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- 1 Macro could not be completed.
- 2 Macro Error
- 3 Editx
- 100 Makes the current word uppercase
- 101 Swaps the current and previous words
- 102 Extends the selection forward to the start of the next word
- 103 Moves forward to the start of the next word
- 104 Moves forward to the end of the next word
- 105 Extends the selection forward to the start of the next word
- 106 Makes the current word lowercase
- 107 Extends the selection backward to the start of the previous word
- 108 Moves backward to the start of the previous word
- 109 Moves backward to the end of the previous word
- 110 Extends the selection backward to the end of the previous word
- 111 Deletes a word to the left
- 112 Deletes a word to the right
- 113 Makes the first character uppercase
- 114 Moves to the top of the text window
- 115 Scrolls the file contents up one line
- 116 Scrolls the line to the top of the window
- 117 Scrolls the line to the center of the window
- 118 Scrolls the line to the bottom of the window
- 119 Scrolls the window to the right
- 120 Scrolls the window to the left
- 121 Scrolls the file contents down one line
- 122 Moves to the right edge of the text window
- 123 Moves to the left edge of the text window
- 124 Moves to the bottom of the text window
- 125 Makes the selection all uppercase
- 126 Replaces tabs with spaces in the selection
- 127 Indents the selected text left one tab stop
- 128 Undoes the last action, ignoring movement commands
- 129 Undoes the last action
- 130 Replaces spaces with tabs in the selection
- 131 Moves to the beginning of the next sentence
- 132 Moves to the beginning of the previous sentence
- 133 Deletes the remainder of the sentence
- 134 Swaps the anchor and the cursor in a selection
- 135 Selects the current paragraph
- 136 Selects lines of text
- 137 Selects the entire document
- 138 Redoes the last action, ignoring movement commands
- 139 Redoes the previously undone action
- 140 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
- 141 Moves to the beginning of the previous paragraph
- 142 Moves to the beginning of the next paragraph
- 143 Extends the selection up one page
- 144 Moves the cursor up one page
- 145 Extends the selection down one page
- 146 Moves the cursor down one page
- 147 Makes the selection all lowercase
- 148 Extends the selection up one line
- 149 Moves the cursor up one line
- 150 Swaps current and previous lines
- 151 Moves to the start of the current line
- 152 Opens a new line below the cursor
- 153 Opens a new line above the cursor
- 154 Extends the selection to the end of the current line
- 155 Moves the cursor to the end of the current line
- 156 Extends the selection down one line
- 157 Moves the cursor down one line
- 158 Deletes to the beginning of the current line
- 159 Deletes to the end of the current line
- 160 Deletes the selected line
- 161 Deletes the selected lines and places the text on the clipboard
- 162 Indents to the position of the next text on the previous line
- 163 Indents the selected text right one tab stop
- 164 Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
- 165 Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
- 166 Finds the matching brace
- 167 Moves to the end of the indentation
- 168 Moves to a user-specified line
- 169 Displays the find & replace dialog box
- 170 Replaces the first occurrence of the find text after the current position with the replace text and finds the next occurrence of the find text
- 171 Replaces the find text with the replace text in the entire buffer
- 172 Replaces the find text with the replace text in the selection
- 173 Finds the previous occurrence of the selected text
- 174 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text
- 175 Finds the next occurrence of the selected text
- 176 Finds the next occurrence of the specified text
- 177 Finds the specified text and sets a bookmark at the found locations
- 178 Finds the specified text
- 179 Sets the text to search for in subsequent find commands
- 180 Sets the text to substitute for the find text in subsequent find & replace commands
- 181 Toggles intelligent case preservation when replacing text
- 182 Toggles whole word searching on and off
- 183 Toggles case sensitive searching on and off
- 184 Moves to the end of the current line, bottom of the text window, or end of the file
- 185 Shows or hides whitespace indicators
- 186 Toggles between inserting and replacing text
- 187 Sets the repeat count for the next command
- 188 Extends the selection to the beginning of the file
- 189 Moves to the beginning of the file
- 190 Extends the selection to the end of the file
- 191 Moves to the end of the file
- 192 Deletes the spaces and tabs around the cursor
- 193 Deletes the blank lines adjacent to the cursor
- 194 Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor
- 195 Deletes the selection
- 196 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
- 197 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
- 198 Copies the selection to the Clipboard
- 199 Swap characters around the insertion point
- 200 Extends the selection one character to the right
- 201 Moves the cursor one character to the right
- 202 Extends the selection one character to the left
- 203 Moves the cursor one character to the left
- 204 Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and off
- 205 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark
- 206 Moves to the line containing the next bookmark
- 207 Clears all bookmarks in the window
- 208 Moves to the first line containing a bookmark
- 209 Moves to the last line containing a bookmark
- 210 Adds the next cut text to end of the Clipboard
- 211 Inserts a character at the current location
- 212 Inserts a new-line character at the current location
- 213 Begins/ends keystroke macro-recording
- 214 Plays keystroke macro 1
- 215 Plays keystroke macro 2
- 216 Plays keystroke macro 3
- 217 Plays keystroke macro 4
- 218 Plays keystroke macro 5
- 219 Plays keystroke macro 6
- 220 Plays keystroke macro 7
- 221 Plays keystroke macro 8
- 222 Plays keystroke macro 9
- 223 Plays keystroke macro 10
- 224 Displays the properties dialog