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- <html>
- <!-- Test Script for credit card information -->
- <!-- (c) 1998 by Click Online -->
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
- <!-- #include file="ccheck.inc"-->
- <title>Click Online Credit Card Test </title>
- </head>
- <body
- <%
- response.write "text=""" & textcol1 &_
- """ link=""" & textlink &_
- """ vlink=""" & textvlink &_
- """ alink=""" & textalink &_
- """ background=""../images/" &_
- bgimgurl & """ bgcolor=""" &_
- bgcolor & """" %>>
- <p><%number=request("number")
- cctype=request("cctype")
- if number<>"" then
- chk=checkcc(number,cctype)
- response.write "<br>Result: "
- select case chk
- case 0
- response.write "Card is ok!"
- case 1
- response.write "Wrong card type"
- case 2
- response.write "Wrong length"
- case 3
- response.write "Wrong length and card type"
- case 4
- response.write "Wrong checksum"
- case 5
- response.write "Wrong checksum and card type"
- case 6
- response.write "Wrong checksum and length"
- case 7
- response.write "Wrong checksum, length and card type"
- case 8
- response.write "unknown cardtype"
- end select
- else
- response.write "Please enter a card number"
- end if%></p>
- <form method="POST">
- <p>Card number: <input type="text" name="number" size="20"
- value="<%=number%>"></p>
- <p>Type: <select name="cctype" size="1">
- <option value="V" <%if cctype="V" then response.write "selected"%>>
- VISA</option>
- <option value="M" <%if cctype="M" then response.write "selected"%>>
- Mastercard/Eurocard</option>
- <option value="A" <%if cctype="A" then response.write "selected"%>>
- American Express</option>
- <option value="C" <%if cctype="C" then response.write "selected"%>>
- Diners Club / Carte Blanche</option>
- <option value="D" <%if cctype="D" then response.write "selected"%>>
- Discover</option>
- <option value="E" <%if cctype="E" then response.write "selected"%>>
- enRoute</option>
- <option value="J" <%if cctype="J" then response.write "selected"%>>
- JCB</option>
- <option value="U" <%if cctype="U" then response.write "selected"%>>
- unknown cardtype (test)</option>
- </select></p>
- <p><input type="submit" value="Test it!" name="B1"></p>
- </form>
- <p>⌐ 1998 by <a href="http://www.click-online.de">Click Online</a></p>
- </body>
- </html>