PC World 2000 February
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405 lines
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
# 'reports.tcl' -- CBB General Reporting/Graphing Front End
# Written by Curtis Olson. Started November 17, 1994.
# Copyright (C) 1994 - 1997 Curtis L. Olson - curt@sledge.mn.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id: reports.tcl,v 1.7 1998/08/14 14:28:41 curt Exp $
# (Log is kept at end of this file)
# Set defaults
set report(cur_file) ""
set report(tmp_file) ""
set report(start) ""
set report(end) ""
set report(dest) "screen"
set report(temp) ""
# Create report options window
proc cbbWindow.rep {} {
global lib_path cbb report max_files files names
if {[winfo exists .rep] == 1} {
destroy .rep
toplevel .rep
option add *font $cbb(dialog_font)
if { "$report(type)" == "report" } {
set name "Report"
} else {
set name "Graph"
if { "$report(dest)" != "screen" } {
if { "$report(dest)" == "file" } {
set report(dest) "screen"
wm title .rep "$name Configuration ..."
wm iconname .rep "$name Configuration ..."
frame .rep.f -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
pack .rep.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
frame .rep.f.l
frame .rep.f.r
pack .rep.f.l .rep.f.r -side left -fill both -expand 1
frame .rep.f.l.rep -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
frame .rep.f.l.file -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
pack .rep.f.l.rep .rep.f.l.file -side top -fill both -expand 1 \
-padx 4 -pady 4
label .rep.f.l.rep.label -text "Select a $name"
pack .rep.f.l.rep.label -side top -fill x -expand 1
set i 0
if { $report(type) == "report" } {
set filehandle [open "$lib_path/reports/reports.conf" r]
} else {
set filehandle [open "$lib_path/graphs/graphs.conf" r]
while { [gets $filehandle line] >= 0 } {
if { "[string range $line 0 0]" == "-" } {
# ignore this line
} elseif { "[string range $line 0 0]" == "#" } {
# ignore this line
} elseif { [string length $line] < 3 } {
# ignore this line
} else {
set pieces [split $line "\t"]
set bname [lindex $pieces 0]
set prog [lindex $pieces 1]
radiobutton .rep.f.l.rep.rep$i -text $bname -relief flat \
-variable report(name) -value "$prog"
pack .rep.f.l.rep.rep$i -side top -anchor w
if { "$report(name)" == "" } {
set report(name) "$prog"
set i [expr $i + 1]
close $filehandle
label .rep.f.l.file.label -text "Select One or More Files"
pack .rep.f.l.file.label -side top -fill x -expand 1
set i 0
set max_files 0
# cd [file dirname $report(cur_file)]
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts $report(cur_file) }
foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain \
[file dirname $report(cur_file)]/*.cbb]] {
set max_files $i
checkbutton .rep.f.l.file.file$i -text [file tail $file] -relief flat \
-variable files($i)
set files($i) 0
set names($i) $file
if { "$file" == "$report(cur_file)" } {
set files($i) 1
if { "$report(tmp_file)" != "" } {
set names($i) $report(tmp_file)
pack .rep.f.l.file.file$i -side top -anchor w
set i [expr $i + 1]
frame .rep.f.r.conf -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
frame .rep.f.r.but -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
pack .rep.f.r.but -side bottom -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4
pack .rep.f.r.conf -side top -fill x -expand 1 -padx 4 -pady 4 -anchor n
label .rep.f.r.conf.label2 -text "Enter Starting and Ending dates"
pack .rep.f.r.conf.label2 -side top -fill x -expand 1
frame .rep.f.r.conf.s -borderwidth 2
frame .rep.f.r.conf.e -borderwidth 2
pack .rep.f.r.conf.s .rep.f.r.conf.e -side top -fill x -expand 1
if { $report(type) == "report" } {
frame .rep.f.r.conf.os -borderwidth 2
frame .rep.f.r.conf.of -borderwidth 2
frame .rep.f.r.conf.oe -borderwidth 2
pack .rep.f.r.conf.os .rep.f.r.conf.of .rep.f.r.conf.oe \
-side top -fill x -expand 1
label .rep.f.r.conf.s.label -text "Starting Date"
set report(start) $cbb(report_sdate)
entry .rep.f.r.conf.s.entry -textvariable report(start) -relief sunken
pack .rep.f.r.conf.s.label -side left
pack .rep.f.r.conf.s.entry -side left -fill x -expand 1
label .rep.f.r.conf.e.label -text "Ending Date"
entry .rep.f.r.conf.e.entry -textvariable report(end) -relief sunken
pack .rep.f.r.conf.e.label -side left
pack .rep.f.r.conf.e.entry -side left -fill x -expand 1
if { $report(type) == "report" } {
radiobutton .rep.f.r.conf.os.screen -text "Send to Screen" -anchor w \
-font $cbb(button_font) -variable report(dest) -value "screen" \
-relief flat -command {
if { "$report(file)" != "" } {
set report(temp) $report(file)
set report(file) ""
radiobutton .rep.f.r.conf.of.file -text "Save to File or Pipe" \
-anchor w -font $cbb(button_font) -variable report(dest) \
-value "file" -relief flat -command {
if { "$report(file)" == "" } {
if { "$report(temp)" != "" } {
set report(file) $report(temp)
label .rep.f.r.conf.oe.label -text "File Name"
entry .rep.f.r.conf.oe.file -textvariable report(file) -relief sunken
pack .rep.f.r.conf.os.screen -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .rep.f.r.conf.of.file -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .rep.f.r.conf.oe.label -side left
pack .rep.f.r.conf.oe.file -side left -fill x -expand 1
button .rep.f.r.but.gen -text "Generate $name ..." -font $cbb(button_font) \
-command { reportGenerate }
button .rep.f.r.but.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -font $cbb(button_font) \
-command {
if { "$report(tmp_file)" != "" } { exec rm $report(tmp_file) }
destroy .rep
pack .rep.f.r.but.gen .rep.f.r.but.dismiss -side left \
-fill x -expand 1 -padx 8 -pady 8
focus .rep.f.r.conf.s.entry
# Call the current report with the current start/end dates
proc reportGenerate {} {
global cbb report max_files files names nice_start nice_end lib_path
# build file list
set i 0
while { $i <= $max_files } {
if { $files($i) } {
append file_list "$names($i) "
set i [expr $i + 1]
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts $file_list }
if { "$report(start)" != "" } {
set nice_start "-from $report(start)"
} else {
set nice_start ""
if { "$report(end)" != "" } {
set nice_end "-to $report(end)"
} else {
set nice_end ""
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "From $nice_start To $nice_end" }
if { $report(type) == "report" } {
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "open |$lib_path/reports/$report(name) $nice_start \
$nice_end $file_list r+"
set report(handle) [open "|$lib_path/reports/$report(name) $nice_start \
$nice_end $file_list" r]
if { "$report(dest)" == "screen" } {
} elseif { "$report(dest)" == "file" } {
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 0 } {
set rep_out [open "$report(file)" w]
while { [gets $report(handle) line] >= 0 } {
puts $rep_out $line
close $rep_out
cbbWindow.ok "Report written to ``$report(file)''"
tkwait window .ok
close $report(handle)
} else {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot print to a file when running in 'safe' \
tkwait window .ok
} else {
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "open |$lib_path/graphs/$report(name) $nice_start \
$nice_end $file_list r+"
set report(handle) [open "|$lib_path/graphs/$report(name) $nice_start \
$nice_end $file_list" r+]
proc cbbWindow.represult {} {
global cbb report nice_start nice_end
option add *font $cbb(dialog_font)
if { [winfo exists .represult] } {
destroy .represult
toplevel .represult
wm title .represult "$report(name): $report(start) - $report(end)"
wm iconname .represult "Fix Me"
frame .represult.frame -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
frame .represult.frame.l -borderwidth 2
frame .represult.frame.d -borderwidth 2
pack .represult.frame .represult.frame.l .represult.frame.d -side top \
-fill both -expand 1
listbox .represult.frame.l.list -width 80 -height 25 -relief sunken \
-font $cbb(fixed_font) \
-yscrollcommand ".represult.frame.l.scroll set"
pack .represult.frame.l.list -side left -fill both -expand 1
scrollbar .represult.frame.l.scroll \
-command ".represult.frame.l.list yview" -relief flat
pack .represult.frame.l.scroll -side left -fill y -expand 1
button .represult.frame.d.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -font $cbb(button_font) \
-command { destroy .represult }
while { [gets $report(handle) line] >= 0 } {
if { "$line" == "done-graph" } {
.represult.frame.l.list insert end $line
close $report(handle)
pack .represult.frame.d.dismiss -side top -fill x -expand 1 \
-padx 8 -pady 4
bind .represult <KeyPress-Down> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 units }
bind .represult <Control-KeyPress-n> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-n> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-j> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-Up> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 units }
bind .represult <Control-KeyPress-p> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-p> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-k> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 units }
bind .represult <KeyPress-Next> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 pages }
bind .represult <Control-KeyPress-v> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll 1 pages }
bind .represult <KeyPress-Prior> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 pages }
bind .represult <Alt-KeyPress-v> { .represult.frame.l.list \
yview scroll -1 pages }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Log: reports.tcl,v $
# Revision 1.7 1998/08/14 14:28:41 curt
# Added desc-pie graph.
# Added option to eliminate splash screen.
# Other misc. tweaks and bug fixes.
# Revision 1.6 1997/03/05 18:58:33 curt
# Added additional bindings to scrolling lists: categories list, balance
# window list, text help, and report list.
# Revision 1.5 1996/12/17 14:54:02 curt
# Updated copyright date.
# Revision 1.4 1996/12/16 04:18:23 curt
# Continuing the great overhaul of December 1996.
# Revision 1.3 1996/12/14 17:15:25 curt
# The great overhaul of December '96.
# Revision 1.2 1996/12/13 01:27:01 curt
# Worked on getting reports.tcl to work smoothly.
# Revision 1.1 1996/12/13 00:10:18 curt
# conf-reports changed to reports.tcl and merged with main program.
# Revision 2.5 1996/12/11 18:33:31 curt
# Ran a spell checker.
# Revision 2.4 1996/10/22 21:51:51 curt
# Attempt to alleviate the max_files unknown bug.
# Revision 2.3 1996/09/30 15:20:46 curt
# Updated wish path.
# Revision 2.2 1996/07/13 02:57:40 curt
# Version 0.65
# Packing Changes
# Documentation changes
# Changes to handle a value in both debit and credit fields.
# Revision 2.1 1996/02/27 05:35:39 curt
# Just stumbling around a bit with cvs ... :-(
# Revision 2.0 1996/02/27 04:41:51 curt
# Initial 2.0 revision. (See "Log" files for old history.)