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- The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
- Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar
- http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx.html
- http://www.nexus.hu/upx
- http://upx.tsx.org
- =======
- Welcome to UPX 1.00, the first production release (after almost two years
- of beta testing).
- Please don't forget to read the new LICENSE - UPX is now distributed
- under the GNU General Public License (GPL) with special exceptions
- allowing the distribution of all compressed executables, including
- commercial programs.
- ============
- UPX is an advanced executable file compressor. UPX will typically
- reduce the file size of programs and DLLs by around 50%-70%, thus
- reducing disk space, network load times, download times and
- other distribution and storage costs.
- Programs and libraries compressed by UPX are completely self-contained
- and run exactly as before, with no runtime or memory penalty for most
- of the supported formats.
- UPX supports a number of different executable formats, including
- Win95/98/2000/NT programs and DLLs, DOS programs, and Linux executables.
- UPX is free software distributed under the term of the GNU General
- Public License. Full source code is available.
- UPX may be distributed and used freely, even with commercial applications.
- See the UPX License Agreement for details.
- UPX is rated number one in the well known Archive Comparison Test. Visit
- http://web.act.by.net/~act/act-exepack.html
- UPX aims to be Commercial Quality Freeware.
- ===================
- `upx program.exe' will compress a program or DLL. For best compression
- results try `upx --best program.exe'.
- Please see the file UPX.DOC for the full documentation. The files
- NEWS and BUGS also contain various tidbits of information.
- ==========
- UPX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the file LICENSE.
- Having said that, we think that UPX is quite stable now. Indeed we
- have compressed lots of files without any problems. Also, the
- current version has undergone several months of beta testing -
- actually it's almost 2 years since our first public beta.
- This is the first production quality release, and we plan that future
- releases will be backward compatible with this version.
- Please report all problems or suggestions to the authors. Thanks.
- ==========
- - We'd really love to support handheld systems like the PalmPilot because
- compression makes a lot of sense here. And - because of the atari/tos
- format - we already have a working decompressor in 68000 assembly.
- Unfortunately we know next to nothing about the operating system
- architecture of such handhelds, so we need some information from
- an expert. Please contact us if you think you can help.
- - The Linux approach could probably get ported to a lot of other Unix
- variants, at least for other i386 architectures it shouldn't be too
- much work. If someone sends me a fresh hard disk and an official
- FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris/BeOS... CD I might take a look at it ;-)
- - We will *NOT* add any sort of protection and/or encryption.
- This only gives people a false feeling of security because
- by definition all protectors/compressors can be broken.
- And don't trust any advertisment of authors of other executable
- compressors about this topic - just do a websearch on something
- like "procdump"...
- - Fix all remaining bugs - keep your reports coming ;-)
- - See the file PROJECTS in the source code distribution if you want
- to contribute.
- =========
- Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
- Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Laszlo Molnar
- This program may be used freely, and you are welcome to
- redistribute it under certain conditions.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- UPX License Agreement for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the UPX License Agreement along
- with this program; see the file LICENSE. If not, visit the UPX home page.
- Share and enjoy,
- Markus & Laszlo
- Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer Laszlo Molnar
- markus.oberhumer@jk.uni-linz.ac.at ml1050@cdata.tvnet.hu
- [ The term UPX is a shorthand for the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
- and holds no connection with potential owners of registered trademarks
- or other rights. ]
- [ Feel free to contact us if you have commercial compression requirements
- or interesting job offers. ]