PC World 2000 August
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689 lines
' **********************************************
' ***** GraphicsDesigner COMPOSITE TYPES *****
' **********************************************
XLONG .wingrid ' window/grid number
XLONG .message ' message number
XLONG .v0 ' arguments
' ************************************************
' ***** GraphicsDesigner Library Functions *****
' ************************************************
' Miscellaneous Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrBorderNameToNumber (border$, @border)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrBorderNumberToName (border, @border$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrBorderNumberToWidth (border, @width)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrColorNameToNumber (color$, @color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrColorNumberToName (color, @color$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCreateFont (font, fontName$, fontSize, fontWeight, fontItalic, fontAngle)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCursorNameToNumber (cursorName$, @cursorNumber)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCursorNumberToName (cursorNumber, @cursorName$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDestroyFont (font)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetClipboard (clipboard, clipType, text$, UBYTE image[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetCursor (cursor)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetCursorOverride (cursor)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDisplaySize (display$, width, height, borderWidth, titleHeight)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetFontInfo (font, fontName$, pointSize, weight, italic, angle)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetFontNames (count, fontNames$[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetFontMetrics (font, maxCharWidth, maxCharHeight, ascent, descent, gap, flags)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetKeystateModify (state, @modify, @edit)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetTextArrayImageSize (font, @text$[], @w, @h, @width, @height, extraX, extraY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetTextImageSize (font, @text$, @dx, @dy, @width, @height, gap, space)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGridToSystemWindow (grid, @swindow, @dx, @dy, @width, @height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrIconNameToNumber (iconName$, iconNumber)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrIconNumberToName (iconNumber, iconName$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRegisterCursor (cursorName$, cursor)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRegisterIcon (iconName$, icon)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetClipboard (clipboard, clipType, text$, UBYTE image[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetCursor (cursor, oldCursor)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetCursorOverride (cursor, oldCursorOverride)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSystemWindowToWindow (swindow, @window, @top)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrWindowToSystemWindow (window, @swindow, @dx, @dy, @width, @height)
' Color Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertColorToRGB (color, red, green, blue)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertRGBToColor (red, green, blue, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetBackgroundColor (grid, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetBackgroundRGB (grid, red, green, blue)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDefaultColors (back, draw, low, high, dull, acc, lowText, highText)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDrawingColor (grid, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDrawingRGB (grid, red, green, blue)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridColors (grid, back, draw, low, high, dull, acc, lowText, highText)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetBackgroundColor (grid, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetBackgroundRGB (grid, red, green, blue)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDefaultColors (back, draw, low, high, dull, acc, lowText, highText)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDrawingColor (grid, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDrawingRGB (grid, red, green, blue)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridColors (grid, back, draw, low, high, dull, acc, lowText, highText)
' Window Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrClearWindow (window, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrClearWindowAndImages (window, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCreateWindow (window, windowType, xDisp, yDisp, width, height, winFunc, display$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDestroyWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDisplayWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetModalWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetWindowFunction (window, func)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetWindowIcon (window, icon)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetWindowPositionAndSize (window, xDisp, yDisp, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetWindowState (window, state)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetWindowTitle (window, title$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrHideWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMaximizeWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMinimizeWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRestoreWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetModalWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetWindowFunction (window, func)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetWindowIcon (window, icon)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetWindowPositionAndSize (window, xDisp, yDisp, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetWindowState (window, state)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetWindowTitle (window, title$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrShowWindow (window)
' Grid Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrClearGrid (grid, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCloneGrid (grid, newGrid, newWindow, newParent, xWin, yWin)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertDisplayToGrid (grid, xDisp, yDisp, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertDisplayToLocal (grid, xDisp, yDisp, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertDisplayToScaled (grid, xDisp, yDisp, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertDisplayToWindow (grid, xDisp, yDisp, xWin, yWin)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertGridToDisplay (grid, xGrid, yGrid, xDisp, yDisp)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertGridToLocal (grid, xGrid, yGrid, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertGridToScaled (grid, xGrid, yGrid, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertGridToWindow (grid, xGrid, yGrid, xWin, yWin)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertLocalToDisplay (grid, xGrid, yGrid, xDisp, yDisp)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertLocalToGrid (grid, xGrid, yGrid, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertLocalToScaled (grid, xGrid, yGrid, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertLocalToWindow (grid, xGrid, yGrid, xWin, yWin)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertScaledToDisplay (grid, x#, y#, xDisp, yDisp)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertScaledToGrid (grid, x#, y#, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertScaledToLocal (grid, x#, y#, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertScaledToWindow (grid, x#, y#, xWin, yWin)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertWindowToDisplay (grid, xWin, yWin, xDisp, yDisp)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertWindowToGrid (grid, xWin, yWin, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertWindowToLocal (grid, xWin, yWin, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrConvertWindowToScaled (grid, xWin, yWin, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCreateGrid (grid, gridType, x, y, width, height, window, parent, func)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDestroyGrid (grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBorder (grid, border, borderUp, borderDown, borderFlags)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBorderOffset (grid, left, top, right, bottom)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBox (grid, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBoxDisplay (grid, x1Disp, y1Disp, x2Disp, y2Disp)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBoxGrid (grid, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBoxLocal (grid, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBoxScaled (grid, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBoxWindow (grid, x1Win, y1Win, x2Win, y2Win)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridBuffer (grid, @buffer, @x, @y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridCharacterMapArray (grid, @map[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridClip (grid, clipGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridCoords (grid, xWin, yWin, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridDrawingMode (grid, drawingMode, lineStyle, lineWidth)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridFont (grid, font)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridFunction (grid, func)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridParent (grid, parent)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridPositionAndSize (grid, x, y, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridState (grid, state)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridType (grid, gridType)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetGridWindow (grid, window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGridTypeNameToNumber (gridTypeName$, gridTypeNumber)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGridTypeNumberToName (gridTypeNumber, gridTypeName$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRegisterGridType (gridTypeName$, gridType)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBorder (grid, border, borderUp, borderDown, borderFlags)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBorderOffset (grid, left, top, right, bottom)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBox (grid, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBoxGrid (grid, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBoxScaled (grid, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBoxScaledAt (grid, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridBuffer (grid, buffer, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridCharacterMapArray (grid, @map[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridClip (grid, clipGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridDrawingMode (grid, drawingMode, lineStyle, lineWidth)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridFont (grid, font)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridFunction (grid, func)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridParent (grid, parent)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridPositionAndSize (grid, x, y, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridState (grid, state)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridTimer (grid, msTimeInterval)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetGridType (grid, gridType)
' Drawing Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawArc (grid, color, r, startAngle#, endAngle#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawArcGrid (grid, color, r, startAngle#, endAngle#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawArcScaled (grid, color, r#, startAngle#, endAngle#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBorder (grid, border, back, low, high, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBorderGrid (grid, border, back, low, high, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBorderScaled (grid, border, back, low, high, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBox (grid, color, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBoxGrid (grid, color, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawBoxScaled (grid, color, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawCircle (grid, color, r)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawCircleGrid (grid, color, r)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawCircleScaled (grid, color, r#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawGridBorder (grid, border)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawIcon (grid, icon, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawIconGrid (grid, icon, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawIconScaled (grid, icon, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLine (grid, color, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineGrid (grid, color, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineScaled (grid, color, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineTo (grid, color, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineToGrid (grid, color, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineToScaled (grid, color, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineToDelta (grid, color, dx, dy)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineToDeltaGrid (grid, color, dxGrid, dyGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLineToDeltaScaled (grid, color, dx#, dy#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLines (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLinesGrid (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLinesScaled (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLinesTo (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLinesToGrid (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawLinesToScaled (grid, color, first, count, ANY lines[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPoint (grid, color, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPointGrid (grid, color, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPointScaled (grid, color, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPoints (grid, color, first, count, ANY points[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPointsGrid (grid, color, first, count, ANY points[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawPointsScaled (grid, color, first, count, ANY points[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawText (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawTextGrid (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawTextScaled (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawTextFill (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawTextFillGrid (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawTextFillScaled (grid, color, text$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillBox (grid, color, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillBoxGrid (grid, color, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillBoxScaled (grid, color, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillTriangle (grid, color, style, direction, x1, y1, x2, y2)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillTriangleGrid (grid, color, style, direction, x1Grid, y1Grid, x2Grid, y2Grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrFillTriangleScaled (grid, color, style, direction, x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDrawpoint (grid, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDrawpointGrid (grid, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetDrawpointScaled (grid, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGrabPoint (grid, x, y, red, green, blue, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGrabPointGrid (grid, xGrid, yGrid, red, green, blue, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGrabPointScaled (grid, x#, y#, red, green, blue, color)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveDelta (grid, dx, dy)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveDeltaGrid (grid, dxGrid, dyGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveDeltaScaled (grid, dx#, dy#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveTo (grid, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveToGrid (grid, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMoveToScaled (grid, x#, y#)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDrawpoint (grid, x, y)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDrawpointGrid (grid, xGrid, yGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetDrawpointScaled (grid, x#, y#)
' Image Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrCopyImage (destGrid, srcGrid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawImage (destGrid, srcGrid, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawImageExtend (destGrid, srcGrid, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawImageExtendScaled (destGrid, srcGrid, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDrawImageScaled (destGrid, srcGrid, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx1, dy1)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetImage (grid, UBYTE image[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetImageArrayInfo (UBYTE image[], bitsPerPixel, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrLoadImage (fileName$, UBYTE image[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRefreshGrid (grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSaveImage (fileName$, UBYTE image[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetImage (grid, UBYTE image[])
' Focus Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetMouseFocus (window, grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetMouseInfo (window, grid, x, y, state, time)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetSelectedWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetTextSelectionGrid (grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetMouseFocus (window, grid)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetSelectedWindow (window)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSetTextSelectionGrid (grid)
' Message Functions
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrAddMessage (wingrid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrDeleteMessages (count)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetMessages (count, MESSAGE messages[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrGetMessageType (message, messageType)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrJamMessage (wingrid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMessageNameToNumber (messageName$, messageNumber)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMessageNames (count, messages$[])
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMessageNumberToName (messageNumber, messageName$)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrMessagesPending (count)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrPeekMessage (wingrid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrProcessMessages (maxCount)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRedrawWindow (window, action, xWin, yWin, width, height)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrRegisterMessage (message$, message)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSendMessage (wingrid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSendMessageToWindow (wingrid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSendStringMessage (wingrid, message$, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
EXTERNAL FUNCTION XgrSendStringMessageToWindow (wingrid, message$, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
' ****************************************
' ***** GraphicsDesigner Constants *****
' ****************************************
' ***** kind of entity *****
$$KindWindow = 1 ' same as $$Window
$$KindGrid = 2 ' same as $$Grid
$$KindImage = 4 ' same as $$Image
$$Window = 1 ' window = top level window, including pop-up
$$Grid = 2 ' grid = subwindow
$$Image = 4 ' image = pixmap
' permanently defined grid types (also registered as #GridTypeXXXX)
$$GridTypeCoordinate = 0 ' coordinate grid
$$GridTypeImage = 1 ' memory image
$$GridTypeBuffer = 1 ' alias
' permanently defined clipboard types
$$ClipboardTypeNone = 0 ' no contents
$$ClipboardTypeText = 1 ' ASCII text
$$ClipboardTypeImage = 2 ' DIB image
' ***** debug type *****
$$DebugBrief = 1
$$DebugWordy = 2
$$DebugError = 4
' ***** monitor type *****
$$MonitorContext = 1
$$MonitorHelp = 2
$$MonitorKeyboard = 4
$$MonitorMouse = 8
' ***** window types *****
$$WindowTypeTopMost = 0x80000000
$$WindowTypeNoSelect = 0x40000000
$$WindowTypeNoFrame = 0x20000000
$$WindowTypeResizeFrame = 0x10000000
$$WindowTypeTitleBar = 0x08000000
$$WindowTypeSystemMenu = 0x04000000
$$WindowTypeMinimizeBox = 0x02000000
$$WindowTypeMinimizeButton = 0x02000000
$$WindowTypeMaximizeBox = 0x01000000
$$WindowTypeMaximizeButton = 0x01000000
$$WindowTypeModal = 0x99000000
$$WindowTypeNormal = 0x1F000000
$$WindowTypeFixedSize = 0x08000000
$$WindowTypeDefault = 0x00000000
$$WindowTypeCloseMinimize = 0x00010000
$$WindowTypeCloseHide = 0x00020000
$$WindowTypeCloseDestroy = 0x00040000
$$WindowTypeCloseTerminate = 0x00080000
' ***** window states *****
$$WindowHidden = 0
$$WindowDisplayed = 1
$$WindowMinimized = 2
$$WindowMaximized = 3
' ***** grid states *****
$$GridDisabled = 0
$$GridEnabled = 1
' ***** grid border styles *****
$$BorderNone = 0
$$BorderFlat = 1 : $$BorderFlat1 = 1
$$BorderFlat2 = 2
$$BorderFlat4 = 3
$$BorderHiLine1 = 4 : $$BorderLine1 = 4
$$BorderHiLine2 = 5 : $$BorderLine2 = 5
$$BorderHiLine4 = 6 : $$BorderLine4 = 6
$$BorderLoLine1 = 7
$$BorderLoLine2 = 8
$$BorderLoLine4 = 9
$$BorderRaise1 = 10 : $$BorderRaise = 10
$$BorderRaise2 = 11
$$BorderRaise4 = 12
$$BorderLower1 = 13 : $$BorderLower = 13
$$BorderLower2 = 14
$$BorderLower4 = 15
$$BorderFrame = 16
$$BorderDrain = 17
$$BorderRidge = 18
$$BorderValley = 19
$$BorderWide = 20 ' window frame border w/o resize marks
$$BorderResize = 21 ' window frame resize border
$$BorderWindow = 22 ' wide window frame border w/o resize marks
$$BorderWindowResize = 23 ' wide window frame with resize marks
$$BorderRise2 = 24
$$BorderSink2 = 25
$$BorderUpper = 31 ' highest valid border number
' ***** drawing modes *****
$$DrawCOPY = 0 ' obsolete set
$$DrawSET = 0
$$DrawXOR = 1
$$DrawAND = 2
$$DrawOR = 3
$$DrawMax = 3
$$DrawModeCOPY = 0 ' new set
$$DrawModeSET = 0
$$DrawModeXOR = 1
$$DrawModeAND = 2
$$DrawModeOR = 3
$$DrawModeMax = 3
$$LineSolid = 0 ' obsolete set
$$LineDash = 1
$$LineDot = 2
$$LineDashDot = 3
$$LineDashDotDot = 4
$$LineMax = 4
$$LineStyleSolid = 0 ' new set
$$LineStyleDash = 1
$$LineStyleDot = 2
$$LineStyleDashDot = 3
$$LineStyleDashDotDot = 4
$$LineStyleMax = 4
$$LineFill = 0x0010
$$LineFillDash = 0x0011
$$LineFillDot = 0x0012
$$LineFillDashDot = 0x0013
$$LineFillDashDotDot = 0x0014
$$TriangleUp = 0x0010
$$TriangleRight = 0x0014
$$TriangleDown = 0x0018
$$TriangleLeft = 0x001C
$$CurrentColor = -1
$$DefaultColor = -1
$$ClipTypeNone = 0 ' none = no contents
$$ClipTypeText = 1 ' ASCII text
$$ClipTypeImage = 2 ' DIB format image
' ****************************************************
' ***** standard colors with names (0 to 124) *****
' ****************************************************
' RR = 0x00 to 0xFF (0 to 255) red intensity
' GG = 0x00 to 0xFF (0 to 255) green intensity
' BB = 0x00 to 0xFF (0 to 255) blue intensity
' CC = 0x00 to 0x7C (0 to 124) standard color number
' ColorConstant Decimal Hexadecimal
' color# RRGGBBCC
$$Black = 0 ' 0x00000000
$$DarkBlue = 1 ' 0x00003F01
$$MediumBlue = 2 ' 0x00007F02
$$Blue = 2 ' 0x00007F02
$$BrightBlue = 3 ' 0x0000BF03
$$LightBlue = 4 ' 0x0000FF04
$$DarkGreen = 5 ' 0x003F0005
$$MediumGreen = 10 ' 0x007F000A
$$Green = 10 ' 0x007F000A
$$BrightGreen = 15 ' 0x00BF000F
$$LightGreen = 20 ' 0x00FF0014
$$DarkCyan = 6 ' 0x003F3F06
$$MediumCyan = 12 ' 0x007F7F0C
$$Cyan = 12 ' 0x007F7F0C
$$BrightCyan = 18 ' 0x00BFBF12
$$LightCyan = 24 ' 0x00FFFF18
$$DarkRed = 25 ' 0x3F000019
$$MediumRed = 50 ' 0x7F000032
$$Red = 50 ' 0x7F000032
$$BrightRed = 75 ' 0xBF00004B
$$LightRed = 100 ' 0xFF000064
$$DarkMagenta = 26 ' 0x3F003F1A
$$MediumMagenta = 52 ' 0x7F007F34
$$Magenta = 52 ' 0x7F007F34
$$BrightMagenta = 78 ' 0xBF00BF4E
$$LightMagenta = 104 ' 0xFF00FF68
$$DarkBrown = 30 ' 0x3F3F001E
$$MediumBrown = 60 ' 0x7F7F003C
$$Brown = 60 ' 0x7F7F003C
$$Yellow = 90 ' 0xBFBF005A
$$BrightYellow = 120 ' 0xFFFF0078
$$LightYellow = 120 ' 0xFFFF0078
$$DarkGrey = 31 ' 0x3F3F3F1F
$$MediumGrey = 62 ' 0x7F7F7F3E
$$Grey = 62 ' 0x7F7F7F3E
$$LightGrey = 93 ' 0xBFBFBF5D
$$BrightGrey = 93 ' 0xBFBFBF5D
$$DarkSteel = 32 ' 0x3F3F7F20
$$MediumSteel = 63 ' 0x7F7FBF3F
$$Steel = 63 ' 0x7F7FBF3F
$$BrightSteel = 94 ' 0xBFBFFF5E
$$MediumOrange = 81 ' 0xBF3F3F51
$$Orange = 81 ' 0xBF3F3F51
$$BrightOrange = 112 ' 0xFF7F7F70
$$LightOrange = 112 ' 0xFF7F7F70
$$MediumAqua = 42 ' 0x3FBF7F2A
$$Aqua = 42 ' 0x3FBF7F2A
$$BrightAqua = 73 ' 0x7FFFBF49
$$DarkViolet = 57 ' 0x7F3F7F39
$$MediumViolet = 88 ' 0xBF7FBF58
$$Violet = 88 ' 0xBF7FBF58
$$BrightViolet = 119 ' 0xFFBFFF77
$$White = 124 ' 0xFFFFFF7C
' keyboard key and mouse button bits in mouse messages
$$MouseShiftKey = 0x00010000 ' bit 16 = ShiftKey
$$MouseControlKey = 0x00020000 ' bit 17 = ControlKey
$$MouseAltKey = 0x00040000 ' bit 18 = AltKey
$$MouseMod1Key = 0x00040000 ' bit 18 = Mod1Key (alias AltKey)
$$MouseMod2Key = 0x00080000 ' bit 19 = Mod2Key
$$MouseMod3Key = 0x00100000 ' bit 20 = Mod3Key
$$MouseMod4Key = 0x00200000 ' bit 21 = Mod4Key
$$MouseMod5Key = 0x00400000 ' bit 22 = Mod5Key
$$MouseButton1 = 0x01000000 ' bit 24 = MouseButton1 left button
$$MouseButton2 = 0x02000000 ' bit 25 = MouseButton2 middle button
$$MouseButton3 = 0x04000000 ' bit 26 = MouseButton3 right button
$$MouseButton4 = 0x08000000 ' bit 27 = MouseButton4 extra button
$$MouseButton5 = 0x10000000 ' bit 28 = MouseButton5 extra button
$$MouseButtonMask = 0x1F000000 '
$$ShiftBit = 0x00010000 ' bit 16
$$ControlBit = 0x00020000 ' bit 17
$$CtrlBit = 0x00020000 ' bit 17 alias
$$AltBit = 0x00040000 ' bit 18
$$RightAltBit = 0x00080000 ' bit 19
$$RightShiftBit = 0x00400000 ' bit 22
$$RightControlBit = 0x00800000 ' bit 23
$$LeftButtonBit = 0x01000000 ' bit 24
$$MiddleButtonBit = 0x02000000 ' bit 25
$$RightButtonBit = 0x04000000 ' bit 26
$$HelpButtonBit = 0x04000000 ' bit 26
' ***** key types *****
$$KeyTypeVirtualKey = 0
$$KeyTypeAscii = 1
$$KeyTypeUnicode = 2
' ***** ASCII "control" characters *****
$$AsciiAlarm = 0x07 ' \a
$$AsciiBell = 0x07 ' \a
$$AsciiBackspace = 0x08 ' \b
$$AsciiTab = 0x09 ' \t
$$AsciiLinefeed = 0x0A ' \n
$$AsciiNewline = 0x0A ' \n
$$AsciiVerticalTab = 0x0B ' \v
$$AsciiFormFeed = 0x0C ' \f
$$AsciiEnter = 0x0D ' \r
$$AsciiReturn = 0x0D ' \r
$$AsciiEscape = 0x1B ' \e
$$AsciiDelete = 0x7F ' \d
' ***** virtual key codes *****
$$VirtualKey = BITFIELD (8,24)
$$KeyLeftButton = 0x01
$$KeyRightButton = 0x02
$$KeyBreak = 0x03
$$KeyMiddleButton = 0x04
$$KeyBackspace = 0x08
$$KeyTab = 0x09
$$KeyClear = 0x0C
$$KeyEnter = 0x0D
$$KeyShift = 0x10
$$KeyControl = 0x11
$$KeyAlt = 0x12
$$KeyPause = 0x13
$$KeyCapLock = 0x14
$$KeyEscape = 0x1B
$$KeyControlA = 0x01
$$KeyControlB = 0x02
$$KeyControlC = 0x03
$$KeyControlD = 0x04
$$KeyControlE = 0x05
$$KeyControlF = 0x06
$$KeyControlG = 0x07
$$KeyControlH = 0x08
$$KeyControlI = 0x09
$$KeyControlJ = 0x0A
$$KeyControlK = 0x0B
$$KeyControlL = 0x0C
$$KeyControlM = 0x0D
$$KeyControlN = 0x0E
$$KeyControlO = 0x0F
$$KeyControlP = 0x10
$$KeyControlQ = 0x11
$$KeyControlR = 0x12
$$KeyControlS = 0x13
$$KeyControlT = 0x14
$$KeyControlU = 0x15
$$KeyControlV = 0x16
$$KeyControlW = 0x17
$$KeyControlX = 0x18
$$KeyControlY = 0x19
$$KeyControlZ = 0x1A
$$KeySpace = 0x20
$$KeyPageUp = 0x21
$$KeyPageDown = 0x22
$$KeyEnd = 0x23
$$KeyHome = 0x24
$$KeyLeftArrow = 0x25
$$KeyUpArrow = 0x26
$$KeyRightArrow = 0x27
$$KeyDownArrow = 0x28
$$KeySelect = 0x29
$$KeyExecute = 0x2B
$$KeyPrintScreen = 0x2C
$$KeyInsert = 0x2D
$$KeyDelete = 0x2E
$$KeyHelp = 0x2F
$$Key0 = 0x30
$$Key1 = 0x31
$$Key2 = 0x32
$$Key3 = 0x33
$$Key4 = 0x34
$$Key5 = 0x35
$$Key6 = 0x36
$$Key7 = 0x37
$$Key8 = 0x38
$$Key9 = 0x39
$$KeyA = 0x41
$$KeyB = 0x42
$$KeyC = 0x43
$$KeyD = 0x44
$$KeyE = 0x45
$$KeyF = 0x46
$$KeyG = 0x47
$$KeyH = 0x48
$$KeyI = 0x49
$$KeyJ = 0x4A
$$KeyK = 0x4B
$$KeyL = 0x4C
$$KeyM = 0x4D
$$KeyN = 0x4E
$$KeyO = 0x4F
$$KeyP = 0x50
$$KeyQ = 0x51
$$KeyR = 0x52
$$KeyS = 0x53
$$KeyT = 0x54
$$KeyU = 0x55
$$KeyV = 0x56
$$KeyW = 0x57
$$KeyX = 0x58
$$KeyY = 0x59
$$KeyZ = 0x5A
$$KeyLeftWindow = 0x5B
$$KeyRightWindow = 0x5C
$$KeyApps = 0x5D
$$KeyPad0 = 0x60
$$KeyPad1 = 0x61
$$KeyPad2 = 0x62
$$KeyPad3 = 0x63
$$KeyPad4 = 0x64
$$KeyPad5 = 0x65
$$KeyPad6 = 0x66
$$KeyPad7 = 0x67
$$KeyPad8 = 0x68
$$KeyPad9 = 0x69
$$KeyPadMultiply = 0x6A
$$KeyPadAdd = 0x6B
$$KeyPadSubtract = 0x6D
$$KeyPadDecimalPoint = 0x6E
$$KeyPadDivide = 0x6F
$$KeyF1 = 0x70
$$KeyF2 = 0x71
$$KeyF3 = 0x72
$$KeyF4 = 0x73
$$KeyF5 = 0x74
$$KeyF6 = 0x75
$$KeyF7 = 0x76
$$KeyF8 = 0x77
$$KeyF9 = 0x78
$$KeyF10 = 0x79
$$KeyF11 = 0x7A
$$KeyF12 = 0x7B
$$KeyF13 = 0x7C
$$KeyF14 = 0x7D
$$KeyF15 = 0x7E
$$KeyF16 = 0x7F
$$KeyF17 = 0x80
$$KeyF18 = 0x81
$$KeyF19 = 0x82
$$KeyF20 = 0x83
$$KeyF21 = 0x84
$$KeyF22 = 0x85
$$KeyF23 = 0x86
$$KeyF24 = 0x87
$$KeyNumLock = 0x90
$$KeyScroll = 0x91
$$KeyLeftShift = 0xA0
$$KeyRightShift = 0xA1
$$KeyLeftControl = 0xA2
$$KeyRightControl = 0xA3
$$KeyLeftMenu = 0xA4
$$KeyRightMenu = 0xA5