2001 %ld %ld Column number is invalid. Must be -1 or greater.\n Export canceled.\n
2002 %ld %ld Second column number (%ld) for range method is invalid.\n Must be -1 or greater. Export canceled.\n
2003 %ld %ld Row number is invalid. Must be -1 or greater.\n Export canceled.\n
2004 %ld %ld Second row number (%ld) for range method is invalid.\n Must be -1 or greater. Export canceled.\n
2005 n/a n/a The directory you specified (%s) does not exist or is invalid.\n Changing to the current directory (%s).\n
2006 n/a n/a The file you specified (%s) is invalid. Provide the\n name of a valid file. Export canceled.\n
2007 %ld %ld The column range you have specified is invalid. The first\n column must be less than or equal to the second column (%ld).\n Export canceled.\n
2008 %ld %ld The row range you have specified is invalid. The first\n row must be less than or equal to the second row (%ld).\n Export canceled.\n
2009 n/a n/a Spread cannot open the file (%s) for writing.\n Export canceled.\n
2010 n/a n/a Spread has successfully created the file (%s).\n
2111 n/a n/a You specified the file (%s) to append to, but that file\n does not exist. Provide the name of an existing file.\n Export canceled.\n
2112 n/a n/a Spread has successfully exported columns %ld through %ld,\n rows %ld through %ld to HTML file (%s).\n
2113 n/a n/a Spread export failed for HTML file (%s)\n No data present for specified columns and rows.\n
2114 %ld %ld The specified ending column (%ld) is greater than the\n maximum number of columns (%ld). Spread changed second\n column specified (%ld) to the maximum number of columns (%ld).\n
2115 %ld %ld The specified ending row (%ld) is greater than the\n maximum number of rows (%ld). Spread changed second row\n specified (%ld) to the maximum number of rows (%ld).\n
2116 %ld %ld The specified column has not been exported because\n it is hidden.\n
2117 %ld %ld The specified row has not been exported because it\n is hidden.\n
2118 %ld %ld The specified cell has not been exported because it\n is a check box cell.\n
2119 %ld %ld The specified cell has not been exported because it\n is a combo box cell.\n
2220 %ld %ld The specified cell has not been exported because it\n is an owner drawn cell.\n
2221 %ld %ld The specified cell contains a bitmap. It was converted to a JPEG (%s).\n
2222 %ld %ld The specified cell contains an icon. It was converted to a JPEG (%s).\n
2223 %ld %ld The specified cell's picture could not be converted to a JPEG.\n
2224 %ld %ld The specified cell contains a bitmap that could not be converted to a true color bitmap for JPEG conversion.\n
2225 %ld %ld The specified cell contains an icon that could not be converted to a true color bitmap for JPEG conversion.\n
2226 %ld %ld The specified cell has not been exported because it\n is a button cell.\n
2227 %ld %ld The specified cell has not been exported because it\n is unknown.\n
2228 %ld %ld The specified cell contains a formula. The current\n value of the formula has been exported.\n
2229 %ld %ld The picture for this cell must be either an icon or a bitmap.\n
2290 \n===== FarPoint Technologies, Inc =====\n===== Start of HTML export of FarPoint Spread Cells to HTML Table. =====\n
2291 \n%s : Exporting spread cells to HTML file %s\n\n
2294 \n===== End of HTML export =====\n===== FarPoint Technologies, Inc =====\n\n
3102 Excel reads the AllowDragDrop, AutoClipboard, and EditEnterAction properties from the registry. If you modify these properties in Spread, the changes are not saved at export.
3120 Import Excel File:
3121 Rounding/Truncating difference: If a float value is placed in an integer cell, Spread truncates the value. Excel rounds float values in integer cells. Value from Excel =
3122 Spread does not support the format token. Excel token =
3123 Spread does not support this format. Excel format =
3124 Spread does not support this date format. Excel format =
3125 Spread ignored zeros in format w/ leading zeros. Excel format =
3126 Spread substituted zeros in format w/ leading or trailing non-zeros. Excel format =
3127 Spread recognizes this format token, but does not support it. Excel token =
3128 Spread does not support fraction formats; the value has been changed to a decimal representation. Excel format =
3129 Spread does not support percent formats; the value has been changed to a decimal representation. Excel format =
3130 Spread does not support scientific notation; the value has been changed to a decimal representation. Excel format =
3131 PMT() Function - TermsPerYear argument defaults to 12 when Spread imports the Excel file.
3132 Spread does not support graphic objects. The graphic object will not be represented in Spread.
3133 Import encountered unrecognized Excel formula format tag. An empty cell has been created in Spread. Excel format tag =
3134 Import encountered a function or formula in the Excel file; a float cell has been created in Spread.
3135 Spread does not support the specified function. An empty cell has been created in the Spread file. Excel function =
3136 Import encountered a formula error reported from Excel. An empty cell has been created in the Spread file.
3137 Float value in Excel is beyond the range of Spread's float cell type. An empty cell has been created in Spread. Excel float value =
3138 Excel s currency symbol uses multiple characters. Spread does not support multiple characters; therefore, Spread uses the first character of the Excel symbol. Excel symbol =
3139 Excel displayed the currency symbol somewhere other than to the left of the value. Spread does not support this; therefore, Spread placed the symbol to the left of the value. Excel format =
3140 Spread does not support Rich Text Formats. The text is displayed in the first format encountered. String =
3141 The IF() function is not imported into Spread. An empty cell has been created in Spread.
3142 TRUNCATE() Function - Precision argument defaults to 0 when Spread imports the Excel file.
3160 Export Excel File:
3161 Excel dates must fall between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/9999. The date in Spread is not in that range, and has not been saved at export. Date in Spread =
3162 Excel does not support the specified Spread cell type; an empty cell has been created in the Excel file. Spread cell type =
3163 The PMT() function is not exported to Excel. An empty cell has been created in the Excel file.
3164 Excel does not support the specified mask definition character. This mask character has not been exported to Excel. Spread mask character =
3165 The Spread control contains more columns than Excel supports. Excel supports only 256 columns; columns beyond 256 have been truncated. Number of columns in Spread =
3166 The Spread control contains more rows than Excel supports. Excel supports only 65536 rows; rows beyond 65536 have been truncated. Number of rows in Spread =
3167 Custom functions are not exported to Excel.
3168 The XROOT() function is not exported to Excel. An empty cell has been created in the Excel file.
3169 The IF() function is not exported to Excel. An empty cell has been created in the Excel file.
3180 ===== FarPoint Technologies, Inc =====\n
3181 ===== End of Excel Workbook General Load =====\n
3182 ===== End of Excel Sheet Load =====
3183 ===== End of Excel Export =====
3184 Export encountered a check box cell. The value of the check box cell has been placed in the corresponding Excel cell.
3185 Export encountered a button cell. The value of the button cell has been placed in the corresponding Excel cell.
3186 Export encountered a combo box cell. The current selection in the combo box cell has been placed in the corresponding Excel cell.
3187 Col Row Information\n
3188 ===== Begin of Excel Export =====\n
3189 Import Sheet:
3190 ===== Begin of Excel Workbook General Load =====\n
3191 ===== Begin of Excel Sheet Load =====\n
3200 Spread 3.0 does not support multiple format sections. Spread will represent the value using the default Spread format. Format in Excel =
3201 Custom headers are not exported to Excel.
3202 The URL() function is not exported to Excel. The text displayed in the Spread cell has been placed in the corresponding Excel cell. The hyperlink is:
3203 February 29, 1900, is not a valid date, although Excel accepts it as a valid date. An empty date cell has been created in Spread.
3204 Excel does not support the Spread static text cell type. The value of the Spread cell has been placed in the corresponding Excel cell, but the cell formatting has been discarded.\n
3205 This Excel file is password protected. Spread cannot open password protected files.
5568 About Spread
5569 Spread 3.0.26
5570 Copyright ⌐ 1994-2000 FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
6025 Spread - The most powerful spreadsheet/grid control you can buy.
6050 Button Objx - Create objects of any shape or add customizable help balloons.
6075 Calendar ObjX - Display customizable calendars, clocks, and pictures in your applications.\nNow including:\nDaily PlanIt - A customizable daily planner that adds unique scheduling capabilities to your applications.
6110 List Pro - Flexible combo box and list box controls that break the 64K limit.
6135 Tab Pro - The 'tab of choice' to organize your interface with familiar tab or notebook formats; the included Imprint control provides 3-D frames.
6163 Input Pro - Eight controls to help you create professional forms that provide data validation.