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- February 01, 2000 update
- -----------------------
- Improved "Win & Winsys" backup to set all hidden and read only
- attributes files to normal before restoring from backup then restores
- their attributes. Before it did the same for important files only, now all.
- Added an Option to restore files with long file names from within the
- Windows environment after a "Win & WinSys" restore.
- Files with long file names can't be restored from MS-DOS.
- Click Option\Restore Long File Names in ERS98.
- Improved DelSys.bat to delete all hidden and read only files.
- December 17, 1999 update
- ------------------------
- Cosmetology.
- December 12, 1999 update
- ------------------------
- ERS98 upgraded to Visual Basic 6 with Service Pack 3.
- Should be faster and more year 2000 compliant.
- Have to install the full shareware version Ver 9.0 before
- installing any update.
- ERS98 and ViruBack no longer use OCXs for zipping, a new
- set of DLLs replace the OCXs.
- Code improvements.
- Detecting drive free space in drives larger than two gegabytes
- can be detected in both ViruBack and ERS98 now.
- Improved ViruBack zipping Temp working directory.
- October 31, 1999 Update
- -----------------------
- Added a batch file to move the contents of the Startup folder
- from Startup to Startup1, you can move them back later on.
- The option will help if a shortcut in the Startup folder is
- causing Windows to freeze-up after Windows Startups.
- The batch file name is RenStart.bat, find it in the 1ers folder.
- Added a delete batch file to delete all files in the
- Windows, Windows\System, Windows\System\Vmm32,
- Windows\System\Iosubsys and Windows\Inf directories.
- The batch file is made after Windows backup is made.
- It is useful to remove new corrupted hardware drivers or hardware
- software that were added to the Windows directory and a restore
- from Windows backup wouldn't help. Also good to remove added
- junk after trying out and uninstalling software redeeming wasted
- hard disk space. The batch file is made after a Win & Win\Sys
- backup is made, strongly recommend to use it after testing a
- Win & Win\Sys restore to be sure all backup are there.
- The batch file name is DelSys.bat, find it in the 1ers folder.
- September 5, 1999 Update
- ------------------------
- Added buttons to Add Profiles name instead of double clicking
- the Windows Profile Window.
- Improved code.
- Now it deletes temp files if leftover in the Ers98\ZipTemp
- before backing up.
- July 26, 1999 Update
- ------------------
- Typo in the shareware version.
- June 12, 1999 update
- ------------------
- Help file update.
- Font and back color codes updated.
- May 23, 1999
- -----------
- ERS98 can detect if you changed operating system from Win95
- to Win98 or any other build and vice versa.
- It will notify you to to click the
- "Options\Update ERS98 for Win98 or new OS"
- to update Ms-DOS files.
- April 9, 1999
- ------------
- With all the virus crises that has been spreading around recently.
- ViruBack, a virus attack backup program has been added to ERS98,
- you will find the shortcut in the StartMenu also you can open it from ERS98
- Options\Virus Attack Backup menu.
- Please read Help in the ViruBack Help menu.
- A reminder message placed at the end of each backup, click
- Options\Stop Messages After backup once you got the message,
- click again to retain messages.
- Skip locked files option has been added to the Win & Win\Sys
- backup and Vital backups, it will skip and not backup any file
- that are in use, click Options\Skip Locked Files,
- click again to remove feature.
- March 27, 1999 update
- --------------------
- Added 58 more files to the Vital backups that could be replaced
- by Internet Explorer 5.0, which makes total Vital files about 222 files.
- Be sure to close Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and all Internet
- related programs before making the Vital backups and close all programs
- when making Win & Win\Sys backup.
- Before installing Internet Explorer 5.0, backup the following:
- These can be restored from within Windows:
- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\*.*
- C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\*.*
- C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information\*.*
- C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\*.*
- C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Express\*.*
- C:\WINDOWS\INF\amov4ie.inf
- C:\WINDOWS\INF\mstask.inf
- March 9, 1999 update
- --------------------
- This update affects Non English Win95/98.
- No longer Restdef.exe is copied to the Startup folder,
- if the Startup folder path has characters in it,
- that if you have either AutoErs shortcut or the Timer shortcut
- in the Startup folder.
- In another words, at least one has to reside in the Startup folder.
- Please read the November 6, 1998 update for more.
- February 12, 1999 update
- ------------------------
- AutoErs.exe split in two files AutoErs.exe and AutErsN.exe.
- Now AutErs.exe uses less resources and load when starting
- computer when checking if backup is due.
- If due, it will execute AutErsN.exe to make the backup after
- the 30(optional) seconds wait is over and close itself.
- Default wait changed to 50 seconds, suggest to change it to
- what suits you best.
- Nov 29, 1998 update
- -------------------
- Added Remove.exe.
- You will find Remove.exe in the ERS98 directory, run it from there.
- Then delete the few files left in the ERS98 directory that can't be
- deleted by Remove.exe.
- Nov 18, 1998 update
- -------------------
- Improved the Restore section in help and added more explanation
- about RestDef.exe.
- Please read the paragraph under
- (Microsoft AutoScan and ScanReg vicious circles:)
- Nov 6, 1998 update
- ------------------
- Another bug found in MS-DOS.
- It doesn't recognize extended non English characters.
- ß, · etc.
- This update is made to makeup for the bug found.
- In Non English Win95/98 only, if extended characters detected then:
- Instead of copying RestDef.exe to the Startup folder while in MS-DOS,
- It makes a shortcut to RestDef.exe in the Startup folder while
- in windows, then on each startup RestDef.exe checks if a restore
- from ERS98 was made and restores defaults.
- Nov 3, 1998 update
- ------------------
- Improved what was done on August 14/98, it hanged
- on some computers, now fixed.
- If computer has Win95 950 or Win95 950a, ERS98
- doesn't apply the disable AutoScan or Scanreg when
- restoring.
- If computer is running 16 colors, then a 16 color
- ERS98 logo appears in place of the 256 color logo.
- A 260 KB update version now available, it includes all
- ERS98 files but non of the ERS98 DLLs.
- Alarm no longer distributed with ERS98, download
- MiniApps at http://www.mslm.com/free.htm. MiniApps has
- 20 freeware, Alarm included.
- Email address 2000ted@gte.net will be discontinued,
- please use:
- twf@flash.net
- 2000@msn.com
- Sep 18, 1998 update
- ------------------
- Changed the Setup wizard software from Microsoft to
- InstallShield.
- Autoers.exe didn't display the Winfiles.bat restore reminder
- in the ERS.bat.
- Aug 14, 1998 update
- -------------------
- Added a new feature when restoring from ERS98, it bypasses
- Microsoft AutoScan, ScanReg and Auto restore (Win98 and Win95 OSR2).
- Click Options\Disable Microsoft AutoScan and ScanReg to disable
- features.
- With Microsoft ScanReg and AutoScan, computer will go in Vicious
- circles that will not let you start computer at all if it couldn't fix and
- restore computer.
- To be sure that you are at the steering wheel, download freeware Win98Config
- found in MiniApps.
- http://www.mslm.com/free.htm
- MiniApps has 20 very useful Freeware.
- For further information, please read the Restore section in this help file.
- Win98 Bug:
- ---------
- A bug in Win98 was found, it will set BootKeys=0 in MsDos.sys.
- This means, you can't boot in the Command Prompt Only or any of
- the MS-DOS startup menu.
- ERS98 will notify you to make an ERS bootdisk if BootKeys=0 found
- in MsDos.sys so you can boot in MS-DOS and restore from ERS98.
- To be sure that BootKeys=0 is set to BootKeys=1,
- click Start\Programs\Windows Explorer,
- click View\Folder Option and click the View Tab,
- there select Show all files.
- Go to the root directory C, right click MsDos.sys and deselect Read Only
- and click OK,
- double click MsDos.sys and select to open it with NotePad,
- in the very bottom be sure that BootKeys=1.
- Read What is new in ERS98 that wasn't in ERS32pro in help
- OverView section.
- twf@flash.net
- 2000@msn.com
- http://www.mslm.com