10001 Your options have changed for this session.\nWould you like to save them for use in the future?
10002 Yes
10003 No
10004 On
10005 Off
10006 Real-Time protection
10007 User Information
10008 Name: %s
10009 Company: %s
10010 Customer Number: %s
10011 InoculateIT PE directory:
10012 Real-Time Protection
10013 File Monitor: %s
10014 Floppy Disk Monitor: %s
10015 Run InoculateIT PE at Start-Up: %s
10016 Error!
10017 Possible infection
10018 Real-Time Protection: %s
10019 InoculateIT PE Icon:
10020 On Taskbar: %s
10021 Install NT Scheduler:
10022 --------------- Details ---------------
10024 Scanning options:
10025 Full scan
10026 Fast scan
10027 Include subfolders
10028 Do not include subfolders
10029 Include network drives
10030 Do not include network drives
10031 Scan Compressed Archives
10032 Skip Compressed Archives
10033 Include renamed files
10034 Skip renamed files
10035 Scan all file types
10036 Scan these file types: %s
10037 Include InoculateIT PE in Windows context menus
10038 Do not include InoculateIT PE in Windows context menus
10039 Actions on infected files:
10040 Clean infected files
10041 Report infected files
10042 Rename infected files
10043 Delete infected files
10044 Report infected files & deny access
10045 Report suspected infections
10046 Report suspected infections & deny access
10047 Rename files suspected of infection
10048 Delete files suspected of infection
10049 Report infected documents
10050 Report infected documents & deny access
10051 Clean infected documents
10052 Reporting options:
10053 Report all files scanned
10054 Report only infected files
10055 Keep a cumulative logfile
10056 Keep a non-cumulative logfile
10057 Log filename: %s
10058 (max. %d bytes)
10059 (unlimited size)
10060 Do not keep a logfile
10061 E-mail administrator when virus found
10062 Do not e-mail administrator when virus found
10063 Display 'Out of Date' warning
10064 Suppress 'Out of Date' warning
10065 Boot Sector scanning:
10066 Infected boot sectors considered bad
10067 Infected or invalid boot sectors considered bad
10068 Infected, invalid or unknown boot sectors considered bad
10069 Replace bad boot sectors
10070 Do not replace bad boot sectors
10071 Check for large IDE
10072 Do not check for large IDE
10073 Do not scan Boot Sectors
10074 Scan memory
10075 Do not scan memory
10076 Start-up scan:
10077 Command line: %s
10078 Progressive Scan enabled
10079 Display progress of auto-scan
10080 Do not display InoculateIT PE unless infection detected
10081 Scan %d files on first boot of the day
10082 Scan %d files on subsequent reboots
10083 Write a log file to %s
10084 Allow cancellation of the auto-scan
10085 Do not allow cancellation of the auto-scan
10086 Progressive Scan disabled
10088 Floppy Disk Monitor:
10089 File Monitor:
10090 Scan files on execution: %s
10091 Scan files on open: %s
10092 Scan files on close: %s
10093 Scan network files
10094 Do not scan network files
10095 Alerting
10096 Display message box when virus found
10097 Do not display message box when virus found
10099 Mail Server: %s
10100 'From': %s
10101 To: %s
10102 Subject: %s
10103 The following screens will be displayed during Automatic Setup:
10104 InoculateIT Personal Edition splash screen
10105 Setup Welcome screen
10106 InoculateIT Personal Edition Licence agreement
10107 Destination directory
10108 Installation confirmation screen
10109 Username & company information
10110 InoculateIT Personal Edition password entry
10111 On-demand scan options
10112 Scan file types
10113 Actions to take on infected files
10114 Actions to take on infected documents
10115 Reporting options
10116 Boot Sector scanning options
10117 Memory scanning options
10118 Start-up scanning options
10119 Progressive Scan options
10120 Enable/disable real-time protection
10121 Floppy disk monitor options
10122 File monitor options
10123 Real-time protection action on infected files
10124 Real-time protection action on infected documents
10125 File monitor reporting
10126 Virus alerting
10127 E-mail configuration
10128 InoculateIT Personal Edition icon options
10129 Scheduler install
10130 Out-of-date warning option
10131 Configuration confirmation
10132 - The user will be prompted to clean up AUTOEXEC.BAT
10133 - AUTOEXEC.BAT will be modified if necessary
10134 - Necessary changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT will be saved to AUTOEXEC.VET
10135 - No changes will be made to AUTOEXEC.BAT
10136 - The user will be prompted to clean up DOSSTART.BAT
10137 - DOSSTART.BAT will be modified if necessary
10138 - Necessary changes to DOSSTART.BAT will be saved to DOSSTART.VET
10139 - No changes will be made to DOSSTART.BAT
10140 - The user will be prompted to display the ReadMe file
10141 - The ReadMe file will be automatically displayed
10142 - The ReadMe file will not be displayed
10143 - The user will be prompted to create boot sector templates
10144 - Boot sector templates will be automatically recorded
10145 - Boot sector templates will not be recorded
10146 - The user will be prompted to make a reference disk
10147 - A reference disk will be created
10148 - A reference disk image will be made in %s
10149 - A reference disk will not be made
10150 - The user will be prompted to scan the hard disk
10151 - The hard disk(s) will be automatically scanned
10152 - No hard disk scan will be performed during Setup
10153 Allow cancellation of the scan during Setup
10154 Do not allow cancellation of the scan during Setup
10155 The user will be able to cancel Setup from any dialog.
10156 The Cancel button will be disabled on all Setup dialogs.
10157 Virus Alert - test
10158 This is a test message, used to check if e-mail alerting is set up correctly.\n\nDo not be alarmed.
10159 InoculateIT Personal Edition Log File
10168 The real-time file monitor is currently active.
10169 The real-time file monitor is scheduled to be activated.
10170 The real-time file monitor will NOT be enabled on next restart.
10171 The real-time file monitor is currently disabled.
10172 Real-time protection is currently active.
10173 Real-time protection is currently not active.
10174 Real-time Protection Log File
10175 The real-time floppy disk monitor is currently active.
10176 The real-time floppy disk monitor is scheduled to be activated.
10177 The real-time floppy disk monitor will NOT be enabled on next restart.
10178 The real-time floppy disk monitor is currently disabled.
10179 The InoculateIT PE Configuration Wizard has detected that the following default filename extensions are missing from your list of files to scan:\n\n %s\n\nThese file types are among the most likely to contain a virus in the event that your system becomes infected, so it is strongly recommended that these file types be included in your list of files to scan.\n\nWould you like the InoculateIT Configuration Wizard to add these for you?
10180 Missing Default File Types
10181 The '%s' filename extension is already registered
10182 Duplicate Extension
10183 Progressive scan is currently disabled
10184 Progressive scan is currently enabled and configured to scan %d files on the first boot of the day and %d files on subsequent reboots.
10185 The progressive scan can be included in the start-up custom command by adding '/progressive' to the command.
10186 Program Directory must not be blank.
10187 Your confirmation does not match the entered password.\nPlease try again.
10188 Password entered incorrectly
10189 InoculateIT Personal Edition Password
10190 InoculateIT Personal Edition Directory
10191 The password will default to '%s'.\nPlease write it down so you don't forget it.
10192 InoculateIT PE
10193 Error copying InoculateIT PE files to the Reference Disk.\n\nCheck that the floppy disk is correctly inserted into the floppy drive, and that it has sufficient free space and is not write-protected.\n\nWould you like to retry?
10194 Error creating Reference Disk
10195 Could not set registry key '%s', value '%s'.\n\nThe most likely cause of this problem is that you are attempting to install real-time protection software without having sufficient privileges.\n\nThis installation may be partially successful, but the real-time protection is unlikely to work correctly.\n\nYou should repeat this installation after logging in with administrator privileges.
10196 Registry update failure
10197 Reference disk created
10198 Rescue disk created
10199 Make a Reference Disk
10200 Select the drive on which the reference disk should be made.\n\nEnter a caption to identify the PC to which this disk refers.\n\nPress OK to make the reference disk, or Cancel to skip it.
10201 &Identification for reference disk:
10202 Drive %c: is not ready.\nPlease check the drive and try again.
10203 Drive access error
10204 Drive %c: appears to be infected with a virus. Its templates will not be recorded. Do you want to attempt to record templates for the remaining drives?
10205 File types extension list cannot be empty.
10206 If you are satisfied with these selections, click 'Finish' to begin updating the configuration.
10221 \n\nVirus Scanning and Configuration Editing will not be permitted.\nYou may only view help files.
10222 InoculateIT PE Real-Time Protection Status
10223 InoculateIT Help
10224 Manual Update
10225 Virus Specifications
10226 Virus Encyclopedia
10227 Web Update & Tech Support
10229 Vet Scheduler
10230 Uninstall InoculateIT PE
10231 Information not complete
10232 'Read Me' Help File
10233 User Identification
10234 Register On-Line
10235 InoculateIT PE Program Directory
10236 InoculateIT PE Password
10237 Scanning Options (On-Demand Scanner)
10238 Scan File Types (On-Demand Scanner)
10239 Program Virus Detection Actions (On-Demand Scanner)