2258 This Evaluation version allows a maximum of %d simultaneous catalog documents.\n\nThe Full version does not have this limitation.\n\nPlease use the menu item Help | Ordering LView Pro for more information.
2259 This Evaluation version allows a maximum of %d simultaneous image documents.\n\nThe Full version does not have this limitation.\n\nPlease use the menu item Help | Ordering LView Pro for more information.
2260 %10.3f
2261 Merge File List
2262 Merge Path File
2263 Path: Merge from disk file
2264 Motion blur effect
2265 Selection move
2266 Multiple Record Selection
2268 A path must be created before using this command.\nUse the Pen tool to draw a path.\nOr, define a selection and create a path from it.
2269 Please drag only FOLDERS into this drop target.
2270 Click on the image and drag to define a rectangular crop area
2271 A Selection area must be defined before using this command
2272 An image must be opened or created before using this command.
2273 Name%c
2274 New Folder
2275 BChan%d.lvp
2276 : new Blue expression when X = %f
2277 New Brush Settings
2278 : new column expression when row=%ld and col=%ld
2279 Clip%d.lvp
2280 Twain%d.lvp
2281 New Grayscale Mask
2282 GChan%d.lvp
2283 : new Green expression when X = %f
2288 New Layer
2289 Mask%d.lvp
2290 Merge Visible Layers
2291 Pattern%d.lvp
2292 PhotoPackage%d.lvp
2293 RChan%d.lvp
2294 : new Red expression when X = %5.3f
2295 : new row expression when row=%ld and col=%ld
2296 Sel%d.lvp
2297 New Transparent Mask
2298 UChan%d.lvp
2299 New Opaque Mask
2300 VChan%d.lvp
2301 YChan%d.lvp
2302 Help file (LViewPro.hlp) not found.\n\nPlease re-install LView Pro.
2387 Append default brushes?\n\nClick YES to append the default brushes to the brush palette.\nClick NO to replace the all current brushes with the default brushes.\nClick cancel to avoid any changes.