the modem to respond with a
; CONNECT response or with one of the error responses.
; All other responses are regarded as merely informational
; messages being sent by the modem for logging purposes,
; and are ignored.
; There are two types of outgoing calls: Manual and automatic.
; Each will be discussed separately.
; The XPC driver issues the MANUAL DIAL command when the
; user, rather than the modem, does the actual dialing. This
; is necessary, for example, whenever operator assistance
; is required, or whenever the phone system being used
; does not recognize the tones generated by the modem.
; MANUAL DIAL is not available on the server. It may only
; be done via the workstation "Call..." option: the user instructs
; the software to issue the MANUAL DIAL commands after
; hearing the phone ring at the remote modem's end or after
; hearing the remote modem generating carrier (depending
; on the modem). Since the modem does not do the dialing
; in this case, no telephone number will be appended to the
; MANUAL DIAL command.
; It has been found that some modems operating in this mode
; have special requirements for sensing the carrier signal.
; This is the reason for the "S9" setting shown in our example
; shown below.
; Also, this mode requires that the modem must not wait for
; the dial tone, as this is done by the user. This is the
; reason for the "X3" setting shown in our example (check your
; modem vendor's manual for a more complete explanation of the
; various parameters controlled by the "X" command).
; The driver will issue only the first MANUAL DIAL command
; contained in this file. Any additional MANUAL DIAL
; commands will be ignored.
; Automatic dialing is the only form of dialing used by the
; server. It may also be selected at the workstation for
; immediate or scheduled dialing.
; Before issuing any of the auto-dialing commands, the
; driver first initializes the modem, as outlined above, up
; to and including the VOLUME command.
; The driver issues each of the SETUP command strings
; included in the command file, waiting for the modem to issue
; an OK response after each string. The driver then
; constructs the actual dial command by appending the phone
; number to either the AUTO PULSE DIAL or AUTO TONE
; DIAL command, and then appending the AUTO DIAL SUFFIX
; string. The pulse (ATDP) vs. tone (ATDT) command decision
; is based on the dial mode selected via the workstation
; Notes UI "Setup" dialog.
; Note that the driver will issue only the first AUTO PULSE
; DIAL or AUTO TONE DIAL command contained in the file.
; Note also that the AUTO DIAL SUFFIX is appended to that
; dial command after the phone number, and is not a
; separately issued command. It is intended to be used for
; dial modifiers. (In the example given, one comma tells the
; modem to pause two seconds after dialing, generally to
; wait for line "noise" to diminish; this delay may be
; extended by additional commas, or removed altogether,
; depending on the needs of the local telephone system.)
; Responses are sent by the modem to the Notes XPC driver.
; The response type appears on the left of the equal sign.
; Each response type may be listed more than once, but
; not more than 300 times. Ordering is irrelevant.
; The response value sent by the modem appears to the
; right of the equal sign. The response value should be the
; exact response issued by the modem (bearing in mind the
; case and white space sensitivity of the XPC driver).
; Optionally, a comma followed by a port speed may be
; included after the response type. Where this occurs, the
; driver sets the port to the speed after receiving the
; specified response value. This is generally done only
; for the CONNECT responses.
; Note: The driver will not set its speed greater than the
; value specified in the workstation UI "Setup" dialog. If
; the modem is capable of dynamically adjusting its speed to
; that of the remote modem subsequent to connecting at the
; speed specified within Notes, refer to the commands and
; S-registers in the documentation for the means to disable
; this feature.
; Optionally, a comma followed by a carrier speed may
; be included after the port speed (with many modems, the
; port speed may be left blank). In files for those modems
; which respond this way, the Notes XPC driver records the
; carrier speed for display purposes. This does not affect
; the port speed; it is generally done only for either
; the CONNECT or CARRIER responses.
; All responses received from the modem that are not in this
; list are treated as response type INFORMATIONAL, and
; are ignored by Notes' XPC driver.
; The OK response indicates a command correctly processed
; by the modem.
; The modem issues a BUSY response to indicate that the
; remote phone was busy following a DIAL command.
; The modem issues a NO ANSWER response to indicate
; that the remote phone did not answer in a reasonable time
; (as defined by the modem SETUP commands) following
; a DIAL command.
; The modem issues a NO CARRIER response to indicate that
; it could not establish a carrier within a reasonable
; time (as defined by the modem SETUP commands or by
; factory default) after the phone connection was established.
; The modem issues a NO DIALTONE or NO DIALTONE response
; to indicate that the modem could not detect a valid
; dial tone after going off-hook to dial the remote system.
; (Some modems respond with DIALTONE as one word, others
; respond with "DIAL TONE". Both are included in many .mdm
; files to ensure that the XPC driver recognizes the
; modem's phrasing in the event no dial tone is sensed,
; and the occurrence must be reported to the user or
; administrator via the Notes program or its log.nsf.)
; Seen in the Notes log.nsf, ERROR indicates that the modem
; did not recognize the command last issued by the XPC driver.
; This can result from an incorrect command within the file
; (as often happens when the wrong command file is selected
; via the Notes UI "Setup" dialog, when writing a file for a
; new modem, or when CPU timing glitches or electromagnetic
; interference garble the command between computer issuance
; and modem receipt of same).
; The modem issues a RING response locally when its internal
; phone is ringing, i.e., upon receiving an incoming phone
; call.
CONNECT, 230400, 230400=CONNECT 230400*
CONNECT, 115200, 115200=CONNECT 115200*
CONNECT, 115200, 64000=CONNECT 64000*
CONNECT, 115200, 62666=CONNECT 62666*
CONNECT, 115200, 61333=CONNECT 61333*
CONNECT, 115200, 60000=CONNECT 60000*
CONNECT, 115200, 58666=CONNECT 58666*
CONNECT, 115200, 57600=CONNECT 57600*
CONNECT, 115200, 57333=CONNECT 57333*
CONNECT, 115200, 56000=CONNECT 56000*
CONNECT, 115200, 54666=CONNECT 54666*
CONNECT, 115200, 54000=CONNECT 54000*
CONNECT, 115200, 53333=CONNECT 53333*
CONNECT, 115200, 52000=CONNECT 52000*
CONNECT, 115200, 50666=CONNECT 50666*
CONNECT, 115200, 50000=CONNECT 50000*
CONNECT, 115200, 49333=CONNECT 49333*
CONNECT, 115200, 48000=CONNECT 48000*
CONNECT, 115200, 46666=CONNECT 46666*
CONNECT, 115200, 46000=CONNECT 46000*
CONNECT, 115200, 45333=CONNECT 45333*
CONNECT, 115200, 44000=CONNECT 44000*
CONNECT, 115200, 42666=CONNECT 42666*
CONNECT, 115200, 42000=CONNECT 42000*
CONNECT, 115200, 41333=CONNECT 41333*
CONNECT, 115200, 40000=CONNECT 40000*
CONNECT, 115200, 38666=CONNECT 38666*
CONNECT, 115200, 38400=CONNECT 38400*
CONNECT, 115200, 38000=CONNECT 38000*
CONNECT, 115200, 37333=CONNECT 37333*
CONNECT, 115200, 36000=CONNECT 36000*
CONNECT, 115200, 34666=CONNECT 34666*
CONNECT, 115200, 34000=CONNECT 34000*
CONNECT, 115200, 33600=CONNECT 33600*
CONNECT, 115200, 33333=CONNECT 33333*
CONNECT, 115200, 32000=CONNECT 32000*
CONNECT, 115200, 31200=CONNECT 31200*
CONNECT, 115200, 30666=CONNECT 30666*
CONNECT, 115200, 29333=CONNECT 29333*
CONNECT, 115200, 28800=CONNECT 28800*
CONNECT, 115200, 28000=CONNECT 28000*
CONNECT, 115200, 26400=CONNECT 26400*
CONNECT, 115200, 24000=CONNECT 24000*
CONNECT, 115200, 21600=CONNECT 21600*
CONNECT, 115200, 19200=CONNECT 19200*
CONNECT, 115200, 16800=CONNECT 16800*
CONNECT, 57600, 14400=CONNECT 14400*
CONNECT, 19200, 12000=CONNECT 12000*
CONNECT, 9600, 9600=CONNECT 9600*
CONNECT, 9600, 7200=CONNECT 7200*
CONNECT, 4800, 4800=CONNECT 4800*
CONNECT, 2400, 2400=CONNECT 2400*
CONNECT, 1200, 1200=CONNECT 1200*
; The CONNECT responses are generated after a phone
; connection has been made (either incoming or outgoing),
; a carrier has been established, and any protocols to be
; used internally by the modem have been negotiated with
; the remote modem.
; Note that the speed indicator to the left of the equal
; sign is critical to the XPC driver's setting the port
; speed properly.
; Also note that if CARRIER CONNECT in the attributes
; section is set greater than 0, Notes will ignore all
; connect responses and will assume a valid connection on
; the basis of carrier signal alone. The only platform
; for which this will not be true is the Macintosh, which
; does not recognize the presence of a physical carrier.
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 64000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 62666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 61333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 60000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 58666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 57600*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 57333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 56000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 54666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 54000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 53333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 52000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 50666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 50000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 49333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 48000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 46666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 46000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 45333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 44000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 42666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 42000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 41333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 40000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 38666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 38400*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 38000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 37333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 36000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 34666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 34000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 33600*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 33333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 32000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 31200*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 30666*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 29333*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 28800*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 28000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 26400*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 24000*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 21600*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 19200*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 16800*
CARRIER,,115200=CARRIER 14400*
CARRIER,,19200=CARRIER 12000*
CARRIER,, 9600=CARRIER 9600*
CARRIER,, 9600=CARRIER 7200*
CARRIER,, 4800=CARRIER 4800*
CARRIER,, 2400=CARRIER 2400*
CARRIER,, 1200=CARRIER 1200*
; The CARRIER responses are generated by some modems (notably
; Hayes, Practical Peripherals, and others which closely
; follow Hayes' lead in AT command format) after the carrier
; has been established, either incoming or outgoing. This
; response is treated solely as information being sent by
; the modem for logging purposes, and the only action taken
; by the Notes XPC driver is to "remember" the carrier speed
; for display purposes. (This format, which includes the Hayes
; CARRIER responses, is less common among many other
; manufacturers. More commonly the CONNECT syntax is (for
; example): CONNECT=38400 (maximum DTE to DCE), 9600 (down
; through lowest acceptable link rate--1200 for Notes),
; (optionally followed by protocol syntax, e.g.:)
; CONNECT, 57600,19200=CONNECT 19200 LAP-M
; (Review several non-Hayes Modem Command Files [response]
; code sections for a broader overview.)
; Note: The CONNECT speed listed in the I/O log is usually
; the speed between a modem and the port it is connected to
; (DCE to DTE). These speeds may be different on
; modems that can internally buffer the incoming and
; outgoing byte streams. In Notes, however, with certain
; modems, the listed speed may be the DTE speed, depending
; upon the design of the modem's firmware.
; The carrier speed (also called the "link rate") is the
; speed between the two modems over the telephone lines.
; The last CONNECT or CARRIER line of the command file must
; be followed by ; a carriage return. It is important to
; remember this when cutting and pasting a printed .mdm file
; from a word processor.
; * NOTE[1] on INQUIRE command: The following .mdm file section
; is included only in the so-named "auto-configure" command
; file, i.e., a file which contains an INQUIRE command. Other
; "auto-configured" TARGET command files than those below should
; never appear under an auto-configured .mdm file's "[file]"
; section, since they would only point to yet an additional
; command file.
;GEN12.MDM=12 (for 1200 bps modems)
;GEN12.MDM=13 (for 1200 bps modems)
;GEN24.MDM=24 (for 2400 bps modems)
; And for modems that are capable of a carrier speed 4800 bps
; or greater:
;GEN9614.MDM=9 (for V.32 4800-9600 bps modems)
;GEN9614.MDM=1 (for V 32.bis 14400 or greater bps modems)
;GEN9614.MDM=2 (for V.34 28800 bps modems)
;GEN9614.MDM=3 (for V.34+ and higher speed modems modems)
; The purpose of an auto-configure command file is to allow the
; XPC driver to automatically select its "best guess" as to the
; command file to be used in controlling the modem based on a
; standard AT inquiry command. Among other things, this feature
; can allow the modem attached to the port to be changed at any
; time (even while Notes is running) without reconfiguring the
; port control parameters via the "Setup Modem" dialog.
; This file section lists the command file to be loaded and used
; by the Notes XPC driver based on the modem's response to the
; INQUIRE command (ATI or ATI0). When a portion of the response
; to the right of the equal sign is detected, the file named to
; the left of the equal sign is used. Each command file may be
; listed more than once (as with the GEN12.MDM, which might
; return from the modem either a 12 or 13 in response to the ATI
; command, or GEN9614.MDM which will select the utility generic
; file for modems which are capable of 4800 bps or greater).
; In an auto-configure .mdm file, the response from the modem
; does not have to exactly match the value to the right of the
; equal sign; the XPC driver reads only the first two digits
; of the modem's response. In the example given above, a modem
; response of "247" will cause the software to select the
; GEN24.MDM command file. This is because, in most cases, the
; ATI command tells a modem to return the modem's product code,
; the first two digits of which normally indicate the maximum
; carrier speed of which the modem is capable. (This is not
; always true of modems capable of better than 9600 bps,
; for which a correct high-speed file should normally be used.)
; ** NOTE[2] on Special Characters: There are two special
; characters, the backslash (\) and more rarely the caret, or
; circumflex (^). These characters modify the interpretation
; of the characters which immediately follow them.
; The backslash character (\) is used to specify arbitrary 8
; bit values. The three characters following the backslash
; must each be digits between 0 and 7, and together
; are treated as a 3 digit octal integer. For example, the
; sequence \015 is treated as the value 15 (octal) or 13
; (decimal) and is equivalent to a carriage return.
; The two exceptions to the standard four character backslash
; sequence (for example \015) are the sequences \\ and \^
; which are used to represent, respectively, the backslash
; character and the circumflex character.
; Any character following the caret, or circumflex character (^)
; will have its bit 6 cleared. For example, the two character
; sequence ^M (octal 15) becomes the carriage-return
; character (octal 15). This rule is true for all characters
; following the caret/circumflex, including the caret/circumflex
; itself. In order to include a circumflex character as part of a
; parameter value, use the backslash character escape sequence \^.
; IRIS DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE: http://www.notes.net/mod_surv.nsf