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- <title>Arboretum Realizer Documentation - Real-time MP3 audio processor</title>
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- <h3>
- <font size=+2>Realizer Setup</font></h3>
- <font size=+1>Arboretum Realizer requires a 166 MHz or faster Pentium computer
- with Windows 95, 98 or NT. Realizer also requires the <a href="http://www.winamp.com/">Nullsoft
- Winamp </a>MP3 player</font>
- <p><font size=+1>Before downloading and installing Realizer, be sure to
- have installed Winamp first.</font>
- <p><font size=+1>Arboretum Realizer is installed into the Winamp plug-ins
- folder.</font>
- <p><font size=+1>To activate Realizer, go to the Winamp Preferences dialog:</font>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <font size=+1>Use the keyboard command Control+P, or</font></li>
- <li>
- <font size=+1>Click on the Winamp "O" control to open the Preferences dialog.</font></li>
- </ul>
- <font size=+1>On the left side of the Preferences dialog is a directory
- display.</font>
- <blockquote>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <font size=+1>Under the Plug-ins heading, click on DSP/Effect. The current
- effects in the Plug-ins folder will be displayed to the right.</font></li>
- <li>
- <font size=+1>Click on Arboretum Realizer to select and activate the plug-in.</font></li>
- <li>
- <font size=+1>Click OK to exit the Preferences dialog.</font></li>
- </ul>
- </blockquote>
- <hr align="left">
- <h4>
- <font size=+1>Realizer Features</font></h4>
- <img SRC="RealizerBeta.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=156 width=302 align=RIGHT><font size=+1>Realizer
- has no hidden displays or menus, all controls are on the front panel.</font>
- <p><a NAME="anchor505397"></a><img SRC="realizerlogobutton.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=33 width=132>
- <p><font size=+1>Clicking on the Realizer logo button lets you toggle through
- Realizer skins. Realizer comes with a factory set of skins; you can download
- new Realizer skins or create your own. For more on skins, <a href="#anchor1117199">click
- here</a>.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerABOUT.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=24 width=79><font size=+1>Click
- on the About button to learn more about Realizer's creators.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerBYPASS.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=23 width=86><font size=+1>The
- Bypass switch allows you to compare processed and unprocessed audio. There
- may be a brief delay when switching the Bypass.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerCLIP.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=23 width=86><font size=+1>The
- Clip light indicates that you're overdriving the effect (and the sound
- may be getting distorted). Click on the Clip button to reset the Clip light,
- then back off the effect sliders.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerPRESETS.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=27 width=130><font size=+1>The
- Preset menu offers a number of factory settings which are customized to
- particular styles of music.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerBASSMAX.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=24 width=67><font size=+1>The
- Bass Maximizer synthesizes new partials from the existing low end frequencies
- and creates the actual psychoacoustic impression of lower fundamentals.
- It lets you hear more low end than your speakers can actually produce.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerEXCITER.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=24 width=67><font size=+1>The
- Harmonic Exciter also creates new harmonics, only in the higher registers.
- The result is clearer vocals, sharper percussion and more high end. It
- helps compensate for the loss suffered from compression schemes.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerSTEREO.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=26 width=60><font size=+1>Expands
- the stereo image, pushing the apparent sound source beyond the speakers.
- Has no effect on mono input.</font>
- <p><img SRC="realizerVOLUME.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=26 width=57><font size=+1>The
- Volume slider is pretty obvious, use it to adjust overall level.</font>
- <p><b><i>Note: You can speed up the response time of buttons and sliders
- in Realizer by adjusting the buffer size in your output plugin. Use the
- keyboard command Control-K to configure the output.</i></b>
- <br>
- <hr align="left">
- <h4>
- <a NAME="anchor1117199"></a><font size=+1>Skins</font></h4>
- <font size=+1>Click on the Realizer logo to toggle through the current
- skin selections. Right-click on the interface to select any skin from the
- pop-up menu. Realizer comes with a handful of "factory" skins, more are
- available for <a href="http://www.arboretum.com/realizer">download</a>.</font>
- <p><font size=+1>Realizer searches for its skins in the Winamp/Plugins/Realizer
- directory. Realizer skins are bitmaps, factory skins all follow the naming
- convention "real****.bmp" (that's "real + four asterisks").</font>
- <p><font size=+1>If you create your own skins you're free to name them
- whatever you want, but with one limitation: Only bitmaps which begin with
- "real" will be recognized by the <a href="#anchor505397">"toggle" feature</a>.</font>
- <p><font size=+1>If you want to create your own Realizer skin, it should
- be a 256-color bitmap, dimensions 512 x 156, laid out as shown in the graphic
- below.</font>
- <p><font size=+1>Realizer skins should contain the following elements with
- these specifications:</font>
- <br>
- <table BORDER CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="450" HEIGHT="252" >
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17">Item</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%">Size</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> Location in bitmap</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> Target Location</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> back</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 300 x 156</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 0,0</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 0,0</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> knob</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 13 x 7</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 301,0</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> various</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> about</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 81 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,66</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,66*</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> bypass_off</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 81 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 301,8</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,87</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> bypass_on</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 81 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 301,30</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,87</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> clip_off</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 81 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 301,52</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,108</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> clip_on</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 81 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 301,74</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,108</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> preset_classical</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 126 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 383,0</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> preset_hiphop</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 126 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 383,22</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> preset_jazz</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 126 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 383,44</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> preset_rock</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 126 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 383,66</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td WIDTH="25%" HEIGHT="17"> preset_techno</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 126 x 21</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 383,88</td>
- <td WIDTH="25%"> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td> preset_custom</td>
- <td> 126 x 21</td>
- <td> 383,110</td>
- <td> 7,129</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p><font size=+1>* The About button is part of the background and has no
- additional states; included only for completeness.</font>
- <p><img SRC="bitmapkey.gif" naturalsizeflag="3" height=272 width=780>
- <br>
- <hr align="left">
- <h5>
- <font size=+0><a href="http://www.arboretum.com/realizer">Realizer Home
- Page</a></font></h5>
- <hr align="left">
- <p><font size=+1>Realizer is a trademark of Arboretum Systems Inc., all
- rights reserved. (c)1999 Arboretum Systems Inc.</font>
- </body>
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