PC World 2000 April
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259 lines
; You'll need to change some of the following:
Main=Please say the date when you want to do X.
;Main.2=Please say the date. - Shorter prompt
Where=You are somewhere.
Help=Speak a date, such as "Monday" or "November 1st".
VerifyPre=I heard:
VerifyPost=Is this correct?
Unrecognized=Sorry, I didn't understand.
SpeakingFaster=Speaking faster.
SpeakingSlower=Speaking slower.
HelpVerify=You can speak yes or no, or press 1 for yes, or 2 for no.
; you usually wont need to change what's below here
; <weekday> = the next <weekday> in the future
; next <weekday> = the next <weekday> in the future
; last <weekday> = the previous <weekday>
; [a|<integer>] week(s) from <today> = <integer> weeks after today in the future
; [a|<integer>] week(s) from <weekday> = <integer> weeks after the next <weekday> in the future
; [a|<integer>] week(s) from last <weekday> = <integer> weeks after the previous <weekday>
; [a|<integer>] fortnight(s) from <today>
; [a|<integer>] fortnight(s) from <weekday>
; [a|<integer>] fortnight(s) from last <weekday>
; today
; tomorrow
; the day after tomorrow
; yesterday
; the day before yesterday
; <integer> days from <today>
; <integer> days ago
; the <integer>th
; the <integer>th of [<month>|this month|last month|next month]
; <month> the <integer>th
; <month> <integer>
; in <integer> [days|weeks|fortnights|months]
; <integer>th of the month
<AskDate>=[opt] <on> [opt] <the> <StartsWithOn>
<AskDate>=<in> <StartsWithIn>
<StartsWithNothing>=<a> (TimeUnit) <from> (RelativeToToday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<a> (TimeUnit) <from> (Weekday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<a> (TimeUnit) <from> (NextLast) (Weekday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<Natural> (TimeUnit) <from> (RelativeToToday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<Natural> (TimeUnit) <from> (Weekday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<Natural> (TimeUnit) <from> (NextLast) (Weekday)
<StartsWithNothing>=<Natural> (TimeUnit) <ago>
<StartsWithNothing>=(Month) [opt] <the> (Nth)
<StartsWithNothing>=(Month) <Natural>
<StartsWithOn>=(NextLast) (Weekday)
<StartsWithOn>=(Nth) <of> <the> <month>
<StartsWithOn>=(Nth) <of> (ThisNextLast) <month>
<StartsWithOn>=(Nth) <of> (Month)
<StartsWithIn>=<Natural> (TimeUnit)
<a>=a " a "
<in>=in " in "
<of>=of " of "
<on>=on " on "
<ago>=ago " ago "
<the>=the " the "
<from>=from " from "
<month>=month " month "
0x0=next " next "
0x1=last " last "
0x2=Sunday " Sunday "
0x4=Monday " Monday "
0x6=Tuesday " Tuesday "
0x8=Wednesday " Wednesday "
0xa=Thursday " Thursday "
0xc=Friday " Friday "
0xe=Saturday " Saturday "
0x10=day " day "
0x20=week " week "
0x30=fortnight " fortnight "
0x40=month " month "
0x50=year " year "
0x10=days " days "
0x20=weeks " weeks "
0x30=fortnights " fortnights "
0x40=months " months "
0x50=years " years "
0x080=today " today "
0x080=now " now "
0x100=yesterday " yesterday "
0x180=the day before yesterday " the day before yesterday "
0x200=tomorrow " tomorrow "
0x280=the day after tomorrow " the day after tomorrow "
0x400=this " this "
0x800=next " next "
0xc00=last " last "
0x01000=first " first "
0x02000=second " second "
0x03000=third " third "
0x04000=fourth " fourth "
0x05000=fifth " fifth "
0x06000=sixth " sixth "
0x07000=seventh " seventh "
0x08000=eighth " eighth "
0x09000=ninth " ninth "
0x0a000=tenth " tenth "
0x0b000=eleventh " eleventh "
0x0c000=twelfth " twelfth "
0x0d000=thirteenth " thirteenth "
0x0e000=fourteenth " fourteenth "
0x0f000=fifteenth " fifteenth "
0x10000=sixteenth " sixteenth "
0x11000=seventeenth " seventeenth "
0x12000=eighteenth " eighteenth "
0x13000=nineteenth " nineteenth "
0x14000=twentieth " twentieth "
0x15000=twenty-first " twenty-first "
0x16000=twenty-second " twenty-second "
0x17000=twenty-third " twenty-third "
0x18000=twenty-fourth " twenty-fourth "
0x19000=twenty-fifth " twenty-fifth "
0x1a000=twenty-sixth " twenty-sixth "
0x1b000=twenty-seventh " twenty-seventh "
0x1c000=twenty-eighth " twenty-eighth "
0x1d000=twenty-ninth " twenty-ninth "
0x1e000=thirtieth " thirtieth "
0x1f000=thirty-first " thirty-first "
0x020000=January " January "
0x040000=February " February "
0x060000=March " March "
0x080000=April " April "
0x0a0000=May " May "
0x0c0000=June " June "
0x0e0000=July " July "
0x100000=August " August "
0x120000=September " September "
0x140000=October " October "
0x160000=November " November "
0x180000=December " December "
; **********************************************************************
; all controls should have these default responses
=[opt] (DefaultJunkBegin) (ValidDefault) [opt] (DefaultJunkEnd)
=could you
=I want [opt] to
=now [opt] please
=[opt] (TalkToOperator) (OperatorName)
=talk to
=speak with
=connect me to
=give me
=[opt] an operator
=someone real
=real person
=living person
=warm body
=hang up
=scratch that
=go back
=undo that
=I made a mistake
=never mind
=where am I
=where were we
=what am I doing
=what's going on
=[opt] some help [opt] me
=give me help
=what can I say
=list [opt] voice commands
=what are my options
=tell me what I can say
=what did you say
=repeat [opt] that
=speak faster
=talk faster
=speak more quickly
=talk more quickly
=speak slower
=talk slower
=speak more slowly
=talk more slowly
; entries necessary for verification to work