31234 Gator currently supports Windows 95/98.\n\nSupport for Windows NT will be available in the near future from our website, http://www.gator.com.
31235 Setup has detected that you are running AOL.\nThe next time you start AOL, $Gator$ will automatically support all AOL browser windows. To use $Gator$ now, please close any open AOL browser windows and then reopen them.
31236 Setup is unable to complete due to a configuration error.\n\n(no server, no bound bundle)
31237 Setup is unable to complete due to a missing file.\n\n(bound setup.inf)
31238 Setup is unable to complete at this time due to a problem communicating with the server.\n\n(setup.inf)
31239 Do you wish to re-install $Gator$ version %s?
31240 This version of Setup installs $Gator$ version %s.\nYou currently have $Gator$ version %s installed.\n\nInstallation is not necessary.
31241 Setup needs Internet access in order to install $Gator$.\n\nPlease connect to the Internet, then press Retry.
31242 Setup needs at least %d MB of disk space in order to install $Gator$.\n\nPlease free up some hard-disk space, then click Retry.
31243 Setup is unable to complete at this time\ndue to a problem communicating with the server.\n\n(%ld: %s)
31244 Downloading Setup bundle
31245 Extracting bundled files
31246 Decompressing files
31247 Waiting for registration to complete
31248 Renaming files
31249 Adding Registry Items
31250 Done
31251 Setup is unable to complete due to a missing file.\n\n(bound bundle)
31252 Setup bundle error:\n%s
31253 Setup bundle error:\nNo items in %s!
31254 Setup bundle error:\nFailed to retrieve item %d from %s!
31255 Setup bundle error:\nFailed to get application path
31256 Setup bundle error:\nItem has bad dir in %s
31257 Setup bundle error:\nFailed to set item dir
31258 Failed to retrieve item %d from %s!
31259 Failed to locate Main Application in Setup Bundle
31260 Failed to locate Uninstaller in Setup Bundle
31261 Setup is unable to complete at this time\ndue to a problem communicating with the server.\n\n(%ld: %s)
31262 Initializing...
31263 $Gator$ setup could not launch the default web browser.