PC World 2000 August
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143 lines
' ########################## Max Reason
' ##### dot commands ##### copyright 1988-2000
' ########################## dot command summary helpfile
' You can enter "dot commands" in the command grid
' to execute any command in the main menus, plus
' several others.
' If the text cursor is in the lower text area,
' hit <escape> to move it to the command grid.
' This clears the command grid so you can enter
' text immediately.
' To execute a dot command, enter a dot plus the
' two letter abbreviation of the command in the
' upper text area.
' Many dot commands accept an optional argument,
' but none require it. If an required argument
' is not supplied, a window will appear to ask
' for additional information. But you'll soon
' find it's much faster to enter arguments too,
' since you do everything without moving your
' hands from the keyboard.
' A summary of the dot commands follows, starting
' with the non-menu bar commands. An <enter> key
' must be pressed to execute a dot command.
' .<command>[<space><argument>[<tab><argument>]]
' # means a number
' main menu bar commands are executed with their 2-letter mnemonic
' these accept filename argument: .ft .fl .fs .fr .er .ew
' these accept function name: .vv .vp .vn .vd .vr .vc
' popular dot commands
' .f find immediate - see below
' .r replace immediate - see below
' .c clear command window
' .s# set tag (a-z)
' .j# jump to tag
' . line # of cursor
' .# scroll to line #
' .v view next function
' .v- view previous function
' .v0 view PROLOG
' .a again - repeat last dot command
' .h help
' ###################################
' ##### main menu equivalents #####
' ###################################
' all arguments shown below are optional
' .fn t|p|g - FileNew ' text|program|gui-program
' .ft filename - FileTextLoad ' filename.*
' .fl filename - FileLoad ' filename.x
' .fs filename - FileSave ' filename.*
' .fm t|p - FileMode ' text|program
' .fr filename - FileRename ' filename.*
' .fq - FileQuit
' .ec - EditCut ' system clipboard = 0
' .eg - EditGrab ' system clipboard = 0
' .ep - EditPaste ' system clipboard = 0
' .ed - EditDelete ' alternate clipboard = 1
' .eb - EditBuffer ' alternate clipboard = 1
' .ei - EditInsert ' alternate clipboard = 1
' .ee - EditErase ' no clipboard
' .ef text - EditFind
' .er filename - EditRead ' from filename to system clipboard
' .ew filename - EditWrite ' from system clipboard to filename
' .vf funcname - ViewFunction ' view named function
' .vp - ViewPrevious ' view previously viewed function
' .vn funcname - ViewNew ' create and view a new function
' .vd funcname - ViewDelete ' delete [displayed] function
' .vr funcname - ViewRename ' rename [displayed] function
' .vc - ViewClone ' clone [displayed] function
' .vl filename - ViewLoad ' load function into program
' .vs filename - ViewSave ' save function onto disk
' .om - OptionMisc '
' .oc - OptionColor '
' .ot - OptionTab ' set tab width in pixels
' .rs - RunStart ' start running program at beginning
' .rc - RunContinue ' continue running program after pause
' .rj - RunJump ' move execution pointer to cursor line
' .rp - RunPause ' pause execution - can continue, step, etc.
' .rk - RunKill ' kill execution - no continue, step, etc.
' .rr - RunRecompile ' recompile but do not execute program
' .ra - RunAssembly ' recompile program to assembly file
' .rl - RunLibrary ' recompile library to assembly file
' .dt - DebugToggle ' toggle breakpoint at cursor line
' .dc - DebugClear ' clear all breakpoints in program
' .de - DebugErase ' clear all breakpoints in function
' .dm - DebugMemory ' display memory window
' .da - DebugAssembly ' display assembly window
' .dr - DebugRegister ' display registers window
' .sc - StatusCompile ' display compilation errors
' .sr - StatusRuntime ' display runtime error
' .hn - HelpNotes ' display notes.hlp
' .hs - HelpSupport ' display support.hlp
' .hm - HelpMessage ' display message.hlp
' .hl - HelpLanguage ' display language.hlp
' .ho - HelpOperator ' display operator.hlp
' .hd - HelpDot ' display dot.hlp
' ############################
' ##### find & replace #####
' ############################
' SYNTAX: .[*|<#>][f|r][-][<space><find text>[<tab><replace text>]]
' [*|<#>] = repetitions (* = all instances, default = 1)
' [f|r] = find | replace
' [-] = reverse
' [<space>find text] = a single space delimits the find text
' (option: if not specified, same as previous)
' [<tab>replace text] = a single tab-character delimits the replace text
' (option: if not specified, same as previous)
' example: .*r PIRNT PRINT = replace (forward) all instances
' | |
' space tab