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- This is the Readme.txt to help you. The actual CGI script is the file named:
- 'nph-anim.pl'.
- ##############################################################################
- # Animation Version 1.2 #
- # Copyright 1996 Matt Wright mattw@worldwidemart.com #
- # Created 9/28/95 Last Modified 11/21/95 #
- # Scripts Archive at: http://www.scriptarchive.com #
- ##############################################################################
- # If you run into any problems while trying to configure this scripts, help
- # is available. The steps you should take to get the fastest results, are:
- # 1) Read this file thoroughly
- # 2) Consult the Matt's Script Archive Frequently Asked Questions if you
- # are having any problems:
- # http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/faq/
- #
- # Hopefully we will be able to help you solve your problems. Thank you.
- ##############################################################################
- This script allows you to implement animations in-lined into your HTML pages.
- It uses the idea of server push, where images are pushed down by the server to
- the client one after the other, which creates the look of an animation. There
- is not much to this script and it should not be hard to install onto your
- system. You will need to have Perl installed on your system and have access
- to execute CGI scripts either through a cgi-bin or a .cgi extension. Check
- with your system administrator to see if they allows either of these.
- There are two files included with this script:
- 1) README.TXT - This file; includes detailed installation instructions.
- 2) nph-anim.pl - The Perl script which generates the headers and
- pushes your images to the client.
- The only file that needs to be edited for this script to work is the
- nph-anim.pl script. Below is a set of instructions for setting it up
- on your system.
- There are three variables that must be set in this script for it to
- work correctly:
- $times = "1";
- This is the number of times you want the script to cycle through your
- entire animation. Most of the time this will be set to "1", but you may wish
- for it to loop several times.
- $basefile = "/path/to/images/";
- This is the base filename where all of your images are kept. When the
- script chooses the images, the filenames from @files are appended to this to
- form a complete path to the image. Realize that this path must be an absolute
- path on the system and should not be relative to the WWW pages.
- @files = ("begin.gif","second.gif","third.gif","last.gif");
- These are the filenames, put into an array separated by commas, that
- will be appended to $basefile. Put the images in the order that you want the
- animation sequence to run, with the first image as the first element of the
- array and the last image of the animation as your last element of the array.
- $con_type = "gif";
- This should be set to the type of image you are planning on
- sending to the browser. Values can be one of the following:
- gif gif
- jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
- ief ief
- tiff tiff tif
- x-cmu-raster ras
- x-portable-anymap pnm
- x-portable-bitmap pbm
- x-portable-graymap pgm
- x-portable-pixmap ppm
- x-rgb rgb
- x-xbitmap xbm
- x-xpixmap xpm
- x-xwindowdump xwd
- For instance, if you want to use a jpg image, you would put in 'jpeg' for
- this variable. Use the values on the right in this variable, and you can
- identify the proper values by looking at the extension on your image and
- then looking for it in the right column and trace it over to the value in
- the left. Keep in mind that not all of the values will display in all
- browsers.
- _____________________________________________________________
- Calling your animation from your HTML file.
- Calling this animation script is as easy as in-lining an image. If your
- animation script is located at the url:
- http://your.host.xxx/cgi-bin/nph-anim.pl
- Then you would call the animation simply by doing:
- <img src="http://your.host.xxx/cgi-bin/nph-anim.pl">
- Any other attribute to the image or animation can be added as normal, such as
- align, border, alt, etc... so that it would look like:
- <img src="http://your.host.xxx/cgi-bin/nph-anim.pl" align=left border=0
- alt="Animation!">
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- FAQ:
- Can I change the name of nph-anim.pl? Why does it have nph- in front of it?
- Good question. If you change the name of the script from nph-anim.pl to
- something without nph- on the front of it, you will need to comment out
- the line:
- print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
- The nph- means non-parsed header file, which makes the server execute it
- instead of parsing the script.
- You may also want to try commenting out the line if the script is giving
- you problems.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Version 1.0 - 9/18/95 - First Version Released
- Version 1.1 - 11/4/95 - Version 1.1 Released with a minor fix
- explaining the nph- and header outputs.
- Version 1.2 - 11/21/95 - A small fix, suggested by Robert Wood
- <wood@nexen.com> helped improve the
- buffering of the output of the images.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- This script is provided as is and comes with no warranties, expressed or
- implied. It was written to be useful and fun, so by all means, enjoy it! You
- have permission to edit/modify/whatever this script and I ask only two things
- in return:
- 1) If you implement it on a page, please let me know the URL of where it is
- implemented so I can see my work
- and
- 2) Please keep my name and url in the script itself somewhere, and if you
- would like you could even add it to your page, but that is not necessary.
- If you have any questions, let me know and I will try and help!
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- Matt Wright - mattw@worldwidemart.com http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/