XML Spy is a validating XML editor that provides three integrated views on XML documents. These include: an enhanced grid view for structured display and editing, a low-level source view with syntax coloring and an integrated browser view that supports CSS and XSL style sheets.
Company: Icon Informations-Systeme GmbH
Version: 2.5
Date added: June 24, 1999
File size: 2.4MB
Approx. download time: 11 min. at 28.8 kbps
Downloads: 10,452
License: Demo
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (for DTD validation)
Uninstaller included?: Yes
Limitations: 30-day trial
XML Spy update pick
Version: 3.0
Size: 5.90 MB
Date: May 18, 2000
Type of software: 30-day Trial
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
Approx. download time: 30 min. at 28.8 kbps
Download from: Select a site
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XML Spy is a powerful XML editor.
XML Spy provides a development environment for XML. It is centered around a alidating XML editor that provides four advanced views on your documents: an enhanced grid view for structured editing, a database/table view that shows repeated elements in a tabular fashion, a text view with syntax-coloring for low-level work, and an integrated browser view that supports both CSS and XSL style-sheets. You can quickly view and edit any XML (eXtended Markup Language) or DTD (Document Type Definition) document.
Features of XML Spy include: complete DTD validation, a variety of printing options, an attribute entry helper, an element entry helper, pa project window, unlimited undo, and search and replace capabilities.
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