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- package Carp;
- =head1 NAME
- carp - warn of errors (from perspective of caller)
- cluck - warn of errors with stack backtrace
- (not exported by default)
- croak - die of errors (from perspective of caller)
- confess - die of errors with stack backtrace
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Carp;
- croak "We're outta here!";
- use Carp qw(cluck);
- cluck "This is how we got here!";
- The Carp routines are useful in your own modules because
- they act like die() or warn(), but report where the error
- was in the code they were called from. Thus if you have a
- routine Foo() that has a carp() in it, then the carp()
- will report the error as occurring where Foo() was called,
- not where carp() was called.
- =head2 Forcing a Stack Trace
- As a debugging aid, you can force Carp to treat a croak as a confess
- and a carp as a cluck across I<all> modules. In other words, force a
- detailed stack trace to be given. This can be very helpful when trying
- to understand why, or from where, a warning or error is being generated.
- This feature is enabled by 'importing' the non-existant symbol
- 'verbose'. You would typically enable it by saying
- perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl
- or by including the string C<MCarp=verbose> in the L<PERL5OPT>
- environment variable.
- =cut
- # This package is heavily used. Be small. Be fast. Be good.
- $CarpLevel = 0; # How many extra package levels to skip on carp.
- $MaxEvalLen = 0; # How much eval '...text...' to show. 0 = all.
- $MaxArgLen = 64; # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all.
- $MaxArgNums = 8; # How many arguments to print. 0 = all.
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = ('Exporter');
- @EXPORT = qw(confess croak carp);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(cluck verbose);
- @EXPORT_FAIL = qw(verbose); # hook to enable verbose mode
- sub export_fail {
- shift;
- if ($_[0] eq 'verbose') {
- local $^W = 0;
- *shortmess = \&longmess;
- shift;
- }
- return @_;
- }
- sub longmess {
- my $error = join '', @_;
- my $mess = "";
- my $i = 1 + $CarpLevel;
- my ($pack,$file,$line,$sub,$hargs,$eval,$require);
- my (@a);
- while (do { { package DB; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
- ($pack,$file,$line,$sub,$hargs,undef,$eval,$require) = @a;
- if ($error =~ m/\n$/) {
- $mess .= $error;
- } else {
- if (defined $eval) {
- if ($require) {
- $sub = "require $eval";
- } else {
- $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
- if ($MaxEvalLen && length($eval) > $MaxEvalLen) {
- substr($eval,$MaxEvalLen) = '...';
- }
- $sub = "eval '$eval'";
- }
- } elsif ($sub eq '(eval)') {
- $sub = 'eval {...}';
- }
- if ($hargs) {
- @a = @DB::args; # must get local copy of args
- if ($MaxArgNums and @a > $MaxArgNums) {
- $#a = $MaxArgNums;
- $a[$#a] = "...";
- }
- for (@a) {
- $_ = "undef", next unless defined $_;
- if (ref $_) {
- $_ .= '';
- s/'/\\'/g;
- }
- else {
- s/'/\\'/g;
- substr($_,$MaxArgLen) = '...'
- if $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length;
- }
- $_ = "'$_'" unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
- s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg;
- s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg;
- }
- $sub .= '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')';
- }
- $mess .= "\t$sub " if $error eq "called";
- $mess .= "$error at $file line $line\n";
- }
- $error = "called";
- }
- # this kludge circumvents die's incorrect handling of NUL
- my $msg = \($mess || $error);
- $$msg =~ tr/\0//d;
- $$msg;
- }
- sub shortmess { # Short-circuit &longmess if called via multiple packages
- my $error = join '', @_;
- my ($prevpack) = caller(1);
- my $extra = $CarpLevel;
- my $i = 2;
- my ($pack,$file,$line);
- my %isa = ($prevpack,1);
- @isa{@{"${prevpack}::ISA"}} = ()
- if(defined @{"${prevpack}::ISA"});
- while (($pack,$file,$line) = caller($i++)) {
- if(defined @{$pack . "::ISA"}) {
- my @i = @{$pack . "::ISA"};
- my %i;
- @i{@i} = ();
- @isa{@i,$pack} = ()
- if(exists $i{$prevpack} || exists $isa{$pack});
- }
- next
- if(exists $isa{$pack});
- if ($extra-- > 0) {
- %isa = ($pack,1);
- @isa{@{$pack . "::ISA"}} = ()
- if(defined @{$pack . "::ISA"});
- }
- else {
- # this kludge circumvents die's incorrect handling of NUL
- (my $msg = "$error at $file line $line\n") =~ tr/\0//d;
- return $msg;
- }
- }
- continue {
- $prevpack = $pack;
- }
- goto &longmess;
- }
- sub confess { die longmess @_; }
- sub croak { die shortmess @_; }
- sub carp { warn shortmess @_; }
- sub cluck { warn longmess @_; }
- 1;