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- $Id: //depot/windows/changes.txt#6 $
- This document lists some of the changes/fixes to POVWIN since version 3.1 beta
- 4 was released. It does not contain a comprehensive list of changes ! Only some
- are listed. Note that this document does not list changes made to the renderer
- itself - this file relates only to Windows-specific changes.
- Changes as of version 3.1g
- --------------------------
- o Fixed resource leakage when using the render window select function.
- o A few other minor changes/bugfixes.
- Changes as of version 3.1e.win32.r1
- -----------------------------------
- o Changed the editor dll load logic so that cmedit.dll will be loaded from the
- current directory if it is present. If it is not then it is loaded from the
- directory specified via the registry.
- Changes as of version 3.1e
- --------------------------
- o Go back to a Watcom build by default, but provide a VC6 build for those who
- want the extra speed.
- o Add facility that allows a GUIEXT to open a file in the editor and position
- the cursor to a line/column. This can happen at any time (it does not have
- to be in response to an event).
- o Change printer font selection slightly so that hopefully a more reasonable
- result will occur on some non-English systems that didn't have Lucida Console.
- Changes as of version 3.1d
- --------------------------
- o This release is using Visual C++ instead of Watcom. This means that the
- problem with not releasing memory after a trace may be back.
- o Fixed MAX_TRACE_LEVEL global not being re-initialized.
- o Removed platform-specific declaration of EPSILON.
- o Added ability to clear small message window from the bottom of an editor
- window by pressing ESCAPE.
- o Changed render window creation procedure such that the default size of this
- window is never larger than (screen width - 64) or (screen height - 48)
- pixels. If the render size is larger than this, the render window is
- created with scroll bars.
- o Starting a render with the short commandline dialog should now save modified
- files, like the main command-line dialog already did.
- o Fixed problem with render-region selection sometimes persisting after it's
- been manually edited out of command-line.
- o Corrected problem whereby it was possible to accidentally select render
- regions (using the mouse on the render window) that were outside the
- window borders.
- o Changed the way that time calculation works. The render time and PPS rate
- shown in the status bar now no longer count time spent in the 'pause'
- state. NOTE that this does NOT affect the core renderer's calculation of
- render time - it is still defined as (finish time - start time).
- o Changed the way that the percentage complete is shown in the render window
- status bar. It is now updated at most once per second, thus eliminating
- the slowdowns that previously occurred due to multiple updates per second
- when rendering a mosaic preview.
- o The tooltop that appears when you point at the POVWIN icon after it's been
- put into the system tray (Alt-W) now shows render percentage complete if
- a render is in progress.
- o Fixed bug in BMP support where some BMP files loaded as height fields,
- image maps, etc, would be loaded upside-down.
- Known Bugs in Version 3.1 RELEASE
- ---------------------------------
- o Filenames that have ASCII characters > 127 in them will cause problems
- when you attempt to render them. This is a fault somewhere in the Watcom C
- runtime library and cannot (easily) be fixed by us.
- Changes to POVWIN as of version 3.1 RELEASE
- -------------------------------------------
- o Fixed problem with Save As not setting language type or caption.
- o Various other minor fixes.
- Changes to POVWIN as of version 3.1 beta 6b
- -------------------------------------------
- o Added auto-reload (which also auto-saves when switching away from POVWIN).
- o Fixed problem with Save As not providing a default path and filename.
- o Added printing to editor. This includes optional highlighting of comments
- and two-up printing (i.e. prints two pages on a single sheet of paper).
- o Fixed problem with message window sometimes not getting focus (therefore
- preventing UpArrow/DownArrow from scrolling it).
- o Added /NORESTORE (also /NR) option to command line. If present, POVWIN's
- editor will not attempt to restore previously opened files. Note that it
- WILL save its state when it exits.
- o Implemented loading files via /EDIT again.
- o Fixed help path problem that affected Windows 95/98 systems.
- o Changed the editor context menu (lots more options, mostly in submenus).
- o Modified the render window region facility to use floats so that when you
- change the size of the render, the region is retained. Also fixed a few
- bugs with this facility at the same time.
- Changes to POVWIN as of version 3.1 beta 6
- ------------------------------------------
- This release has a new editor in it. It may not work as expected. Remember
- that this is BETA software - don't use it if you're not prepared to put up
- with some bugs.
- Quick Summary:
- o Added new editor.
- o Added rubberband mode to render window for selection of render region.
- o Added auto-load of file if there's a parse error (goes to line and col).
- o Modified the way the insert menu works. It's now like the 'Start Menu'.
- o Removed a bunch of stuff that was a legacy of our (now gone) Win32s mode.
- o Fixed the GUI Extension compatibility problem.
- =============================================================================
- =============================================================================
- o Totally rewrote the editor from scratch. It contains a custom control
- (CodeMax from WinMain Software [www.winmain.com], who kindly donated it),
- and the associated wrapper code to turn it into an integrated tool. This is
- not a port of the Delphi editor in previous versions - it's a new
- implementation (several thousand lines of code) in C++Builder (cmedit.dll),
- with the editor control itself being cmax101.dll. Both of these should be
- in <installdir>\bin.
- o The editor is extensively customisable. It utilises syntax highlighting and
- understands .POV and .INC files as being in POV syntax. You can change the
- colour settings used from the properties dialog (ALT-ENTER). It also has
- built-in syntax highlighting for C, C++, Java, Basic, Pascal and SQL.
- o Here's a quick editor feature summary. Please inspect the editor menus to
- gain a better understanding of its available features, until such time as
- the new docs are written.
- o Syntax highlighting.
- o Keystroke macros. These are preserved across sessions.
- o Optional auto-save which, if turned on, saves changed files periodically.
- o Brace matching is available (cursor must be on a brace when you do it).
- o Block indent/undent
- o Tabify/untabify
- o Customisable colours.
- o Most key bindings are customisable (not all, just most).
- o Smart case preservation in replace operations.
- o Up to 10 bookmarks.
- o Optional auto-reload of changed files (not yet implemented).
- o Multiple views of the one file (via splits).
- o OLE drag and drop between the editor and other programs.
- o Optional smooth-scrolling.
- o Intellimouse support.
- o Column selection (control-leftbutton and drag).
- o Up to 32 edit sessions.
- o MRU list also tracks the line, column, language, tab and indent settings.
- o You can split editor panes by dragging the little bar just above the top
- of the vertical scrollbar (and likewise for horizontal). This is only
- possible if it's not disabled via the properties dialog. Editor splits are
- not preserved across sessions (this is by design). You can drag and drop
- selected text between panes.
- o By default both scrollbars are on. You can change this from the properties
- or the Editor menu.
- o Printing is not yet implemented (nor are a few other options, which is why
- they are grayed out in the menus).
- o If the editor gets into a strange state, and restarting POV-Win doesn't fix
- it, you may need to clear the registry settings for the editor. To do this,
- it is essential that POVWIN is not running (otherwise it will rewrite the
- old values when it finally does exit). Then, using REGEDIT.EXE or similar,
- delete the entire subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\POV-Ray\v3.1\POV-Edit.
- o Note that the editor properties dialog only allows you to set things that
- are implemented within the editor. There are some other options implemented
- within the editor wrapper code in POV-Ray for Windows which are able to be
- accessed via the Editor menu (only visible when an editor is selected). For
- example, the keybinding for saving a file (Ctrl-S) is not listed in the
- editor properties since this function is handled by the wrapper code. You
- can't change this assignment.
- o Some properties only affect the current file, and some affect all files.
- Additionally, most (but not all) of those that affect the current file will
- become the default for any new files opened after that point. This is by
- design. For example, changing the tab stop setting only affects the current
- file, but will then become the default for new files from that point on.
- o You can drag and drop selected text between panes of the editor window, or
- between the editor and any OLE compliant drag and drop application, such as
- Microsoft Word. Control-dragging copies instead of cuts.
- o Some people have asked why the 'quit bugging me' option in the render save
- dialog is not persistent across sessions. This is by design and is not
- likely to change.
- o The RMB context menu has an option for 'show/hide message window' (as
- before, though many people didn't look closely enough to realise it). This
- window is now sizable (unlike the previous version, where it was a fixed
- size). A quick way to close this window is to drag the divider down to
- within a few pixels of the bottom border - when you release the mouse, the
- message window will vanish.
- o You can also tell POVWIN not to display the message window automatically
- when starting a render. You do this from the Editor menu, by turning off
- 'Auto-Show Parse Messages'. This is most useful with the Error File option.
- o POVWIN will now optionally automatically load a file in which a parse error
- has occurred into the editor (or select it if it's already loaded) and
- place the cursor on the line and column of the offending code. This is able
- to be turned on or off using the 'Auto-Load Error File' option in the
- Editor menu. Also, if this option is on, and the message window was
- displayed automatically (see above), it will be closed automatically rather
- than being left open (as used to be the case when an error happened). The
- text describing the error will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom
- of the window.
- o Quick key summary (this is not comprehensive and does NOT include shortcuts
- already listed in the menus - check the menus for these).
- Ctrl-LeftButton and drag Column Selection
- Drag selection Move text (also drag and drop)
- Ctrl-LButton and drag selection Copy selection
- Click and drag splitter bar Split window
- Double-click splitter bar Split window in half, or unsplit.
- Alt-Left or RightArrow Change selected editor tab
- Ctrl-Tab Change selected editor tab
- Tab when some text is selected Indent selected lines
- Shift-tab when text is selected Undent selected lines
- o Drastically changed the way the Insert menu is built. Instead of a template
- file (previously pov3tmpl.txt), the Insert Menu is built the same way as
- such things as the Windows 95/98/NT Start Menu ; it's a series of folders
- with the actual text that gets inserted being .txt files within them.
- You'll find this in <installdir>\Insert Menu. Just select 'edit this menu'
- from the Insert Menu to get to there. For those of you who had a customised
- version of the old template file and want to convert it - if there's enough
- people who ask we'll release the converter program.
- o Added an 'Older Files' submenu to the File menu. This contains recently
- used files (up to 32 of them) that have scrolled off the main MRU list at
- the bottom of the File menu. Note that this (and the main MRU list) now
- not only stores the filename, but also the line, column, language, indent,
- and tab settings that were last in use when the file was previously open.
- o Fixed a problem relating to turning off the toolbar then restoring the
- window from the taskbar.
- o Removed the non-client code that draws the custom caption button. This is
- no longer needed since we no longer support Win32s (Windows 3.1x) and there
- is a better way available to true Win32 applications. For the time being
- (and perhaps forever) there is no way to get the old 'mini window' mode
- (did anyone use it in any case ??? We don't even know).
- o Removed the 'Tiny Render window caption' option.
- o Removed the old statusbar code and replaced it with the common control.
- POV-Ray for Windows can no longer be moved by clicking on the status bar.
- o Pared down the Appearance menu, merged with Misc menu, renamed it Options.
- Added a new menu called 'Text', available only when the editor is in use.
- o Removed the 'Expert Menus' option - full menus are always on now.
- o Added a 'rubberband' mode to the render window. Once a render is completed,
- you can click and drag on the render window to draw a box that represents
- a selection. Once you release the mouse button, you have the option of
- starting a new render that will only trace the pixels within the box. Note
- that this is NOT a zoom function ; the render does not zoom in to the box,
- but just renders the pixels inside it. You can also shift-drag to have the
- co-ordinates of the area you selected added to the command-line (so the
- selection will last for the rest of your POV session). POVWIN attempts to
- remove the selection from the command-line before shutting down on exit.
- Changes to POVWIN as of version 3.1 beta 5
- ------------------------------------------
- o Add an option to stop the render animation (see the Appearance menu).
- o POVWIN should now detect Win98 and not draw the caption text in the
- title bar. One day we'll make it use DrawFrameControl () instead of the
- way we draw the extra button now. (DrawFrameControl () was not present in
- the earlier versions of windows that POVWIN was originally written for).
- o An old bug (solved in 3.02 but present in earlier versions) reappeared
- in 3.1 betas prior to beta5. This typically shows itself as corrupted
- text in the message window, and/or random crashes, particularly when
- starting a render or clearing the message pane from the edit menu.
- The cause of this is a memory overwrite coming from inside the generic
- POV-Ray code, and came back since the fix never made it into the generic
- source after the release of 3.02. It's now fixed for good.
- o There was a problem with POVWIN not releasing memory after a render. This
- actually was not as clear as it seems - POVWIN did in fact release the
- memory, but the C runtime library did not. The memory was not wasted in
- that if you did a new render, the memory got re-used. But it still was not
- available to other Windows apps.
- The solution is compiler-specific (see CONFIG.H if you're compiling your
- own copy of POVWIN). The official POV-Team version of POV-Ray for Windows
- (which is compiled with Watcom C/C++) now does release this memory, so the
- problem is fixed for most users.
- o The 'render from memory' feature is gone. It is a difficult feature to
- implement (because the main POV-Ray rendering engine does not have a
- concept of rendering from memory, so a simulation of a file had to be
- done. This did not always work as expected). We decided that the due to
- the restrictions that the above placed on the feature (and the problems
- that this caused for some users) it was best not to have it.
- o A new GUI extension call has been added that supplies GUI extensions with
- what is effectively an exact copy of the data (pixel by pixel) that would
- have been written to file. This works regardless of whether file output
- is on or not. This does not break compatibility with GUI extensions that
- were written for previous versions of POV-Ray - if they were written
- properly they will still work unchanged.
- o The Windows help file is now 'povray31.hlp' (previously povray30.hlp).
- o The registry keys now work this way -
- Software\
- POV-Ray\
- Windows\
- Home -> Points at v3.0x, if it is installed.
- CurrentVersion\
- Windows\
- Home -> Path of current version always
- VersionNo -> Current version number
- v3.1\
- Windows\
- Home -> Points at path of v3.1
- v3.x\
- Windows\
- Home -> Points at path of a hypothetical v3.x
- Authors of utilities that read the registry to extract the install dir of
- POVWIN are requested to use the 'v3.x' keys to locate POVWIN if their
- program absolutely requires a specific version. Otherwise, they should use
- the 'CurrentVersion' key. Under no circumstances should any new utility
- use the old 'Windows' value as support for that entry will be removed in a
- later version of POVWIN.