Eudora Pro (32-bit) is an excellent e-mail package.
Eudora has very strong message filtering functions. You can sort incoming or outgoing messages into user-defined mailboxes and automatically modify subjects and priorities and color-code e-mail based on different criteria. You can sort messages into mailboxes, forward e-mail to other locations or persons, send automated replies, and set alarms for when important messages arrive.
Other features include: the ability to view and compose HTML e-mail, text formatting (including fonts, font sizes, styles, colors, layout options, and highlighted URLs), a message preview pane, support for multiple e-mail accounts, a customizable toolbar, customizable address book, nickname support (nicknames are for commonly used e-mail addresses), templates, POP server interaction, text searching, spell-checker, support for multiple signatures, MAPI support, IMAP4 support, LDAP support, UUEncoding, color-coded messages, return receipts, support for third party Plug-Ins, autoconfiguration, voice attachment support using PureVoice, and much more.
You can choose to run Eudora in one of three modes. A paid mode provides all the features, but you must register. A light mode is free, but provides you with fewer features. And a sponsored mode provides you with all the features, free, but with ads.
This newest release offers improved SMTP server authentication, improved offline operation, better support for file attachments, an enhanced user interface (with new icons, an improved toolbar, new sorting options, and more), and fixes for several bugs found in previous versions. Complete details can be found here.
Purchase the full, registered version online from: