PC World 2000 February
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XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/xf86site.def,v 1999/08/02 08:37:48 hohndel Exp $
* This file is to provide a quick method for most people to change the
* behaviour of their XFree86 installation without having to fully
* understand the workings of site.def and all the various '.cf' files.
* These are the most common settings you would choose for compiling and
* installing XFree86 on the systems supported by it.
* A good way to use this file is to copy it to host.def, and make the
* changes there. That way, future patches to this file won't fail.
* The host.def file will never be patched.
* The distributed version of this file should contain no uncommented
* definitions. Such default definitions belong in xfree86.cf.
* If you have build-specific modifications in your host.def file, but
* want an empty host.def file installed when doing 'make install',
* uncomment the following
#define InstallEmptyHostDef
* If using GCC 2.x on a system where it isn't the default, uncomment
* the following
#define HasGcc2 YES
#define HasGcc YES
* If using GCC 2.x with C++ on a system where it isn't the default, uncomment
* the following.
#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus YES
* The default optimisation flags for GCC 2.x. -fno-strength-reduce is
* here to work around a bug in -O2 for GCC 2.x on i386 platforms.
* If you are using a version that doesn't have this bug, you can
* uncomment the following line, and remove '-fno-strength-reduce'
* If you are building binaries for a 486, it may be beneficial to add
* -m486
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strength-reduce
* For Linux, this should match the Binutils version you have. This example
* is for See linux.cf for the default setting.
* This should automatically get set correctly by imake.
#define LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion 26
* For Linux, these should match the libc version you have. This example
* is for libc.5.4.x. See linux.cf for the default setting.
* This should automatically get set correctly by imake.
#define LinuxCLibMajorVersion 5
#define LinuxClibMinorVersion 4
* If you want to use the GNU malloc library, uncomment this
#define UseGnuMalloc YES
* Set this to whatever is required to access the GNU malloc library.
* The default is '-lgmalloc' unless is specified in the OS's .cf file.
#define GnuMallocLibrary -L/usr/local/lib -lgmalloc
* To disable the internal Xserver malloc, set this to NO
#define UseInternalMalloc YES
* Some Linux releases don't have a libtermcap. In this case you may need
* to uncomment the following
#define TermcapLibrary -lncurses
* If you have Tk (which is required to build XF86Setup), uncomment this
* Note: version 4.0 or 4.1 is required, and XF86Setup links it statically by
* default.
#define HasTk YES
* Set the paths and names for your Tk library if they don't match the
* defaults (check your OS .cf file or Imake.tmpl for the defaults).
* Common values for TkLibName are tk4.0, tk4.1, etc.
* Some Linux releases need TkIncDir set to /usr/include/tcl, and some
* need it set to /usr/X11R6/include.
* Some Linux releases need TkLibDir set to /usr/X11R6/lib
#define TkLibDir /usr/local/lib
#define TkIncDir /usr/local/include
#define TkLibName tk
* By default, XF86Setup is linked with a static Tk library. To change
* that, uncomment the following line.
#define XF86SetupUsesStaticTk NO
* If you have Tcl (which is required to build XF86Setup), uncomment this
* Note: version 7.4 or 7.5 is required, and XF86Setup links it statically by
* default.
#define HasTcl YES
* Set the paths and names for your Tcl library if they don't match the
* defaults (check your OS .cf file or Imake.tmpl for the defaults).
* Common values for TclLibName are tcl7.4, tcl7.5, etc.
* Some Linux releases need TclIncDir set to /usr/include/tcl.
#define TclLibDir /usr/local/lib
#define TclIncDir /usr/local/include
#define TclLibName tcl
* By default, XF86Setup is linked with a static Tcl library. To change
* that, uncomment the following line.
#define XF86SetupUsesStaticTcl NO
* Which servers do you wish to build, you can save a lot of disk space
* by only compiling the server you will be using. It will also save you
* considerable compile time. The default is to build all servers supported
* on your platform.
* The following servers are supported in Intel x86 platforms
#define XF86SVGAServer NO
#define XF86VGA16Server NO
#define XF86VGA16DualServer NO
#define XF86MonoServer NO
#define XF86MonoDualServer NO
#define XF86S3Server NO
#define XF86S3VServer NO
#define XF86I8514Server NO
#define XF86Mach8Server NO
#define XF86Mach32Server NO
#define XF86Mach64Server NO
#define XF86P9000Server NO
#define XF86AGXServer NO
#define XF86W32Server NO
#define XF86I128Server NO
#define XF86GLINTServer NO
#define XF86FBDevServer NO
* Which servers do you wish to build, you can save a lot of disk space
* by only compiling the server you will be using. It will also save you
* considerable compile time.
* The following servers are supported on Digital Alpha platforms:
#define XF86SVGAServer NO
#define XF86MonoServer NO
#define XF86S3Server NO
#define XF86S3VServer NO
#define XF86P9000Server NO
#define XF86TGAServer NO
#define XF86GLINTServer NO
#define XF86Mach64Server NO
#define XF86I128Server NO
* Which servers do you wish to build, you can save a lot of disk space
* by only compiling the server you will be using. It will also save you
* considerable compile time.
* The following server is supported on Mips/Arc platforms:
#define XF86S3Server NO
* PC98 X servers
* Uncommenting the following automatically enables all PC98 servers
#define BuildPC98Servers YES
* To enable/disable individual PC98 servers, use these
#define XF98EGCServer YES
#define XF98GANBWAPServer YES
#define XF98NEC480Server YES
#define XF98NKVNECServer YES
#define XF98WABSServer YES
#define XF98WABEPServer YES
#define XF98WSNAServer YES
#define XF98TGUIServer YES
#define XF98MGAServer YES
#define XF98SVGAServer YES
#define XF98NECS3Server YES
#define XF98PWSKBServer YES
#define XF98PWLBServer YES
#define XF98GA968Server YES
* The following server is supported on Motorola 68k platforms:
#define XF68FBDevServer NO
* To disable building the Xnest server, uncomment this.
#define XnestServer NO
* To disable building Xvfb, uncomment this.
#define XVirtualFramebufferServer NO
* Set the default server (ie the one that gets the sym-link to "X")
#define ServerToInstall XF86_S3
* Server configuration parameters. The defaults are shown here:
* SVGA server:
#define XF86SvgaDrivers nv et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati sis tvga8900 \
cirrus ncr77c22 compaq mga oak al2101 ali \
cl64xx video7 ark mx realtek apm s3_savage \
s3v s3_svga neo chips cyrix rendition p9x00 \
spc8110 i740 tdfx generic
* VGA16 server:
#define XF86Vga16Drivers et4000 et3000 ncr77c22 ati sis tvga8900 oak \
cl64xx generic
* VGA2 driver in Mono server:
#define XF86Vga2Drivers et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati sis tvga8900 \
cirrus ncr77c22 oak cl64xx generic
* Mono driver in Mono or VGA16 server:
#define XF86MonoDrivers hgc1280 sigma apollo hercules
* ET4000/W32 server:
#define XF86W32Drivers et4000w32
* BSD Console driver support (for FreeBSD and NetBSD).
* By default, support is included for pccons and pcvt for NetBSD, and
* pccons, syscons and pcvt for FreeBSD.
* To change the list of supported drivers, set the following parameter.
* -DCODRV_SUPPORT. The following example includes support for syscons and
* pcvt only.
#define XFree86ConsoleDefines -DSYSCONS_SUPPORT -DPCVT_SUPPORT
* The X servers need to run as root on most OSs. We're now using a
* wrapper in that case, but we still need to make it known that the
* servers need SetUID. When only using xdm, this (and the wrapper)
* are not required. Disabling this automatically disables use of the
* wrapper.
* If you're only starting the Xservers with xdm set this to NO
#define XserverNeedsSetUID NO
* To disable building the font server, uncomment this.
#define BuildFontServer NO
* Do you want to Build Fonts (Usually you only want to build and install
* fonts once, if this is a first time install you will want to build the
* fonts)
define BuildFonts NO
* To not build/install the 75dpi fonts, uncomment the following
#define Build75DpiFonts NO
* To not build/install the 100dpi fonts, uncomment the following
#define Build100DpiFonts NO
* To not build/install the Speedo fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildSpeedoFonts NO
* To not build/install the Type1 fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildType1Fonts NO
* To not build/install the Cyrillic fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildCyrillicFonts NO
* To not install the local font directory, uncomment the following
#define MakeLocalFontDir NO
* To build only the servers with a cut-down source tree, uncomment
* this.
#define BuildServersOnly YES
* To disable building XInput support, uncomment this
#define BuildXInputExt NO
* Select the XInput devices you want by setting them to YES.
* Note: Joystick support is only included for Linux and FreeBSD at the
* moment. For Linux it requires the Joystick module to be installed (it
* isn't part of the standard kernel distribution). For FreeBSD, a kernel
* will need to be built with the Joystick driver in order to be able to
* use this.
#define JoystickSupport NO
#define WacomSupport YES
#define MicroTouchSupport YES
#define ElographicsSupport YES
#define DynaproSupport YES
#define SummaSketchSupport YES
#define AceCadSupport YES
#define DialBoxSupport YES
#define CalcompSupport YES
* if your system supports dynamic loading of modules using
* dlopen set this to YES.
#define BuildDynamicLoading YES
* To disable the ScreenSaver Extension, uncomment this line.
#define BuildScreenSaverExt NO
* If you don't want to build PEX, uncomment this.
#define BuildPexExt NO
* If you don't want to build XIE, uncomment this.
#define BuildXIE NO
* If you don't want to build support for an external GLX server module or
* library, uncomment this.
* NOTE: XFree86 3.3 does not include GLX server source, module, or
* functional libraries. Building in support does not require
* availability of a GLX package, but will allow it to be used
* when released (by dynamic load or relinking).
#define BuildGlxExt NO
* If you aren't building with support for loadable modules and wish
* to statically link external GLX server libs instead of the default
* non-functional stub library, uncomment the following define and
* specify the space-seperated pathnames of those libraries here.
#define GlxStaticServerLib /full/path/name/to/glx/servGL/libServerGlx.a \
* If you want to build only the DIS (Document Imaging Subset of XIE)
* uncomment this line. This option is only relevant when XIE is built.
#define BuildDIS YES
* By default, the sample config files for xinit, xdm and xfs are installed
* only when there is no pre-existing version installed. Uncommenting the
* following lines will force the sample versions to be installed even if
* it means over-writing existing versions.
#define InstallXinitConfig YES
#define InstallXdmConfig YES
#define InstallFSConfig YES
* By default the application defaults files are always installed.
* Uncommenting the the following will prevent exising application
* defaults files from being over-written.
#define InstallAppDefFiles NO
* If you are running Solaris x86, and want to disable building support
* for the aperture driver, uncomment this.
#define HasSolx86ApertureDriver NO
* If you are running NetBSD 0.9C or later, or OpenBSD and want to disable
* building support for the NetBSD aperture driver, uncomment this.
#define HasNetBSDApertureDriver NO
* If you are running SVR3 and have the mmap driver installed (for linear
* framebuffer access) uncomment this.
#define HasSVR3mmapDrv YES
* If you are using an SVR3 (like ISC 4.x) which supports long file names,
* you can * uncomment this to have manual pages installed under their
* full names
#define ExpandManNames YES
* For a POSIXized build on Interactive uncomment this
* Could be used with gcc 'till Version 2.6.3
* Should be used with gcc 2.7.2.
#define UsePosix YES
* If you want XDMAUTH support (if you have Wraphelp.c), uncomment this.
#define HasXdmAuth YES
* If you have Linux DECnet support, and want to build XFree86 with support
* for connections over DECnet, uncomment this.
#define HasDECnet YES
* To forceably build static libraries in addition to shared libraries,
* uncomment this.
#define ForceNormalLib YES
* Uncomment this if your default tools (eg, gcc, ld, as, etc) are
* not the Linux ELF versions.
#define LinuxElfDefault NO
* To use ELF format shared libraries for supported OSs, uncomment this.
* For Linux the default setting of this is the same as the setting of
* LinuxElfDefault.
* For FreeBSD this should automatically be set correctly by imake. Only
* change it here if you need to override the automatic setting.
#define UseElfFormat YES
* For FreeBSD/ELF (FreeBSD 3.0) it is possible to also build and install
* a.out compatibility libraries. To enable that, uncomment this.
#define BuildAoutLibraries YES
* If you have trouble with make bombing out in Xlib, try uncommenting this.
* You will not get dependencies as a result, but better than nothing.
#define MakeHashTableBug YES
* If you do not want your man pages compress under SVR3 systems that
* support it, uncomment this.
#define CompressManPages NO
* LinuxDoc stuff. Uncomment those of these you want. Check in
* lnxdoc.tmpl for other things you might need to define/change here.
#define HasLinuxDoc YES
#define HasLatex YES
#define HasDvips YES
#define BuildLinuxDocHtml YES
#define BuildAllDocs YES
* To install Japanese versions of the documentation uncomment this.
* Note: The Japanese documentation consists of a subset of the
* XFree86 3.1 docs.
#define InstallJapaneseDocs YES
* By default, XF86Contrib is defined so build only those parts of
* of the contrib distribution supported by XFree86. To prevent this
* from being defined, uncomment the following.
#define DontDefineXF86Contrib
* By default, gccmakedep uses mktemp for security reasons.
* Uncomment this, if your system lacks mktemp.
#define HasMktemp NO