PC World 2000 April
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1,051 lines
; Regscript.dll
; WinEdit checks for the existence of this file at startup, looking
; in the WinEdit directory. It allows you a chance to customize
; every part of WinEdit at startup without user intervention.
; If WinEdit executes the script it saves the file date stamp. Subsequently
; at startup, WinEdit will compare the file date with the saved time and
; will only re-run the script if it's newer than the saved timestamp.
gosub NukeSomeSettings ;If required
gosub SetupPage
gosub SetupFind
gosub SetupGlobal
; Set up some file types. Maybe should be run first, as later items override earlier items...
gosub SetupHTML ; This one here primarily as an example.
gosub SetupACL
gosub SetupSQL
gosub SetupPL
gosub SetupBAS
gosub SetupVBS
gosub SetupPHP
gosub SetupOthers
gosub RegisterFTP
; File specific settings
; This example sets up WinEdit for HTML files.
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="HTML" ; Name of main file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=6 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
; The File mapping key sets up the file extensions with a particular
; file group. e.g. HTML, HTM and ASP type files all belong to the
; HTML file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[HTML]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[HTM]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[ASP]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[XML]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.xml")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "<!--")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "-->")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 0)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "!")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "64,0,0")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "HtmlPopup.mnu")
; the PageSetup key handles all the printing settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\PageSetup[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\PageSetup[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\PageSetup[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\PageSetup")
; 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey,"[CharSet]", 0)
; 1 = print in color, 0 = OFF
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Color syntax]", 1)
; 1 = print italics, 0 = regular
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font Italic]", 0)
; name of font
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
; size of font in points
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 12)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
; footer macro string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Footer]", "Page $(PageNo)")
; print file time in footer, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[FooterTime]", 0)
; header macro string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Header]", "$(FilePath) - $(FileTime)")
; print file time in header, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[HeaderTime]", 0)
; print line numbers, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line numbers]", 0)
; print pages two up, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Twoup]", 0)
; 0 = use screen font, 1 = use printer font defined above
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Use printer font]", 0)
; the Settings\Find key handles the find\replace settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=1 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Find")
; these keys are all true/false, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Forward]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Match case]", 0)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Regular expressions]", 0)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Wrap search]", 0)
; the Settings\Main Window key handles the global editor settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=1 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window")
; backup location macro string
;RegSetValue(regkey, "[Backup location]", "$(FilePath).backup")
;RegSetValue(regkey, "[Autosave location]", "$(FilePath).autosave")
; the name of the active project
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Active Workspace]", "Default")
; the autosave interval, in minutes
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Autosave interval]", 5)
; the rest are all true/false, on/off
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AutoSave]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Horizontal Scrollbar]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Make Backups]", 1)
; leave the cursor at the end of pasted text
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Paste After]", 1)
; automatically save files before running tools
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Save Before]", 1)
; don't prompt before automatically saving files
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Prompt Before]", 0)
; reload the open files from the last session
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Restore Workspace]", 1)
; allow only one instance of WinEdit
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Single Instance]", 1)
; allow the cursor to move past the ends of lines
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[VirtualWhitespace]", 1)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Setup of strange and obscure file types
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="ACL" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;ACL file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SUB]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[LIB]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[ACL]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.sub;*.lib;*.acl")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 1)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "#")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 1)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "ACLPopup.mnu")
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="SQL" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;SQL file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SQL]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SP]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SPS]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SPB]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SPP]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[SF]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[LDR]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.sql;*.sp;")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 1)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "SQLPopup.mnu")
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="PERL" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;PL file group - Perl
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PL]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PERL]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PRL]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.perl;*.pl;*.prl")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 1)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "#")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 1)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 1)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "!~$#%%'&+-,<>@?]\^.{}:/|*`_")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "PerlPopup.mnu")
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="BAS" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;BAS file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[BAS]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.bas")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "REM")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 1)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 1)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "4")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "BASPopup.mnu")
; File specific settings
; This example sets up WinEdit for VBS files.
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="VBS" ; Name of main file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=1 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
; The File mapping key sets up the file extensions with a particular
; file group.
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[VBS]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.vbs")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "'")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "`")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr") ;need path here?
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 0)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "&_<>+-.\^*=")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255") ;white
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0") ;black
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255") ;ok
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128") ;dk cyan
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "VBSPopup.mnu")
inifile=strcat(curdir, "Help\Lookup\", "WEHELP.INI")
IniWritePvt("EXTENSIONS", "VBS", "WSHHLP", inifile)
IniWritePvt("WSHHLP", "HF1", "WSHHLP.WEH 1", inifile)
IniWritePvt("", "", "", inifile)
ConfigVerWBT=3 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;Change keyword files to CLR from INI
kiki=RegOpenKey(@REGCURRENT,"Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File Types")
for xx=1 to kikicount
if RegExistValue(kiki,strcat(thiskey,"[keywords]"))
if strupper(oldclr3)=="INI"
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="PHP" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=1 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;PHP file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PHP]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PHP3]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PHTML]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PHPS]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.php;*.php3;*.phtml;*.phps")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "//")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "/*")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "*/")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 0)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "128,128,128")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,128,128")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; set up a file-specific popup menu
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "PHPPopup.mnu")
; set up the popup menu default for all the other predefined file types
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
gosub addpopup
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\WinEdit Software Co.\WinEdit\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[PopupMenu]", "%FileKind%Popup.mnu")
RunWait(regsvr,"/s dartsock.dll")
RunWait(regsvr,"/s dartftp.dll")