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Text File  |  2000-03-17  |  6KB  |  180 lines

  1. <RCif RC$date ! null>
  2.     <RC$date_esc = RC@txt2html(RC$date)>
  3. <RCendif>
  4. <RCif RC$from ! null>
  5.     <RC$from_esc = RC@txt2html(RC$from)>
  6. <RCendif>
  7. <!--- Eliminate double and single quotes, which give problems with textfields in the form  --->
  8. <RC$subject = RC@urlescape(RC$subj)>
  9. <RC$subj_hdquot = RC@grep(RC$subject, %22)>
  10. <RC$subj_hsquot = RC@grep(RC$subject, %27)>
  11. <RC$mailto = RC@urlescape(RC$to)>
  12. <RC$to_hdquot = RC@grep(RC$mailto, %22)>
  13. <RC$to_hsquot = RC@grep(RC$mailto, %27)>
  14. <RC$mail_cc = RC@urlescape(RC$cc)>
  15. <RC$cc_hdquot = RC@grep(RC$mail_cc, %22)>
  16. <RC$cc_hsquot = RC@grep(RC$mail_cc, %27)>
  18. <HTML>
  19. <HEAD>
  20. <!--- Popup routine --->
  21. <RCif RC$popup ! null>
  22. <TITLE>::::Edit Window - Mail to <RC$to>::::</title>
  23. <RCelse>
  24. <!--- /Popup routine --->
  25. <TITLE>Mail to <RC$to></TITLE>
  26. <RCendif>
  27. <!--- CSS routine --->
  28. <RCif RCSusecss = true>
  29.     <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/webmail_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css">
  30.     <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="/syscss/filters_<RCSstylesheet>.css" type="text/css">    
  31.     <RCif RCSstylesheet = winter>
  32.         <RC$nextsheet = spring>
  33.     <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = spring>
  34.         <RC$nextsheet = summer>
  35.     <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = summer>
  36.         <RC$nextsheet = autumn>
  37.     <RCelseif RCSstylesheet = autumn>
  38.         <RC$nextsheet = winter>
  39.     <RCendif>
  40. <RCendif>
  41. <!--- /CSS routine --->
  42. <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
  43.     //var nav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1)
  44.     var ie = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1)
  46.     function updateHeader(strText) {
  47.         if(ie) {
  48.             objHeader = document.all['mailtoheader']
  49.             objHeader.innerText = "Mail to " + strText
  50.         }
  51.     }
  52. </script>
  53. </HEAD>
  54. <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#ff0000" ALINK="#ff0000" TEXT="#000000" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" rightmargin="0" topmargin="0" onload="document.frmCompose.to.focus()">
  55. <RCif RCEloggedin ! true>
  57. ><FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR=#ff0000><B>Mail user not logged in!</B></FONT><RCZMAIL_ERROR_END>
  59. </body></HTML>
  60. <RCexit>
  61. <RCendif>
  62. <RCif RCSusecss ! true><CENTER><RCendif>
  63. <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="sendmail.stm" METHOD="POST" name="frmCompose">
  64. <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="RCpage" VALUE="/webmail/webmail.stm">
  65. <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="start" VALUE="1">
  66. <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="count" VALUE="25">
  67. <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="popup" VALUE="<RC$popup>">
  68. <TABLE<RCif RCSusecss = true> align="center"<RCendif> BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="4">
  69.     <tr><td align="right" colspan="2"><RCVwmheader></td></tr>
  70.     <tr>
  71.         <td align="right" class="lblmailto" colspan="2" id="mailtoheader">Mail to <RCif RC$to ! null><RC$to><RCelse>new recipient<RCendif></td>
  72.     </tr>
  73.     <TR>
  74.         <TD align="right" class="lblmailto">To </TD>
  75.         <TD width=395>
  76.         <RCif RC$action = reply OR RC$action = replytoall>
  77.             <!--- With reply(toall) the to field is filled in --->
  78.             <RCif RC$to_hdquot ! -1 AND RC$to_hsquot ! -1>
  79.                 <!--- Both a single and a double quote. Resort to a textarea --->
  80.             <TEXTAREA cols=60 rows=2 name="to" wrap="soft"><RC$to></textarea>
  81.             <RCelse>
  82.                 <!--- Not both quotes, so determin the quotemark to use --->
  83.                 <RCif RC$to_hdquot ! -1>
  84.                     <!--- A double quote, so use a single --->
  85.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to" VALUE='<RC$to>' SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300" onChange="updateHeader(this.value)">
  86.                 <RCelse>
  87.                     <!--- A single quote, so use a double --->
  88.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to" VALUE="<RC$to>" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300" onChange="updateHeader(this.value)">
  89.                 <RCendif>
  90.             <RCendif>
  91.         <RCelse>
  92.             <!--- Not a reply(toall) so don't bother to set the to field --->
  93.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300" onblur="updateHeader(this.value)">
  94.         <RCendif>
  95.         </TD>
  96.     </TR>
  97.     <TR>
  98.         <TD align="right" class="lblmailto">From </TD>
  99.         <TD>
  100.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from" VALUE=""<RCPname>" <<RCEusername>@<RCEmailname>>" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300">
  101.         </TD>
  102.     </TR>
  103.     <TR>
  104.         <TD align="right" class="lblmailto">Subject </TD>
  105.         <TD>
  106.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subj" Value="<RC$subj>" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300">
  107.         </TD>
  108.     </TR>
  109.     <TR>
  110.         <TD align="right" class="lblmailto">Cc </TD>
  111.         <TD>
  112.         <RCif RC$action = replytoall>
  113.             <RCif RC$cc_hdquot ! -1 AND RC$cc_hsquot ! -1>
  114.                 <!--- Both a single and a double quote. Resort to a textarea --->
  115.             <TEXTAREA cols=60 rows=2 name="to" wrap="soft"><RC$to></textarea>
  116.             <RCelse>
  117.                 <!--- Not both quotes, so determin the quotemark to use --->
  118.                 <RCif RC$cc_hdquot ! -1>
  119.                     <!--- A double quote, so use a single --->
  120.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc" Value='<RC$cc>' SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=300>
  121.                 <RCelse>
  122.                     <!--- A single quote, so use a double --->
  123.             <!--DEBUG:<RC$cc>-->
  124.             <INPUT TYPE="Text" name="cc" value="<RC$cc>" SIZE=60 MAXLENGTH=300>
  125.                 <RCendif>
  126.             <RCendif>
  127.         <RCelse>
  128.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc" Value="" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300">
  129.         <RCendif>
  130.         </TD>
  131.     </TR>
  132.     <TR>
  133.         <TD align="right" class="lblmailto">Bcc </TD>
  134.         <TD>
  135.             <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="bcc" Value="<RCPdef_bcc>" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="300">
  136.         </TD>
  137.     </TR>
  138.     <TR>
  139.         <TD align="right" valign="top" class="lblmailto">Body </TD>
  140.         <TD>
  141. <RCif RC$action = reply>
  142. <TEXTAREA NAME="body" ROWS="10" COLS="58" wrap="physical">
  143. On <RC$date>, you wrote:
  144. <RCelseif RC$action = forward OR RC$action = replytoall>
  145. <TEXTAREA NAME="body" ROWS="10" COLS="58" wrap="physical">
  146. On <RC$date_esc>, <RC$from_esc> wrote:
  147. <RCelse>
  148. <TEXTAREA NAME="body" ROWS="10" COLS="58" wrap="physical">
  149. <RCendif>
  150. <RCif RC$msgno ! null AND RC$action ! forward>
  151. <RCXmailbody folder=RCSfolder msgno=RC$msgno style=RCSstyle prepend="> ">
  152. <RCelse>
  153. <RCXmailbody folder=RCSfolder msgno=RC$msgno style=RCSstyle>
  154. <RCendif>
  155. </TEXTAREA>
  156.         </TD>
  157.     </TR>
  158.     <TR>
  159.         <TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT class="lblmailto">Attachment</TD>
  160.         <TD VALIGN=TOP>
  161.             <input name="attach" type="file" size="46" value="">
  162.             <BR>
  163.             <I>(100k Limit)</I>
  164.             <BR>
  165.         </TD>
  166.     </TR>
  167.     <TR>
  168.     <TD> </TD>
  169.     <TD>
  170.         <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="send" VALUE="Send Message">
  171. </FORM>
  172.         </TD>
  173.     </TR>
  174. </TABLE>
  175. <RCif RCSusecss ! true></CENTER><RCendif>
  178. </body>
  179. </HTML>