Labels:clock | crt screen | dialog box | window OCR: Ladeni: Firmy do Output Form Method Dosazeno preruseni Vyraz Hodnota Volaci retezce Objekty vrade Qutput Form Met. Promenne Nedefinovano Meziprocesni Proces [Firmv] Output Mistni Parametry Vyraz Hodnota Samoukazatel Nedefinoy. Records in selection[Z akazni. Konstanty Tabulky pole fevt Semafor $evt:=$1 'The Fom event is passed the trst parameter Case of [$evt=On Load] CREATE EMPTY SET(Current default table "UserSet" ($evt Un Clicked ($evt= On Close Box CANCEL Else End case $n1: Records in table[Current form table-> $n2: -Records in selection[Current torm table->] $n3: Records in set("U IserSet" vdef Sel:=String[$n3]+ oznacenoch y" Stringl 1+ zaznamech a +String($n1] $n2 Real= Wraz Obiekty Qutnut Samoukaratel Tabulk tevt first Record Becord Stringi