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- // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.1 sample file.
- // Intersection of two cylinders, with holes cut from each one, in pink
- // marblized stone.
- // File by Dan Farmer.
- // Demonstrates CSG intersection, layered stone texture.
- // POV-Ray 2.0 Time: about 3 hours @640x480+a0.2 on 486/33
- global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
- #include "colors.inc" // Standard colors library
- #include "shapes.inc" // Commonly used object shapes
- #include "textures.inc" // LOTS of neat textures. Lots of NEW textures.
- camera {
- location <0.0, 10, -26>
- direction <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>
- up <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>
- right <4/3, 0.0, 0.0>
- look_at <0, 0, 0>
- }
- // Light source
- light_source { <-10, 20, -25> color White }
- light_source { <0, 0, 0> color White }
- #declare Color1A = color DustyRose;
- #declare Color1B = color DarkSlateGray;
- intersection {
- object { Cylinder_X }
- object { Cylinder_Y }
- object { Cylinder_X inverse scale <1, 0.5, 0.5> } // small hole
- object { Cylinder_Y inverse scale <0.5, 1, 0.5> } // ditto
- // A great looking pinkish marble. Except that it doesn't use marble
- // or agate... it's all done with bozo and granite!
- // Underlying surface is very subtly mottled with bozo in pinks and
- // grays.
- texture {
- finish {ambient 0.25 }
- pigment {
- bozo
- turbulence 0.25
- color_map {
- [0.0 1.0 color red 0.9 green 0.75 blue 0.75
- color red 0.6 green 0.6 blue 0.6 ]
- }
- scale 0.4
- }
- }
- // Second layer texture has some filter values, yet a fair amount of color
- // Viening is kept quite thin.
- texture {
- finish {
- Glossy
- phong 0.25
- phong_size 75
- brilliance 4
- }
- pigment {
- granite
- color_map {
- [0.0 0.9 color Color1A filter 1 color Color1A filter 0.5 ]
- [0.9 1.0 color Color1B color Color1B ]
- }
- scale 2
- }
- }
- scale 10
- rotate y*45
- }