* WhatFormat is now 100% shareware showing a nag-screen on startup. It's still fully functional and there's no trial period.
* Should now also recognize the signatures of WordStar 7.0 document (ws7), Ms Schedule+ 7.0 file (scd), JAR archive, new archiver from ARJ Software (j, jar), Java ARchive (jar), Outlook Express VCard file (vcf), LightWave Objects file (lwo), LightWave Scene file (lws), Autodesk 3D Studio 3D object (asc, 3ds), Caligari trueSpace 3D object (cob, coa), VideoScape 3D object (geo), 3D object, Imagine 1, 2 or Turbo Silver (iob), RealiMation 3D Object (rbs), Amiga Sculpt 3D/4D 3D object (scene), STereoLithography 3d object if saved as ASCII (stl), WaveFronT 3D object (wft), Hierarchical Data Format image (hdf), Multiple-image Network Graphics (mng), Quickdraw 3D file (3dm), OpenFlight file (flt), IGES 3D file (igs, iges), Compressed archive (ark, pak), Macintosh archive format (cpt), Lempel Ziv Huffman archive (ice), Saved email or newsgroup message, StuffIT Expander archive format (sea), Archive for Unix (taz, sqz, z), Portable aNyMap image (pnm), Adobe PostScript Interpreted (ps), X Windows system BitMap image (xbm, bm).
* Recognizes some MP2 and MP3 formats, namely "Version 1/Layer II/no CRC", "Version 2/Layer III/with CRC", "Version 2/Layer III/no CRC" and "Version 1/Layer III/no CRC". I know there are some more variations, but these are the ones I've found yet. If you like more variations to add to WhatFormat, please mail me.
* Added Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms PowerPoint, Ms Schedule+, Ms Binder, Opera, Lister.
* It now shows the whole picture in a seperate window, if the user clicks on the previewed image.
* Knows about 978 filename extensions now.
--- What's new in v2.0a: (released: 10/26/1999):---
* It's now 'freeware for non-commercial users'. Also, I tried to keep the 16- and 32-bit versions the same, and since I can do a lot more with 32-bit Visual Basic, it's hard to keep the two versions alike. Therefore there won't be a next 16-bit version anymore, only 32-bit. Off course I will keep the last 16- and 32-bit versions (version 1.4a) on my website for download. These versions are still 100% freeware.
* Should now also recognize the signatures of ShockWave Flash (swf), Uninstall scripts (isu), Sony PlayStation Bitmap image (tim), ZSoft PC Paintbrush Multi-Page PCX (dcx), GZIP File (gz), Casio digital camera (cam), Paint Shop Pro file (psp), RealMedia (rm, ram), RealAudio (ra), UUEncoded file (uue), Internet Shortcut (url), Fax cover page (cpe), TerraGen World (tgworld, tgw), TerraGen SuRFace MAP (srfmap, srf), TerraGen Terrain (terrain, ter), TerraGen CLouD LaYeR (cldlyr, cld), TerraGen ATMoSPHeRe (atmsphr, atm), Ms Windows Registry, System.ini, Graphic Workshop THumbNail (thn), Turbo Pascal Unit (tpu), Windows application log (lgc, lgd, lge, lgf), Amidraw vector image (sdw), Outlook InDeX file (idx), Outlook MailBoX file (mbx), Lotus SMartIcon (smi), Windows Full Text Search (fts), Lotus Approach dBASE index (adx), Ulead Image Pals ALbuM (abm).
* Added RealPlayer, PkZip.
* Removed a bug that some apps didn't open a file if the directory structure contained a space.
* Seperated the 'known applications' section from 'readme.txt' and made it a html file, for easy access to the application's homepages. This file is accessible through the 'Help' menu.
* It's now capable of renaming a file for if the extension is wrong.
* It is able to open a file with the associated application now. Also added a Windows 'Open with' dialog.
* Added a Tab Control for showing the 2nd header of a binary if it exists.
* This Tab Control is also used for a 'Preview' function for the most common graphical formats (bmp, cur, dib, emf, gif, ico, jpg, rle and wmf images).
* Removed the whole path-name in the Windows' titlebar, leaving just the analysed filename there.
* When launched with a file on the command-line now directly leads to the 'file open' interface.
* It also knows extensions with more than 3 characters now, so I could add quite a few...
* Added 'readme.txt', 'whatsnew.txt' and 'applicat.html' to the Help menu.
* WhatFormat now remembers the last 4 accessed directories. At startup it also jumps to the last accessed dir now.
* Knows about 680 filename extensions now.
--- What's new in v1.4a (released: 04/02/1999): ---
Just fixed two bugs here, no harmful ones though, just annoying:
* 1: The 32-bit version had a problem determening the Windows-version. This meaned that if you did a 'Search for Apps' in W95, it found 'Write' and 'PaintBrush' instead of 'Wordpad' and 'Paint'. The 16-bit version didn't have this problem...
* 2: Both versions didn't always save and open the file 'apps.dat' in WhatFormat's own path, sorry. This problem should also be fixed now...
--- What's new in v1.4 (released: 12/05/1998): ---
* Now suggests some viewers for formats that are found.
* Should now recognize the signatures of Stored search W95 (fnd), CeQuadrat CD ProJect file (cpj), Compiled HTML file (chm), Channel File (cdf), Java Class (class), Dynamic Link Library (tlb), VRML Worlds for WWW (wrl), Netscape Mail (no extension), CD Audio song (cda), Autodesk Animator Animation (fli), Amiga sound (mod, nst), Ms Compress archive (??_, ??$), DeluxePaint ANiMation (anm), Autodesk Animator Animation (flc, cel), StuffIT Expander archive format (sit), Paradox DataBase (db), Apple sound (afc), Audio Interchange File Format from Apple/SGI (aif), Amiga .8SVX, Audio Interchange File Format (iff), Sound Sun/NeXT/DEC (au), DiamondWare digitized sound (dwd), MATlab sound (mat), MIDI Sample sound (sds), SaMPleVision sound (smp), MIDI-sequention sound (rmi), IoCA ICon Archive (ica), Jasc Browser File (jbf), Lotus Freelance (pre, mas, sym), OS/2 METafile (met), Lotus Freelance Image (drw), Lotus Freelance PortFoLio file (pfl), MultiTracker Module music (mtm), Ms Schedule+ PRinT (prt), Internet Explorer command (scf), Lotus ScreenCam Movie (scm), SoftImage (pic, si), Vista image (vst), Vivid image (img), lzx and ace archives.
* Weak tests for CLaSs module (cls), Computer Graphics Metafile image (cgm), Macintosh QuickDraw PiCT image (pct), dBASE or FoxPro DataBase File (dbf), Raw/NeXT PCM sound (snd, raw?).
* More extensive description of Windows Icon Resource (ico, iko).
* Knows about 570 filename extensions now.
--- What's new in v1.3: ---
* It's now possible to add a filename if you run it from a command line.
* Should recognize the signatures of cab, mac (with header), mov (Apple QuickTime MOVie), pif, qfx, Quattro Pro spreadsheets (wb1, wb2, wq1).
* Weak tests for com, binaries (e.g. sys) and text files (PC, Mac and Unix formats, e.g. txt, asc, doc).
* The recognition of various WordPerfect formats is improved.
* Doesn't show 'Hidden' and 'System' files anymore.
* Better recognition of cur files.
* Some minor changes in header descriptions of ai, eps, jpg, lzh, tif and zip.
* Combined the two 'first 25 bytes 'in hex' and 'in ansi' labels' in some sort of hex-viewer. I hope you like it:) It also shows the first 128 bytes now, instead of the previous 25.
* Changed the 'first bytes' label into a listbox, this is easier for adding extra info.
* More extensive description of gif, pcx, BMP format (bmp, dib, rle) and executables.
* Knows about 380 filename extensions now.
--- What's new in v1.2: ---
* Should recognize the signatures of dwg, fcd, lzh, pdf, pma, rar, sys and uc2.