PC World 2000 November
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161 lines
; For unlisted modems: basic AT commands and
; responses, with "wildcarded" result codes.
; NOTE: Use this file if you are new to modems
; and also are unsure which actual modem command
; file to choose for your modem. There is no
; need to read the details which follow unless
; you are unable to successfully connect using
; this Auto Configure Command File.
; Last revision date: 10/25/95 (update this date
; if you edit this file--be sure to rename it to
; avoid later confusion).
; Refer to the Notes .mdm file TEMPLATE.MDM (A Sample
; Modem Command File) for a description of modem
; command files and how they work.
; This Auto Configure file directs Notes to use one
; of the listed so-called "Generic" Notes modem
; command files. Refer to one of these for a
; description of generic command files and how
; to customize them if needed.
; Use this command file ONLY if you need to require
; the software to automatically determine which
; generic command file to select to control a modem
; which is not listed by Lotus Notes. Generic
; command files are user-editable and contain
; instructions for use in the event of initial
; connection failure.
; Your modem vendor and/or your modem Users Manual
; can provide you with additional needed information
; in the event of unsuccessful connections. Be
; prepared to provide your vendor with the
; Notes-specific technical specifications available
; in TEMPLATE.MDM and any of the commented GEN*.MDM
; files.
MODELS=. Auto Configure (for unlisted modems only)
; Should ATI fail to produce a connection of the
; desired speed (for example, if all you achieve with
; 9600 bps modem is a 2400 bps connection), try the
; following, by putting a semicolon in front of the
; INQUIRE= command shown above, and removing the
; semicolons, one at a time in numerical sequence,
; one per call attempt, from the commented out commands
; below:
; Be sure to use only one INQUIRE command per each
; dial attempt, since only the first one will be
; recognized.
; This section includes complete Notes command files
; which the ATI command directs Note to use, thus
; .mdm files listed in this section should never
; themselves contain an INQUIRE (ATI) command. In
; other words, other a so-called auto-configure command
; file should never appear in a "[files]" section of
; an auto-configure file, since it would only direct
; Notes to yet another .mdm file.
; Most modems receiving an ATI (ATTENTION: INQUIRE)
; command, will return the product code for that modem,
; usuallybeginning with its maximum carrier speed (from
; 1200 bps through 14400 bps) phrased as the first two
; or, in the case of greater than 9600 bps, three
; digits (usually 12, 24, 96, 144, etc). The following
; files are the actual ones which Notes, upon receiving
; a product code response from a 12, or 24 Kbps modem
; after in INQUIRE command, might point to:
; The response from the modem does not have to
; exactly match the appropriate "value" (the .mdm file
; which should be selected) to the left of the equal
; sign. It is sufficient for the value to the right of
; the equal sign to appear at the beginning of the
; modem's actual ATI response. Thus a modem response
; of "247" or "24731.2 NA" will cause the software to
; select the "gen24.mdm" command file (the rest of the
; response perhaps having meaning known only to the
; manufacturer). For the actual generic Notes .mdm
; files listed above, the first two response digits
; tell Notes to select the most likely file for the
; modem in question, by comparing the returned product
; code to each number to the right of the equal
; sign in the order listed. Thus, any modem capable of
; greater than 1200 bps, when returning a product code
; beginning with the next sequentially listed unique
; number as yet unmatched in the list, will cause Notes
; to choose the next associated file, or to move on to
; the next one, till a suitable match is achieved.
; The following unique ATI responses, interpreted by Notes
; from the modem, will all cause the highest speed generic
; .mdm file to be selected, because with one rare
; exception* (described below), the previously listed two-
; digit responses will all have been by-passed by Notes in
; the event of an unsuccessful search for a two-digit match:
; These will allow for speeds of 9600, 14400, and 28800 bps
; or higher (should higher speeds become common).
; *The rare exception to this rule is "gen9614.mdm=1",
; where the modem in question is what some manufacturers
; call a "turbo" modem, the predecessor of the V.32bis
; 14400 bps modem. So-called "turbos" often have a maximum
; speed of 12000 bps, and may return a product code of
; 120x-etc. If your "Turbo" modem is not listed, and performs
; excessively slowly during Notes use with Auto Configure,
; edit this command file such that the line "gen9614.mdm=12" has
; a semicolon before it (i.e., comment the line out, so that
; Notes cannot read it). This will allow the Notes code to
; "fall through" the choices to the first available match
; which is appropriate--"gen9614.mdm=1", thus pointing to the
; high-speed file.