; In this type of HelpFile (Type 1 - Quick and Dirty MessageBoxes) the tilde
; symbol -> ~ <- is used to indicate line breaks. See examples below.
Wscript=Windows Scripting Host scripting engine
Cscript=The command line Windows Scripting Host scripting engine (to pass parameters to WSH.)
WshShell=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Automation object, ProgID "Wscript.WshShell."
WshNetwork=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Automation object, ProgID "Wscript.WshNetwork."
WshShortcut=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Not exposed; accessed through WshShell.CreateShortcut method.
WshUrlShortcut=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Not exposed; accessed through WshShell.CreateShortcut method.
WshCollection=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Not exposed; accessed through WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives~or WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnection.
WshEnvironment=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Not exposed; accessed through WshShell.Environment property.
WshSpecialFolders=Object provided by WSHom.Ocx.~Not exposed; accessed through WshShell.Folder property.
Application=The IDispatch interface for Wscript.
Arguments=A parameters collection object.
FullName=Full path to the host executable.
Name=Friendly name of Wscript (the default property).
Path=Name of the directory where Wscript.exe or Cscript.exe resides.
ScriptFullName=Full path to the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host.
ScriptName=File name of the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host.
Version=A version string for the Windows Scripting Host.
CreateObject=Creates an object and establishes its event handling.
DisconnectObject=Disconnects a previously connected object from Windows Scripting Host.
Echo=Displays parameters in a window or at a command prompt in a Command Prompt window.
GetObject=Retrieves an Automation object from a file.
Quit=Quits execution with a specified error code.
Application=The Application property provides the IDispatch interface on the Wscript object.~Syntax~Wscript.Application = objWscript
Arguments=The Arguments property provides a WshArguments collection object.~Syntax~Wscript.Arguments = objArguments
FullName=The FullName property provides a string containing the full path to the host executable.~Syntax ~Wscript.FullName = strFullName
Name=The Name property provides a string containing the friendly name of the Wscript object. This is the default property.~Syntax~Wscript.Name = strName
Path=The Wscript.Path property provides a string containing the name of the directory where Wscript.Exe or Cscript.Exe resides.~Syntax~Wscript.Path = strPath
ScriptFullName=The ScriptFullName property provides the full path to the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host.~Syntax~Wscript.ScriptFullName = strScriptFullName
ScriptName=The ScriptName property provides the file name of the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host.~Syntax~Wscript.ScriptName = strScriptName
Version=The Version property provides a version string for the Windows Scripting Host.~Syntax~Wscript.Version = strVersion
CreateObject=The CreateObject method creates an object specified by the strProgID parameter.~If the parameter strPrefix is specified, Windows Scripting Host connects~the object's outgoing interface to the script file after creating the object.~When the object fires an event, Windows Scripting Host calls a subroutine named strPrefix and the event~name. For example, if strPrefix is "MYOBJ_" and the object fires an event named "OnBegin," Windows Scripting Host~calls the "MYOBJ_OnBegin" subroutine located in the script. ~Syntax ~Wscript.CreateObject(strProgID, [strPrefix]) = objObject
DisconnectObject=The DisconnectObject method disconnects a previously connected object (obj) from Windows Scripting Host. If~the specified object is not already connected to Windows Scripting Host, this method does nothing. ~Syntax ~Wscript.DisconnectObject obj
Echo=The Echo method displays parameters in a window (in Wscript.exe) or at the command prompt in a Command~Prompt window (in Cscript.exe). ~Parameters are delimited by one space. Under Cscript.exe, this method outputs a carriage-return/line feed pair (CR~LF) after the last parameter displayed. ~Syntax ~Wscript.Echo [anyArg...]
GetObject=The GetObject method retrieves an Automation object from a file, or an object specified by strProgID parameter.~Use the GetObject method when there is a current instance of the object, or if you want to create the object from a~file that is already loaded. If there is no current instance and you don't want the object started from a file that is~already loaded, use the CreateObject method. ~Syntax ~Wscript.GetObject(strPathname [,strProgID] ], [strPrefix]) = objObject
Quit=The Quit method quits execution with a specified error code.~Syntax ~Wscript.Quit [intErrorCode]