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- #! /usr/bin/perl
- # register-window-manager
- # Copyright 1998 Sean Perry, Marcelo Magallon, Branden Robinson and
- # Marcus Brinkmann.
- # Licensed under the GNU GPL.
- # History
- # 0.3.0 - Create the config file if it doesn't exist yet (#35055). [MB]
- # 0.2.7 - Fixed bug: The word boundaries introduced a bug, now checking for
- # whole line matching (#30186, Gorgo). Cleaned up a bit of the
- # source (using numeric values instead of strings in &ifexists). [MB]
- # 0.2.6 - Fixed bug: Watch out for word boundaries (#28936, Daniel Martin). [MB]
- # 0.2.5 - made /usr/X11R6/bin error more terse [BR]
- # 0.2.4 - Fixed bug: The script will refuse to add /usr/X11R6/bin/*
- # window managers. [MB]
- # 0.2.3 - minor cosmetic changes [BR]
- # 0.2.2 - Removed debug line. [MB]
- # 0.2.1 - Fixed bug in --default handling. [MB]
- # 0.2 - Fixed minor typo in usage text ("the the" -> "be the"). [MB]
- # - Added removal of /usr/X11R6/bin/* entries. [MB]
- # This is done to remove policy violation of prior window
- # managers. This is radical, but simple. At some later time,
- # the code that does this should probably be removed, so even
- # /usr/X11R6/bin/* style paths work.
- # - Added configuration variables. [MB]
- # - Reworked file handling. Read once, write once, modify array. [MB]
- # 0.1 - Initial Version
- # Configuration
- $wm_file = '/etc/X11/window-managers';
- $df_path = '/usr/bin/X11/';
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^--/) {
- $_ = shift(@ARGV);
- if (/--add/) {
- $mode="add";
- } elsif (/--remove/) {
- $mode="remove";
- } elsif (/--default/) {
- $mode="default";
- } elsif (/--ask/) {
- $ask="true";
- } else {
- &usage;
- }
- }
- unless( $#ARGV == 0 ) {
- &usage;
- }
- if( $ARGV[0] !~ m/^\// ) {
- $WM = $df_path . $ARGV[0];
- }
- else {
- $WM = $ARGV[0];
- }
- if (! -e $wm_file) {
- open (WMFILE, ">$wm_file");
- print WMFILE << '_EOF_';
- # This file contains a list of available window managers. The default
- # Xsession file will start the first window manager that it can
- # in this list.
- _EOF_
- close WMFILE;
- }
- open(WMFILE, $wm_file) ||
- die("Error opening $wm_file!\n");
- @WMS = <WMFILE>;
- close WMFILE;
- &kill_dirty_policy_violation();
- if ( $ask eq "true") {
- &ask($mode, $WM);
- }
- if( $mode eq 'add' ) {
- &add_to_file($WM);
- }
- elsif( $mode eq 'default' ) {
- &make_default($WM);
- }
- elsif( $mode eq 'remove' ) {
- &rm_from_file($WM);
- }
- open (WMFILE, '>'.$wm_file) ||
- die("Error opening $wm_file for writing!\n");
- print WMFILE @WMS;
- close WMFILE;
- ###
- #
- # Usage information
- #
- ###
- sub usage {
- print <<EOT;
- Usage: $0 [--ask] {--add|--default|--remove} <wm>
- Options:
- --ask Asks for confimation of the requested action
- Actions:
- --add Adds the specified window manager to the bottom of the
- $wm_file file
- --remove Removes the specified window manager
- --default Adds the specified window manager to the top of the
- $wm_file file, thus making it the system
- default
- <wm> can be the full path to the window manager excecutable, or just the
- filename ($df_path will be prepended to it).
- exit(0);
- }
- ###
- #
- # Asks for confirmation of the requested action
- #
- ###
- sub ask {
- ($mode) = shift(@_);
- ($WM) = @_;
- print "The following window managers are listed in $wm_file:\n\n";
- foreach (@WMS) {
- if (m/\//) {
- print "\t" . $_;
- }
- }
- print "\n";
- if ($mode eq "add") {
- $prompt = "Do you want to add $WM to the list";
- } elsif ($mode eq "remove") {
- $prompt = "Do you want to remove $WM from the list";
- } elsif ($mode eq "default") {
- $prompt = "Do you want make $WM the default";
- }
- &ask_n($prompt) || exit(0);
- }
- ###
- #
- # Asks a question, "No" is the default
- #
- ###
- sub ask_n {
- my $answer;
- print @_,"? [No] ";
- $answer=<STDIN>;
- return ( $answer =~ /^\s*y/i );
- }
- ###
- #
- # Adds window manager passed to the end of window-managers file
- #
- ###
- sub add_to_file {
- ($wm) = @_;
- return if(&ifexists($wm));
- die ("not adding window manager with path /usr/X11R6/bin/ per Debian policy\n") if ($wm =~ /^\/usr\/X11R6\/bin\//);
- push @WMS, $wm."\n";
- }
- ###
- #
- # Makes window manager passed the default by putting it first
- #
- ###
- sub make_default {
- ($wm) = @_;
- my $found = -1;
- if(&ifexists($wm)) {
- &rm_from_file($wm);
- }
- while ($WMS[$found+1] !~ /^\// && $found <= $#WMS) {
- $found++;
- }
- splice (@WMS, $found+1, 0, $wm."\n"); # insert window manager at top
- }
- ###
- #
- # Removes passed window manager from window-managers file
- #
- ###
- sub rm_from_file {
- ($wm) = @_;
- my @backup = ();
- foreach (@WMS) {
- push (@backup, $_) unless ( m/^$wm$/ );
- }
- @WMS = @backup;
- }
- ###
- #
- # returns 1 if window manager exists in the file, 0 otherwise
- #
- ###
- sub ifexists {
- ($wm) = @_;
- foreach (@WMS) {
- if( m/^$wm$/ ) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ##
- #
- # kills all /usr/X11R6/bin/* entries.
- #
- ###
- sub kill_dirty_policy_violation {
- my @backup = ();
- foreach (@WMS) {
- push (@backup, $_) unless ( m!^/usr/X11R6/bin/! );
- }
- @WMS = @backup;
- }