To show or hide the Dial-Up Networking folder in My Computer.
.topic 2
To show or hide the Printers folder in My Computer.
.topic 3
To show or hide the Scheduled Tasks Folder in My Computer.
.topic 4
To show or hide the Web Folders folder in My Computer.
.topic 5
Here you can browse to an executable file and then you will be able to launch that program just by typing the filename in the Start -> Run dialog. Just like the PATH variable you used to put in the autoexec.bat
.topic 6
Check this option to view the .bmp icons as a preview of the bitmap itself.
.topic 7
Check this option to view the icon inside a .cpl file as the displayed icon of the file.
.topic 8
Check this option to view the icon inside a .dll file as the displayed icon of the file.