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- #!/bin/bash
- # mkboot: make the system bootable
- # Debian GNU/Linux
- # Copyright 1996-1997 Guy Maor <maor@debian.org>
- # This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2
- # or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
- PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
- # root partition
- rootpart=$(rdev | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
- # check whether LILO is installed
- function lilocheck {
- echo -en "\nChecking for LILO..."
- if [ $(whoami) != root ] ; then
- echo "Only root can check for LILO"
- return 1;
- fi
- if [ ! -f /etc/lilo.conf -o ! -x /sbin/lilo ] ; then
- echo "No"
- return 1;
- fi
- bootpart=$(perl -ne 'print $1 if /^\s*boot\s*=\s*(\S*)/' /etc/lilo.conf)
- if [ -z "$bootpart" ] ; then
- # lilo defaults to current root when 'boot=' is not present
- bootpart=$rootpart
- fi
- lilosig=$(dd if=$bootpart ibs=2 skip=1 count=2 2>&-)
- if [ "$lilosig" != "LILO" ] ; then
- echo "\nYes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on $bootpart"
- echo "Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand."
- return 1;
- fi
- echo "Yes, on $bootpart"
- return 0;
- }
- # make a lilo boot disk
- function makelilo {
- bash <<- EOF
- set -e
- trap "set +e; cd /; umount /dev/fd0; rmdir /tmp/boot$$" 0
- set -v
- mkdir /tmp/boot$$
- mke2fs -q /dev/fd0
- mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /tmp/boot$$
- cd /tmp/boot$$
- cp $1 /boot/boot.b .
- lilo -C - <<- EOF2
- boot = /dev/fd0
- install = boot.b
- map = map
- compact
- prompt
- timeout = 50
- read-only
- image = $kernel
- label = linux
- root = $rootpart
- EOF2
- }
- # make a simple boot disk
- function makesimple {
- bash <<- EOF
- set -ev
- dd if=$1 of=/dev/fd0
- rdev /dev/fd0 $rootpart
- rdev -R /dev/fd0 1
- }
- # make a boot disk
- function makedisk {
- kernel=${1:-/boot/vmlinuz}
- if [ ! -r $kernel ] ; then
- echo "Error: Can't read $kernel."
- exit 1
- fi
- boottype="lilo"
- if [ $(whoami) != root ] ; then
- echo "Since you don't have root permissions, I can't put LILO on the diskette."
- echo "I will make a non-LILO diskette instead, but it won't be as useful. You"
- echo "can hit <Ctrl-C> to cancel."
- boottype="simple"
- fi
- echo -en "\nInsert a floppy diskette into your boot drive, and press <Return>. "
- read input
- diskok=0
- while [ "$diskok" != 1 ] ; do
- echo -e "\nCreating a $boottype bootdisk..."
- make$boottype $kernel
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- diskok=1
- else
- echo -e "\nThere was a problem creating the boot diskette. Please make sure that"
- echo "you inserted the diskette into the correct drive and that the diskette"
- echo "is not write-protected."
- echo -en "\nWould you like to try again? (y/n) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" != "y" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- echo "...Success."
- return 0
- }
- if [ "$1" = "-installkernel" ] ; then
- shift
- echo "In order to use the new kernel image you have just installed, you"
- echo "will need to reboot the machine. First, however, you will need to"
- echo "either make a bootable floppy diskette or re-run LILO."
- lilocheck
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo -en "\nShould I run /sbin/lilo? (y/n) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "y" ] ; then
- /sbin/lilo && exit 0
- echo "There was a problem running /sbin/lilo."
- fi
- fi
- echo -en "\nShould I make a bootdisk? (y/n) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "y" ] ; then
- makedisk $1 && exit 0
- fi
- echo -e "\nWARNING: Your system is probably unbootable now. After correcting any"
- echo "problems, rerun this script with the command \`mkboot -installkernel'."
- exit 1
- fi
- makedisk $1