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- % Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.
- % All rights reserved.
- % See the file pstotext.txt for a full description.
- % ocr.ps, part of BuildLectern
- %
- % This is a PostScript library to send the characters rendered by a
- % PostScript job back on stdout. The output is intended to allow
- % reconstruction of the document's words and an approximation of the words'
- % bounding rectangles.
- % Last modified on Sat Feb 5 21:00:00 AEST 2000 by rjl
- % modified on Fri Oct 2 17:13:53 PDT 1998 by mcjones
- % modified on Thu Jan 25 15:24:37 PST 1996 by deutsch
- % modified on Wed May 3 15:41:30 PDT 1995 by birrell
- % Restrictions:
- %
- % This library redefines some names that are originally defined as
- % operators, and of course the new definitions are procedures. Some
- % jobs might be sensitive to this distinction. In this case, you'd
- % need to make "redef" create a new operator. For example, "odef".
- %
- % This library reports characters rendered by show, ashow, showwidth,
- % ashowwidth and kshow. The characters are reported even if they would
- % be invisible in final hardcopy. This could happen, for example, if the
- % characters get clipped, or if they get overprinted, or if they are the
- % same color as their background, or if the font's glyph make no marks.
- %
- % PostScript doesn't specify a standard character code for the characters
- % being rendered; rather, the font maps small integers into glyphs. It's
- % not possible in general to determine a translation back into a standard
- % character code. This library approximates this by giving mappings from
- % the job's characters to indexes into a table of known glyph names. This
- % handles most PostScript jobs that we've encountered, but it's not an
- % absolute solution to the problem.
- % Output format:
- %
- % The "reporting coordinate system" is the device coordinate system. The
- % application interpreting this library's output needs to understand the
- % device coordinate system.
- %
- % Positions are reported in the reporting coordinate system, but with (x,y)
- % values multiplied by 100 and rounded to integers. Note that
- % positions might involve negative integers.
- %
- % The directives, whitespace and numbers are themselves encoded in ASCII.
- % The strings in the "S" directives are in currentfont's encoding: they
- % should be treated as 8-bit binary data.
- %
- % QI 6-integers
- % Specifies the inverse of the currentmatrix for
- % the current output device, after rotXXX.ps and
- % before the document is processed.
- %
- % QM m blx bly trx try 256-pairs
- % Introduces a new character metrics table used by
- % some font, where "m" is an integer that identifies
- % the metrics table in subsequent "F" directives. "m"
- % is small. (blx,bly) is the bottom left corner of the
- % font's bounding box, and (trx,try) is its top right.
- % The pairs are the stringwidth of each character in the
- % font's encoding. All of these are reported in the
- % font's character coordinate system, multiplied by 100
- % and rounded to integers. The metrics
- % table will be referenced in a subsequent "F"
- % directive, which includes information mapping the
- % font's metrics to the initial user coordinate system.
- % Note that values of "m" might get reused, after a
- % "restore".
- %
- % QE e n n-integers Introduces a new encoding, where "e" is an integer
- % that identifies the encoding in subsequent "F"
- % directives. "e" is small. "e" is followed by
- % an integer "n" and then by a sequence of
- % exactly n integers. The i'th integer
- % specifies the glyph for the i'th entry of the
- % font's encoding vector. The value of the
- % integer is usually an index in the array
- % "StandardGlyphs", defined below. Note that
- % the first 256 entries of that array equal the
- % corresponding entries of ISOLatin1Encoding.
- % The value 9999 indicates that this entry in
- % the font's encoding specifies a glyph not
- % named in StandardGlyphs. Note that values of
- % "e" might get reused, after a "restore".
- %
- % QF n x y x' y' e m Introduces a new font, where "n" is an integer
- % that identifies the font in subsequent "S"
- % directives. "n" is small. (x,y) is the
- % position corresponding to (1000,0) in the font's
- % character coordinate system, and (x',y') is the
- % position corresponding to (0,1000), both as they would
- % be if the character were drawn with its origin at
- % the origin of the reporting coordinate system. "e" is
- % an integer specifying a previously defined
- % encoding vector. "m" is an integer specifying a
- % previously defined metrics table. Note that values
- % of "n" might get reused, after a "restore".
- %
- % QS n x y l s x' y' Reports rendering of string "s" in font "n".
- % (x,y) is the position corresponding to the origin of
- % the first character. "l" is length of the string,
- % followed immediately by a single space then the string.
- % (x',y') is the position that would correspond to the
- % origin of a subsequent character. The
- % string reported by this directive is never empty.
- % The string also never contains a "space": strings
- % that would have contained a "space" are split up
- % into multiple directives, with the "space"
- % omitted. Here "space" means the first character
- % in the font's encoding that maps to the glyph
- % named "/space", if there is such a character.
- %
- % QC copypage was invoked
- %
- % QZ erasepage was invoked
- %
- % QP showpage was invoked
- %
- % globals and subroutines
- %
- %/setglobal where
- % { pop currentglobal /setglobal load true setglobal }
- % { { } }
- %ifelse
- revision 353 ge {
- NOBIND /DELAYBIND where { pop DELAYBIND or } if
- { systemdict begin
- /bind /.bind load
- /.forcedef where { pop .forcedef } { def } ifelse
- end
- }
- if
- } if
- % put our private stuff in a local dictionary,
- % but place a reference to it in systemdict
- systemdict begin
- /pstotextLocalDict 30 dict /.forcedef where { pop .forcedef } { def } ifelse
- end
- pstotextLocalDict begin % following stuff is private
- /redef { systemdict begin 1 index exch .makeoperator def end } bind def
- /privateDict currentdict def % for lastFontNum and lastEncoding
- /fonts 200 dict def % maps font to integer "n"
- /fontsUnit 200 dict def % (1000,0) and (0,1000) transformed, per font
- /encodings 200 dict def % maps encoding array to integer "e"
- /encodingSpace 200 dict def % space char for each encoding
- /metrics 200 dict def % maps font UniqueID to integer "m"
- /lastFontNum 0 def % last integer used for a font
- /lastEncoding 0 def % last integer used for an encoding
- /lastMetrics 0 def % last integer used for a metrics table
- /tempString 20 string def % scratch for printing integers
- /reportMatrix matrix identmatrix def % maps device coords to reporting coords
- /inUse false def % prevents recursive invokcation of "report"
- /TimesRomanGlyphs [
- % ISOLatin1Encoding ...
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl
- /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
- /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma
- /minus /period /slash /zero /one
- % 50
- /two /three /four /five /six
- /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
- /less /equal /greater /question /at
- /A /B /C /D /E
- /F /G /H /I /J
- /K /L /M /N /O
- /P /Q /R /S /T
- /U /V /W /X /Y
- /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum
- /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c
- % 100
- /d /e /f /g /h
- /i /j /k /l /m
- /n /o /p /q /r
- /s /t /u /v /w
- /x /y /z /braceleft /bar
- /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dotlessi
- /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron
- % 150
- /breve /dotaccent /dieresis /.notdef /ring
- /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
- /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency
- /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright
- /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered
- /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
- /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla
- /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf
- /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex
- /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
- % 200
- /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave
- /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde
- /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis
- /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
- /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave
- /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring
- /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex
- /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
- /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex
- /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave
- % 250
- /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn
- /ydieresis
- % Other glyphs from /Times-Roman ...
- % 256
- /quotedblright /Scaron /dagger /guilsinglleft
- /Zcaron /daggerdbl /Lslash /ellipsis /guilsinglright
- /oe /fi /bullet /perthousand /quotedblbase
- /endash /emdash /trademark /florin /lslash
- /scaron /Ydieresis /fl /fraction /quotedblleft
- /quotesinglbase /quotesingle /zcaron /OE
- % 284
- ] def
- /dvipsGlyphs [
- % Self-named glyphs for dvitops type 3 fonts ...
- % 284
- 0 1 255 { 1 string dup 0 4 -1 roll put cvn } for
- % 540
- ] def
- /ttypeGlyphs1 [
- % Glyph names used by MS TrueType encodings ...
- % 540
- /G00 /G01 /G02 /G03 /G04 /G05 /G06 /G07 /G08 /G09 /G0a /G0b /G0c /G0d /G0e
- /G0f /G10 /G11 /G12 /G13 /G14 /G15 /G16 /G17 /G18 /G19 /G1a /G1b /G1c /G1d
- /G1e /G1f /G20 /G21 /G22 /G23 /G24 /G25 /G26 /G27 /G28 /G29 /G2a /G2b /G2c
- /G2d /G2e /G2f /G30 /G31 /G32 /G33 /G34 /G35 /G36 /G37 /G38 /G39 /G3a /G3b
- % 600
- /G3c /G3d /G3e /G3f /G40 /G41 /G42 /G43 /G44 /G45 /G46 /G47 /G48 /G49 /G4a
- /G4b /G4c /G4d /G4e /G4f /G50 /G51 /G52 /G53 /G54 /G55 /G56 /G57 /G58 /G59
- /G5a /G5b /G5c /G5d /G5e /G5f /G60 /G61 /G62 /G63 /G64 /G65 /G66 /G67 /G68
- /G69 /G6a /G6b /G6c /G6d /G6e /G6f /G70 /G71 /G72 /G73 /G74 /G75 /G76 /G77
- /G78 /G79 /G7a /G7b /G7c /G7d /G7e /G7f /G80 /G81 /G82 /G83 /G84 /G85 /G86
- /G87 /G88 /G89 /G8a /G8b /G8c /G8d /G8e /G8f /G90 /G91 /G92 /G93 /G94 /G95
- /G96 /G97 /G98 /G99 /G9a /G9b /G9c /G9d /G9e /G9f /Ga0 /Ga1 /Ga2 /Ga3 /Ga4
- /Ga5 /Ga6 /Ga7 /Ga8 /Ga9 /Gaa /Gab /Gac /Gad /Gae /Gaf /Gb0 /Gb1 /Gb2 /Gb3
- /Gb4 /Gb5 /Gb6 /Gb7 /Gb8 /Gb9 /Gba /Gbb /Gbc /Gbd /Gbe /Gbf /Gc0 /Gc1 /Gc2
- /Gc3 /Gc4 /Gc5 /Gc6 /Gc7 /Gc8 /Gc9 /Gca /Gcb /Gcc /Gcd /Gce /Gcf /Gd0 /Gd1
- % 750
- /Gd2 /Gd3 /Gd4 /Gd5 /Gd6 /Gd7 /Gd8 /Gd9 /Gda /Gdb /Gdc /Gdd /Gde /Gdf /Ge0
- /Ge1 /Ge2 /Ge3 /Ge4 /Ge5 /Ge6 /Ge7 /Ge8 /Ge9 /Gea /Geb /Gec /Ged /Gee /Gef
- /Gf0 /Gf1 /Gf2 /Gf3 /Gf4 /Gf5 /Gf6 /Gf7 /Gf8 /Gf9 /Gfa /Gfb /Gfc /Gfd /Gfe
- /Gff
- % 796
- ] def
- /ttypeGlyphs2 [
- % 796
- /G00 /G01 /G02 /G03 /G04 /G05 /G06 /G07 /G08 /G09 /G0A /G0B /G0C /G0D
- /G0E /G0F /G10 /G11 /G12 /G13 /G14 /G15 /G16 /G17 /G18 /G19 /G1A /G1B /G1C
- /G1D /G1E /G1F /G20 /G21 /G22 /G23 /G24 /G25 /G26 /G27 /G28 /G29 /G2A /G2B
- /G2C /G2D /G2E /G2F /G30 /G31 /G32 /G33 /G34 /G35 /G36 /G37 /G38 /G39 /G3A
- /G3B /G3C /G3D /G3E /G3F /G40 /G41 /G42 /G43 /G44 /G45 /G46 /G47 /G48 /G49
- /G4A /G4B /G4C /G4D /G4E /G4F /G50 /G51 /G52 /G53 /G54 /G55 /G56 /G57 /G58
- /G59 /G5A /G5B /G5C /G5D /G5E /G5F /G60 /G61 /G62 /G63 /G64 /G65 /G66 /G67
- % 900
- /G68 /G69 /G6A /G6B /G6C /G6D /G6E /G6F /G70 /G71 /G72 /G73 /G74 /G75 /G76
- /G77 /G78 /G79 /G7A /G7B /G7C /G7D /G7E /G7F /G80 /G81 /G82 /G83 /G84 /G85
- /G86 /G87 /G88 /G89 /G8A /G8B /G8C /G8D /G8E /G8F /G90 /G91 /G92 /G93 /G94
- /G95 /G96 /G97 /G98 /G99 /G9A /G9B /G9C /G9D /G9E /G9F /GA0 /GA1 /GA2 /GA3
- /GA4 /GA5 /GA6 /GA7 /GA8 /GA9 /GAA /GAB /GAC /GAD /GAE /GAF /GB0 /GB1 /GB2
- /GB3 /GB4 /GB5 /GB6 /GB7 /GB8 /GB9 /GBA /GBB /GBC /GBD /GBE /GBF /GC0 /GC1
- /GC2 /GC3 /GC4 /GC5 /GC6 /GC7 /GC8 /GC9 /GCA /GCB /GCC /GCD /GCE /GCF /GD0
- /GD1 /GD2 /GD3 /GD4 /GD5 /GD6 /GD7 /GD8 /GD9 /GDA /GDB /GDC /GDD /GDE /GDF
- /GE0 /GE1 /GE2 /GE3 /GE4 /GE5 /GE6 /GE7 /GE8 /GE9 /GEA /GEB /GEC /GED /GEE
- /GEF /GF0 /GF1 /GF2 /GF3 /GF4 /GF5 /GF6 /GF7 /GF8 /GF9 /GFA /GFB /GFC /GFD
- % 1050
- % 1052
- ] def
- /oldDviGlyphs [
- % More self-named glyphs for old dvitops type 3 fonts ...
- % 1052
- 0 1 127 { 10 3 string cvrs cvn } for
- % 1180
- ] def
- /StandardGlyphs //TimesRomanGlyphs length 896 add array def
- //StandardGlyphs 0 //TimesRomanGlyphs putinterval
- //StandardGlyphs //TimesRomanGlyphs length //dvipsGlyphs putinterval
- //StandardGlyphs //TimesRomanGlyphs length 256 add //ttypeGlyphs1 putinterval
- //StandardGlyphs //TimesRomanGlyphs length 512 add //ttypeGlyphs2 putinterval
- //StandardGlyphs //TimesRomanGlyphs length 768 add //oldDviGlyphs putinterval
- /standardMap StandardGlyphs length dict
- % Maps names to indices in StandardGlyphs.
- 0 StandardGlyphs {
- 2 index exch
- 2 copy known { pop pop } { 2 index put } ifelse
- 1 add
- } forall
- pop def
- /printInt { % stack: n
- % Prints an integer followed by a space on stdout
- //tempString cvs print ( ) print
- } bind def
- /showxy { %stack: x y
- % prints a pair of integers on stdout, converting to 1/100th's
- exch
- 100 mul round cvi //printInt exec
- 100 mul round cvi //printInt exec
- } bind def
- /characterToReporting { % stack: x y -> x' y'
- % Transforms a vector in currentfont's character coordinate
- % system to the reporting coordinate system
- currentfont /FontMatrix get
- dtransform % to current user coordinates
- dtransform % to device coordinates
- //reportMatrix idtransform % to reporting coordinates
- } def
- /printCharacterOrigin {
- % Prints the position in the reporting coordinate system at which a
- % character origin would be painted using currentfont
- 0 0 currentfont /FontMatrix get transform
- currentpoint exch 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add
- transform //reportMatrix itransform
- //showxy exec
- } bind def
- /printMap {
- % Print map from indices in currentfont/Encoding to StandardEncoding indices
- 16 currentfont /Encoding get dup length //printInt exec {
- exch dup 16 eq { () = pop 1 } { 1 add } ifelse exch
- //standardMap exch
- 2 copy known {
- get //printInt exec
- } {
- pop pop (9999 ) print
- } ifelse
- } forall
- pop () =
- } bind def
- /metricsString (X) def
- /printMetrics {
- % Print bounding box and character metrics for currentfont
- % Sadly, dvitops produces illegal type 3 fonts with no /.notdef entry. The
- % use of "stopped" deals with that and any other silliness.
- currentfont /FontBBox get aload pop 4 2 roll
- //showxy exec
- //showxy exec
- currentfont /FontMatrix get
- currentfont /FontType get 3 eq {
- //privateDict /pm.dictCount countdictstack put
- count //privateDict exch /pm.count exch put
- //privateDict /pm.save save put
- 0 1 255 {
- dup 8 mod 0 eq { () = } if
- //metricsString exch 0 exch put
- { //metricsString //stringwidth exec
- 2 index idtransform % to font's character coordinates
- } stopped {
- count //privateDict /pm.count get sub { pop } repeat
- countdictstack //privateDict /pm.dictCount get sub { end } repeat
- //privateDict /pm.save get restore
- //privateDict /pm.save save put
- 0 0
- } if
- //showxy exec
- } for
- //privateDict /pm.save get restore % necessary to balance the "save"
- }{
- currentfont /CharStrings get
- currentfont /Encoding get
- 0 1 255 {
- dup 8 mod 0 eq { () = } if
- 2 copy get 3 index exch known {
- //metricsString exch 0 exch put
- //metricsString //stringwidth exec
- 4 index idtransform % to font's character coordinates
- } {
- pop 0 0
- } ifelse
- //showxy exec
- } for
- pop pop % encoding, charstrings
- } ifelse
- pop % fontmatrix
- } bind def
- %
- % The main work: reportMetrics, reportEncoding, reportFont and report
- %
- /reportMetrics { % stack: -> m
- % privateDict is open
- % Print new "m" directive for currentfont
- (QM ) print
- lastMetrics 1 add /lastMetrics 1 index def
- dup //printInt exec
- //printMetrics exec
- () =
- } bind def
- /reportEncoding { % stack: -> e
- % privateDict is open
- % Print new "e" directive for currentfont
- (QE ) print
- lastEncoding 1 add /lastEncoding 1 index def
- dup //printInt exec
- //printMap exec
- } bind def
- /spaceString (X) def % for space char from current encoding
- /reportFont { % stack: any -> unchanged
- % Report currentfont to the user and record its number
- % //privateDict is open
- % Sets //privateDict/spaceString to font's encoding's space string, if any,
- % and sets //privateDict/hasSpace to indicate whether there's a space char.
- currentfont /UniqueID known not {
- //reportMetrics exec
- } {
- //metrics currentfont /UniqueID get
- 2 copy known {
- get
- } {
- //reportMetrics exec
- dup 4 1 roll put % define in /metrics
- } ifelse
- } ifelse % stack: m
- //encodings currentfont /Encoding get
- 2 copy known {
- get
- } {
- //reportEncoding exec % leaves e on stack
- dup 4 1 roll put % define in /encodings
- % Find space character number for the encoding.
- % Biased towards number 32, so avoid problems with weird encodings
- //encodingSpace 1 index % dict and key for putting the result
- currentfont /Encoding get
- dup length 32 le {
- false
- } {
- dup 32 get dup /space eq exch /G20 eq or
- } ifelse {
- pop 32
- } {
- % It's not character number 32: search from 0
- 0 exch {
- dup /space eq exch dup /G20 eq exch /suppress eq or or { exit } if
- 1 add
- } forall
- } ifelse
- put % put in /encodingSpace
- } ifelse % stack: m e
- //encodingSpace 1 index get % font's space character (256 if none)
- /hasSpace 1 index 256 lt def
- hasSpace { //spaceString exch 0 exch put } { pop } ifelse
- (QF ) print
- lastFontNum 1 add /lastFontNum 1 index def
- //fonts currentfont 2 index put % record fontNum in /fonts
- dup //printInt exec % print fontNum
- % stack: m e f
- 1000 0 //characterToReporting exec 2 copy //showxy exec
- 0 1000 //characterToReporting exec 2 copy //showxy exec
- 4 array astore % stack: m e f array
- //fontsUnit 3 1 roll put % stack: m e
- //printInt exec % print encoding number
- //printInt exec % print metrics number
- () =
- } bind def
- /reportFontCreation { % stack: font
- % Report a newly created font. Called now so that if later uses are
- % inside a save/restore we don't forget it.
- % NOTE: this is currently not used, since it actually slows things down
- //privateDict begin
- inUse not {
- /inUse true def
- dup currentfont exch setfont //reportFont exec setfont
- /inUse false def
- } if
- end
- } bind def
- /reportSubString { % stack: args string -> args
- % Report the rendering of a string, assumed to be a single word.
- % privateDict is open. /n is font number, /p is call-back
- dup length 0 eq {
- p
- } {
- (QS ) print
- n //printInt exec
- //printCharacterOrigin exec
- dup length //printInt exec
- dup print ( ) print
- /p load end % close privateDict during the call-back
- exec % render the string; leaves args on stack
- //privateDict begin
- //printCharacterOrigin exec
- () =
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- /report { % stack: args string proc -> args
- % Report the rendering of a string.
- % Calls proc for each word and space. The call-back should expect "args"
- % on the stack followed by a string, and should leave "args" on the stack.
- //privateDict begin
- inUse {
- end exec
- } {
- /inUse true def
- //fonts currentfont
- 2 copy known not { //reportFont exec } if
- get % stack: probable font-number
- % check if points transform as before ...
- //fontsUnit 1 index get
- 1000 0 //characterToReporting exec
- 0 1000 //characterToReporting exec
- 4 index 3 get ne 4 1 roll
- 4 index 2 get ne 4 1 roll
- 4 index 1 get ne 4 1 roll
- 4 index 0 get ne 5 -1 roll pop
- or or or { % if transformed points differ
- //reportFont exec
- pop //fonts currentfont get
- } if % stack: args string proc n
- /n exch def
- /p exch def % stack: args string
- hasSpace {
- { % begin loop
- //spaceString search {
- exch pop exch /s exch def
- //reportSubString exec
- //spaceString p
- s
- } {
- //reportSubString exec
- exit
- } ifelse
- } loop
- } {
- //reportSubString exec
- } ifelse
- /inUse false def
- end
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- /dontReport { % stack: proc
- % Call "proc" with //privateDict/inUse set to true
- //privateDict /inUse get {
- exec
- } {
- //privateDict /inUse true put
- exec
- //privateDict /inUse false put
- } ifelse
- } bind def
- /kshow.temp (X) def % scratch space for kshow
- % Output inverse of initial currentmatrix, for possible use by postprocessor.
- (QI ) print
- matrix currentmatrix matrix invertmatrix
- { 100 mul round cvi //printInt exec } forall
- () =
- userdict begin % subsequent definitions are publicly visible
- % Objects placed in systemdict must be in global memory,
- % and must not reference local objects.
- /setglobal where
- { pop currentglobal true setglobal }
- { }
- ifelse
- %
- % Redefine the character rendering operations to call "report"
- %
- /show { { show }
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /report get
- exec } bind redef
- /ashow { {3 copy ashow pop}
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /report get
- exec pop pop } bind redef
- /widthshow { {4 copy widthshow pop}
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /report get
- exec pop pop pop } bind redef
- /awidthshow { {6 copy awidthshow pop}
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /report get
- exec 5 {pop} repeat } bind redef
- /kshow { % stack: proc string
- exch //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get exch /kshow.proc exch put
- false exch % stack: false string
- { % stack: false next | prev true next
- //systemdict /pstotextLocaldict get /kshow.temp get 0 2 index put
- exch { //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get
- /kshow.proc get exec
- } { pop } ifelse
- //systemdict /pstotextLocaldict get
- /kshow.temp get //show exec
- //systemdict /pstotextLocaldict get
- /kshow.temp get 0 get true % stack: this true
- } forall
- % stack: false | last true
- { pop } if
- } bind redef
- %
- % Redefine non-rendering operations so that they don't report
- %
- /stringwidth { {stringwidth}
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /dontReport get
- exec } bind redef
- /charpath { {charpath}
- //systemdict /pstotextLocalDict get /dontReport get
- exec } bind redef
- %
- % Intercept and report the page operations
- %
- /copypage { (QC) = flush copypage } bind redef
- /erasepage { (QZ) = flush erasepage } bind redef
- /showpage { (QP) = flush showpage } bind redef
- %
- % Intercept font creation so as to record the font inside less save/restore's
- % NOTE: disabled, because it actually slows things down
- %
- % /definefont { definefont //reportFontCreation exec } bind redef
- % /makefont { makefont //reportFontCreation exec } bind redef
- % /scalefont { scalefont //reportFontCreation exec } bind redef
- %
- % Clean-up
- %
- % restore local/global state
- /setglobal where
- { pop setglobal }
- { }
- ifelse
- end % close nested userdict begin
- end % close private dictionary
- % Bind the operators we just defined, and all the others if we didn't
- % do it before. Also reenable 'bind' for future files.
- revision 353 ge {
- .bindoperators
- NOBIND currentdict systemdict ne and
- { systemdict begin .bindoperators end }
- if
- /DELAYBIND where { pop DELAYBIND { .bindnow } if } if
- } if
- systemdict readonly pop
- % Restore the current local/global VM mode.
- % exec
- %
- % Testing
- %
- false {
- 100 dict begin
- (Times 12, two strings; second one sloping up with ashow:)=
- /Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont dup /t12 exch def setfont
- 72 300 moveto (Hello world) show
- 72 280 moveto 10 1 (Hello world once more) ashow
- (Times 10 two strings:)=
- /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
- 72 260 moveto (Third) show
- 72 240 moveto (Fourth) show
- (Symbol 12, one string:)=
- /Symbol findfont 12 scalefont setfont
- 72 220 moveto (symbol string) show
- (Helvetica 12, two strings:)=
- /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
- 72 200 moveto (Fifth) show
- 72 180 moveto (Sixth) show
- (Times 12 again, two strings; second one with kshow:)=
- t12 setfont
- 72 160 moveto (Seventh) show
- end
- 72 140 moveto
- gsave
- /dx 1.0 def
- { pop pop
- dx 1 add /dx 1 index def
- 0 rmoveto } (Accelerated letter spacing) kshow
- grestore
- (Times 12 scaled by 2:)=
- 72 100 moveto
- gsave
- 2 2 scale
- (Ninth) show
- grestore
- count 0 ne { (Left on stack:)= pstack } if
- flush
- } if