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<RCif RCEloggedin ! true> <HTML><BODY><RCZMAIL_ERROR_START><BR> <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>Your login has expired.</B></FONT><RCZMAIL_ERROR_END> </body></HTML> <RCexit> <RCendif> <!--- Standard variables ---> <RC$npage = RC@sprintf("%s/%s", RCShome, webmail.stm)> <!--- Hook for customized script and elements ---> <!--- browserID copyright (c) 2000 Melvyn Sopacua---> <RC$browser = RC@lcase(RCEagent)> <RC$msie5 = RC@grep(RC$browser, msie 5)> <RC$msie4 = RC@grep(RC$browser, msie 4)> <RC$opera = RC@grep(RC$browser, opera)> <RCif RC$msie5 ! -1> <RC$agent = ie5> <RCelseif RC$msie4 ! -1> <RC$agent = ie4> <RCelseif RC$opera ! -1> <RC$agent = opera> <RCelse> <RC$ns4 = RC@grep(RC$browser, mozilla/4)> <RC$ns5 = RC@grep(RC$browser, mozilla/5)> <RCif RC$ns4 ! -1> <RC$agent = ns4> <RCelseif RC$ns5 ! -1> <RC$agent = ns5> <RCelse> <RC$agent = standard> <RCendif> <RCendif> <!--- /browserID ---> <!--- Message properties ---> <RC$subject = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,subject)> <RC$from = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,from)> <RC$recip = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,to)> <RC$reply = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,reply-to)> <RC$cc = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,cc)> <RC$attachments = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,attachments)> <RC$subject_link = RC@urlescape(RC$subject)> <RC$reply_link = RC@urlescape(RC$reply)> <RC$date = RC@mailprop(RCSfolder,RC$msgno,date)> <RC$date_link = RC@urlescape(RC$date)> <RC$from_link = RC@urlescape(RC$from)> <RC$cc_link = RC@urlescape(RC$cc)> <!--- Different subjects for reply and forward. ---> <!--- Ditch multiple RE:'s ---> <RC$subj_hasre = RC@igrep(RC$subject, RE:)> <RCif RC$subj_hasre ! 0> <RC$subject_reply = RC@sprintf("RE: %s", RC$subject_link)> <RCelse> <RC$subject_reply = RC$subject_link> <RCendif> <!--- Forwards always seems prepended so let's stick with it ---> <RC$subject_forward = RC@sprintf("[FWD: %s]", RC$subject_link)> <!--- Eliminate ending carriage return, which causes an unterminated literal string bug in the Javascript block ---> <RC$from_test = RC@grep(RC$from_link, %0d)> <RC$from_len = RC@length(RC$from)> <RCif RC$from_test ! -1> <RC$from_len = RC$from_len -1> <RC$from_adr = RC@left(RC$from, RC$from_len)> <RCelse> <RC$from_adr = RC$from> <RCendif> <!--- navigation, compensating for illegal msg numbers ---> <RC$IsCeiling = RC$msgno + 1> <RC$IsFloor = RC$msgno - 1> <RC$nummsgs = RC@mailattr(RCSfolder, nummsgs)> <RCif RCSsort = asc> <RCif RC$IsCeiling < RC$nummsgs OR RC$IsCeiling = RC$nummsgs> <RC$nextmsg = RC$msgno + 1> <RCelse> <RC$nextmsg = none> <RCendif> <RCif 0 < RC$IsFloor> <RC$prevmsg = RC$msgno - 1> <RCelse> <RC$prevmsg = none> <RCendif> <RCelse> <RCif 0 < RC$IsFloor> <RC$nextmsg = RC$msgno - 1> <RCelse> <RC$nextmsg = none> <RCendif> <RCif RC$IsCeiling < RC$nummsgs OR RC$IsCeiling = RC$nummsgs> <RC$prevmsg = RC$msgno + 1> <RCelse> <RC$prevmsg = none> <RCendif> <RCendif> <!--- Navigation: Set thispage variable for includes ---> <RC$this_page = RCShome/RCEdocument_name> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE><RC$subject> - <RC$from></TITLE> <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/webmail_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css"> <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/filters_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css"> <RCif RCSstylesheet = winter> <RC$nextsheet = spring> <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = spring> <RC$nextsheet = summer> <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = summer> <RC$nextsheet = autumn> <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = autumn> <RC$nextsheet = winter> <RCendif> <!--- ******************Popup script************************************** ---> <!--- This JavaScript makes the popup windows. If you do not want to use the popups, you need to remove this script AND the onClick event for the reply, replytoall and forward link. ---> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> function init() { self.defaultStatus = "Mail from <RC$from_adr>" } function fnEditWin(strUrl) { strUrl += "&popup=true" isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) wiWidth = screen.availWidth wiHeight = screen.availHeight strSize = (wiWidth >= 640 && wiHeight >=480) ? "width=640,height=480," : "width=560,height=420," featString = "directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes," + strSize; if(isIE) { featString += "channelmode=no,fullscreen=no,left=0,top=0" } else { featString += "hotkeys=no,personalbar=no,screenX=0,screenY=0" } if(navigator.appVersion < 4) { self.name = "opener" } <!--- NOTE: This script uses 1 pop-up maximum. If you want to use multiple pop-ups, change the following line as follows: editWin = window.open(strUrl,'_blank',featString) ---> editWin = window.open(strUrl,'popupWin',featString) return false } </script> <!--- ******************/Popup script************************************* ---> <!--- ******************Remove focuslines in IE5************************** ---> <!--- This is merely an interface thing. When you click on a link or button in IE, you get these annoying lines around them, especially with popups. This script makes sure these lines don't show up, but have no effect on actual webmail. ---> <RCif RC$agent = ie5> <script for="window" event="onload" language="JScript"> init() if(document.getElementById) { //compensate for failures in browserID colLinks = document.links colButtons = document.getElementsByTagName("BUTTON") colInput = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT") for(var i=0; i<colLinks.length; i++) { colLinks[i].attachEvent('onmouseup', fnBlur) } for(var i2=0; i2<colButtons.length; i2++) { colButtons[i2].attachEvent('onmouseup', fnBlur) } for(var i3=0; i3<colInput.length; i3++) { var oElement = colInput[i3] with (oElement) { if(type == 'button' || type == 'image' || type == 'submit' || type == 'reset') { oElement.attachEvent('onmouseup', fnBlur) } } } } function fnBlur() { if(event.srcElement) { event.srcElement.blur() } } </script> <RCendif> <!--- ******************/Remove focuslines in IE5************************* ---> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#0000ff" ALINK="#0000ff" TEXT="#000000" onload="init()"> <table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="msgtitle"><RCVwmheader></td> </tr> <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/msgheader.stm> <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/toolbar.stm> <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/actions.stm> <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/features.stm> </TABLE> </TD> <td class="msgbody" width="80%" colspan=4 valign="top"> <pre><RCXmailbody folder=RCSfolder msgno=RC$msgno style=RCSstyle home=RCShome wrap=RCSwrap></pre> </td> </tr> <RCinclude RCShome/snippets/toolbar.stm> </table> </body> </HTML>