PC World 2000 August
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Text File
1,267 lines
' ####################
' ##### PROLOG #####
' ####################
PROGRAM "adata"
VERSION "0.0000"
IMPORT "xst"
IMPORT "xgr"
IMPORT "xui"
' This is a short program that show ways to accomplish certain
' basic data entry techniques. Most of this program was created
' from a blank slate by "File New GuiProgram" aka ".fn g".
' First the simple "Employee" window was layed with components
' from the GuiDesigner toolkit. Then "Window ToFunction" in the
' GuiDesigner toolkit menu created Employee() and EmployeeCode()
' functions and added them to this program. Except for the EMPLOYEE
' type declaration below, the only programmer written code is some
' simple data diddling code in EmployeeCode().
' All type declarations belong before the first function declaraction,
' so the EMPLOYEE type declaration is right below these comments.
' See EmployeeCode() for some sample code and more comments.
' Before you can do much with this program, run it and enter two or
' three fairly complete sets of "employee" information in the window
' that appears and press "Save Employee" when you are done each.
' Once you have saved two or three employee entries, you can try
' out the "Load Employee" capability - enter the first/middle/last
' names in the appropriate places in the window, then select the
' "Load Employee" button. The data for the employee should appear
' in the window. If that works, just for fun, enter a correct
' first and last name, but an incorrect middle name and try again.
' More notes about this program are in the EmployeeCode() function.
STRING*32 .firstName
STRING*32 .middleName
STRING*32 .lastName
STRING*32 .address1
STRING*32 .address2
STRING*32 .city
STRING*32 .state
STRING*32 .zip
STRING*32 .phone
STRING*32 .fax
STRING*32 .email
STRING*32 .web
STRING*32 .ssn
STRING*32 .expertise1
STRING*32 .expertise2
STRING*32 .expertise3
STRING*512 .comments
INTERNAL FUNCTION Employee (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, ANY)
INTERNAL FUNCTION EmployeeCode (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, kid, ANY)
' ######################
' ##### Entry () #####
' ######################
SHARED terminateProgram
STATIC entry
IF entry THEN RETURN ' enter once
entry = $$TRUE ' enter occured
InitGui () ' initialize messages
InitProgram () ' initialize this program
CreateWindows () ' create main window and others
InitWindows () ' initialize windows and grids
IF LIBRARY(0) THEN RETURN ' main program executes message loop
DO ' the message loop
XgrProcessMessages (1) ' process one message
LOOP UNTIL terminateProgram ' and repeat until program is terminated
' ########################
' ##### InitGui () #####
' ########################
' ***************************************
' ***** Register Standard Cursors *****
' ***************************************
XgrRegisterCursor (@"default", @#cursorDefault)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"arrow", @#cursorArrow)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"n", @#cursorN)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"s", @#cursorS)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"e", @#cursorE)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"w", @#cursorW)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"ns", @#cursorArrowsNS)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"ns", @#cursorArrowsSN)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"ew", @#cursorArrowsEW)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"ew", @#cursorArrowsWE)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"nwse", @#cursorArrowsNWSE)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"nesw", @#cursorArrowsNESW)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"all", @#cursorArrowsAll)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"plus", @#cursorPlus)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"wait", @#cursorWait)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"insert", @#cursorInsert)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"crosshair", @#cursorCrosshair)
XgrRegisterCursor (@"hourglass", @#cursorHourglass)
#defaultCursor = #cursorDefault
' ********************************************
' ***** Register Standard Window Icons *****
' ********************************************
XgrRegisterIcon (@"hand", @#iconHand)
XgrRegisterIcon (@"asterisk", @#iconAsterisk)
XgrRegisterIcon (@"question", @#iconQuestion)
XgrRegisterIcon (@"exclamation", @#iconExclamation)
XgrRegisterIcon (@"application", @#iconApplication)
XgrRegisterIcon (@"hand", @#iconStop) ' alias
XgrRegisterIcon (@"asterisk", @#iconInformation) ' alias
XgrRegisterIcon (@"application", @#iconBlank) ' alias
XgrRegisterIcon (@"window", @#iconWindow) ' custom
' ******************************
' ***** Register Messages ***** Create message numbers for message names
' ******************************
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Blowback", @#Blowback)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Callback", @#Callback)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Cancel", @#Cancel)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Change", @#Change)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"CloseWindow", @#CloseWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ContextChange", @#ContextChange)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Create", @#Create)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"CreateValueArray", @#CreateValueArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"CreateWindow", @#CreateWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"CursorH", @#CursorH)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"CursorV", @#CursorV)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Deselected", @#Deselected)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Destroy", @#Destroy)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Destroyed", @#Destroyed)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"DestroyWindow", @#DestroyWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Disable", @#Disable)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Disabled", @#Disabled)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Displayed", @#Displayed)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"DisplayWindow", @#DisplayWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Enable", @#Enable)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Enabled", @#Enabled)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Enter", @#Enter)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ExitMessageLoop", @#ExitMessageLoop)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Find", @#Find)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"FindForward", @#FindForward)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"FindReverse", @#FindReverse)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Forward", @#Forward)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetAlign", @#GetAlign)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetBorder", @#GetBorder)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetBorderOffset", @#GetBorderOffset)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCallback", @#GetCallback)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCallbackArgs", @#GetCallbackArgs)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCan", @#GetCan)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCharacterMapArray", @#GetCharacterMapArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetClipGrid", @#GetClipGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetColor", @#GetColor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetColorExtra", @#GetColorExtra)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCursor", @#GetCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetCursorXY", @#GetCursorXY)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetDisplay", @#GetDisplay)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetEnclosedGrids", @#GetEnclosedGrids)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetEnclosingGrid", @#GetEnclosingGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetFocusColor", @#GetFocusColor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetFocusColorExtra", @#GetFocusColorExtra)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetFont", @#GetFont)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetFontNumber", @#GetFontNumber)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridFunction", @#GetGridFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridFunctionName", @#GetGridFunctionName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridName", @#GetGridName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridNumber", @#GetGridNumber)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridType", @#GetGridType)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGridTypeName", @#GetGridTypeName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetGroup", @#GetGroup)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetHelp", @#GetHelp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetHelpFile", @#GetHelpFile)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetHelpString", @#GetHelpString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetHelpStrings", @#GetHelpStrings)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetHintString", @#GetHintString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetImage", @#GetImage)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetImageCoords", @#GetImageCoords)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetIndent", @#GetIndent)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetInfo", @#GetInfo)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetJustify", @#GetJustify)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKeyboardFocus", @#GetKeyboardFocus)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKeyboardFocusGrid", @#GetKeyboardFocusGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKidNumber", @#GetKidNumber)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKids", @#GetKids)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKidArray", @#GetKidArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetKind", @#GetKind)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetMaxMinSize", @#GetMaxMinSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetMessageFunc", @#GetMessageFunc)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetMessageFuncArray", @#GetMessageFuncArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetMessageSub", @#GetMessageSub)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetMessageSubArray", @#GetMessageSubArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetModalInfo", @#GetModalInfo)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetModalWindow", @#GetModalWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetParent", @#GetParent)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetPosition", @#GetPosition)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetProtoInfo", @#GetProtoInfo)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetRedrawFlags", @#GetRedrawFlags)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetSize", @#GetSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetSmallestSize", @#GetSmallestSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetState", @#GetState)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetStyle", @#GetStyle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTabArray", @#GetTabArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTabWidth", @#GetTabWidth)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextArray", @#GetTextArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextArrayBounds", @#GetTextArrayBounds)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextArrayLine", @#GetTextArrayLine)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextArrayLines", @#GetTextArrayLines)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextCursor", @#GetTextCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextFilename", @#GetTextFilename)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextPosition", @#GetTextPosition)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextSelection", @#GetTextSelection)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextString", @#GetTextString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTextStrings", @#GetTextStrings)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTexture", @#GetTexture)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetTimer", @#GetTimer)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetValue", @#GetValue)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetValues", @#GetValues)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetValueArray", @#GetValueArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindow", @#GetWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindowFunction", @#GetWindowFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindowGrid", @#GetWindowGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindowIcon", @#GetWindowIcon)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindowSize", @#GetWindowSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GetWindowTitle", @#GetWindowTitle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GotKeyboardFocus", @#GotKeyboardFocus)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GrabArray", @#GrabArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GrabTextArray", @#GrabTextArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GrabTextString", @#GrabTextString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"GrabValueArray", @#GrabValueArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Help", @#Help)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Hidden", @#Hidden)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"HideTextCursor", @#HideTextCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"HideWindow", @#HideWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Initialize", @#Initialize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Initialized", @#Initialized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Inline", @#Inline)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"InquireText", @#InquireText)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"KeyboardFocusBackward", @#KeyboardFocusBackward)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"KeyboardFocusForward", @#KeyboardFocusForward)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"KeyDown", @#KeyDown)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"KeyUp", @#KeyUp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"LostKeyboardFocus", @#LostKeyboardFocus)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"LostTextSelection", @#LostTextSelection)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Maximized", @#Maximized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MaximizeWindow", @#MaximizeWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Maximum", @#Maximum)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Minimized", @#Minimized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MinimizeWindow", @#MinimizeWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Minimum", @#Minimum)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MonitorContext", @#MonitorContext)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MonitorHelp", @#MonitorHelp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MonitorKeyboard", @#MonitorKeyboard)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MonitorMouse", @#MonitorMouse)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseDown", @#MouseDown)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseDrag", @#MouseDrag)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseEnter", @#MouseEnter)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseExit", @#MouseExit)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseMove", @#MouseMove)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MouseUp", @#MouseUp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MuchLess", @#MuchLess)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"MuchMore", @#MuchMore)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"OneLess", @#OneLess)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"OneMore", @#OneMore)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"PokeArray", @#PokeArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"PokeTextArray", @#PokeTextArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"PokeTextString", @#PokeTextString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"PokeValueArray", @#PokeValueArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Print", @#Print)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Redraw", @#Redraw)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"RedrawGrid", @#RedrawGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"RedrawLines", @#RedrawLines)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"RedrawText", @#RedrawText)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"RedrawWindow", @#RedrawWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Replace", @#Replace)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ReplaceForward", @#ReplaceForward)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ReplaceReverse", @#ReplaceReverse)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Reset", @#Reset)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Resize", @#Resize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Resized", @#Resized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ResizeNot", @#ResizeNot)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ResizeWindow", @#ResizeWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ResizeWindowToGrid", @#ResizeWindowToGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Resized", @#Resized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Reverse", @#Reverse)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ScrollH", @#ScrollH)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ScrollV", @#ScrollV)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Select", @#Select)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Selected", @#Selected)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Selection", @#Selection)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SelectWindow", @#SelectWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetAlign", @#SetAlign)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetBorder", @#SetBorder)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetBorderOffset", @#SetBorderOffset)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetCallback", @#SetCallback)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetCan", @#SetCan)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetCharacterMapArray", @#SetCharacterMapArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetClipGrid", @#SetClipGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetColor", @#SetColor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetColorAll", @#SetColorAll)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetColorExtra", @#SetColorExtra)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetColorExtraAll", @#SetColorExtraAll)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetCursor", @#SetCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetCursorXY", @#SetCursorXY)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetDisplay", @#SetDisplay)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetFocusColor", @#SetFocusColor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetFocusColorExtra", @#SetFocusColorExtra)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetFont", @#SetFont)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetFontNumber", @#SetFontNumber)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGridFunction", @#SetGridFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGridFunctionName", @#SetGridFunctionName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGridName", @#SetGridName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGridType", @#SetGridType)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGridTypeName", @#SetGridTypeName)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetGroup", @#SetGroup)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetHelp", @#SetHelp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetHelpFile", @#SetHelpFile)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetHelpString", @#SetHelpString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetHelpStrings", @#SetHelpStrings)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetHintString", @#SetHintString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetImage", @#SetImage)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetImageCoords", @#SetImageCoords)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetIndent", @#SetIndent)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetInfo", @#SetInfo)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetJustify", @#SetJustify)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetKeyboardFocus", @#SetKeyboardFocus)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetKeyboardFocusGrid", @#SetKeyboardFocusGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetMaxMinSize", @#SetMaxMinSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetMessageFunc", @#SetMessageFunc)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetMessageFuncArray", @#SetMessageFuncArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetMessageSub", @#SetMessageSub)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetMessageSubArray", @#SetMessageSubArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetModalWindow", @#SetModalWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetParent", @#SetParent)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetPosition", @#SetPosition)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetRedrawFlags", @#SetRedrawFlags)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetSize", @#SetSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetState", @#SetState)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetStyle", @#SetStyle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTabArray", @#SetTabArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTabWidth", @#SetTabWidth)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextArray", @#SetTextArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextArrayLine", @#SetTextArrayLine)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextArrayLines", @#SetTextArrayLines)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextCursor", @#SetTextCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextFilename", @#SetTextFilename)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextSelection", @#SetTextSelection)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextString", @#SetTextString)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTextStrings", @#SetTextStrings)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTexture", @#SetTexture)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetTimer", @#SetTimer)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetValue", @#SetValue)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetValues", @#SetValues)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetValueArray", @#SetValueArray)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetWindowFunction", @#SetWindowFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetWindowIcon", @#SetWindowIcon)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SetWindowTitle", @#SetWindowTitle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ShowTextCursor", @#ShowTextCursor)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"ShowWindow", @#ShowWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SomeLess", @#SomeLess)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SomeMore", @#SomeMore)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"StartTimer", @#StartTimer)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"SystemMessage", @#SystemMessage)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TextDelete", @#TextDelete)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TextEvent", @#TextEvent)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TextInsert", @#TextInsert)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TextModified", @#TextModified)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TextReplace", @#TextReplace)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"TimeOut", @#TimeOut)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"Update", @#Update)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowClose", @#WindowClose)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowCreate", @#WindowCreate)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowDeselected", @#WindowDeselected)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowDestroy", @#WindowDestroy)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowDestroyed", @#WindowDestroyed)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowDisplay", @#WindowDisplay)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowDisplayed", @#WindowDisplayed)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetDisplay", @#WindowGetDisplay)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetFunction", @#WindowGetFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetIcon", @#WindowGetIcon)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetKeyboardFocusGrid", @#WindowGetKeyboardFocusGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetSelectedWindow", @#WindowGetSelectedWindow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetSize", @#WindowGetSize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowGetTitle", @#WindowGetTitle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowHelp", @#WindowHelp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowHide", @#WindowHide)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowHidden", @#WindowHidden)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowKeyDown", @#WindowKeyDown)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowKeyUp", @#WindowKeyUp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMaximize", @#WindowMaximize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMaximized", @#WindowMaximized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMinimize", @#WindowMinimize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMinimized", @#WindowMinimized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMonitorContext", @#WindowMonitorContext)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMonitorHelp", @#WindowMonitorHelp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMonitorKeyboard", @#WindowMonitorKeyboard)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMonitorMouse", @#WindowMonitorMouse)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseDown", @#WindowMouseDown)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseDrag", @#WindowMouseDrag)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseEnter", @#WindowMouseEnter)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseExit", @#WindowMouseExit)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseMove", @#WindowMouseMove)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowMouseUp", @#WindowMouseUp)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowRedraw", @#WindowRedraw)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowRegister", @#WindowRegister)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowResize", @#WindowResize)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowResized", @#WindowResized)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowResizeToGrid", @#WindowResizeToGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSelect", @#WindowSelect)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSelected", @#WindowSelected)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSetFunction", @#WindowSetFunction)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSetIcon", @#WindowSetIcon)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSetKeyboardFocusGrid", @#WindowSetKeyboardFocusGrid)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSetTitle", @#WindowSetTitle)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowShow", @#WindowShow)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"WindowSystemMessage", @#WindowSystemMessage)
XgrRegisterMessage (@"LastMessage", @#LastMessage)
XgrGetDisplaySize ("", @#displayWidth, @#displayHeight, @#windowBorderWidth, @#windowTitleHeight)
' ############################
' ##### InitProgram () #####
' ############################
FUNCTION InitProgram ()
' ##############################
' ##### CreateWindows () #####
' ##############################
FUNCTION CreateWindows ()
Employee (@Employee, #CreateWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage (Employee, #SetCallback, Employee, &EmployeeCode(), -1, -1, -1, 0)
XuiSendMessage (Employee, #Initialize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage (Employee, #DisplayWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' ############################
' ##### InitWindows () #####
' ############################
FUNCTION InitWindows ()
' #########################
' ##### Employee () #####
' #########################
FUNCTION Employee (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, (r1, r1$, r1[], r1$[]))
STATIC designX, designY, designWidth, designHeight
STATIC upperMessage
STATIC Employee
$Employee = 0 ' kid 0 grid type = Employee
$FirstNameLabel = 1 ' kid 1 grid type = XuiLabel
$FirstNameText = 2 ' kid 2 grid type = XuiTextLine
$MiddleNameLabel = 3 ' kid 3 grid type = XuiLabel
$MiddleNameText = 4 ' kid 4 grid type = XuiTextLine
$LastNameLabel = 5 ' kid 5 grid type = XuiLabel
$LastNameText = 6 ' kid 6 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Address1Label = 7 ' kid 7 grid type = XuiLabel
$Address1Text = 8 ' kid 8 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Address2Label = 9 ' kid 9 grid type = XuiLabel
$Address2Text = 10 ' kid 10 grid type = XuiTextLine
$CityLabel = 11 ' kid 11 grid type = XuiLabel
$CityText = 12 ' kid 12 grid type = XuiTextLine
$StateLabel = 13 ' kid 13 grid type = XuiLabel
$StateText = 14 ' kid 14 grid type = XuiTextLine
$ZipLabel = 15 ' kid 15 grid type = XuiLabel
$ZipText = 16 ' kid 16 grid type = XuiTextLine
$PhoneLabel = 17 ' kid 17 grid type = XuiLabel
$PhoneText = 18 ' kid 18 grid type = XuiTextLine
$FaxLabel = 19 ' kid 19 grid type = XuiLabel
$FaxText = 20 ' kid 20 grid type = XuiTextLine
$EmailLabel = 21 ' kid 21 grid type = XuiLabel
$EmailText = 22 ' kid 22 grid type = XuiTextLine
$WebLabel = 23 ' kid 23 grid type = XuiLabel
$WebText = 24 ' kid 24 grid type = XuiTextLine
$SSNLabel = 25 ' kid 25 grid type = XuiLabel
$SSNText = 26 ' kid 26 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise1Label = 27 ' kid 27 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise1Text = 28 ' kid 28 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise2Label = 29 ' kid 29 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise2Text = 30 ' kid 30 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise3Label = 31 ' kid 31 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise3Text = 32 ' kid 32 grid type = XuiTextLine
$CommentsLabel = 33 ' kid 33 grid type = XuiLabel
$CommentsTextArea = 34 ' kid 34 grid type = XuiTextArea
$LoadButton = 35 ' kid 35 grid type = XuiPushButton
$SaveButton = 36 ' kid 36 grid type = XuiPushButton
$UpperKid = 36 ' kid maximum
IFZ sub[] THEN GOSUB Initialize
' XuiReportMessage (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, r1)
IF XuiProcessMessage (grid, message, @v0, @v1, @v2, @v3, @r0, @r1, Employee) THEN RETURN
IF (message <= upperMessage) THEN GOSUB @sub[message]
' ***** Callback ***** message = Callback : r1 = original message
SUB Callback
message = r1
callback = message
IF (message <= upperMessage) THEN GOSUB @sub[message]
' ***** Create ***** v0123 = xywh : r0 = window : r1 = parent
SUB Create
IF (v0 <= 0) THEN v0 = 0
IF (v1 <= 0) THEN v1 = 0
IF (v2 <= 0) THEN v2 = designWidth
IF (v3 <= 0) THEN v3 = designHeight
XuiCreateGrid (@grid, Employee, @v0, @v1, @v2, @v3, r0, r1, &Employee())
XuiSendMessage ( grid, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Employee")
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 4, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"FirstNameLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"First Name")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 4, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $FirstNameText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"FirstNameText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 28, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"MiddleNameLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Middle Name")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 28, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $MiddleNameText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"MiddleNameText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 52, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"LastNameLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Last Name")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 52, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $LastNameText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"LastNameText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 76, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address1Label")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address1")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 76, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $Address1Text, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address1Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 100, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address2Label")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address2")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 100, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $Address2Text, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Address2Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 124, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"CityLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"City")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 124, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $CityText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"CityText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 148, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"StateLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"State")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 148, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $StateText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"StateText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 172, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"ZipLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Zip")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 172, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $ZipText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"ZipText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 196, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"PhoneLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Phone")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 196, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $PhoneText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"PhoneText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 220, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"FaxLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Fax")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 220, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $FaxText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"FaxText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 244, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"EmailLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Email")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 244, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $EmailText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"EmailText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 268, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"WebLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Web")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 268, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $WebText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"WebText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 292, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"SSNLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"SS#")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 292, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $SSNText, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"SSNText")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 316, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise1Label")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise 1")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 316, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $Expertise1Text, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise1Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 340, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise2Label")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise 2")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 340, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $Expertise2Text, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise2Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 364, 100, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise3Label")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetAlign, $$AlignMiddleRight, $$JustifyCenter, -1, -1, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise 3")
XuiTextLine (@g, #Create, 104, 364, 288, 24, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $Expertise3Text, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Expertise3Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColorExtra, $$BrightGrey, $$LightYellow, $$Black, $$White, 1, 0)
XuiLabel (@g, #Create, 4, 388, 388, 32, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"CommentsLabel")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColor, $$BrightCyan, $$Black, $$Black, $$White, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"\x1F Our Comments : Employee Quicky Resume \x1F")
XuiTextArea (@g, #Create, 4, 420, 388, 116, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $CommentsTextArea, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"CommentsTextArea")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, @"Text")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, @"ScrollH")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, @"ScrollV")
XuiPushButton (@g, #Create, 4, 536, 196, 32, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $LoadButton, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"LoadButton")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColor, 17, $$Black, $$Black, $$White, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Load Employee")
XuiPushButton (@g, #Create, 200, 536, 192, 32, r0, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetCallback, grid, &Employee(), -1, -1, $SaveButton, grid)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetGridName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"SaveButton")
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetColor, $$BrightOrange, $$Black, $$Black, $$White, 0, 0)
XuiSendMessage ( g, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @"Save Employee")
GOSUB Resize
' ***** CreateWindow ***** v0123 = xywh : r0 = windowType : r1$ = display$
SUB CreateWindow
IF (v0 = 0) THEN v0 = designX
IF (v1 = 0) THEN v1 = designY
IF (v2 <= 0) THEN v2 = designWidth
IF (v3 <= 0) THEN v3 = designHeight
XuiWindow (@window, #WindowCreate, v0, v1, v2, v3, r0, @r1$)
v0 = 0 : v1 = 0 : r0 = window : ATTACH r1$ TO display$
GOSUB Create
r1 = 0 : ATTACH display$ TO r1$
XuiWindow (window, #WindowRegister, grid, -1, v2, v3, @r0, @"Employee")
' ***** GetSmallestSize ***** See "Anatomy of Grid Functions"
SUB GetSmallestSize
' ***** Resize ***** See "Anatomy of Grid Functions"
SUB Resize
' ***** Selection ***** See "Anatomy of Grid Functions"
SUB Selection
' ***** Initialize ***** ' see "Anatomy of Grid Functions"
SUB Initialize
XuiGetDefaultMessageFuncArray (@func[])
XgrMessageNameToNumber (@"LastMessage", @upperMessage)
func[#Callback] = &XuiCallback () ' disable to handle Callback messages internally
' func[#GetSmallestSize] = 0 ' enable to add internal GetSmallestSize routine
' func[#Resize] = 0 ' enable to add internal Resize routine
DIM sub[upperMessage]
' sub[#Callback] = SUBADDRESS (Callback) ' enable to handle Callback messages internally
sub[#Create] = SUBADDRESS (Create) ' must be internal routine
sub[#CreateWindow] = SUBADDRESS (CreateWindow) ' must be internal routine
' sub[#GetSmallestSize] = SUBADDRESS (GetSmallestSize) ' enable to add internal GetSmallestSize routine
' sub[#Resize] = SUBADDRESS (Resize) ' enable to add internal Resize routine
sub[#Selection] = SUBADDRESS (Selection) ' routes Selection callbacks to subroutine
IF sub[0] THEN PRINT "Employee() : Initialize : error ::: (undefined message)"
IF func[0] THEN PRINT "Employee() : Initialize : error ::: (undefined message)"
XuiRegisterGridType (@Employee, "Employee", &Employee(), @func[], @sub[])
' Don't remove the following 4 lines, or WindowFromFunction/WindowToFunction will not work
designX = 880
designY = 23
designWidth = 396
designHeight = 572
gridType = Employee
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"x", designX)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"y", designY)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"width", designWidth)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"height", designHeight)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"maxWidth", designWidth)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"maxHeight", designHeight)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"minWidth", designWidth)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"minHeight", designHeight)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"border", $$BorderFrame)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"can", $$Focus OR $$Respond OR $$Callback OR $$InputTextString OR $$TextSelection)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"focusKid", $FirstNameText)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"inputTextArray", $CommentsTextArea)
XuiSetGridTypeValue (gridType, @"inputTextString", $FirstNameText)
' #############################
' ##### EmployeeCode () #####
' #############################
FUNCTION EmployeeCode (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, kid, r1)
EMPLOYEE employee[]
EMPLOYEE employee
$Employee = 0 ' kid 0 grid type = Employee
$FirstNameLabel = 1 ' kid 1 grid type = XuiLabel
$FirstNameText = 2 ' kid 2 grid type = XuiTextLine
$MiddleNameLabel = 3 ' kid 3 grid type = XuiLabel
$MiddleNameText = 4 ' kid 4 grid type = XuiTextLine
$LastNameLabel = 5 ' kid 5 grid type = XuiLabel
$LastNameText = 6 ' kid 6 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Address1Label = 7 ' kid 7 grid type = XuiLabel
$Address1Text = 8 ' kid 8 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Address2Label = 9 ' kid 9 grid type = XuiLabel
$Address2Text = 10 ' kid 10 grid type = XuiTextLine
$CityLabel = 11 ' kid 11 grid type = XuiLabel
$CityText = 12 ' kid 12 grid type = XuiTextLine
$StateLabel = 13 ' kid 13 grid type = XuiLabel
$StateText = 14 ' kid 14 grid type = XuiTextLine
$ZipLabel = 15 ' kid 15 grid type = XuiLabel
$ZipText = 16 ' kid 16 grid type = XuiTextLine
$PhoneLabel = 17 ' kid 17 grid type = XuiLabel
$PhoneText = 18 ' kid 18 grid type = XuiTextLine
$FaxLabel = 19 ' kid 19 grid type = XuiLabel
$FaxText = 20 ' kid 20 grid type = XuiTextLine
$EmailLabel = 21 ' kid 21 grid type = XuiLabel
$EmailText = 22 ' kid 22 grid type = XuiTextLine
$WebLabel = 23 ' kid 23 grid type = XuiLabel
$WebText = 24 ' kid 24 grid type = XuiTextLine
$SSNLabel = 25 ' kid 25 grid type = XuiLabel
$SSNText = 26 ' kid 26 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise1Label = 27 ' kid 27 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise1Text = 28 ' kid 28 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise2Label = 29 ' kid 29 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise2Text = 30 ' kid 30 grid type = XuiTextLine
$Expertise3Label = 31 ' kid 31 grid type = XuiLabel
$Expertise3Text = 32 ' kid 32 grid type = XuiTextLine
$CommentsLabel = 33 ' kid 33 grid type = XuiLabel
$CommentsTextArea = 34 ' kid 34 grid type = XuiTextArea
$LoadButton = 35 ' kid 35 grid type = XuiPushButton
$SaveButton = 36 ' kid 36 grid type = XuiPushButton
$UpperKid = 36 ' kid maximum
' enable the following line to see ALL messages this function receives
' XuiReportMessage (grid, message, v0, v1, v2, v3, kid, r1)
IF (message = #Callback) THEN message = r1
' I added a #CloseWindow case below so I could minimize the
' window when the user closes the window from the system menu.
' I added a #TextEvent case below so I could move the keyboard
' focus directly to the "Load Employee" or "Save Employee"
' button in response to a Shift+Escape or Escape keystroke.
CASE #CloseWindow : GOSUB CloseWindow ' GOSUB CloseWindow
CASE #Selection : GOSUB Selection ' Common callback message
CASE #TextEvent : GOSUB TextEvent ' KeyDown in TextArea or TextLine
' ***** CloseWindow *****
SUB CloseWindow
XuiSendMessage (grid, #MinimizeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' ***** TextEvent *****
' Press Control+S to move keyboard focus directly to SaveButton
' Press Control+L to move keyboard focus directly to LoadButton
' Press Control+T to move keyboard focus directly to top = "first name"
' Press EscapeKey to move keyboard focus directly to SaveButton
' Press Shift+EscapeKey to move keyboard focus directly to LoadButton
' 0x4C12000C = $$KeyL when $$KeyControl is down
' 0x53120013 = $$KeyS when $$KeyControl is down
' 0x54120014 = $$KeyT when $$KeyControl is down
' 0x1B01001B = $$KeyEscape
' 0x1B10001B = $$KeyEscape when $$KeyShift is down
SUB TextEvent
CASE 0x4C12000C : XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $LoadButton, 0)
CASE 0x53120013 : XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $SaveButton, 0)
CASE 0x54120014 : XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, 0)
CASE 0x1B01001B : XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $LoadButton, 0)
CASE 0x1B10001B : XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $SaveButton, 0)
' ***** Selection *****
' I added the first three lines to perhaps do what you want.
' I added a short employee load and save subroutine at bottom.
' When an Enter key is pressed, a selection callback is produced
' which calls this function and the Selection subroutine below.
' The code I added sends a #KeyboardFocusForward message to the
' grid that received the Enter keystroke, which moves the keyboard
' focus to the next grid.
' Just for fun I added the second line below to see whether the
' Control key was down when the Enter keystroke occured. If it
' was, I make the message #KeyboardFocusBackward. This give the
' user a way to go backward almost as easily as forward.
' In this example, also notice that an Enter keystroke does not
' produce a Selection callback in the multi-line XuiTextArea grid
' at the bottom. That makes sense of course because the whole
' purpose of a multi-line text grid is to accept multiple lines
' separated by Enter keystrokes. But then how does the user move
' out of the text area grid? If the Shift key is down when an
' Enter key is pressed, the Enter key does not insert into the
' text, but a Selection callback message IS produced. This also
' works in the single line text grids.
' In summary, in all applications, the Alt+LeftArrow keystroke
' and Alt+RightArrow keystoke move to the previous and next
' selectable grid. Get people to accept that convention and
' you need not write any code to deal with this functionality.
' The code below moves the keyboard focus to the next selectable
' grid when an Enter or Shift+Enter keystroke is entered in
' the single line text grids or a Shift+Enter keystroke is
' entered in the multi-line text grid. The code below moves
' the keyboard focus to the previous selectable grid when a
' Control+Enter keystroke or Control+Shift+Enter keystroke is
' entered in the single line text grids or a Control+Shift+Enter
' keystroke is entered in the multi-line text grid.
SUB Selection
mess = #KeyboardFocusForward
IF (v0 AND $$ControlBit) THEN mess = #KeyboardFocusBackward
XuiSendMessage (grid, mess, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
CASE $Employee :
CASE $FirstNameLabel :
CASE $FirstNameText :
CASE $MiddleNameLabel :
CASE $MiddleNameText :
CASE $LastNameLabel :
CASE $LastNameText :
CASE $Address1Label :
CASE $Address1Text :
CASE $Address2Label :
CASE $Address2Text :
CASE $CityLabel :
CASE $CityText :
CASE $StateLabel :
CASE $StateText :
CASE $ZipLabel :
CASE $ZipText :
CASE $PhoneLabel :
CASE $PhoneText :
CASE $FaxLabel :
CASE $FaxText :
CASE $EmailLabel :
CASE $EmailText :
CASE $WebLabel :
CASE $WebText :
CASE $SSNLabel :
CASE $Expertise1Label :
CASE $Expertise1Text :
CASE $Expertise2Label :
CASE $Expertise2Text :
CASE $Expertise3Label :
CASE $Expertise3Text :
CASE $CommentsLabel :
CASE $CommentsTextArea :
CASE $LoadButton : GOSUB LoadButton
CASE $SaveButton : GOSUB SaveButton
' ***** LoadButton *****
' Loads the data on an employee given only first, middle, last names.
' It loads the employee data base, finds the name, and updates the
' fields in the window. If this routine doesn't get a match of all
' three name components (first,middle,last), it reports the closest
' match so you can correct your entry if you want.
SUB LoadButton
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, @first$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $MiddleNameText, @middle$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $LastNameText, @last$)
first$ = TRIM$(first$)
middle$ = TRIM$(middle$)
last$ = TRIM$(last$)
ll$ = ""
mm$ = ""
ff$ = ""
IFZ last$ THEN
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, 0)
message$ = "ERROR\n\nNeed At Least\n\nLast Name and First Name"
XuiMessage (@message$)
IFZ first$ THEN
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, 0)
message$ = "ERROR\n\nNeed At Least\n\nLast Name and First Name"
XuiMessage (@message$)
GOSUB LoadEmployees
upper = UBOUND (employee[])
quality = 0
FOR i = 0 TO upper
f$ = TRIM$(employee[i].firstName)
m$ = TRIM$(employee[i].middleName)
l$ = TRIM$(employee[i].lastName)
found = $$FALSE
IF (l$ = last$) THEN
IF (f$ = first$) THEN
IF (m$ = middle$) THEN ' first, middle, last match
found = $$TRUE
employee = employee[i]
GOSUB LoadEmployee
quality = 4 ' full match
ELSE ' first, last match
IF (quality < 3) THEN
ll$ = l$ : mm$ = m$ : ff$ = f$
quality = 3
ELSE ' last matches
IF (quality < 2) THEN
ll$ = l$ : mm$ = m$ : ff$ = f$
quality = 2
IF (f$ = first$) THEN ' first matches
IF (quality < 1) THEN
ll$ = l$ : mm$ = m$ : ff$ = f$
quality = 1
CASE 4 : employee = employee[i]
GOSUB LoadEmployee
CASE 3 : name$ = "\"" + first$ + "\" : \"" + middle$ + "\" : \"" + last$ + "\""
message$ = "ERROR\n\n" + name$ + "\n\n" + "Not Found\n\nBut The Following Name Is Close\n\n\"" + ff$ + "\" : \"" + mm$ + "\" : \"" + ll$ + "\""
XuiMessage (@message$)
CASE 2 : name$ = "\"" + first$ + "\" : \"" + middle$ + "\" : \"" + last$ + "\""
message$ = "ERROR\n\n" + name$ + "\n\n" + "Not Found\n\nBut The Following Last Name Matches\n\n\"" + ff$ + "\" : \"" + mm$ + "\" : \"" + ll$ + "\""
XuiMessage (@message$)
CASE 1 : name$ = "\"" + first$ + "\" : \"" + middle$ + "\" : \"" + last$ + "\""
message$ = "ERROR\n\n" + name$ + "\n\n" + "Not Found\n\nBut The Following First Name Matches\n\n\"" + ff$ + "\" : \"" + mm$ + "\" : \"" + ll$ + "\""
XuiMessage (@message$)
CASE ELSE : name$ = "\"" + first$ + "\" : \"" + middle$ + "\" : \"" + last$ + "\""
message$ = "ERROR\n\n" + name$ + "\n\n" + "Not Found"
XuiMessage (@message$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetKeyboardFocus, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, 0)
' ***** SaveButton *****
' If the employee name in the window matches one of the employee names
' in the employee[] array, update that entry in the employee[] array,
' otherwise increase the size of the employee[] array by one element
' and save the new employee name and information in that new element.
' Then save the employee[] array to disk as file "employee.dat".
SUB SaveButton
found = $$FALSE
GOSUB GetEmployee
GOSUB LoadEmployees
upper = UBOUND (employee[])
FOR i = 0 TO upper
f$ = TRIM$(employee[i].firstName)
m$ = TRIM$(employee[i].middleName)
l$ = TRIM$(employee[i].lastName)
IF (f$ = firstName$) THEN
IF (m$ = middleName$) THEN
IF (l$ = lastName$) THEN
employee[i] = employee ' update existing employee
found = $$TRUE
IFZ found THEN
upper = upper + 1
REDIM employee[upper]
employee[upper] = employee ' new entry
GOSUB SaveEmployees
' ***** LoadEmployee *****
' Put the contents of the employee variable into the approriate grids
' in the window, then redraw the window so they become visible.
SUB LoadEmployee
comments$ = TRIM$(employee.comments)
XstStringToStringArray (@comments$, @comments$[])
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, TRIM$(employee.firstName))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $MiddleNameText, TRIM$(employee.middleName))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $LastNameText, TRIM$(employee.lastName))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Address1Text, TRIM$(employee.address1))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Address2Text, TRIM$(employee.address2))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $CityText, TRIM$(employee.city))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $StateText, TRIM$(employee.state))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ZipText, TRIM$(employee.zip))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $PhoneText, TRIM$(employee.phone))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FaxText, TRIM$(employee.fax))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $EmailText, TRIM$(employee.email))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $WebText, TRIM$(employee.web))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $SSNText, TRIM$(employee.ssn))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise1Text, TRIM$(employee.expertise1))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise2Text, TRIM$(employee.expertise2))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise3Text, TRIM$(employee.expertise3))
XuiSendMessage (grid, #SetTextArray, 0, 0, 0, 0, $CommentsTextArea, @comments$[])
XuiSendMessage (grid, #Redraw, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
' ***** GetEmployee *****
' Get the employee information from the appropriate grids
' in the window and assign them to the employee variable.
SUB GetEmployee
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FirstNameText, @firstName$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $MiddleNameText, @middleName$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $LastNameText, @lastName$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Address1Text, @address1$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Address2Text, @address2$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $CityText, @city$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $StateText, @state$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ZipText, @zip$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $PhoneText, @phone$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $FaxText, @fax$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $EmailText, @email$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $WebText, @web$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $SSNText, @ssn$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise1Text, @expertise1$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise2Text, @expertise2$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextString, 0, 0, 0, 0, $Expertise3Text, @expertise3$)
XuiSendMessage (grid, #GetTextArray, 0, 0, 0, 0, $CommentsTextArea, @comments$[])
XstStringArrayToString (@comments$[], @comments$)
employee.firstName = firstName$
employee.middleName = middleName$
employee.lastName = lastName$
employee.address1 = address1$
employee.address2 = address2$
employee.city = city$
employee.state = state$
employee.zip = zip$
employee.phone = phone$
employee.fax = fax$
employee.email = email$
employee.web = web$
employee.ssn = ssn$
employee.expertise1 = expertise1$
employee.expertise2 = expertise2$
employee.expertise3 = expertise3$
employee.comments = comments$
' ***** LoadEmployees *****
' Load the "database" of employees into the employee[] array.
SUB LoadEmployees
ifile = OPEN ("employee.dat", $$RD)
IF (ifile < 0) THEN
message$ = "ERROR\n\nCould Not Find File\n\nemployee.dat"
XuiMessage (@message$)
length = LOF (ifile)
size = SIZE (employee)
count = length \ size
check = count * size
IF (check != length) THEN
message$ = "ERROR\n\nLength of File\n\nemployee.dat\n\nNot A Multiple\nOf SIZE(employee)"
XuiMessage (@message$)
CLOSE (ifile)
upper = count - 1
DIM employee[upper]
READ [ifile], employee[]
CLOSE (ifile)
' ***** SaveEmployees *****
' Rename the existing "employee.dat" file to "employee.bak",
' then save the employee[] array as file "employee.dat".
SUB SaveEmployees
XstDeleteFile (@"\\xb\\employee.bak")
XstRenameFile (@"\\xb\\employee.dat", @"\\xb\\employee.bak")
ofile = OPEN ("employee.dat", $$WRNEW)
IF (ofile < 3) THEN
message$ = "ERROR\n\nCannot Open File\n\nemployee.dat"
XuiMessage (@message$)
WRITE [ofile], employee[]
CLOSE (ofile)