IDS_STRING1=Welcome to the %ProductName% Setup program. This program will install %ProductName% on your computer.
IDS_STRING2=It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this Setup program.
IDS_STRING3=Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close any programs you have running. Click Next to continue with the Setup program.
IDS_STRING4=WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
IDS_STRING5=Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
IDS_TITLE=Important Notes
IDS_MESSAGE1=Setup has detected that this system does not meet the following requirements for %ProductName%.
IDS_MESSAGE2A=Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit Setup. If you choose to continue, %ProductName% may not function properly.
IDS_MESSAGE2B=Click Cancel to exit Setup.
IDS_MEMORY=Requires at least %d Mb of memory.
IDS_PLATFORM1A=Requires Windows 3.1.
IDS_PLATFORM1B=Requires Windows 3.1, version %d.%d.
IDS_PLATFORM2A=Requires Windows 95.
IDS_PLATFORM2B=Requires Windows 95, version %d.%d.
IDS_PLATFORM3=Requires Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.
IDS_PLATFORM4A=Requires Windows NT.
IDS_PLATFORM4B=Requires Windows NT, version %d.%d.
IDS_PLATFORM5=Requires Windows 95 or Windows NT.
IDS_PLATFORM6=Requires Windows NT 4.0.
IDS_PLATFORM7=Requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
IDS_PLATFORM8A=Requires Windows 32s.
IDS_PLATFORM8B=Requires Windows 32s, version %d.%d.
IDS_PLATFORM9=Requires Windows 98.
IDS_PLATFORM10=Requires Windows NT 5.0.
IDS_ADMINPRIVILEGES=Requires an administrative user privilege level.
IDS_AUDIO3=Requires WAV and MIDI file playback capability.
IDS_AUDIO4=Requires WAV or MIDI file playback capability.
IDS_DISPLAY=Requires display capable of %s in %s colors.
IDS_RES1=640 x 480
IDS_RES2=800 x 600
IDS_RES3=1024 x 768
IDS_RES4=1280 x 1024
IDS_COLORS4=24 million
IDS_QTIME1=Requires Quicktime for Windows
IDS_QTIME2=Requires Quicktime for Windows
IDS_TITLE=Software License Agreement
IDS_MESSAGE1=Please read the following License Agreement. Press the PAGE DOWN key to see the rest of the agreement.
IDS_MESSAGE2=Do you accept all the terms of the preceding License Agreement? If you choose No, Setup will close. To install this product, you must accept this agreement.
IDS_STRING1=Setup requires that you enter your password before continuing. Type your password into the box below and then click Next.
IDS_STRING2=If you do not know the password, you cannot continue. Click Cancel to exit Setup.
IDS_STRING1=Setup is ready to install %ProductName%.
IDS_STRING2=Please type your name, organization, and serial number.
IDS_LABEL1=&User name:
IDS_LABEL3=&Serial Number:
IDS_DESTDIRGROUP=&Destination Directory
IDS_REQUIRED=Space Required:
IDS_AVAILABLE=Space Available:
IDS_TITLE=Choose Destination Location
IDS_STRING1=Setup will install %ProductName% in the following directory.
IDS_STRING2=To install to this directory, click Next.
IDS_STRING3=To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory.
IDS_STRING4=You can choose not to install %ProductName%, by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.
IDS_TITLE=Setup Type
IDS_STRING1=Click the type of Setup you prefer, then click Next.
IDS_TYPICAL2=Program will be installed with the most common options. Recommended for most users.
IDS_COMPACT2=Program will be installed with minimum required options.
IDS_CUSTOM2=You can choose the options you want to install. Recommended for advanced users.
IDS_TITLE=Select Components
IDS_STRING1=Select the components you want to install, clear the components you do not want to install.
IDS_REQUIRED=Space Required:
IDS_AVAILABLE=Space Available:
IDS_TITLE=Select Sub-components
IDS_STRING1=Select the components you want to install, clear the components you do not want to install.
IDS_REQUIRED=Space Required:
IDS_AVAILABLE=Space Available:
IDS_TITLE=Select Program Folder
IDS_STRING1=Setup will add program icons to the Program Folder listed below. You may type a new folder name, or select one from the Existing Folders list. Click Next to continue.
IDS_TITLE=Ready To Install
IDS_STRING1=Setup now has enough information to start installing %ProductName%.
IDS_STRING2=Click Back to make any changes before continuing. Click Cancel to exit Setup.
IDS_TITLE=Last Minute Notes
IDS_STRING1=Setup is complete and %ProductName% is now installed!
IDS_STRING2=Click Close to end the Setup
IDS_STRING1=Setup has finished copying files to your computer.
IDS_STRING2=Before you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your computer.
IDS_STRING3=Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Close to complete setup.
IDS_RADIO1=Yes, I want to restart my computer now.
IDS_RADIO2=No, I will restart my computer later.
IDS_TITLE=Choose Directory
IDS_STRING1=Please choose the directory for installation.
IDS_TITLE=Setup Needs The Next Disk
IDS_MESSAGE=Please insert the next disk, Disk %d. If the files on this disk can be found in another location, for example, in another drive, enter its full path or click the Browse button to select its path.
IDS_ITEMSREMAINING=Items Remaining: %d
IDS_INSTALLING=Installing: %s
IDS_UPDATING=Updating: %s
IDS_TITLE=%s Setup
IDS_MESSAGE1=Starting %s Setup.
IDS_MESSAGE2=Please wait...
IDS_TITLE=Select Item
IDS_TITLE=Download Sites
IDS_MESSAGE=Please select an installation point for %ProductName% from the download sites list below.
IDS_LABEL=Download Sites:
IDS_BACK=< &Back
IDS_NEXT=&Next >
IDS_STRING1=There is insufficient disk space on your installation drive (%c:) for the selected files. Do you want to continue?
IDS_STRING2=The Setup process is not complete. If you quit Setup now, %s will not be properly installed. Are you sure that you want to quit Setup?
IDS_STRING3=Not all files were copied (i.e., you chose to ignore installation failures). You may encounter problems running %s because of these missing files. You should run Setup again if you have problems associated with these files.
IDS_STRING4=Setup cannot write to the destination file '%s'.
IDS_STRING5=The file '%s' already exists. Would you like to replace it?
IDS_STRING6=Setup cannot open the destination file '%s'. The file may be in use by another application, or marked read only. Close the application or change the file's read only attribute and try again.
IDS_STRING7=Setup was unsuccessful.
IDS_STRING8=Setup successfully completed.
IDS_STRING9=Setup cannot open the source file '%s'.
IDS_STRING10='%s' is not a valid directory name.
IDS_STRING11=CRC checking failed. '%s' was not copied correctly.
IDS_STRING13=%s Setup
IDS_STRING14=Copying file:
IDS_STRING15=Select the install location for %s
IDS_STRING16=You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.
IDS_STRING17=Do you want to restart your computer now?
IDS_STRING18=Would you like to include an uninstaller?
IDS_STRING19=Save Updated File As
IDS_STRING20=Would you like to keep a copy of the original file?
IDS_STRING21=The file '%s' could not be updated.
IDS_REPLACE_FILE_EXT_SETTINGS_MSG=The file type '%s' has already been registered with Windows. Do you want to replace those settings?
IDS_FIND_MESSAGE=Searching for installed components...
IDS_DECOMPFILEERRORMSG=Setup couldn't decompress the file '%s'.
IDS_MEMERRORMSG=Not enough memory to continue.
IDS_CHECKAPACKAGE=Please select a package to install before clicking the Next button.
IDS_FILEDOESNTEXIST=The file "%s" is not on the drive "%s". Click Skip to skip this file or click Install to install this file.
IDS_NEWERFILE=The file "%s" already on "%s" is newer than what you are about to install. Click Newer to keep the newer file or click Older to replace that file.
IDS_SAMEFILE=The file "%s" already on the "%s" is the same as what you are about to install. Click Skip to keep the file or click Replace to replace that file.
IDS_OLDERFILE=The file "%s"already on "%s" is older than the what you are about to install. Click Older to keep the older file or click Newer to replace that file.
IDS_REPLACEFILEWITHFOLDER=A file named "%s" on "%s" has the same name as a folder that needs to be installed. Click Cancel to stop the installation or click Delete to replace that file.
IDS_REPLACEFOLDERWITHFILE=A folder named "%s" on "%s" has the same name as a file that needs to be installed. Click Cancel to stop the installation or click Delete to replace that folder.
IDS_UPDATINGREGISTRY=Updating the registry...
IDS_DOWNLOADERR=File download failed. '%s' was not successfully downloaded.
IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE=Sorry, not enough free disk space on drive '%s' to continue.
IDS_NEWER_INSTALLER=There is a new installer available. The new installer will be downloaded, this installer will exit, then the new installer will be launched.
IDS_NO_DOWNLOAD_NEEDED=No download was necessary - the files contained in the installer are up to date.
IDS_TCPIP_CONNECTIONFAILED=Couldn't establish a connection with '%s'.
IDS_TCPIP_HTTPGETCOMMANDFAILED=The file '%s' couldn't be downloaded.
IDS_STRING1=Are you sure you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its components?
IDS_STRING2=Confirm File Deletion
IDS_STRING3=The system indicates that the following shared file is no longer used by any programs.
IDS_STRING4=Remove Shared File?
IDS_STRING5=Uninstall successfully completed.
IDS_STRING7=If any programs are still using this file and it is removed, those programs may not function. Are you sure you want to remove the shared file?
IDS_STRING8=Uninstall was partially successful.
IDS_ADMINPRIVILEGESNEEDED=Administrative privileges are needed to uninstall this software.