home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--- Set the state variable for the grammatically correct accountname --->
- <RCif RCPname ! null>
- <RCif RC@right(RCPname, 1) ! s>
- <RCSacc_name = RC@sprintf("%s'%s", RCPname, s)>
- <RCelse>
- <RCSacc_name = RC@sprintf("%s'", RCPname)>
- <RCendif>
- <RCendif>
- <!--- Set main variables --->
- <!--- RC$npage is set dynamically to allow custom names for webmail.stm --->
- <RC$npage = RCShome/webmail.stm>
- <RC$nummsgs = RC@mailattr(RCSfolder, nummsgs)>
- <RC$foldersize = RC@mailattr(RCSfolder, size)>
- <RC$usage_pc = RC@floor(RC$foldersize / RCEmboxsize * 100)>
- <RC$fsize_kb = RC@floor(RC$foldersize / 1024)>
- <RC$msize_kb = RC@floor(RCEmboxsize / 1024)>
- <!--- Navigation: Set thispage variable for includes --->
- <RC$this_page =RCShome/RCEdocument_name>
- <!--- /Set main variables --->
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE><RCSacc_name> <RCSfolder></TITLE>
- <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
- <!--
- agent = navigator.userAgent;
- browserOK = 0;
- if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) >= 2)
- {
- browserOK = 1
- }
- else
- {
- if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) >= 4)
- {
- browserOK = 1
- }
- }
- function checkUncheck(xxx)
- {
- if (browserOK)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < document.forms["mform"].length; i++)
- {
- document.forms["mform"].elements[i].checked = xxx
- }
- }
- }
- //-->
- <!--- Set the stylesheets --->
- <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/webmail_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css">
- <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/filters_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css">
- <RCif RCSstylesheet = winter>
- <RC$nextsheet = spring>
- <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = spring>
- <RC$nextsheet = summer>
- <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = summer>
- <RC$nextsheet = autumn>
- <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = autumn>
- <RC$nextsheet = winter>
- <RCendif>
- <!--- /Set the stylesheets --->
- </HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#0000ff" ALINK="#0000ff" TEXT="#000000">
- <RCif RCEmailserver ! true>
- <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>Mail Server NOT enabled!</B></FONT><RCZMAIL_ERROR_END>
- </body></HTML>
- <RCexit>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCEloggedin ! true>
- <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>Mail user not logged in!</B></FONT><RCZMAIL_ERROR_END>
- </body></HTML>
- <RCexit>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCEhasmbox ! true>
- <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>User <RCEusername> does not have a mailbox!</B></FONT><RCZMAIL_ERROR_END>
- </body></HTML>
- <RCexit>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCVnext_sched_down ! none>
- <H2><span style="color:red">Next Scheduled Down Time: <RCVnext_sched_down></span></h2>
- <RCendif>
- <!--- MAIN HEADER --->
- <table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
- <tr>
- <td align="right" colspan=2><RCVwmheader></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="wmmainheader">
- <span class="headline"><RCSacc_name> <RCSfolder></span><br>
- <span class="statistics">You are using <RC$fsize_kb> kB of <RC$msize_kb>kB allowed (<RC$usage_pc>%)</span></td>
- <td align=right nowrap class="wmmainheader" valign="bottom">
- <table border=0>
- <tr nowrap>
- <RCif RC$start ! 1>
- <td valign="bottom"><a href="<RC$npage>?start=1"><img src=/sysimage/icons/first.gif border=0 vspace=0 hspace=2></a></td>
- <RCelse>
- <td valign="bottom"><img src=/sysimage/icons/firstd.gif border=0 vspace=0 hspace=2></td>
- <RCendif>
- <RCif RCScount < RC$start>
- <RC$pstart = RC$start - RCScount>
- <td valign=bottom><A href="<RC$npage>?start=<RC$pstart>"><img src="/sysimage/icons/prev.gif" border=0 vspace=0 hspace=2></a></td>
- <RCelse>
- <td valign="bottom"><img src=/sysimage/icons/prevd.gif border=0 vspace=0 hspace=2></td>
- <RCendif>
- <td valign=bottom>
- <table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
- <tr>
- <td nowrap width=100 class="navscore" align=center>
- <RC$multiplier = ((RC$start - 1) / RCScount) + 1>
- <RC$nextend = RCScount * RC$multiplier>
- <RCif RC$nummsgs < RC$nextend>
- <RC$start>-<RC$nummsgs> / <RC$nummsgs>
- <RCelse>
- <RC$start>-<RC$nextend> / <RC$nummsgs>
- <RCendif>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <RC$nstart = RCScount + RC$start>
- <RCif RC$nstart < RC$nummsgs>
- <td valign=bottom><a href="<RC$npage>?start=<RC$nstart>"><img src="/sysimage/icons/next.gif" border=0 vspace=0 hspace=2></a></td>
- <RCelse>
- <td valign="bottom"><img src="/sysimage/icons/nextd.gif" border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0></td>
- <RCendif>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <TABLE WIDTH=100% border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/actions.stm>
- <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/features.stm>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- <TD WIDTH=80% valign="top">
- <FORM METHOD=POST NAME="mform" ACTION="/session/maildele">
- <INPUT type=hidden name=RCpage value="<RCShome>/webmail.stm">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=start VALUE="<RC$start>">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=count VALUE="<RCScount>">
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=folder VALUE="<RCSfolder>">
- <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
- <TR bgcolor=#000080>
- <TH align=left width=5%>
- Message
- </TH>
- <TH align=left width=15%>
- Sender
- </TH>
- <TH align=left width=5%>
- Date
- </TH>
- <TH align=left width=5%>
- .
- </TH>
- <TH align=left width=5%>
- Size
- </TH>
- <TH align=left>
- Subject
- </TH>
- </TR>
- <RCXmaillist folder=RCSfolder start=RC$start usecss=true count=RCScount sort=RCSsort home=RCShome>
- <TR bgcolor=#c0c0c0>
- <TD colspan=6 class="wmmainheader">
- <A HREF="javascript:checkUncheck(true)"><FONT SIZE=-1>Select All</FONT></A>
- <FONT COLOR=#ffffff> . . </FONT>
- <A HREF="javascript:checkUncheck(false)"><FONT SIZE=-1>Deselect All</FONT></A>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <BR>
- <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=4>
- <TR VALIGN=top>
- <TD nowrap>
- <B>
- <INPUT TYPE=submit value="Delete"> Selected Messages</B>
- </FORM>
- </TD>
- <TD nowrap>
- <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=<RCShome>/webmail.stm>
- <FONT COLOR=#ffffff> . . . </FONT>
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=count VALUE="<RCScount>">
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Go To">
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=start SIZE=4 VALUE="1">
- </FORM>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </body>
- </HTML>