1101 Error allocating shell memory for browse operation.
1102 Error retrieving Desktop folder location.
1103 External Program Execution Error:
1104 Create Directory Operation Error:
1105 Remove Directory Operation Error:
1106 File Copy Operation Error:
1107 File Delete Operation Error:
1108 Unspecified Operation Error:
1109 File or path not found.
1110 Too many files open.
1111 Access denied - check file permissions.
1112 Insufficient memory or resources for requested operation.
1113 Unknown or invalid executable file format.
1114 Unable to find the specified drive.
1115 Unable to remove directory.
1116 The device is write protected.
1117 The device is not ready.
1118 Unable to find the specified track or area on the disk.
1119 Disk sector not found.
1120 System is unable to write to the specified device.
1121 System is unable to read from the specified device.
1122 General device failure.
1123 File is in use or locked by another process.
1124 Disk full.
1125 The network is busy.
1126 The specified device is no longer available.
1127 The file already exists.
1128 The file or directory already exists.
1129 Unable to create the directory or file.
1130 The directory or filename is invalid.
1131 The directory is not empty.
1132 A required DLL is invalid or corrupt.
1133 \n\nProgram File =
1134 \n\nDirectory =
1135 \n\nFile =
1136 \n\nSource File =
1137 \n\nDestination File =
1138 Unable to find Setup Information file:
1139 Initialisation Error
1140 Incorrect Operating System
1141 %s is unable to determine the location of the %s directory as the Update Library has not been specified in the Product Information file.\n\nConsequently, these files cannot be updated.
1142 No Update Library (1)
1143 Product is up-to-date
1144 %s has detected that this version of %s has already been installed on this computer.\n\nWould you like to re-install this version of %s ?
1145 Nothing to do!
1146 Insufficient Version Information in Product Information file.
1147 %s has detected that some %s files are now out-of-date, but no Update Library has not been specified in the Product Information file.\n\nConsequently, these files will not be updated.
1148 No Update Library (2)
1149 %s has not been able to find the %s Master Setup directory for %s.\n\nThe Master Setup directory must exist before a Minor Update can be applied to it.
1150 Master Update Error
1151 Transferring files for Master Setup ...
1152 Success
1153 Error updating Product Information file: %s \n\nYou will need to increment the Configuration Sequence entry manually.
1154 Product Information File Error
1155 %s has not been able to find the program directory.\n\n A full version of %s must be installed before attempting to perform a Minor Update on it.
1156 Minor Update Error
1157 %s has detected that product files for %s require updating, but no installation program has been specified.\n\nConsequently, these files will not be updated.
1158 No Installation Program
1159 Copying release files to temporary directory ...
1160 Error creating Message information file: %s
1161 Configuration Wizard
1162 %s has detected that the configuration of requires updating, but no Configuration Wizard has been specified.\n\nConsequently, the configuration will not be updated.
1163 No Configuration Wizard
1164 Not enough memory to call Configuration Wizard
1165 Error %ld: Unable to load the dynamic library (%s) required to start the Configuration Wizard.
1166 Error Loading Configuration Wizard
1167 Error writing Setup information file to Master Setup directory.
1168 Information File Error
1169 Error writing version information to %s program directory.
1170 Version Information Error
1171 %s has detected that the configuration of a Master Setup was aborted. Do you want to continue setting up Master Installations for the other selected operating systems?
1172 Master Setup
1173 Error updating Setup information file in temporary directory.\n\nTemporary File = %s
1174 Minor Update has completed successfully.
1175 Minor Update
1176 Master Setup of %s has been aborted.
1177 Master Setup of %s is now complete.\n\nTo perform an Automatic Setup from this Master directory, use the command '%s'.
1178 Error %ld: Unable to load the dynamic library (%s) required to locate the local product path.
1179 Error Loading Update Library (1)
1180 Error %ld: Unable to load the dynamic library (%s) required to perform the Minor Update.
1181 Error Loading Update Library (2)
1182 Configuration Wizard
1183 No operating systems have been selected for Master Setup.\n\nEither select at least one operating system and click 'Next >', or click 'Cancel' to exit.
1184 You have specified the same master path for different platforms. Path names for each platform must be unique.\n\nEither change the path names to make them unique and click 'Next >', or click 'Cancel' to exit.
1185 Master Path Name Error
1186 You must enter a Master Setup Root directory.\n\nEither enter a Master Setup Root directory and click 'Next >', or click 'Cancel' to exit.
1187 Master Setup Path Error
1188 Select a directory for the Master Setup Root ...
1189 Unable to find the file in the specified drive or directory that indicates this is the path containing the files for the required disk.\n\nPlease check that the correct disk is inserted or specify a different path.
1190 Incorrect Disk
1191 Not enough memory to prompt for next disk.
1192 Next Disk
1193 Please wait while %s initialises ...
1194 Setup has detected that another copy of Setup is already running.\n\nYou may not run this program more than once at a time.\n\nPress 'OK' to exit.
1195 Concurrent Setup Detected
1196 %s has been unable to detect the Automatic Setup parameter file '%s'.\n\nThis file is required when %s is invoked with the '/Auto' command-line switch.
1197 Missing Automatic Parameter File
1198 Error: Unable to restart Windows
1199 Error %1ld: Unable to restart Windows
1200 Error Restarting Windows
1201 %s has finished configuring %s.
1203 \n\nSome components of %s may not be updated or become active until Windows is restarted.
1204 %s Complete
1205 Restart Windows
1206 \n\nIt is recommended that you save any work that you have done in other applications, and restart Windows now.\n\nDo you want to restart Windows now?
1207 \n\nYou should save any work that you have done in other applications, and click the 'OK' button to restart Windows now.
1208 Unknown Operating System
1209 Unknown
1210 \nVersion
1211 \nBuild Number
1212 \n(Citrix WinFrame detected)
1213 Operating System
1214 %s cannot install this version of %s under %s.\n\n
1215 This version of %s can only be installed under the following operating systems:\n\n
1216 \nPlease obtain a copy of %s that is suitable for you computer's operating system.
1217 Incompatible file
1218 Error: %s is incompatible with the version of the software that is currently installed on your computer.\n\nTo use this newer file, you will need to install a newer version of the software first.
1219 Transferring updated files to your anti-virus directory ...
1220 Error obtaining current Product Section from Setup Information file.
1221 Error obtaining mandatory data from Setup Information file.
1222 Error obtaining mandatory data from Product Information file.