Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 64 MB of RAM, Pentium.
Approx. download time: 5 hours and 20 min. at 28.8 kbps
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Deepsky 2000 lets amateur and professional astronomers make their sky observing sessions much more productive.
Deepsky comes with a searchable, browsable, spreadsheet-style database of over 400,000 deep sky objects. It can display 18 million stars (to a magnitude of 15.5) on a star chart. It comes with an observing planner and an observing logbook.
Deepsky contains detailed information about the solar system (including the Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets, and Asteroids), and it can process images.
If you own the LX200, AutoStar, or Nexstar Telescope, you can use Deepsky along with a laptop to control it. Deepsky is also integrated with the Internet, giving you access to the Digital Sky Survey, Sky Rover Sketches, and NGC On-line.
This latest version includes updated latitude and longitude measures, an enhanced digital sky survey and many bug fixes.
Limitations in downloadable version:
It includes a 13,000 object database. You can visit the author's Web site to download the optional 400,000 object database.
More information:
Deepsky 2000 Home Page
Version history:
Purchase the full, registered version online from: