# | _hread | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib
1 | _hwrite | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
2 | _lclose | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
3 | _lcreat | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
4 | _llseek | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
5 | _lopen | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
6 | _lread | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
7 | _lwrite | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
8 | AbnormalTermination | new | | Y | macro |
9 | AbortDoc | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
10 | AbortPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
11 | AbortPrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
12 | AbortProc | dropped | | N | |
13 | AbortSystemShutdown | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
14 | AbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD | new | | N | macro |
15 | accept | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
16 | AccessCheck | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
17 | AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
18 | AccessResource | dropped | | N | |
19 | ActivateKeyboardLayout | new | | N | user32.lib |
20 | AddAccessAllowedAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
21 | AddAccessDeniedAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
22 | AddAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
23 | AddAtom | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
24 | AddAuditAccessAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
25 | AddFontResource | changed | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
26 | AddForm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
27 | AddJob | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
28 | AddMonitor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
29 | AddPort | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
30 | AddPrinter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
31 | AddPrinterConnection | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
32 | AddPrinterDriver | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
33 | AddPrintProcessor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
34 | AddPrintProvidor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
35 | AdjustTokenGroups | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
36 | AdjustTokenPrivileges | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
37 | AdjustWindowRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
38 | AdjustWindowRectEx | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
39 | AdvancedDocumentProperties | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
40 | AdvancedSetupDialog | new | | N | winspool.lib |
41 | AllocateAndInitializeSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
42 | AllocateLocallyUniqueId | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
43 | AllocConsole | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
44 | AllocDiskSpace | dropped | | N | |
45 | AllocDSToCSAlias | dropped | | N | |
46 | AllocFileHandles | dropped | | N | |
47 | AllocGDIMem | dropped | | N | |
48 | AllocMem | dropped | | N | |
49 | AllocResource | dropped | | N | |
50 | AllocSelector | dropped | | N | |
51 | AllocUserMem | dropped | | N | |
52 | AngleArc | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
53 | AnimatePalette | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
54 | AnsiLower | widened | | Y | macro |
55 | AnsiLowerBuff | widened | | Y | macro |
56 | AnsiNext | widened | | Y | macro |
57 | AnsiPrev | widened | | Y | macro |
58 | AnsiToOem | widened | | Y | macro |
59 | AnsiToOemBuff | widened | | Y | macro |
60 | AnsiUpper | widened | | Y | macro |
61 | AnsiUpperBuff | widened | | Y | macro |
62 | AnyPopup | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
63 | AppendMenu | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
64 | Arc | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
65 | ArcTo | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
66 | AreAllAccessesGranted | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
67 | AreAnyAccessesGranted | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
68 | ArrangeIconicWindows | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
69 | AttachThreadInput | new | | N | user32.lib |
70 | auxGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
71 | auxGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
72 | auxGetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
73 | auxOutMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
74 | auxSetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
75 | BackupEventLog | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
76 | BackupRead | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
77 | BackupSeek | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
78 | BackupWrite | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
79 | Beep | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
80 | BeginDeferWindowPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
81 | BeginPaint | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
82 | BeginPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
83 | BeginUpdateResource | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
84 | bind | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
85 | BitBlt | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
86 | BringWindowToTop | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
87 | BuildCommDCB | widened | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
88 | BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
89 | CallMsgFilter | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
90 | CallNamedPipe | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
91 | CallNextHookEx | new | | Y | user32.lib |
92 | CallWindowProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
93 | CancelDC | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
94 | Catch | dropped | | N | |
95 | ChangeClipboardChain | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
96 | ChangeMenu | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
97 | ChangeSelector | dropped | | N | |
98 | ChangeServiceConfig | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
99 | char_array_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
100 | char_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
101 | CharLower | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
102 | CharLowerBuff | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
103 | CharNext | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
104 | CharPrev | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
105 | CharToOem | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
106 | CharToOemBuff | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
107 | CharUpper | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
108 | CharUpperBuff | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
109 | CheckDlgButton | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
110 | CheckMenuItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
111 | CheckRadioButton | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
112 | ChildWindowFromPoint | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
113 | ChooseColor | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
114 | ChooseFont | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
115 | Chord | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
116 | ClassFirst | dropped | | N | |
117 | ClassNext | dropped | | N | |
118 | ClearCommBreak | widened | | N | kernel32.lib |
119 | ClearCommError | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
120 | ClearEventLog | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
121 | ClientThreadConnect | new | | N | user32.lib |
122 | ClientToScreen | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
123 | ClipCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
124 | CloseClipboard | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
125 | CloseComm | dropped | | N | |
126 | CloseConsoleHandle | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
127 | CloseDesktop | new | | N | user32.lib |
128 | CloseDriver | dropped | | N | |
129 | CloseEnhMetaFile | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
130 | CloseEventLog | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
131 | CloseFigure | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
132 | CloseHandle | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
133 | CloseMetaFile | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
134 | ClosePrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
135 | CloseProfileUserMapping | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
136 | CloseServiceHandle | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
137 | closesocket | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
138 | CloseSound | dropped | | N | |
139 | CloseWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
140 | CombineRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
141 | CombineTransform | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
142 | CommDlgExtendedError | widened | | Y | comdlg32.lib |
143 | CompareFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
144 | CompareStringW | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
145 | ConfigurePort | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
146 | connect | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
147 | ConnectNamedPipe | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
148 | ContinueDebugEvent | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
149 | ControlService | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
150 | ConvertRequest | widened | | N | macro |
151 | CopyAcceleratorTable | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
152 | CopyCursor | new | | Y | macro |
153 | CopyEnhMetaFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
154 | CopyFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
155 | CopyIcon | new | | Y | user32.lib |
156 | CopyLZFile | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
157 | CopyMetaFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
158 | CopyRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
159 | CopySid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
160 | CountClipboardFormats | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
161 | CountVoiceNotes | dropped | | N | |
162 | CreateAcceleratorTable | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
163 | CreateBitmap | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
164 | CreateBitmapIndirect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
165 | CreateBrushIndirect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
166 | CreateCaret | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
167 | CreateCompatibleBitmap | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
168 | CreateCompatibleDC | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
169 | CreateConsoleScreenBuffer | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
170 | CreateCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
171 | CreateDC | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
172 | CreateDialog | widened | | Y | macro |
173 | CreateDialogIndirect | widened | | Y | macro |
174 | CreateDialogIndirectParam | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
175 | CreateDialogParam | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
176 | CreateDIBitmap | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
177 | CreateDIBPatternBrush | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
178 | CreateDIBPatternBrushPt | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
179 | CreateDIBSection | new | | N | macro |
180 | CreateDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
181 | CreateDirectoryEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
182 | CreateDiscardableBitmap | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
183 | CreateEllipticRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
184 | CreateEllipticRgnIndirect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
185 | CreateEnhMetaFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
186 | CreateEvent | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
187 | CreateFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
188 | CreateFileMapping | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
189 | CreateFont | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
190 | CreateFontIndirect | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
191 | CreateHalftonePalette | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
192 | CreateHatchBrush | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
193 | CreateIC | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
194 | CreateIcon | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
195 | CreateIconFromResource | new | | N | user32.lib |
196 | CreateIconIndirect | new | | N | user32.lib |
197 | CreateMailslot | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
198 | CreateMDIWindow | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
199 | CreateMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
200 | CreateMetaFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
201 | CreateMutex | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
202 | CreateNamedPipe | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
203 | CreatePalette | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
204 | CreatePatternBrush | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
205 | CreatePen | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
206 | CreatePenIndirect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
207 | CreatePipe | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
208 | CreatePolygonRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
209 | CreatePolyPolygonRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
210 | CreatePopupMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
211 | CreatePrivateObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
212 | CreateProcess | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
213 | CreateRectRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
214 | CreateRectRgnIndirect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
215 | CreateRemoteThread | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
216 | CreateRoundRectRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
217 | CreateScalableFontResource | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
218 | CreateSemaphore | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
219 | CreateService | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
220 | CreateSolidBrush | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
221 | CreateTapePartition | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
222 | CreateThread | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
223 | CreateUserObjectSecurity | new | | N | macro |
224 | CreateWindow | widened | | Y | macro |
225 | CreateWindowEx | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
226 | data_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
227 | data_into_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
228 | data_size_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
229 | DdeAbandonTransaction | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
230 | DdeAccessData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
231 | DdeAddData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
232 | DdeClientTransaction | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
233 | DdeCmpStringHandles | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
234 | DdeConnect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
235 | DdeConnectList | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
236 | DdeCreateDataHandle | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
237 | DdeCreateStringHandle | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
238 | DdeDisconnect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
239 | DdeDisconnectList | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
240 | DdeEnableCallback | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
241 | DdeFreeDataHandle | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
242 | DdeFreeStringHandle | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
243 | DdeGetData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
244 | DdeGetLastError | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
245 | DdeImpersonateClient | new | | N | user32.lib |
246 | DdeInitialize | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
247 | DdeKeepStringHandle | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
248 | DdeNameService | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
249 | DdePostAdvise | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
250 | DdeQueryConvInfo | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
251 | DdeQueryNextServer | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
252 | DdeQueryString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
253 | DdeReconnect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
254 | DdeRevertToSelf | new | | N | macro |
255 | DdeSetUserHandle | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
256 | DdeUnaccessData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
257 | DdeUninitialize | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
258 | DebugActiveProcess | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
259 | DebugBreak | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
260 | DebugProc | widened | | Y | macro |
261 | DebugSnapShotProcessHeaps | new | | N | macro |
262 | DefDlgProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
263 | DefDriverProc | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
264 | DeferWindowPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
265 | DefFrameProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
266 | DefHookProc | widened | | Y | macro |
267 | DefineHandleTable | widened | | Y | macro |
268 | DefMDIChildProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
269 | DefWindowProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
270 | DeleteAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
271 | DeleteAtom | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
272 | DeleteCriticalSection | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
273 | DeleteDC | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
274 | DeleteEnhMetaFile | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
275 | DeleteFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
276 | DeleteForm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
277 | DeleteMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
278 | DeleteMetaFile | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
279 | DeleteMonitor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
280 | DeleteObject | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
281 | DeletePort | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
282 | DeletePrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
283 | DeletePrinterConnection | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
284 | DeletePrinterDriver | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
285 | DeletePrintProcessor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
286 | DeletePrintProvidor | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
287 | DeleteService | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
288 | DeregisterEventSource | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
289 | DestroyAcceleratorTable | new | | N | user32.lib |
290 | DestroyCaret | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
291 | DestroyCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
292 | DestroyIcon | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
293 | DestroyMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
294 | DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
295 | DestroyUserObjectSecurity | new | | N | macro |
296 | DestroyWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
297 | DeviceCapabilities | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
298 | DeviceIoControl | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
299 | DeviceMode | widened | | N | winspool.lib |
300 | DeviceModeEx | widened | | Y | macro |
301 | DialogBox | widened | | Y | macro |
302 | DialogBoxIndirect | widened | | Y | macro |
303 | DialogBoxIndirectParam | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
304 | DialogBoxParam | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
305 | DirectedYield | widened | | N | user32.lib |
306 | DisconnectNamedPipe | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
307 | DispatchMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
308 | DlgDirList | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
309 | DlgDirListComboBox | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
310 | DlgDirSelect | dropped | | N | |
311 | DlgDirSelectComboBox | dropped | | N | |
312 | DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
313 | DlgDirSelectEx | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
314 | DocumentProperties | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
315 | DOS3Call | dropped | | N | |
316 | DosDateTimeToFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
317 | double_array_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
318 | double_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
319 | DPtoLP | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
320 | DragAcceptFiles | widened | | Y | shell32.lib |
321 | DragDetect | new | | N | user32.lib |
322 | DragFinish | widened | | Y | shell32.lib |
323 | DragObject | new | | N | user32.lib |
324 | DragQueryFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | shell32.lib |
325 | DragQueryPoint | widened | | Y | shell32.lib |
326 | DrawEscape | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
327 | DrawFocusRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
328 | DrawIcon | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
329 | DrawMenuBar | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
330 | DrawText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
331 | DriverCallback | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
332 | DrvGetModuleHandle | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
333 | DuplicateHandle | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
334 | DuplicateIcon | new | | N | shell32.lib |
335 | DuplicateToken | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
336 | Ellipse | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
337 | EmptyClipboard | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
338 | EnableCommNotification | new | | N | macro |
339 | EnableHardwareInput | widened | | Y | macro |
340 | EnableMenuItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
341 | EnableScrollBar | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
342 | EnableWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
343 | EndDeferWindowPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
344 | EndDialog | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
345 | EndDoc | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
346 | EndDocPrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
347 | EndPage | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
348 | EndPagePrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
349 | EndPaint | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
350 | EndPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
351 | EndUpdateResource | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
352 | EnterCriticalSection | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
353 | enum_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
354 | EnumChildWindows | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
355 | EnumClipboardFormats | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
356 | EnumDependentServices | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
357 | EnumDesktops | new | | N | macro |
358 | EnumDisplayDeviceModes | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
359 | EnumDisplayDevices | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
360 | EnumEnhMetaFile | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
361 | EnumFontFamilies | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
362 | EnumFontFamProc | new | | Y | macro |
363 | EnumFonts | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
364 | EnumForms | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
365 | EnumJobs | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
366 | EnumMetaFile | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
367 | EnumMonitors | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
368 | EnumNearestFonts | new | | N | macro |
369 | EnumObjects | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
370 | EnumPorts | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
371 | EnumPrinterDrivers | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
372 | EnumPrinters | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
373 | EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
374 | EnumPrintProcessors | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
375 | EnumProps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
376 | EnumPropsEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
377 | EnumQueueMessages | new | | N | macro |
378 | EnumResLangProc | new | | Y | macro |
379 | EnumResNameProc | new | | Y | macro |
380 | EnumResourceLanguages | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
381 | EnumResourceNames | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
382 | EnumResourceTypes | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
383 | EnumResTypeProc | new | | Y | macro |
384 | EnumServicesStatus | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
385 | EnumTaskWindows | widened | | Y | macro |
386 | EnumThreadWindows | new | | Y | user32.lib |
387 | EnumThreadWndProc | new | | Y | macro |
388 | EnumWindows | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
389 | EqualPrefixSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
390 | EqualRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
391 | EqualRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
392 | EqualSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
393 | EraseTape | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
394 | Escape | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
395 | EscapeCommFunction | widened | | N | kernel32.lib |
396 | ExcludeClipRect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
397 | ExcludeUpdateRgn | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
398 | ExitProcess | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
399 | ExitThread | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
400 | ExitWindows | widened | | Y | macro |
401 | ExitWindowsEx | new | | N | user32.lib |
402 | ExpandEnvironmentStrings | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
403 | ExpungeConsoleCommandHistory | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
404 | ExtCreatePen | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
405 | ExtCreateRegion | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
406 | ExtDeviceMode | dropped | | N | |
407 | ExtendedProviderFunction | new | | N | macro |
408 | ExtEscape | new | | Y | gdi32.lib |
409 | ExtFloodFill | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
410 | ExtractAssociatedIcon | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | shell32.lib |
411 | ExtractIcon | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | shell32.lib |
412 | ExtSelectClipRgn | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
413 | ExtTextOut | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
414 | FatalAppExit | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
415 | FatalExit | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
416 | FileIoCompletionRoutine | new | | N | macro |
417 | FileTimeToDosDateTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
418 | FileTimeToLocalFileTime | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
419 | FileTimeToSystemTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
420 | FillConsoleOutputAttribute | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
421 | FillConsoleOutputCharacter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
422 | FillPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
423 | FillRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
424 | FillRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
425 | FindAtom | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
426 | FindClose | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
427 | FindCloseChangeNotification | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
428 | FindExecutable | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | shell32.lib |
429 | FindFirstChangeNotification | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
430 | FindFirstFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
431 | FindFirstFreeAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
432 | FindNextChangeNotification | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
433 | FindNextFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
434 | FindResource | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
435 | FindResourceEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
436 | FindText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
437 | FindWindow | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
438 | FixBrushOrgEx | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
439 | FlashWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
440 | FlattenPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
441 | float_array_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
442 | float_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
443 | FloodFill | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
444 | FlushComm | dropped | | N | |
445 | FlushConsoleInputBuffer | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
446 | FlushFileBuffers | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
447 | FlushInstructionCache | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
448 | FlushViewOfFile | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
449 | FoldStringW | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
450 | FormatMessage | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
451 | FrameRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
452 | FrameRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
453 | FreeAllGDIMem | dropped | | N | |
454 | FreeAllMem | dropped | | N | |
455 | FreeAllUserMem | dropped | | N | |
456 | FreeConsole | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
457 | FreeDDElParam | new | | Y | user32.lib |
458 | FreeLibrary | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
459 | FreeModule | widened | | Y | macro |
460 | FreeProcInstance | widened | | Y | macro |
461 | FreeResource | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
462 | FreeSelector | dropped | | N | |
463 | FreeSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
464 | GdiComment | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
465 | GdiFlush | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
466 | GdiGetBatchLimit | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
467 | GdiSetBatchLimit | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
468 | GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
469 | GetAce | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
470 | GetAclInformation | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
471 | GetACP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
472 | GetActiveWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
473 | GetArcDirection | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
474 | GetAspectRatioFilter | dropped | | N | |
475 | GetAspectRatioFilterEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
476 | GetAsyncKeyState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
477 | GetAtomHandle | widened | | Y | macro |
478 | GetAtomName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
479 | GetBitmapBits | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
480 | GetBitmapDimension | dropped | | N | |
481 | GetBitmapDimensionEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
482 | GetBkColor | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
483 | GetBkMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
484 | GetBoundsRect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
485 | GetBrushOrg | widened | | Y | macro |
486 | GetBrushOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
487 | GetBValue | widened | | Y | macro |
488 | GetCapture | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
489 | GetCaretBlinkTime | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
490 | GetCaretPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
491 | GetCharABCWidths | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
492 | GetCharABCWidthsFloat | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
493 | GetCharWidth | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
494 | GetCharWidth32 | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
495 | GetCharWidthFloat | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
496 | GetClassInfo | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
497 | GetClassLong | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
498 | GetClassName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
499 | GetClassWord | changed | | Y | user32.lib |
500 | GetClientRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
501 | GetClipboardData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
502 | GetClipboardFormatName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
503 | GetClipboardOwner | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
504 | GetClipboardViewer | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
505 | GetClipBox | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
506 | GetClipCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
507 | GetClipRgn | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
508 | GetCodeHandle | dropped | | N | |
509 | GetCodeInfo | dropped | | N | |
510 | GetColorAdjustment | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
511 | GetCommandLine | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
512 | GetCommConfig | new | | N | macro |
513 | GetCommError | dropped | | N | |
514 | GetCommMask | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
515 | GetCommModemStatus | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
516 | GetCommProperties | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
517 | GetCommState | widened | | N | kernel32.lib |
518 | GetCommTimeouts | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
519 | GetComputerName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
520 | GetConsoleCP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
521 | GetConsoleCursorInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
522 | GetConsoleMode | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
523 | GetConsoleOutputCP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
524 | GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
525 | GetConsoleTitle | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
526 | GetCPInfo | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
527 | GetCurrentDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
528 | GetCurrentObject | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
529 | GetCurrentPDB | dropped | | N | |
530 | GetCurrentPosition | dropped | | N | |
531 | GetCurrentPositionEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
532 | GetCurrentProcess | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
533 | GetCurrentProcessId | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
534 | GetCurrentTask | widened | | Y | macro |
535 | GetCurrentThread | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
536 | GetCurrentThreadId | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
537 | GetCurrentTime | widened | | Y | macro |
538 | GetCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
539 | GetCursorPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
540 | GetDC | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
541 | GetDCEx | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
542 | GetDCOrg | dropped | | N | gdi32.lib |
543 | GetDCOrgEx | new | | Y | gdi32.lib |
544 | GetDesktopWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
545 | GetDeviceCaps | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
546 | GetDialogBaseUnits | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
547 | GetDIBits | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
548 | GetDiskFreeSpace | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
549 | GetDlgCtrlID | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
550 | GetDlgItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
551 | GetDlgItemInt | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
552 | GetDlgItemText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
553 | GetDOSEnvironment | dropped | | N | |
554 | GetDoubleClickTime | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
555 | GetDriverInfo | widened | | N | macro |
556 | GetDriverModuleHandle | widened | | N | macro |
557 | GetDriveType | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
558 | GetEnhMetaFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
559 | GetEnhMetaFileBits | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
560 | GetEnhMetaFileDescription | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
561 | GetEnhMetaFileHeader | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
562 | GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
563 | GetEnvironment | dropped | | N | gdi32.lib |
564 | GetEnvironmentStrings | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
565 | GetEnvironmentVariable | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
566 | GetExceptionCode | new | | Y | macro |
567 | GetExceptionInformation | new | | Y | macro |
568 | GetExitCodeProcess | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
569 | GetExitCodeThread | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
570 | GetExpandedName | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | lz32.lib |
571 | GetFileAttributes | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
572 | GetFileInformationByHandle | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
573 | GetFileResource | widened | | Y | macro |
574 | GetFileResourceSize | widened | | Y | macro |
575 | GetFileSecurity | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
576 | GetFileSize | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
577 | GetFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
578 | GetFileTitle | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
579 | GetFileType | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
580 | GetFileVersionInfo | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | version.lib |
581 | GetFileVersionInfoSize | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | version.lib |
582 | GetFocus | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
583 | GetFontData | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
584 | GetFontMapperControls | new | | N | macro |
585 | GetFontResourceInfo | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
586 | GetForegroundWindow | new | | N | user32.lib |
587 | GetForm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
588 | GetFreeSpace | widened | | Y | macro |
589 | GetFreeSystemResources | widened | | Y | macro |
590 | GetFullPathName | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
591 | GetGlyphOutline | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
592 | GetGraphicsMode | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
593 | GetGValue | widened | | Y | macro |
594 | gethostbyaddr | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
595 | gethostbyname | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
596 | gethostname | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
597 | GetIconInfo | new | | N | user32.lib |
598 | GetInputDesktop | new | | N | user32.lib |
599 | GetInputState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
600 | GetInstanceData | dropped | | N | |
601 | GetJob | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
602 | GetJobFromHandle | new | | N | macro |
603 | GetKBCodePage | widened | | N | user32.lib |
604 | GetKernelObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
605 | GetKerningPairs | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
606 | GetKeyboardLayoutName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
607 | GetKeyboardState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
608 | GetKeyboardType | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
609 | GetKeyNameText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
610 | GetKeyState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
611 | GetLargestConsoleWindowSize | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
612 | GetLastActivePopup | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
613 | GetLastError | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
614 | GetLengthSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
615 | GetLocaleInfoW | new | Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
616 | GetLocalTime | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
617 | GetLogicalDrives | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
618 | GetLogicalDriveStrings | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
619 | GetMailslotInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
620 | GetMapMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
621 | GetMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
622 | GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
623 | GetMenuItemCount | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
624 | GetMenuItemID | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
625 | GetMenuState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
626 | GetMenuString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
627 | GetMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
628 | GetMessageExtraInfo | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
629 | GetMessagePos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
630 | GetMessageTime | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
631 | GetMetaFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
632 | GetMetaFileBits | dropped | | N | |
633 | GetMetaFileBitsEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
634 | GetMetaRgn | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
635 | GetMiterLimit | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
636 | GetModuleFileName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
637 | GetModuleHandle | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
638 | GetModuleUsage | dropped | | N | |
639 | GetNamedPipeHandleState | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
640 | GetNamedPipeInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
641 | GetNearestColor | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
642 | GetNearestPaletteIndex | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
643 | GetNextDlgGroupItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
644 | GetNextDlgTabItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
645 | GetNextDriver | widened | | N | macro |
646 | GetNextWindow | widened | | Y | macro |
647 | GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
648 | GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
649 | GetNumberOfEventLogRecords | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
650 | GetNumTasks | widened | | Y | macro |
651 | GetObject | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
652 | GetObjectSecurity | new | | N | macro |
653 | GetObjectType | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
654 | GetOEMCP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
655 | GetOldestEventLogRecord | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
656 | GetOpenClipboardWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
657 | GetOpenFileName | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
658 | GetOutlineTextMetrics | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
659 | GetOverlappedResult | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
660 | GetPaletteEntries | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
661 | GetParent | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
662 | GetPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
663 | getpeername | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
664 | GetPixel | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
665 | GetPolyFillMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
666 | GetPrinter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
667 | GetPrinterData | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
668 | GetPrinterDriver | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
669 | GetPrinterDriverDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
670 | GetPrintProcessorDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
671 | GetPriorityClass | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
672 | GetPriorityClipboardFormat | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
673 | GetPrivateObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
674 | GetPrivateProfileInt | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
675 | GetPrivateProfileSection | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
676 | GetPrivateProfileString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
677 | GetProcAddress | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
678 | GetProcessHeap | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
679 | GetProcessShutdownParameters | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
680 | GetProcessWindowStation | new | | N | user32.lib |
681 | GetProfileInt | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
682 | GetProfileSection | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
683 | GetProfileString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
684 | GetProp | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
685 | getprotobyname | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
686 | getprotobynumber | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
687 | GetQueueStatus | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
688 | GetRasterizerCaps | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
689 | GetRegionData | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
690 | GetRgnBox | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
691 | GetROP2 | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
692 | GetRotateTransform | new | | N | macro |
693 | GetRValue | widened | | Y | macro |
694 | GetSaveFileName | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
695 | GetScrollPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
696 | GetScrollRange | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
697 | GetSecurityDescriptorControl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
698 | GetSecurityDescriptorDacl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
699 | GetSecurityDescriptorGroup | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
700 | GetSecurityDescriptorLength | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
701 | GetSecurityDescriptorOwner | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
702 | GetSecurityDescriptorSacl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
703 | getservbyname | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
704 | getservbyport | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
705 | GetServiceDisplayName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
706 | GetServiceKeyName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
707 | GetSidIdentifierAuthority | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
708 | GetSidLengthRequired | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
709 | GetSidSubAuthority | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
710 | GetSidSubAuthorityCount | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
711 | getsockname | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
712 | getsockopt | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
713 | GetStartupInfo | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
714 | GetStdHandle | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
715 | GetStockObject | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
716 | GetStretchBltMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
717 | GetStringTypeW | new | Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
718 | GetSubMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
719 | GetSysColor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
720 | GetSysModalWindow | widened | | Y | macro |
721 | GetSystemDebugState | dropped | | N | |
722 | GetSystemDefaultLangID | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
723 | GetSystemDefaultLCID | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
724 | GetSystemDir | dropped | | N | macro |
725 | GetSystemDirectory | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
726 | GetSystemInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
727 | GetSystemMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
728 | GetSystemMetrics | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
729 | GetSystemPaletteEntries | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
730 | GetSystemPaletteUse | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
731 | GetSystemTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
732 | GetTabbedTextExtent | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
733 | GetTapeParameters | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
734 | GetTapePosition | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
735 | GetTapeStatus | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
736 | GetTempDrive | dropped | | N | |
737 | GetTempFileName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
738 | GetTempPath | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
739 | GetTextAlign | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
740 | GetTextCharacterExtra | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
741 | GetTextColor | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
742 | GetTextExtent | dropped | | N | |
743 | GetTextExtentEx | dropped | | N | |
744 | GetTextExtentExPoint | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
745 | GetTextExtentPoint | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
746 | GetTextExtentPoint32 | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
747 | GetTextFace | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
748 | GetTextMetrics | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
749 | GetThreadContext | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
750 | GetThreadDesktop | new | | N | user32.lib |
751 | GetThreadExitCode | new | | N | macro |
752 | GetThreadLocale | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
753 | GetThreadPriority | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
754 | GetThreadSelectorEntry | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
755 | GetThresholdEvent | dropped | | N | |
756 | GetThresholdStatus | dropped | | N | |
757 | GetTickCount | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
758 | GetTimeZoneInformation | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
759 | GetTokenInformation | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
760 | GetTopWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
761 | GetUpdateRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
762 | GetUpdateRgn | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
763 | GetUserDefaultLangID | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
764 | GetUserDefaultLCID | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
765 | GetUserName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
766 | GetUserObjectSecurity | new | | N | user32.lib |
767 | GetVersion | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
768 | GetViewportExt | dropped | | N | |
769 | GetViewportExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
770 | GetViewportOrg | dropped | | N | |
771 | GetViewportOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
772 | GetVolumeInformation | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
773 | GetWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
774 | GetWindowDC | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
775 | GetWindowExt | dropped | | N | |
776 | GetWindowExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
777 | GetWindowLong | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
778 | GetWindowOrg | dropped | | N | |
779 | GetWindowOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
780 | GetWindowPlacement | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
781 | GetWindowRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
782 | GetWindowsDir | new | | N | macro |
783 | GetWindowsDirectory | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
784 | GetWindowStationAttrs | new | | N | macro |
785 | GetWindowTask | widened | | Y | macro |
786 | GetWindowText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
787 | GetWindowTextLength | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
788 | GetWindowThreadProcessId | new | | Y | user32.lib |
789 | GetWindowWord | changed | | Y | user32.lib |
790 | GetWinFlags | dropped | | N | |
791 | GetWinMetaFileBits | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
792 | GetWorldTransform | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
793 | GlobalAddAtom | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
794 | GlobalAlloc | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
795 | GlobalCompact | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
796 | GlobalDeleteAtom | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
797 | GlobalDiscard | widened | | Y | macro |
798 | GlobalDosAlloc | dropped | | N | |
799 | GlobalDosFree | dropped | | N | |
800 | GlobalEntryHandle | dropped | | N | |
801 | GlobalEntryModule | dropped | | N | |
802 | GlobalFindAtom | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
803 | GlobalFirst | dropped | | N | |
804 | GlobalFix | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
805 | GlobalFlags | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
806 | GlobalFree | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
807 | GlobalGetAtomName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
808 | GlobalHandle | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
809 | GlobalInfo | dropped | | N | |
810 | GlobalLock | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
811 | GlobalLRUNewest | widened | | Y | macro |
812 | GlobalLRUOldest | widened | | Y | macro |
813 | GlobalMemoryStatus | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
814 | GlobalNext | dropped | | N | |
815 | GlobalNotify | dropped | | N | |
816 | GlobalPageLock | dropped | | N | |
817 | GlobalPageUnlock | dropped | | N | |
818 | GlobalReAlloc | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
819 | GlobalSize | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
820 | GlobalUnfix | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
821 | GlobalUnlock | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
822 | GlobalUnWire | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
823 | GlobalWire | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
824 | GrayString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
825 | HeapAlloc | new | | Y | macro |
826 | HeapCreate | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
827 | HeapDestroy | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
828 | HeapFree | new | | Y | macro |
829 | HeapSize | new | | Y | macro |
830 | HideCaret | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
831 | HiliteMenuItem | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
832 | htonl | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
833 | htons | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
834 | I_RpcAllocate | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
835 | I_RpcBindingCopy | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
836 | I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpoint | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
837 | I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
838 | I_RpcClearMutex | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
839 | I_RpcDeleteMutex | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
840 | I_RpcFree | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
841 | I_RpcFreeBuffer | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
842 | I_RpcGetAssociationContext | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
843 | I_RpcGetBuffer | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
844 | I_RpcGetCurrentCallHandle | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
845 | I_RpcIfInqTransferSyntaxes | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
846 | I_RpcMapWin32Status | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
847 | I_RpcMonitorAssociation | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
848 | I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryName | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
849 | I_RpcNsGetBuffer | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
850 | I_RpcNsRaiseException | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
851 | I_RpcNsSendReceive | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
852 | I_RpcParseSecurity | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
853 | I_RpcPauseExecution | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
854 | I_RpcReBindBuffer | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
855 | I_RpcRequestMutex | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
856 | I_RpcSendReceive | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
857 | I_RpcSetAssociationContext | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
858 | I_RpcStopMonitorAssociation | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
859 | I_RpcTimeCharge | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
860 | I_RpcTimeGet | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
861 | I_RpcTimeReset | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
862 | I_RpcTransClientReallocBuffer | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
863 | I_RpcTransServerFindConnection | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
864 | I_RpcTransServerNewConnection | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
865 | I_RpcTransServerProtectThread | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
866 | I_RpcTransServerReallocBuffer | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
867 | I_RpcTransServerUnprotectThread | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
868 | I_ScSetServiceBits | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
869 | I_Trace | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
870 | I_UuidCreate | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
871 | ImpersonateDDEClientWindow | new | | N | user32.lib |
872 | ImpersonateNamedPipeClient | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
873 | ImpersonateSelf | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
874 | inet_addr | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
875 | inet_ntoa | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
876 | InflateRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
877 | InitAtomTable | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
878 | InitializeAcl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
879 | InitializeCriticalSection | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
880 | InitializeSecurityDescriptor | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
881 | InitializeSid | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
882 | InitiateSystemShutdown | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
883 | InSendMessage | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
884 | InsertMenu | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
885 | InsertQueueMessage | new | | N | macro |
886 | InterlockedDecrement | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
887 | InterlockedIncrement | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
888 | InterruptRegister | dropped | | N | |
889 | InterruptUnRegister | dropped | | N | |
890 | IntersectClipRect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
891 | IntersectRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
892 | InvalidateRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
893 | InvalidateRgn | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
894 | InvertRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
895 | InvertRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
896 | InvertTransform | new | | N | macro |
897 | ioctlsocket | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
898 | IsBadCodePtr | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
899 | IsBadHugeReadPtr | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
900 | IsBadHugeWritePtr | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
901 | IsBadReadPtr | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
902 | IsBadStringPtr | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
903 | IsBadWritePtr | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
904 | IsCharAlpha | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
905 | IsCharAlphaNumeric | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
906 | IsCharLower | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
907 | IsCharUpper | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
908 | IsChild | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
909 | IsClipboardFormatAvailable | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
910 | IsDBCSLeadByte | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
911 | IsDialogMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
912 | IsDlgButtonChecked | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
913 | IsIconic | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
914 | IsMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
915 | IsRectEmpty | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
916 | IsTask | widened | | Y | macro |
917 | IsTwoByteCharPrefix | widened | | Y | macro |
918 | IsValidAcl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
919 | IsValidCodePage | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
920 | IsValidSecurityDescriptor | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
921 | IsValidSid | new | | Y | advapi32.lib |
922 | IsWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
923 | IsWindowEnabled | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
924 | IsWindowUnicode | new | | Y | user32.lib |
925 | IsWindowVisible | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
926 | IsZoomed | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
927 | joyGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
928 | joyGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
929 | joyGetPos | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
930 | joyGetThreshold | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
931 | joyReleaseCapture | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
932 | joySetCalibration | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
933 | joySetCapture | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
934 | joySetThreshold | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
935 | keybd_event | new | | N | user32.lib |
936 | KillTimer | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
937 | LCMapStringW | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
938 | LeaveCriticalSection | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
939 | LimitEMSPages | widened | | Y | macro |
940 | LineDDA | widened | | Y | macro |
941 | LineTo | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
942 | listen | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
943 | LoadAccelerators | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
944 | LoadAlterBitmap | new | | N | comdlg32.lib |
945 | LoadBitmap | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
946 | LoadCursor | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
947 | LoadIcon | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
948 | LoadKeyboardLayout | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
949 | LoadLibrary | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
950 | LoadLibraryEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
951 | LoadMenu | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
952 | LoadMenuIndirect | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
953 | LoadModule | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
954 | LoadResource | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
955 | LoadString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
956 | LocalAlloc | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
957 | LocalCompact | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
958 | LocalDiscard | widened | | Y | macro |
959 | LocalFileTimeToFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
960 | LocalFirst | dropped | | N | |
961 | LocalFlags | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
962 | LocalFree | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
963 | LocalHandle | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
964 | LocalInfo | dropped | | N | |
965 | LocalInit | widened | | N | macro |
966 | LocalLock | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
967 | LocalNext | dropped | | N | |
968 | LocalNotify | widened | | N | macro |
969 | LocalReAlloc | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
970 | LocalShrink | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
971 | LocalSize | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
972 | LocalUnlock | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
973 | LockData | widened | | Y | macro |
974 | LockFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
975 | LockFileEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
976 | LockInput | dropped | | N | |
977 | LockResource | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
978 | LockSegment | widened | | Y | macro |
979 | LockServiceDatabase | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
980 | LockWindowUpdate | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
981 | LogError | widened | | N | macro |
982 | LogParamError | widened | | N | macro |
983 | long_array_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
984 | long_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
985 | long_from_ndr_temp | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
986 | LookupAccountName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
987 | LookupAccountSid | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
988 | LookupIconIDFromDirectory | new | | N | user32.lib |
989 | LookupPrivilegeDisplayName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
990 | LookupPrivilegeName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
991 | LookupPrivilegeValue | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
992 | LPtoDP | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
993 | lstrcat | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
994 | lstrcmp | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
995 | lstrcmpi | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
996 | lstrcpy | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
997 | lstrlen | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
998 | LZClose | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
999 | LZCopy | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1000 | LZDone | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1001 | LZInit | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1002 | LZOpenFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | lz32.lib |
1003 | LZRead | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1004 | LZSeek | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1005 | LZStart | widened | | Y | lz32.lib |
1006 | MakeAbsoluteSD | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1007 | MakeProcInstance | widened | | Y | macro |
1008 | MakeSelfRelativeSD | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1009 | MapDialogRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1010 | MapGenericMask | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1011 | MapViewOfFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1012 | MapViewOfFileEx | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1013 | MapVirtualKey | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1014 | MapWindowPoints | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1015 | MaskBlt | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1016 | mciDriverNotify | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1017 | mciDriverYield | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1018 | mciEatCommandEntry | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1019 | mciExecute | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1020 | mciFreeCommandResource | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1021 | mciGetCreatorTask | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1022 | mciGetDeviceID | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1023 | mciGetDeviceIDFromElementID | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1024 | mciGetDriverData | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1025 | mciGetErrorString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1026 | mciGetParamSize | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1027 | mciGetYieldProc | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1028 | mciLoadCommandResource | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1029 | mciSendCommand | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1030 | mciSendString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1031 | mciSetDriverData | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1032 | mciSetYieldProc | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1033 | mciSoundInit | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1034 | mciUnlockCommandTable | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1035 | MemManInfo | dropped | | N | |
1036 | MemoryRead | dropped | | N | |
1037 | MemoryWrite | dropped | | N | |
1038 | MessageBeep | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1039 | MessageBox | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1040 | MessageBoxEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
1041 | midiInAddBuffer | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1042 | midiInClose | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1043 | midiInGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1044 | midiInGetErrorText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1045 | midiInGetID | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1046 | midiInGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1047 | midiInMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1048 | midiInOpen | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1049 | midiInPrepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1050 | midiInReset | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1051 | midiInStart | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1052 | midiInStop | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1053 | midiInUnprepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1054 | midiOutCacheDrumPatches | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1055 | midiOutCachePatches | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1056 | midiOutClose | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1057 | midiOutGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1058 | midiOutGetErrorText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1059 | midiOutGetID | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1060 | midiOutGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1061 | midiOutGetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1062 | midiOutLongMsg | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1063 | midiOutMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1064 | midiOutOpen | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1065 | midiOutPrepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1066 | midiOutReset | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1067 | midiOutSetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1068 | midiOutShortMsg | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1069 | midiOutUnprepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1070 | midl_allocate | new | | N | rpcndr.lib |
1071 | MIDL_user_allocate | new | | N | rpcndr.lib |
1072 | MIDL_wchar_strcpy | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1073 | MIDL_wchar_strlen | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1074 | mmGetCurrentTask | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1075 | mmioAdvance | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1076 | mmioAscend | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1077 | mmioClose | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1078 | mmioCreateChunk | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1079 | mmioDescend | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1080 | mmioFlush | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1081 | mmioGetInfo | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1082 | mmioInstallIOProc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1083 | mmioOpen | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1084 | mmioRead | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1085 | mmioRename | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1086 | mmioSeek | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1087 | mmioSendMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1088 | mmioSetBuffer | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1089 | mmioSetInfo | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1090 | mmioStringToFOURCC | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1091 | mmioWrite | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1092 | mmsystemGetVersion | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1093 | mmTaskBlock | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1094 | mmTaskCreate | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1095 | mmTaskSignal | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1096 | mmTaskYield | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1097 | ModifyMenu | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1098 | ModifyWorldTransform | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1099 | ModuleFindHandle | dropped | | N | |
1100 | ModuleFindName | dropped | | N | |
1101 | ModuleFirst | dropped | | N | |
1102 | ModuleNext | dropped | | N | |
1103 | MoveFile | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1104 | MoveFileEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1105 | MoveTo | dropped | | N | |
1106 | MoveToEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1107 | MoveWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1108 | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | new | | N | user32.lib |
1109 | MulDiv | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1110 | MultiByteToWideChar | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1111 | MultiplyTransforms | new | | N | macro |
1112 | NamedPipeRevertToSelf | new | | N | macro |
1113 | NDRCContextBinding | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1114 | NDRCContextMarshall | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1115 | NDRCContextUnmarshall | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1116 | NDRcopy | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1117 | NDRSContextMarshall | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1118 | NDRSContextUnmarshall | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1119 | NetBios | new | | Y | netapi32.lib |
1120 | NetBIOSCall | dropped | | N | |
1121 | NotifyBootConfigStatus | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1122 | NotifyRegister | dropped | | N | |
1123 | NotifyUnRegister | dropped | | N | |
1124 | ntohl | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1125 | ntohs | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1126 | ObjectCloseAuditAlarm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1127 | ObjectOpenAuditAlarm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1128 | ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1129 | OemKeyScan | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1130 | OemToAnsi | widened | | Y | macro |
1131 | OemToAnsiBuff | widened | | Y | macro |
1132 | OemToChar | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1133 | OemToCharBuff | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1134 | OffsetClipRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1135 | OffsetRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1136 | OffsetRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1137 | OffsetViewportOrg | dropped | | N | |
1138 | OffsetViewportOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1139 | OffsetWindowOrg | dropped | | N | |
1140 | OffsetWindowOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1141 | OleActivate | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1142 | OleBlockServer | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1143 | OleClone | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1144 | OleClose | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1145 | OleCopyCompleted | widened | | Y | macro |
1146 | OleCopyFromLink | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1147 | OleCopyToClipboard | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1148 | OleCreate | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1149 | OleCreateFromClip | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1150 | OleCreateFromFile | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1151 | OleCreateFromTemplate | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1152 | OleCreateInvisible | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1153 | OleCreateLinkFromClip | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1154 | OleCreateLinkFromFile | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1155 | OleDelete | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1156 | OleDraw | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1157 | OleEnumFormats | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1158 | OleEnumObjects | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1159 | OleEqual | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1160 | OleExecute | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1161 | OleGetData | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1162 | OleGetLinkUpdateOptions | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1163 | OleIsDcMeta | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1164 | OleLoadFromStream | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1165 | OleLockServer | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1166 | OleMarkForCopy | widened | | Y | macro |
1167 | OleObjectConvert | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1168 | OleQueryBounds | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1169 | OleQueryClientVersion | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1170 | OleQueryCreateFromClip | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1171 | OleQueryLinkFromClip | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1172 | OleQueryName | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1173 | OleQueryOpen | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1174 | OleQueryOutOfDate | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1175 | OleQueryProtocol | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1176 | OleQueryReleaseError | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1177 | OleQueryReleaseMethod | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1178 | OleQueryReleaseStatus | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1179 | OleQueryServerVersion | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1180 | OleQuerySize | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1181 | OleQueryType | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1182 | OleReconnect | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1183 | OleRegisterClientDoc | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1184 | OleRegisterServer | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1185 | OleRegisterServerDoc | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1186 | OleRelease | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1187 | OleRename | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1188 | OleRenameClientDoc | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1189 | OleRenameServerDoc | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1190 | OleRequestData | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1191 | OleRevertClientDoc | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1192 | OleRevertServerDoc | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1193 | OleRevokeClientDoc | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1194 | OleRevokeObject | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1195 | OleRevokeServer | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1196 | OleRevokeServerDoc | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1197 | OleSavedClientDoc | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1198 | OleSavedServerDoc | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1199 | OleSaveToStream | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1200 | OleSetBounds | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1201 | OleSetColorScheme | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1202 | OleSetData | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1203 | OleSetFileFormat | widened | | N | macro |
1204 | OleSetHostNames | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1205 | OleSetLinkUpdateOptions | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1206 | OleSetTargetDevice | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1207 | OleUnblockServer | widened | | Y | olesvr32.lib |
1208 | OleUnlockServer | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1209 | OleUpdate | widened | | Y | olecli32.lib |
1210 | OpenBackupEventLog | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1211 | OpenClipboard | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1212 | OpenComm | dropped | | N | |
1213 | OpenDesktop | new | | N | macro |
1214 | OpenDriver | dropped | | N | |
1215 | OpenEvent | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1216 | OpenEventLog | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1217 | OpenFile | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1218 | OpenFileMapping | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1219 | OpenIcon | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1220 | OpenMutex | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1221 | OpenPrinter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1222 | OpenProcess | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1223 | OpenProcessToken | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1224 | OpenProfileUserMapping | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1225 | OpenSCManager | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1226 | OpenSemaphore | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1227 | OpenService | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1228 | OpenSound | dropped | | N | |
1229 | OpenSpooler | new | | N | macro |
1230 | OpenThreadToken | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1231 | OpenWindowStation | new | | N | macro |
1232 | OutputDebugString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1233 | PackDDElParam | new | | Y | user32.lib |
1234 | PaintRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1235 | PatBlt | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1236 | PathToRegion | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1237 | PeekConsoleInput | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1238 | PeekMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1239 | PeekNamedPipe | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1240 | Pie | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1241 | PlayEnhMetaFile | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1242 | PlayEnhMetaFileRecord | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1243 | PlayMetaFile | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1244 | PlayMetaFileRecord | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1245 | PlaySound | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1246 | PlgBlt | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1247 | PolyBezier | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1248 | PolyBezierTo | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1249 | PolyDraw | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1250 | Polygon | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1251 | Polyline | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1252 | PolylineTo | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1253 | PolyPolygon | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1254 | PolyPolyline | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1255 | PolyTextOut | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | gdi32.lib |
1256 | PostAppMessage | widened | | Y | macro |
1257 | PostMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1258 | PostQuitMessage | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1259 | PostThreadMessage | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1260 | PrepareTape | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1261 | PrintDlg | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
1262 | PrinterProperties | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1263 | PrivilegeCheck | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1264 | PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1265 | ProfClear | dropped | | N | |
1266 | ProfFinish | dropped | | N | |
1267 | ProfFlush | dropped | | N | |
1268 | ProfInsChk | dropped | | N | |
1269 | ProfSampRate | dropped | | N | |
1270 | ProfSetup | dropped | | N | |
1271 | ProfStart | dropped | | N | |
1272 | ProfStop | dropped | | N | |
1273 | PtInRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1274 | PtInRegion | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1275 | PtVisible | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1276 | PulseEvent | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1277 | PurgeComm | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1278 | QueryDosDevice | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1279 | QueryPerformanceCounter | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1280 | QueryPerformanceFrequency | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1281 | QuerySendMessage | widened | | N | user32.lib |
1282 | QueryServiceConfig | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1283 | QueryServiceLockStatus | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1284 | QueryServiceObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1285 | QueryServiceStatus | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1286 | RaiseException | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1287 | ReadComm | dropped | | N | |
1288 | ReadConsole | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1289 | ReadConsoleInput | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1290 | ReadConsoleOutput | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1291 | ReadConsoleOutputAttribute | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1292 | ReadConsoleOutputCharacter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1293 | ReadEventLog | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1294 | ReadEventLogEntry | new | | N | macro |
1295 | ReadFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1296 | ReadFileEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1297 | ReadPrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1298 | ReadProcessMemory | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1299 | ReadSpooler | new | | N | macro |
1300 | RealizePalette | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1301 | Rectangle | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1302 | RectInRegion | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1303 | RectVisible | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1304 | recv | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1305 | recvfrom | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1306 | RedrawWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1307 | RegCloseKey | new | | Y | advapi32.lib |
1308 | RegConnectRegistry | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1309 | RegCreateKey | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1310 | RegCreateKeyEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1311 | RegDeleteKey | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1312 | RegDeleteValue | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1313 | RegEnumKey | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1314 | RegEnumKeyEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1315 | RegEnumValue | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1316 | RegFlushKey | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1317 | RegGetKeySecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1318 | RegisterClass | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1319 | RegisterClipboardFormat | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1320 | RegisterEventSource | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1321 | RegisterHotKey | new | | N | user32.lib |
1322 | RegisterServiceCtrlHandler | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1323 | RegisterWindowMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1324 | RegLoadKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1325 | RegNotifyChangeKeyValue | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1326 | RegOpenKey | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1327 | RegOpenKeyEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1328 | RegQueryInfoKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1329 | RegQueryValue | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1330 | RegQueryValueEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1331 | RegReplaceKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1332 | RegRestoreKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1333 | RegSaveKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1334 | RegSetKeySecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1335 | RegSetValue | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | advapi32.lib |
1336 | RegSetValueEx | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1337 | RegUnLoadKey | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1338 | ReleaseCapture | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1339 | ReleaseDC | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1340 | ReleaseMutex | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1341 | ReleaseSemaphore | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1342 | RemoveDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1343 | RemoveFontResource | changed | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
1344 | RemoveMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1345 | RemoveProp | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1346 | ReplaceText | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | comdlg32.lib |
1347 | ReplyMessage | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1348 | ReportEvent | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1349 | ResetDC | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
1350 | ResetEvent | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1351 | ResizePalette | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1352 | RestoreDC | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1353 | ResumeThread | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1354 | ReuseDDElParam | new | | Y | user32.lib |
1355 | RevertToSelf | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1356 | RoundRect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1357 | RpcBindingCopy | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1358 | RpcBindingFree | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1359 | RpcBindingFromStringBinding | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1360 | RpcBindingInqAuthClient | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1361 | RpcBindingInqAuthInfo | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1362 | RpcBindingInqObject | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1363 | RpcBindingReset | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1364 | RpcBindingSetAuthInfo | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1365 | RpcBindingSetObject | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1366 | RpcBindingToStringBinding | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1367 | RpcBindingVectorFree | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1368 | RpcEpRegister | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1369 | RpcEpRegisterNoReplace | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1370 | RpcEpResolveBinding | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1371 | RpcEpUnregister | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1372 | RpcIfIdVectorFree | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1373 | RpcIfInqId | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1374 | RpcImpersonateClient | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1375 | RpcMgmtEnableIdleCleanup | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1376 | RpcMgmtInqComTimeout | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1377 | RpcMgmtInqStats | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1378 | RpcMgmtIsServerListening | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1379 | RpcMgmtSetComTimeout | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1380 | RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1381 | RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1382 | RpcMgmtStopServerListening | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1383 | RpcMgmtWaitServerListen | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1384 | RpcNetworkInqProtseqs | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1385 | RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1386 | RpcNsBindingExport | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1387 | RpcNsBindingImportBegin | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1388 | RpcNsBindingImportDone | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1389 | RpcNsBindingImportNext | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1390 | RpcNsBindingInqEntryName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1391 | RpcNsBindingLookupBegin | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1392 | RpcNsBindingLookupDone | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1393 | RpcNsBindingLookupNext | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1394 | RpcNsBindingSelect | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1395 | RpcNsBindingUnexport | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1396 | RpcNsEntryExpandName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1397 | RpcNsEntryObjectInqBegin | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1398 | RpcNsEntryObjectInqDone | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1399 | RpcNsEntryObjectInqNext | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1400 | RpcNsGroupDelete | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1401 | RpcNsGroupMbrAdd | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1402 | RpcNsGroupMbrInqBegin | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1403 | RpcNsGroupMbrInqDone | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1404 | RpcNsGroupMbrInqNext | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1405 | RpcNsGroupMbrRemove | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1406 | RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexport | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1407 | RpcNsMgmtEntryCreate | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1408 | RpcNsMgmtEntryDelete | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1409 | RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIds | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1410 | RpcNsMgmtHandleSetExpAge | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1411 | RpcNsMgmtInqExpAge | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1412 | RpcNsMgmtSetExpAge | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1413 | RpcNsProfileDelete | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1414 | RpcNsProfileEltAdd | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1415 | RpcNsProfileEltInqBegin | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1416 | RpcNsProfileEltInqDone | new | | N | rpcns4.lib |
1417 | RpcNsProfileEltInqNext | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1418 | RpcNsProfileEltRemove | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcns4.lib |
1419 | RpcObjectInqType | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1420 | RpcObjectSetInqFn | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1421 | RpcObjectSetType | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1422 | RpcProtseqVectorFree | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1423 | RpcRaiseException | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1424 | RpcRevertToSelf | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1425 | RpcServerInqBindings | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1426 | RpcServerInqIf | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1427 | RpcServerListen | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1428 | RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1429 | RpcServerRegisterIf | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1430 | RpcServerUnregisterIf | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1431 | RpcServerUseAllProtseqs | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1432 | RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIf | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1433 | RpcServerUseProtseq | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1434 | RpcServerUseProtseqEp | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1435 | RpcServerUseProtseqIf | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1436 | RpcSsDestroyClientContext | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1437 | RpcStringBindingCompose | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1438 | RpcStringBindingParse | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1439 | RpcStringFree | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1440 | SaveDC | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1441 | ScaleViewportExt | dropped | | N | |
1442 | ScaleViewportExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1443 | ScaleWindowExt | dropped | | N | |
1444 | ScaleWindowExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1445 | ScheduleJob | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1446 | ScreenToClient | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1447 | ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1448 | ScrollDC | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1449 | ScrollWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1450 | ScrollWindowEx | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1451 | SearchPath | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1452 | select | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1453 | SelectClipPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1454 | SelectClipRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1455 | SelectPalette | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1456 | SelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD | new | | N | macro |
1457 | send | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1458 | SendDlgItemMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1459 | SendMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1460 | SendMessageCallback | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
1461 | SendMessageTimeout | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
1462 | SendNotifyMessage | widened | Ansi and Unicode | N | user32.lib |
1463 | sendto | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1464 | SetAbortProc | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1465 | SetAclInformation | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1466 | SetActiveWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1467 | SetArcDirection | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1468 | SetBitmapBits | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1469 | SetBitmapDimension | dropped | | N | |
1470 | SetBitmapDimensionEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1471 | SetBkColor | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1472 | SetBkMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1473 | SetBoundsRect | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1474 | SetBrushOrg | widened | | Y | macro |
1475 | SetBrushOrgEx | new | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1476 | SetCapture | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1477 | SetCaretBlinkTime | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1478 | SetCaretPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1479 | SetClassLong | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1480 | SetClassWord | changed | | Y | user32.lib |
1481 | SetClipboardData | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1482 | SetClipboardViewer | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1483 | SetColorAdjustment | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1484 | SetCommBreak | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1485 | SetCommConfig | new | | N | macro |
1486 | SetCommMask | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1487 | SetCommState | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1488 | SetCommTimeouts | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1489 | SetComputerName | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1490 | SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1491 | SetConsoleCP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1492 | SetConsoleCtrlHandler | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1493 | SetConsoleCursorInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1494 | SetConsoleCursorPosition | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1495 | SetConsoleMode | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1496 | SetConsoleOutputCP | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1497 | SetConsoleScreenBufferSize | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1498 | SetConsoleTextAttribute | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1499 | SetConsoleTitle | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1500 | SetConsoleWindowInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1501 | SetConvertHook | widened | | N | macro |
1502 | SetConvertParams | widened | | N | macro |
1503 | SetCurrentDirectory | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1504 | SetCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1505 | SetCursorPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1506 | SetDebugErrorLevel | new | | N | user32.lib |
1507 | SetDeskWallpaper | new | | N | user32.lib |
1508 | SetDIBits | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1509 | SetDIBitsToDevice | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1510 | SetDlgItemInt | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1511 | SetDlgItemText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1512 | SetDoubleClickTime | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1513 | SetEndOfFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1514 | SetEnhMetaFileBits | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1515 | SetEnvironment | dropped | | N | gdi32.lib |
1516 | SetEnvironmentVariable | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1517 | SetErrorMode | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1518 | SetEvent | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1519 | SetFileAttributes | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1520 | SetFilePointer | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1521 | SetFileSecurity | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1522 | SetFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1523 | SetFlat | new | | N | macro |
1524 | SetFocus | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1525 | SetFontMapperControls | new | | N | macro |
1526 | SetForegroundWindow | new | | N | user32.lib |
1527 | SetForm | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1528 | SetGraphicsMode | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1529 | SetHandleCount | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1530 | SetJob | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1531 | SetKernelObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1532 | SetKeyboardState | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1533 | SetLastError | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1534 | SetLastErrorEx | new | | Y | user32.lib |
1535 | SetLocalTime | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1536 | SetMailslotInfo | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1537 | SetMapMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1538 | SetMapperFlags | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1539 | SetMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1540 | SetMenuItemBitmaps | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1541 | SetMessageQueue | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1542 | SetMetaFileBits | dropped | | N | |
1543 | SetMetaFileBitsEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1544 | SetMetaRgn | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1545 | SetMiterLimit | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1546 | SetNamedPipeHandleState | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1547 | SetObjectSecurity | new | | N | macro |
1548 | SetPaletteEntries | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1549 | SetParent | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1550 | SetPixelV | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1551 | SetPolyFillMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1552 | SetPrinter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1553 | SetPrinterData | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1554 | SetPriorityClass | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1555 | SetPrivateObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1556 | SetProcessShutdownParameters | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1557 | SetProcessWindowStation | new | | N | user32.lib |
1558 | SetProp | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1559 | SetQueueMsg | new | | N | macro |
1560 | SetRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1561 | SetRectEmpty | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1562 | SetRectRgn | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1563 | SetResourceHandler | dropped | | N | |
1564 | SetROP2 | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1565 | SetScrollPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1566 | SetScrollRange | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1567 | SetSecurityDescriptorDacl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1568 | SetSecurityDescriptorGroup | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1569 | SetSecurityDescriptorOwner | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1570 | SetSecurityDescriptorSacl | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1571 | SetServerInfoPointer | new | | N | user32.lib |
1572 | SetServiceObjectSecurity | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1573 | SetServiceStatus | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1574 | setsockopt | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1575 | SetSoundNoise | dropped | | N | |
1576 | SetStdHandle | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1577 | SetStretchBltMode | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1578 | SetSwapAreaSize | widened | | Y | macro |
1579 | SetSysColors | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1580 | SetSysModalWindow | widened | | Y | macro |
1581 | SetSystemPaletteUse | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1582 | SetSystemTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1583 | SetTapeParameters | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1584 | SetTapePosition | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1585 | SetTextAlign | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1586 | SetTextCharacterExtra | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1587 | SetTextColor | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1588 | SetTextJustification | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1589 | SetThreadContext | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1590 | SetThreadDesktop | new | | N | user32.lib |
1591 | SetThreadLocale | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1592 | SetThreadPriority | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1593 | SetTimer | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1594 | SetTimeZoneInformation | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1595 | SetTokenInformation | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1596 | SetupComm | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1597 | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1598 | SetUserObjectSecurity | new | | N | user32.lib |
1599 | SetViewportExt | dropped | | N | |
1600 | SetViewportExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1601 | SetViewportOrg | dropped | | N | |
1602 | SetViewportOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1603 | SetVoiceAccent | dropped | | N | |
1604 | SetVoiceEnvelope | dropped | | N | |
1605 | SetVoiceNote | dropped | | N | |
1606 | SetVoiceQueueSize | dropped | | N | |
1607 | SetVoiceSound | dropped | | N | |
1608 | SetVoiceThreshold | dropped | | N | |
1609 | SetVolumeLabel | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1610 | SetWindowExt | dropped | | N | |
1611 | SetWindowExtEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1612 | SetWindowLong | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1613 | SetWindowOrg | dropped | | N | |
1614 | SetWindowOrgEx | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1615 | SetWindowPlacement | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1616 | SetWindowPos | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1617 | SetWindowsHook | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1618 | SetWindowsHookEx | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1619 | SetWindowText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1620 | SetWindowWord | changed | | Y | user32.lib |
1621 | SetWinMetaFileBits | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1622 | SetWorldTransform | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1623 | ShellAbout | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | shell32.lib |
1624 | ShellExecute | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | shell32.lib |
1625 | short_array_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1626 | short_from_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1627 | short_from_ndr_temp | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1628 | ShowCaret | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1629 | ShowCursor | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1630 | ShowOwnedPopups | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1631 | ShowScrollBar | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1632 | ShowWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1633 | shutdown | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1634 | SizeofResource | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1635 | Sleep | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1636 | SleepEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1637 | sndPlaySound | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1638 | socket | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1639 | StackTraceCSIPFirst | dropped | | N | |
1640 | StackTraceFirst | dropped | | N | |
1641 | StackTraceNext | dropped | | N | |
1642 | StartDoc | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
1643 | StartDocPrinter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | winspool.lib |
1644 | StartDocSpooler | new | | N | macro |
1645 | StartFrameSpooler | new | | N | macro |
1646 | StartPage | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1647 | StartPagePrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1648 | StartService | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1649 | StartServiceCtrlDispatcher | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | advapi32.lib |
1650 | StartSound | dropped | | N | |
1651 | StopSound | dropped | | N | |
1652 | StretchBlt | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1653 | StretchDIBits | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1654 | StrokeAndFillPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1655 | StrokePath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1656 | SubtractRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1657 | SuspendThread | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1658 | SwapMouseButton | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1659 | SwapRecording | dropped | | N | |
1660 | SwitchDesktop | new | | N | user32.lib |
1661 | SwitchStackBack | dropped | | N | |
1662 | SwitchStackTo | dropped | | N | |
1663 | SyncAllVoices | dropped | | N | |
1664 | SystemHeapInfo | dropped | | N | |
1665 | SystemParametersInfo | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1666 | SystemTimeToFileTime | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1667 | TabbedTextOut | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1668 | TaskFindHandle | dropped | | N | |
1669 | TaskFirst | dropped | | N | |
1670 | TaskGetCSIP | dropped | | N | |
1671 | TaskNext | dropped | | N | |
1672 | TaskSetCSIP | dropped | | N | |
1673 | TaskSwitch | dropped | | N | |
1674 | TerminateApp | dropped | | N | |
1675 | TerminateProcess | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1676 | TerminateThread | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1677 | TextOut | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | gdi32.lib |
1678 | Throw | dropped | | N | |
1679 | TileChildWindows | new | | N | user32.lib |
1680 | timeBeginPeriod | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1681 | timeEndPeriod | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1682 | timeGetDevCaps | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1683 | timeGetSystemTime | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1684 | timeGetTime | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1685 | timeKillEvent | widened | | N | winmm.lib |
1686 | TimerCount | widened | | N | macro |
1687 | TimerProc | widened | | N | macro |
1688 | timeSetEvent | widened | | N | winmm.lib |
1689 | TlsAlloc | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1690 | TlsFree | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1691 | TlsGetValue | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1692 | TlsSetValue | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1693 | ToAscii | new | | Y | user32.lib |
1694 | ToUnicode | new | | N | user32.lib |
1695 | TowerConstruct | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1696 | TowerExplode | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1697 | TrackPopupMenu | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1698 | TransactNamedPipe | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1699 | TranslateAccelerator | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1700 | TranslateMDISysAccel | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1701 | TranslateMessage | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1702 | TranslateMessageEx | new | | N | user32.lib |
1703 | TransmitCommChar | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1704 | tree_into_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1705 | tree_peek_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1706 | tree_size_ndr | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1707 | UnAllocDiskSpace | dropped | | N | |
1708 | UnAllocFileHandles | dropped | | N | |
1709 | UngetCommChar | dropped | | N | |
1710 | UnhandledExceptionFilter | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1711 | UnhookWindowsHook | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1712 | UnhookWindowsHookEx | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1713 | UnionRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1714 | UnloadKeyboardLayout | new | | N | user32.lib |
1715 | UnLockData | dropped | | N | |
1716 | UnlockFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1717 | UnlockFileEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1718 | UnlockResource | widened | | Y | macro |
1719 | UnlockSegment | widened | | Y | macro |
1720 | UnlockServiceDatabase | new | | N | advapi32.lib |
1721 | UnmapViewOfFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1722 | UnpackDDElParam | new | | Y | user32.lib |
1723 | UnrealizeObject | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1724 | UnregisterClass | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1725 | UnregisterHotKey | new | | N | user32.lib |
1726 | UpdateColors | widened | | Y | gdi32.lib |
1727 | UpdatePerUserSystemParameters | new | | N | user32.lib |
1728 | UpdateResource | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1729 | UpdateWindow | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1730 | UuidCreate | new | | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1731 | UuidFromString | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1732 | UuidToString | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | rpcrt4.lib |
1733 | ValidateCodeSegments | dropped | | N | |
1734 | ValidateFreeSpaces | dropped | | N | |
1735 | ValidateRect | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1736 | ValidateRgn | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1737 | VerFindFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | version.lib |
1738 | VerInstallFile | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | version.lib |
1739 | VerLanguageName | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1740 | VerQueryValue | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | version.lib |
1741 | VirtualAlloc | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1742 | VirtualFree | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1743 | VirtualLock | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1744 | VirtualProtect | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1745 | VirtualProtectEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1746 | VirtualQuery | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1747 | VirtualQueryEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1748 | VirtualUnlock | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1749 | VkKeyScan | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1750 | WaitCommEvent | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1751 | WaitForDebugEvent | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1752 | WaitForInputIdle | new | | N | user32.lib |
1753 | WaitForMultipleObjects | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1754 | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1755 | WaitForPrinterChange | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1756 | WaitForSingleObject | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1757 | WaitForSingleObjectEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1758 | WaitMessage | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1759 | WaitNamedPipe | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1760 | WaitSoundState | dropped | | N | |
1761 | waveInAddBuffer | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1762 | waveInClose | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1763 | waveInGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1764 | waveInGetErrorText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1765 | waveInGetID | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1766 | waveInGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1767 | waveInGetPosition | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1768 | waveInMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1769 | waveInOpen | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1770 | waveInPrepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1771 | waveInReset | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1772 | waveInStart | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1773 | waveInStop | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1774 | waveInUnprepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1775 | waveOutBreakLoop | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1776 | waveOutClose | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1777 | waveOutGetDevCaps | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1778 | waveOutGetErrorText | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | winmm.lib |
1779 | waveOutGetID | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1780 | waveOutGetNumDevs | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1781 | waveOutGetPitch | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1782 | waveOutGetPlaybackRate | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1783 | waveOutGetPosition | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1784 | waveOutGetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1785 | waveOutMessage | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1786 | waveOutOpen | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1787 | waveOutPause | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1788 | waveOutPrepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1789 | waveOutReset | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1790 | waveOutRestart | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1791 | waveOutSetPitch | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1792 | waveOutSetPlaybackRate | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1793 | waveOutSetVolume | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1794 | waveOutUnprepareHeader | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1795 | waveOutWrite | widened | | Y | winmm.lib |
1796 | WideCharToMultiByte | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1797 | WidenPath | new | | N | gdi32.lib |
1798 | WindowFromDC | new | | N | user32.lib |
1799 | WindowFromPoint | widened | | Y | user32.lib |
1800 | WinExec | widened | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1801 | WinHelp | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1802 | WinMain | widened | | Y | macro |
1803 | winmmDbgOut | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1804 | winmmSetDebugLevel | new | | Y | winmm.lib |
1805 | WNetAddConnection | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1806 | WNetAddConnection2 | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1807 | WNetCancelConnection | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1808 | WNetCancelConnection2 | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1809 | WNetCloseEnum | new | | Y | mpr.lib |
1810 | WNetConnectionDialog | new | | Y | mpr.lib |
1811 | WNetDisconnectDialog | new | | Y | mpr.lib |
1812 | WNetEnumResource | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1813 | WNetGetConnection | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1814 | WNetGetLastError | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1815 | WNetGetUser | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1816 | WNetOpenEnum | new | Ansi and Unicode | Y | mpr.lib |
1817 | WordBreakProc | new | | Y | macro |
1818 | WriteComm | dropped | | N | |
1819 | WriteConsole | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1820 | WriteConsoleInput | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1821 | WriteConsoleOutput | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1822 | WriteConsoleOutputAttribute | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1823 | WriteConsoleOutputCharacter | new | Ansi and Unicode | N | kernel32.lib |
1824 | WriteEventLogEntry | new | | N | macro |
1825 | WriteFile | new | | Y | kernel32.lib |
1826 | WriteFileEx | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1827 | WritePrinter | new | | N | winspool.lib |
1828 | WritePrivateProfileSection | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1829 | WritePrivateProfileString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1830 | WriteProcessMemory | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1831 | WriteProfileSection | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1832 | WriteProfileString | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | kernel32.lib |
1833 | WriteSpooler | new | | N | macro |
1834 | WriteTapemark | new | | N | kernel32.lib |
1835 | WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1836 | WSAAsyncGetHostByName | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1837 | WSAAsyncGetProtoByName | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1838 | WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1839 | WSAAsyncGetServByName | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1840 | WSAAsyncGetServByPort | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1841 | WSAAsyncSelect | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1842 | WSACancelAsyncRequest | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1843 | WSACancelBlockingCall | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1844 | WSACleanup | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1845 | WSAGetLastError | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1846 | WSAIsBlocking | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1847 | WSASetBlockingHook | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1848 | WSASetLastError | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1849 | WSAStartup | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1850 | WSAUnhookBlockingHook | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1851 | __WSAFDIsSet | new | | Y | wsock32.lib |
1852 | wsprintf | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1853 | wvsprintf | widened | Ansi and Unicode | Y | user32.lib |
1854 | Yield | dropped | | N | |
1855 | BM_GETCHECK | widened | | Y | msg |
1856 | BM_GETIMAGE | new | | Y | msg |
1857 | BM_GETSTATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1858 | BM_SETCHECK | widened | | Y | msg |
1859 | BM_SETIMAGE | new | | Y | msg |
1860 | BM_SETSTATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1861 | BM_SETSTYLE | widened | | Y | msg |
1862 | BN_CLICKED | widened | | Y | msg |
1863 | BN_DISABLE | widened | | Y | msg |
1864 | BN_DOUBLECLICKED | widened | | Y | msg |
1865 | BN_HILITE | widened | | Y | msg |
1866 | BN_PAINT | widened | | Y | msg |
1867 | BN_UNHILITE | widened | | Y | msg |
1868 | CB_ADDSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1869 | CB_DELETESTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1870 | CB_DIR | widened | | Y | msg |
1871 | CB_FINDSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1872 | CB_GETCOUNT | widened | | Y | msg |
1873 | CB_GETCURSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1874 | CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT | widened | | Y | msg |
1875 | CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1876 | CB_GETEDITSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1877 | CB_GETEXTENDEDUI | widened | | Y | msg |
1878 | CB_GETITEMDATA | widened | | Y | msg |
1879 | CB_GETITEMHEIGHT | widened | | Y | msg |
1880 | CB_GETLBTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
1881 | CB_GETLBTEXTLEN | widened | | Y | msg |
1882 | CB_INSERTSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1883 | CB_LIMITTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
1884 | CB_MSGMAX | widened | | Y | msg |
1885 | CB_RESETCONTENT | widened | | Y | msg |
1886 | CB_SELECTSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1887 | CB_SETCURSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1888 | CB_SETEDITSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1889 | CB_SETEXTENDEDUI | widened | | Y | msg |
1890 | CB_SETITEMDATA | widened | | Y | msg |
1891 | CB_SETITEMHEIGHT | widened | | Y | msg |
1892 | CB_SHOWDROPDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
1893 | CBN_CLOSEUP | widened | | Y | msg |
1894 | CBN_DBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
1895 | CBN_DROPDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
1896 | CBN_EDITCHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
1897 | CBN_EDITUPDATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1898 | CBN_ERRSPACE | widened | | Y | msg |
1899 | CBN_KILLFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1900 | CBN_SELCHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
1901 | CBN_SETFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1902 | DM_GETDEFID | new | | Y | msg |
1903 | DM_SETDEFID | new | | Y | msg |
1904 | EM_CANUNDO | widened | | Y | msg |
1905 | EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER | widened | | Y | msg |
1906 | EM_FMTLINES | widened | | Y | msg |
1907 | EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE | widened | | Y | msg |
1908 | EM_GETHANDLE | widened | | N | msg |
1909 | EM_GETLINE | widened | | Y | msg |
1910 | EM_GETLINECOUNT | widened | | Y | msg |
1911 | EM_GETMODIFY | widened | | Y | msg |
1912 | EM_GETRECT | widened | | Y | msg |
1913 | EM_GETSEL | changed | | Y | msg |
1914 | EM_GETTHUMB | new | | Y | msg |
1915 | EM_LIMITTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
1916 | EM_LINEFROMCHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
1917 | EM_LINEINDEX | widened | | Y | msg |
1918 | EM_LINELENGTH | widened | | Y | msg |
1919 | EM_LINESCROLL | changed | | Y | msg |
1920 | EM_REPLACESEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1921 | EM_SCROLL | widened | | Y | msg |
1922 | EM_SETHANDLE | widened | | N | msg |
1923 | EM_SETMODIFY | widened | | Y | msg |
1924 | EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
1925 | EM_SETREADONLY | widened | | Y | msg |
1926 | EM_SETRECT | widened | | Y | msg |
1927 | EM_SETRECTNP | widened | | Y | msg |
1928 | EM_SETSEL | changed | | Y | msg |
1929 | EM_SETTABSTOPS | widened | | Y | msg |
1930 | EM_SETWORDBREAK | widened | | Y | msg |
1931 | EM_UNDO | widened | | Y | msg |
1932 | EN_CHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
1933 | EN_ERRSPACE | widened | | Y | msg |
1934 | EN_HSCROLL | widened | | Y | msg |
1935 | EN_KILLFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1936 | EN_MAXTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
1937 | EN_SETFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1938 | EN_UPDATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1939 | EN_VSCROLL | widened | | Y | msg |
1940 | LB_ADDSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1941 | LB_CTLCODE | new | | N | msg |
1942 | LB_DELETESTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1943 | LB_DIR | widened | | Y | msg |
1944 | LB_FINDSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1945 | LB_GETCARETINDEX | widened | | Y | msg |
1946 | LB_GETCOUNT | widened | | Y | msg |
1947 | LB_GETCURSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1948 | LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT | widened | | Y | msg |
1949 | LB_GETITEMDATA | widened | | Y | msg |
1950 | LB_GETITEMHEIGHT | widened | | Y | msg |
1951 | LB_GETITEMRECT | widened | | Y | msg |
1952 | LB_GETSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1953 | LB_GETSELCOUNT | widened | | Y | msg |
1954 | LB_GETSELITEMS | widened | | Y | msg |
1955 | LB_GETTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
1956 | LB_GETTEXTLEN | widened | | Y | msg |
1957 | LB_GETTOPINDEX | widened | | Y | msg |
1958 | LB_INSERTSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1959 | LB_MSGMAX | widened | | Y | msg |
1960 | LB_RESETCONTENT | widened | | Y | msg |
1961 | LB_SELECTSTRING | widened | | Y | msg |
1962 | LB_SELITEMRANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
1963 | LB_SETCARETINDEX | widened | | Y | msg |
1964 | LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH | widened | | Y | msg |
1965 | LB_SETCURSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1966 | LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT | widened | | Y | msg |
1967 | LB_SETITEMDATA | widened | | Y | msg |
1968 | LB_SETITEMHEIGHT | widened | | Y | msg |
1969 | LB_SETSEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1970 | LB_SETTABSTOPS | widened | | Y | msg |
1971 | LB_SETTOPINDEX | widened | | Y | msg |
1972 | LBN_DBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
1973 | LBN_ERRSPACE | widened | | Y | msg |
1974 | LBN_KILLFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1975 | LBN_SELCANCEL | widened | | Y | msg |
1976 | LBN_SELCHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
1977 | LBN_SETFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
1978 | STM_GETICON | widened | | Y | msg |
1979 | STM_MSGMAX | widened | | Y | msg |
1980 | STM_SETICON | widened | | Y | msg |
1981 | WM_ACTIVATE | changed | | Y | msg |
1982 | WM_ACTIVATEAPP | widened | | Y | msg |
1983 | WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME | widened | | Y | msg |
1984 | WM_CANCELMODE | widened | | Y | msg |
1985 | WM_CHANGECBCHAIN | changed | | Y | msg |
1986 | WM_CHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
1987 | WM_CHARTOITEM | changed | | Y | msg |
1988 | WM_CHILDACTIVATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1989 | WM_CLEAR | widened | | Y | msg |
1990 | WM_CLOSE | widened | | Y | msg |
1991 | WM_COALESCE_FIRST | widened | | Y | msg |
1992 | WM_COALESCE_LAST | widened | | Y | msg |
1993 | WM_COMMAND | changed | | Y | msg |
1994 | WM_COMMNOTIFY | widened | | Y | msg |
1995 | WM_COMPACTING | widened | | Y | msg |
1996 | WM_COMPAREITEM | widened | | Y | msg |
1997 | WM_COPY | widened | | Y | msg |
1998 | WM_CREATE | widened | | Y | msg |
1999 | WM_CTLCOLOR | changed | | Y | msg |
2000 | WM_CTLCOLORBTN | new | | Y | msg |
2001 | WM_CTLCOLORDLG | new | | Y | msg |
2002 | WM_CTLCOLOREDIT | new | | Y | msg |
2003 | WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX | new | | Y | msg |
2004 | WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX | new | | Y | msg |
2005 | WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR | new | | Y | msg |
2006 | WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC | new | | Y | msg |
2007 | WM_CUT | widened | | Y | msg |
2008 | WM_DDE_ACK | changed | | Y | msg |
2009 | WM_DDE_ADVISE | changed | | Y | msg |
2010 | WM_DDE_DATA | changed | | Y | msg |
2011 | WM_DDE_EXECUTE | changed | | Y | msg |
2012 | WM_DDE_FIRST | widened | | Y | msg |
2013 | WM_DDE_INITIATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2014 | WM_DDE_LAST | widened | | Y | msg |
2015 | WM_DDE_POKE | changed | | Y | msg |
2016 | WM_DDE_REQUEST | widened | | Y | msg |
2017 | WM_DDE_TERMINATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2018 | WM_DDE_UNADVISE | widened | | Y | msg |
2019 | WM_DEADCHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
2020 | WM_DELETEITEM | widened | | Y | msg |
2021 | WM_DESTROY | widened | | Y | msg |
2022 | WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2023 | WM_DEVMODECHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
2024 | WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2025 | WM_DRAWITEM | widened | | Y | msg |
2026 | WM_DROPFILES | widened | | Y | msg |
2027 | WM_ENABLE | widened | | Y | msg |
2028 | WM_ENDSESSION | widened | | Y | msg |
2029 | WM_ENTERIDLE | widened | | Y | msg |
2030 | WM_ERASEBKGND | widened | | Y | msg |
2031 | WM_FONTCHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
2032 | WM_GETDLGCODE | widened | | Y | msg |
2033 | WM_GETFONT | widened | | Y | msg |
2034 | WM_GETHOTKEY | new | | N | msg |
2035 | WM_GETMINMAXINFO | widened | | Y | msg |
2036 | WM_GETTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
2037 | WM_GETTEXTLENGTH | widened | | Y | msg |
2038 | WM_HOTKEY | new | | N | msg |
2039 | WM_HSCROLL | changed | | Y | msg |
2040 | WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2041 | WM_ICONERASEBKGND | widened | | Y | msg |
2042 | WM_INITDIALOG | widened | | Y | msg |
2043 | WM_INITMENU | widened | | Y | msg |
2044 | WM_INITMENUPOPUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2045 | WM_KEYDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2046 | WM_KEYFIRST | widened | | Y | msg |
2047 | WM_KEYLAST | widened | | Y | msg |
2048 | WM_KEYUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2049 | WM_KILLFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
2050 | WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2051 | WM_LBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2052 | WM_LBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2053 | WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2054 | WM_MBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2055 | WM_MBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2056 | WM_MDIACTIVATE | changed | | Y | msg |
2057 | WM_MDICASCADE | widened | | Y | msg |
2058 | WM_MDICREATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2059 | WM_MDIDESTROY | widened | | Y | msg |
2060 | WM_MDIGETACTIVE | widened | | Y | msg |
2061 | WM_MDIICONARRANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
2062 | WM_MDIMAXIMIZE | widened | | Y | msg |
2063 | WM_MDINEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
2064 | WM_MDIRESTORE | widened | | Y | msg |
2065 | WM_MDISETMENU | changed | | Y | msg |
2066 | WM_MDITILE | widened | | Y | msg |
2067 | WM_MEASUREITEM | widened | | Y | msg |
2068 | WM_MENUCHAR | changed | | Y | msg |
2069 | WM_MENUSELECT | changed | | Y | msg |
2070 | WM_MOUSEACTIVATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2071 | WM_MOUSEENTER | new | | N | msg |
2072 | WM_MOUSEFIRST | widened | | Y | msg |
2073 | WM_MOUSELAST | widened | | Y | msg |
2074 | WM_MOUSELEAVE | new | | N | msg |
2075 | WM_MOUSEMOVE | widened | | Y | msg |
2076 | WM_MOVE | widened | | Y | msg |
2077 | WM_NCACTIVATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2078 | WM_NCCALCRGN | new | | N | msg |
2079 | WM_NCCALCSIZE | widened | | Y | msg |
2080 | WM_NCCREATE | widened | | Y | msg |
2081 | WM_NCDESTROY | widened | | Y | msg |
2082 | WM_NCHITTEST | widened | | Y | msg |
2083 | WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2084 | WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2085 | WM_NCLBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2086 | WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2087 | WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2088 | WM_NCMBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2089 | WM_NCMOUSEMOVE | widened | | Y | msg |
2090 | WM_NCPAINT | widened | | Y | msg |
2091 | WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2092 | WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2093 | WM_NCRBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2094 | WM_NEXTDLGCTL | widened | | Y | msg |
2095 | WM_NULL | widened | | Y | msg |
2096 | WM_PAINT | widened | | Y | msg |
2097 | WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2098 | WM_PAINTICON | widened | | Y | msg |
2099 | WM_PALETTECHANGED | widened | | Y | msg |
2100 | WM_PALETTEISCHANGING | widened | | Y | msg |
2101 | WM_PARENTNOTIFY | changed | | Y | msg |
2102 | WM_PASTE | widened | | Y | msg |
2103 | WM_PENWINFIRST | widened | | Y | msg |
2104 | WM_PENWINLAST | widened | | Y | msg |
2105 | WM_POWER | widened | | Y | msg |
2106 | WM_QUERYDRAGICON | widened | | Y | msg |
2107 | WM_QUERYENDSESSION | widened | | Y | msg |
2108 | WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE | widened | | Y | msg |
2109 | WM_QUERYOPEN | widened | | Y | msg |
2110 | WM_QUEUESYNC | widened | | Y | msg |
2111 | WM_QUIT | widened | | Y | msg |
2112 | WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK | widened | | Y | msg |
2113 | WM_RBUTTONDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2114 | WM_RBUTTONUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2115 | WM_RENDERALLFORMATS | widened | | Y | msg |
2116 | WM_RENDERFORMAT | widened | | Y | msg |
2117 | WM_SETCURSOR | widened | | Y | msg |
2118 | WM_SETFOCUS | widened | | Y | msg |
2119 | WM_SETFONT | widened | | Y | msg |
2120 | WM_SETFOREGROUND | new | | N | msg |
2121 | WM_SETHOTKEY | new | | N | msg |
2122 | WM_SETREDRAW | widened | | Y | msg |
2123 | WM_SETTEXT | widened | | Y | msg |
2124 | WM_SHOWWINDOW | widened | | Y | msg |
2125 | WM_SIZE | widened | | Y | msg |
2126 | WM_SIZECLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2127 | WM_SPOOLERSTATUS | widened | | Y | msg |
2128 | WM_SYSCHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
2129 | WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
2130 | WM_SYSCOMMAND | widened | | Y | msg |
2131 | WM_SYSDEADCHAR | widened | | Y | msg |
2132 | WM_SYSKEYDOWN | widened | | Y | msg |
2133 | WM_SYSKEYUP | widened | | Y | msg |
2134 | WM_TIMECHANGE | widened | | Y | msg |
2135 | WM_TIMER | widened | | Y | msg |
2136 | WM_UNDO | widened | | Y | msg |
2137 | WM_USER | widened | | Y | msg |
2138 | WM_VKEYTOITEM | changed | | Y | msg |
2139 | WM_VSCROLL | changed | | Y | msg |
2140 | WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD | widened | | Y | msg |
2141 | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED | widened | | Y | msg |
2142 | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING | widened | | Y | msg |
2143 | WM_WININICHANGE | widened | | Y | msg