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Text File | 1999-02-23 | 26.7 KB | 1,137 lines |
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is free software, published under version 2 of the GNU General
- # Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
- # Public License with your Debian GNU/Linux system as
- # /usr/doc/copyright/GPL.
- # The author is John Hasler <jhasler@debian.org>. It is based on work by
- # Richard G. Roberto and Bruce Perens.
- version="pppconfig 1.2"
- # set -x
- umask 027
- BACKTITLE="Debian GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility"
- abortstring='ABORT BUSY
- # Set defaults.
- atdx=ATDT
- route=defaultroute
- ipdefault=noipdefault
- modeminit=ATZ
- ispport=/dev/ttyS1
- ispspeed=115200
- route=defaultroute
- ipdefault=noipdefault
- ispname=replace_with_your_username
- ispauth=pap
- modeminit=ATZ
- ispnumber=replace_with_number
- ispconnect=\'\'
- isplogin="ogin:"
- ispname=replace_with_name
- ispprompt="ssword:"
- isppwd=replace_with_password
- ispothers=''
- Exit () {
- local result=$1
- rm -rf ${TempFile}* $SedFile
- clear
- exit ${result:-0}
- }
- # include the user interface functions
- # Global options
- # The variable $BACKTITLE specifies the back title.
- # The variable $DIALOG_OPTIONS, initialized here to --clear, provides
- # options you want on the command line of each dialog invocation.
- # The variable $DIALOG_TEST can be set to "echo" to see the calls
- # to dialog without executing them.
- # Make any dialogue box, with default settings and backtitle from
- # $BACKTITLE in the environment.
- #
- # dialog --type arg arg ...
- #
- dialogBox () {
- local type="$1"
- shift
- local title=""
- local backtitle=""
- local text="$1"
- shift
- if [ $# -ge 1 ]
- then
- title="$1"
- shift
- fi
- if [ -n "$BACKTITLE" ]; then
- backtitle="$BACKTITLE"
- fi
- $DIALOG_TEST $UI $DIALOG_OPTIONS --title "$title" --backtitle \
- "$backtitle" "$type" "$text" 22 80 "$@" 2>&1 1>/dev/tty
- local result=$?
- return $result
- }
- # Display a file.
- #
- # fileBox filename [title]
- #
- fileBox () {
- dialogBox --textbox "$1" "$2"
- }
- # textBox takes presents its standard input in a dialog box. This
- # is useful for "here documents" and pipes.
- #
- # textBox [title]
- #
- textBox () {
- cat > $TempFile
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Can't make temporary file for dialog box." 1>&2
- return 255
- fi
- # Note that dialog needs stdin to be the terminal, so I redirect here.
- < /dev/tty dialogBox --textbox $TempFile "$1"
- local result=$?
- rm -f $TempFile
- return $result
- }
- msgBox () {
- dialogBox --msgbox "$1" "$2"
- }
- infoBox () {
- dialogBox --infobox "$1" "$2"
- }
- yesNoBox () {
- dialogBox --yesno "$1" "$2"
- }
- inputBox () {
- dialogBox --inputbox "$1" "$2" "$3"
- }
- # menu text title tag1 item1 ...
- menu () {
- local text="$1"
- shift
- local title="$1"
- shift
- dialogBox --menu "$text" "$title" 0 "$@"
- }
- # menu text title tag1 item1 status1 ...
- checklist () {
- local text="$1"
- shift
- local title="$1"
- shift
- dialogBox --checklist "$text" "$title" 0 "$@"
- }
- # menu text title tag1 item1 status1 ...
- radiolist () {
- local text="$1"
- shift
- local title="$1"
- shift
- dialogBox --radiolist "$text" "$title" 2 "$@"
- }
- # end of shell interface to "dialog"
- mkMenu ()
- {
- while true
- do
- # These local variables were used in the dinstall script I hijacked
- # this user interface concept from, so I use them as well.
- local next_action=true
- local previous_action=true
- local alternate_action=true
- echo "menu \\" > $TempFile
- [ $# -lt 1 ] && { # do this if mkMenu is called with no args
- # This section sets up the inital menu at first invocation. It will
- # usually just get skipped.
- next_action=newConnection
- cat >> $TempFile << EOF
- "This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not make a connection to
- your ISP: it just configures your system so that you can connect with a
- utility such as 'pon'. You will be asked for the username, password, and
- phone number that your ISP gave you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is
- all you need. If you need to use a chat script to connect, you will need
- to know how your ISP prompts for your username and password. If you don't
- know what your ISP uses, try PAP.
- Use the up and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Use the TAB key
- to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. When you are ready to
- move on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit enter. To go back to the main
- menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter." \
- "Main Menu" \\
- "Next" "Create a connection" \\
- } # end of argumentless specifics
- #
- # These are specific menu fragments called by the $1 arg to mkMenu
- #
- case $1 in
- method) # menu of connection methods -- only uses
- # menu tail
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the
- method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or
- Win95 dial-up client, try \\"PAP\\"." \
- "$title" \\
- "PAP" "Password Authentication Protocol" \\
- "Chat" "Use \\"chat\\" for login:/password: authentication" \\
- "CHAP" "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol" \\
- " " " " \\
- previous_action="break 2"
- ;;
- #
- # end of method block
- #
- properties) # list of variables about a connection
- # to be modified by the user
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "Please select the property you wish to modify, select \\"Cancel\\" to go
- back to start over, or select \\"Finished\\" to write out the changed
- files." \
- "$title" \\
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "Modeminit" "Modem initialization string" \\
- "Number" "Telephone number to call" \\
- "User" "User name for authentication" \\
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "Password" "The password for this connection" \\
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "Speed" "Port speed for the modem" \\
- "Com" "Serial Port the modem is on" \\
- "Defaultroute" "Enable or disable default route" \\
- "Ipdefault" "Set IP addresses" \\
- "Method" "Authentication Method (e.g., PAP)" \\
- [ $ispauth = "chat" ] && {
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- "ISPChat" "Manage Chat Settings" \\
- }
- cat >> $TempFile <<EOF
- " " " " \\
- "Finished" "Write files and return to main menu." \\
- previous_action="break 2"
- ;;
- #
- # end of properties block
- #
- chatprops) # configure the individual chat properties
- cat >> $TempFile << EOF
- "You will now have the opportunity to change your chat settings. Select the
- setting you wish to change, and select \\"Previous\\" when you are done
- changing chat settings." \
- "Chat Settings" \\
- "ISPConnect" "Change the Connect strings" \\
- "ISPLogin" "Change the Login Prompt string" \\
- "ISPPrompt" "Change the Password Prompt string" \\
- "ISPOthers" "Change or add other strings" \\
- "Previous" "Return to previous menu" \\
- " " " " \\
- previous_action="break 2"
- ;;
- #
- # end of chatprops block
- #
- esac
- #
- # this is included unless MINMEN=1
- #
- [ $MINMEN -ne 1 ] && {
- cat >> $TempFile << EOF
- " " " " \\
- "Create" "Create a connection" \\
- }
- #
- #
- #
- # this is always present
- #
- cat >> $TempFile << EOF
- "Quit" "Exit this utility"
- #
- #
- #cat $TempFile
- local action
- action="`. $TempFile`"
- result=$?
- if [ $result -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- if [ -z "$action" ]
- then
- continue
- fi
- case $action in
- Next)
- $next_action
- return
- ;;
- Alternate)
- $alternate_action
- return
- ;;
- Previous|Finished)
- $previous_action
- return
- ;;
- Create) newConnection
- return
- ;;
- PAP)
- doOps PAP
- return
- ;;
- doOps CHAP
- return
- ;;
- Chat)
- doOps Chat
- return
- ;;
- Method)
- mkMenu method
- return
- ;;
- ISPChat)
- chatProps
- return
- ;;
- ISPConnect)
- chatConfig connect
- return
- ;;
- ISPLogin)
- chatConfig login
- return
- ;;
- ISPPrompt)
- chatConfig prompt
- return
- ;;
- ISPOthers)
- chatConfig others
- return
- ;;
- Password)
- doOps Passwd
- return
- ;;
- Com)
- doOps Port
- return
- ;;
- Defaultroute)
- doOps Defaultroute
- return
- ;;
- Ipdefault)
- doOps Ipdefault
- return
- ;;
- Speed)
- doOps Speed
- return
- ;;
- User)
- doOps User
- return
- ;;
- Number)
- doOps Number
- return
- ;;
- Modeminit)
- doOps Modeminit
- return
- ;;
- Quit) Exit
- ;;
- esac
- #
- #
- done # end of while loop
- }
- # Action functions for PPPCONFIG
- chatConfig () {
- case "$1" in
- connect) # the connection string sent by the modem
- ispconnect="`inputBox \
- "Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be
- sent when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know
- for sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave
- this as a null string: that is, ''.
- A few ISP's require some sort of handshake before the actual login. For
- example, the ISP might send host: when you connect and expect you to
- respond with ppp before proceeding with login. To do this you would just
- add host: and ppp to the ack string so that it would read '' host: ppp.
- This would cause your system to expect CONNECT, send a return, expect
- host:, and send ppp." \
- "Ack String" "${ispconnect:=''}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- login) # the login prompt string sent by the ISP
- isplogin="`inputBox \
- "Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in
- response. The most common prompts are 'login:' and 'username:'. Sometimes
- the first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of
- the word. Sometimes the colon is omitted." \
- "Login String" "$isplogin"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- prompt) # password prompt sent by the ISP
- ispprompt="`inputBox \
- "Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in
- response. The most common prompt is 'password:'. Sometimes the first letter
- is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the
- word. " \
- "PWD String" "$ispprompt"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- others) # other possible chat requirements
- ispothers="`inputBox \
- "You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input
- your ISP requires. This may be a program name like 'ppp' as a response to
- a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make the first entry the
- prompt you expect and the second the required response. All entries must
- be separated by white space. Anything inside single quotes will be treated
- as one word even if it contains white space." \
- "Other Strings" "$ispothers"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- *) # chatConfig with no options will display a message and configure
- # all chat options
- msgBox \
- "Now you will be asked to configure your chat script. This is the series of
- queries and responses used by your ISP to authenticate you. You will need to
- know how your ISP prompts for your username and password." \
- "Chat"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- chatConfig connect
- chatConfig login
- chatConfig prompt
- chatConfig others
- return
- ;;
- esac
- }
- GetName () {
- provider="`inputBox \
- "Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this ISP. You will probably
- want to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary ISP. That way,
- you can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp
- a unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and
- your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your ISP with 'pon',
- your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'." \
- "Provider Name" "$provider"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- }
- chatProps () {
- # loop through the chatprops menu display until user
- # chooses previous_action and does a "break 2"
- noswitch=0
- [ $MINMEN = 1 ] && noswitch=1
- [ $noswitch -eq 0 ] && MINMEN=1
- while true
- do
- mkMenu chatprops
- done
- [ $noswitch -eq 0 ] && MINMEN=0
- return
- }
- Previous ()
- {
- return
- }
- finishConnection () {
- # this is to tidy up things with the user and is in no way
- # associated with any Finnish Connections ;)
- msgBox \
- "Finished configuring connection and writing changed files." "Finished"
- doFiles put
- }
- newConnection () {
- # this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
- # - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
- # - query the user for information about a connection
- title="Create Connection"
- Nameservers GET
- [ $NONAME -eq 0 ] && GetName # Get the name of this provider.
- CHATFILE=$ETC/chatscripts/$provider
- OPTIONFILE=$ETC/ppp/peers/$provider
- doFiles get # Get variables now that we know the name
- mkMenu method # calls doOps with appropriate method arg
- # this starts the process of collecting all other
- # connection related information
- doOps # calls all doOps args required
- doProps # review properties
- finishConnection # finishing touches
- return
- }
- doProps () {
- msgBox \
- "You will now have the chance to review or change connection properties." \
- "Properties"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- while true
- do
- title="Select A Property To Manage"
- mkMenu properties # calls doOps for each property to modify
- done
- }
- doFiles () {
- case $1 in
- get)
- if grep -qs "This file was generated by pppconfig" "$OPTIONFILE"
- # We put options in this file last time.
- then
- # Read it.
- temp=`grep -s pppconfig_dev $OPTIONFILE | cut -f 1 -d ' ' -`
- ispport=${temp:-$ispport}
- temp=`grep -s pppconfig_speed $OPTIONFILE | cut -f 1 -d ' ' -`
- ispspeed=${temp:-$ispspeed}
- temp=`grep -s pppconfig_route $OPTIONFILE | cut -f 1 -d ' ' -`
- route=${temp:-$route}
- temp=`grep -s pppconfig_ipdefault $OPTIONFILE | cut -f 1 -d ' ' -`
- ipdefault=${temp:-$ipdefault}
- temp=`grep -s pppconfig_user $OPTIONFILE | cut -f 2 -d ' ' -`
- ispname=${temp:-$ispname}
- fi
- if [ -f "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider" ]
- # We saved some chat stuff last time.
- then
- # Read it.
- read ispauth < "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider"
- if [ "$ispauth" = chat ]
- then
- { read ispauth
- read modeminit
- read atdx
- read ispnumber
- read ispconnect
- read isplogin
- read ispname
- read ispprompt
- read isppwd
- read ispothers; } < "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider"
- else
- { read ispauth
- read modeminit
- read atdx
- read ispnumber; } < "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider"
- fi
- atdx=`echo $atdx | tr a-z A-Z`
- fi
- ;;
- put)
- if grep -qs "This file was generated by pppconfig" "$OPTIONFILE"
- # Evidently we've been here before.
- then
- # Edit the file.
- sed -e "/#pppconfig_debug/c\\
- debug #pppconfig_debug
- /#pppconfig_dev/c\\
- $ispport #pppconfig_dev
- /#pppconfig_speed/c\\
- $ispspeed #pppconfig_speed
- /#pppconfig_route/c\\
- $route #pppconfig_route
- /#pppconfig_ipdefault/c\\
- $ipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
- /#pppconfig_user/c\\
- user $ispname #pppconfig_user
- " $OPTIONFILE > $SedFile
- cat $SedFile > $OPTIONFILE
- else
- if [ -s $OPTIONFILE ]
- # There is something here, but none of it is ours.
- then
- # Move it to a safe place.
- fi
- # And create a new file.
- chgrp dip $OPTIONFILE
- cat >"$OPTIONFILE" <<EOF
- # This file was generated by pppconfig. You can edit the following lines
- # but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
- # confuse pppconfig.
- noauth #pppconfig_noauth
- connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f $CHATFILE" #pppconfig_connect
- debug #pppconfig_debug
- $ispport #pppconfig_dev
- $ispspeed #pppconfig_speed
- $route #pppconfig_route
- $ipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
- user $ispname #pppconfig_user
- # End of pppconfig controlled lines. You can add lines below here without
- # confusing pppconfig.
- fi
- # If there is no CHATFILE, create it.
- if [ ! -f $CHATFILE ]
- then
- touch $CHATFILE
- chgrp dip $CHATFILE
- fi
- # If there is no pppconfig/provider, create it.
- if [ ! -f "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider" ]
- then
- touch "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider"
- chmod 600 "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider"
- fi
- # If pppconfig/provider is older than CHATFILE and CHATFILE is not empty
- # move CHATFILE to CHATFILE.old and create a new CHATFILE.
- if [ \( $CHATFILE -nt "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider" \) -a -s $CHATFILE ]
- then
- touch $CHATFILE
- chgrp dip $CHATFILE
- fi
- if [ $ispauth = "chat" ]
- then
- cat > "$CHATFILE" <<EOF
- $abortstring
- "" $modeminit
- OK $atdx$ispnumber
- CONNECT $ispconnect
- $isplogin \\d\\q$ispname
- $ispprompt \\q$isppwd
- $ispothers
- "" \\d\\c
- cat > "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider" <<EOF
- $ispauth
- $modeminit
- $atdx
- $ispnumber
- $ispconnect
- $isplogin
- $ispname
- $ispprompt
- $isppwd
- $ispothers
- else
- cat > $CHATFILE <<EOF
- $abortstring
- "" $modeminit
- OK $atdx$ispnumber
- CONNECT \\d\\c
- cat > "${PPPCONFIG_DIR}/$provider" <<EOF
- $ispauth
- $modeminit
- $atdx
- $ispnumber
- secretsFile
- fi
- Nameservers PUT
- return
- # End of "put".
- ;;
- *)
- return
- ;;
- esac
- }
- secretsFile () {
- # This writes the secrets to pap-secrets or chap-secrets.
- if grep -qs "pppconfig for $provider" "${SECRETS_DIR}/${ispauth}-secrets"
- then
- sed -e "/pppconfig for $provider/{
- n
- c\\
- $ispname * $isppwd
- }
- " "${SECRETS_DIR}/${ispauth}-secrets" > $SedFile
- cat $SedFile > ${SECRETS_DIR}/${ispauth}-secrets
- else
- echo "
- # The next line was added by pppconfig for $provider.">>${SECRETS_DIR}/${ispauth}-secrets
- echo "$ispname * $isppwd">>"${SECRETS_DIR}/${ispauth}-secrets"
- fi
- return
- }
- doOps () {
- # this function uses the following global variables:
- # ispname - ISP user name for each connection (reset in manage function)
- # ispspeed - connection port speed (reset in Manage)
- # ispport - modem port (reset in Manage)
- # ispnumber - telephone number to call
- # modeminit - modem initialization string
- # atdx - ATDT or ATDP
- # route - defaultroute or -defaultroute
- # ipdefault - noipdefault or an ip number
- # isppwd - password to store
- # ispauth - pap, chap, or chat
- title="Manage $1 Configuration"
- case $1 in
- User) # input the user name for the ppp account
- ispname="`inputBox \
- "Backspace over the placeholder string and enter the username given to you
- by your ISP. If your username includes any space or punctuation marks
- enclose it in single quotes like this: 'a !@# weird name' " \
- "$title" "${ispname:-replace_with_name}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Port) # identify the port the modem is on
- ispport="`inputBox \
- "Enter the port your modem is on.
- /dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS
- /dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS
- /dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS
- /dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS
- /dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as
- shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1." \
- "$title" "${ispport:-"/dev/ttyS1"}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Defaultroute)
- [ $route = "defaultroute" ] ; nodefaultroute=$?
- [ $route = "-defaultroute" ] ; ddefaultroute=$?
- route=`radiolist \
- "Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to
- which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost certainly
- what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections,
- and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to
- select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item." \
- "Default Route" \
- "defaultroute" "Enable default route" $ddefaultroute \
- \"-defaultroute\" "Disable default route" $nodefaultroute \
- `
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- if [ route = \"-defaultroute\" ]
- then
- route=-defaultroute
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Ipdefault)
- ipdefault="`inputBox \
- "You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of
- noipdefault. This not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is the
- place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a static
- one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a colon
- at the end, like this: . If you have been given both a local
- and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like this:
- ." \
- "Ip numbers" "$ipdefault"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Speed) # get the port speed
- ispspeed="`inputBox \
- "Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200). I
- suggest that you leave it at 115200." \
- "Set Speed" "${ispspeed:-115200}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Modeminit)
- modeminit="`inputBox \
- "Enter modem intialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells
- the modem to use its default settings. As most modems are shipped from
- the factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest
- you not change this." \
- "Modem Intialization" "$modeminit"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Number) # get the number to call or DIRECT for a direct connection
- [ $atdx = ATDT ] ; pulse=$?
- [ $atdx = ATDP ] ; tone=$?
- ispnumber="`inputBox \
- "Backspace over the placeholder string and enter the number to dial. Don\'t
- insert any dashes or spaces. See your modem manual if you need to do
- anything unusual like dialing through a PBX." \
- "Number to dial" \
- "${ispnumber:-replace_with_number}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- atdx=`radiolist \
- "Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should
- leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need
- pulse. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and
- press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to
- select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item." \
- "Tone or Pulse" \
- "ATDT" "tone" $tone \
- "ATDP" "pulse" $pulse \
- `
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- Passwd)
- isppwd="`inputBox \
- "Backspace over the placeholder string and enter the password your ISP gave
- you. If your password includes any space or punctuation marks enclose it
- in single quotes like this: 'a !@# weird password'." \
- "Enter Password" \
- "${isppwd:-replace_with_password}"`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- return
- ;;
- PAP) # PAP specific section
- ispauth="pap"
- doOps Passwd
- ;;
- CHAP) # CHAP specific section
- ispauth="chap"
- doOps Passwd
- ;;
- Chat) # Builds a chat file
- ispauth="chat"
- doOps Passwd
- chatConfig
- ;;
- *) # Does do everything but auth,passwd
- msgBox \
- "Now you will configure some basic connection properties." \
- "Configuration"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- doOps User
- doOps Port
- doOps Defaultroute
- doOps Ipdefault
- doOps Speed
- doOps Modeminit
- doOps Number
- return
- ;;
- esac
- return
- }
- # Get the nameservers, if resolv.conf doesn't have any.
- # RESOLV_CONF is initialized to "OK".
- Nameservers () {
- case $1 in
- CHECK) # Check out resolv.conf. Does it exist? Are there nameservers in it?
- if [ ! -f $ETC/resolv.conf ]
- then
- elif ! grep -q -s ^nameserver $ETC/resolv.conf
- then
- fi
- return
- ;;
- GET) # Get some nameservers from the user.
- if [ $RESOLV_CONF = "OK" ]
- then
- return
- fi
- if yesNoBox \
- "There are no nameservers (DNS servers) listed in your resolv.conf file.
- You almost certainly need at least one. Your ISP should have given you the
- number(s) for his. Do you want to install them now?"
- then
- NAMESERVER1="`inputBox \
- "Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver." \
- "IP number" ""`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- NAMESERVER2="`inputBox \
- "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)." \
- "IP number" ""`"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- mkMenu
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! $NAMESERVER1 ] && [ ! $NAMESERVER2 ]
- then
- # If she didn't enter anything, she doesn't want us to mess with
- # resolv.conf.
- fi
- return
- ;;
- PUT)
- # Fix up resolv.conf if needed.
- case $RESOLV_CONF in
- OK) # Leave it alone.
- return
- ;;
- NONE) # It doesn't exist: create it.
- touch $ETC/resolv.conf
- chmod a+r $ETC/resolv.conf
- ;;
- esac
- # Put some nameservers in it (but not if they are null).
- if [ $NAMESERVER1 ]
- then
- echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER1" >> $ETC/resolv.conf
- fi
- if [ $NAMESERVER2 ]
- then
- echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER2" >> $ETC/resolv.conf
- fi
- return
- ;;
- esac
- }
- usage () {
- echo "$version"
- echo "Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help]
- '--version' prints the version. '--help' print a help message."
- exit $1
- }
- help () {
- echo "
- pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting
- up a dial-up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat
- authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does
- not make a connection to your ISP, it just configures your system so that
- you can do so with a utility such as 'pon'.
- Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your
- isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and
- the phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will
- also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and
- responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your
- ISP you could try dialing in with 'minicom' and working through the procedure
- until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other
- end.
- Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be
- logged in as root or use 'sudo' to run it.
- "
- usage 0
- }
- UI=whiptail
- provider=provider
- ETC=/etc
- CHATFILE=$ETC/chatscripts/$provider
- OPTIONFILE=$ETC/ppp/peers/$provider
- PPPCONFIG_DIR=/var/lib/pppconfig
- if [ $# -eq 1 ]
- then
- case $1 in
- --version)
- echo $version
- exit 0
- ;;
- --help)
- help
- ;;
- dialog)
- UI=dialog
- ;;
- debug)
- set -x
- ;;
- --noname)
- ;;
- *)
- # provider=$1
- usage 1
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [ $# -gt 1 ]
- then
- usage 1
- fi
- if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "You must be root to run this program."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d $ETC/chatscripts ]
- then
- echo "$ETC/chatscripts does not exist."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d $ETC/ppp/peers ]
- then
- echo "$ETC/ppp/peers does not exist."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d /var/lib/pppconfig ]
- then
- # Create a directory to store chat config files in.
- mkdir /var/lib/pppconfig
- chmod 700 /var/lib/pppconfig
- fi
- readonly TempFile=`mktemp -q /tmp/pppconfig.XXXXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "$0: Can't create temp file, exiting."
- exit 1
- fi
- readonly SedFile=`mktemp -q /tmp/sedfile.XXXXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "$0: Can't create temp file, exiting."
- exit 1
- fi
- chmod 0600 $SedFile $TempFile
- Nameservers CHECK
- clear
- while true
- do
- mkMenu
- done