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- // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer POV-Ray 3.1 Sample Scene
- // by Chris Young
- // FILEIO.POV demonstrates basic use of fopen, read and write directives.
- // A string, float and vector are written to a file, read back in
- // and displayed.
- #include "colors.inc"
- light_source { <100,1000,-1000>, White}
- camera { location <0,1,-16> direction 2*z look_at <0,1,0>}
- #fopen MyFile "FILEIO.TXT" write
- #write (MyFile,"\"Testing 123\",",5,",",<1,2,3>,"\n")
- #fclose MyFile
- #fopen MyFile "FILEIO.TXT" read
- #read (MyFile,MyString,MyFloat,MyVect)
- #fclose MyFile
- union{
- text{ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("MyString='",MyString,"'"),0.1,0 translate y}
- text{ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("MyFloat=",str(MyFloat,0,0)),0.1,0 }
- text{ttf "timrom.ttf" concat("MyVector=<",
- str(MyVect.x,0,0),",",
- str(MyVect.y,0,0),",",
- str(MyVect.z,0,0),">"),0.1,0 translate -y}
- pigment{Red}
- translate -5*x
- }
- union {
- plane{y,-2} plane{-z,-10} plane{x,-10}
- pigment{checker Cyan,Yellow}
- }