103 Choose the Tubes folder. This should be a folder in the Paint Shop Pro folder named Tubes.
104 C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes
105 Tubes.ctl
106 Tubes
107 Finding Paint Shop Pro and Tubes control file.
108 Loading new tubes files
116 Creating new Tube file %s(%s)
117 IDR_TUB%d
118 IDR_CTL%d
1000 Thank-you for downloading the Holidays Picture Tube collection. The Holidays Tubes will be installed to the directory "%s".Click the Browse button to choose a new directory or the Install button to begin installation.
1001 Thank-you for downloading the Holidays Picture Tube collection. The Holidays Tubes cannot be installed to the directory "%s"because it does not exist or does not contain a Tube Control (Tubes.ctl) file. The directory should be a subdirectory of the Paint Shop Pro folder named Tubes that contains a file named Tubes.ctl.Click the Browse button to choose a valid directory.
1002 Done installing %d tube files.%sPress the Exit button to exit.Happy Holidays from Jasc Software.